
University Senate - April 23, 2018 Meeting Minutes

The University Senate was called to order at 3:50 p.m., in Room 111, Harrison Hall, Oxford Campus, on Monday, April 23, 2018. Members absent:  Kenya Ash, Lucas Elfriech, Cathie Grimm, Hannah Kuethe, Elizabeth Maurer, Aaron Smith, Susan Spellman, Mark Wesolowski, and Andy Zeisler.

Call to Order and Announcements

  1. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of University Senate, Phyllis Callahan
    1. Shelly Jarrett Bromberg was recognized for her work on Senate Executive Committee.  Her time and commitment is very much appreciated.

Approval of University Senate Minutes

  1. A motion was received, seconded, and carried to approve the April 16, 2018, minutes of University Senate.

Consent Calendar

  1. The following items were received on the Consent Calendar without debate.
    1. Curriculum dated April 18, 2018
    2. Promotion and Tenure Commercialization – State Mandate

New Business

  1. MUPIM 7.11.E – Percentage of LCPL Faculty (Attachment A-I)
    1. Provost Callahan presented graphs showing the number of full-time faculty and the percentage of Tenure/Tenure-Track (T/TT) faculty and Lecturers and Clinical/Professionally Licensed (LCPL) faculty. In accordance with MUPIM 7.11.E, the number of LCPL faculty cannot exceed 20% of the total number of T/TT faculty.  Overall, LCPL faculty are currently 18% of the total number of T/TT faculty. 
    2. Senators were reminded that the percentage of LCPL faculty is dynamic and is below the 20 percent to allow for flexibility. The percentage of LCPL faculty is 17.5% on the Oxford campus and 20.8% on the Regional campuses.
    3. It was noted that the LCPL percentages are not evenly distributed across the divisions. For example, the College of Creative Arts has the lowest percentage (9.5%) and the College of Education, Health and Society has the largest percentage (33.3%). The variance is due to program demand and type, e.g. professional programs require a higher number of LCPL faculty.
    4. A senator had concerns regarding a continual decrease of T/TT faculty. Provost Callahan showed the graphs that verify that the downward trend started after after the 2008 economic downturn, but recently the number of T/TT faculty has been increasing.
    5. A senator from Chemistry indicated that there is a need for more lecturers due to large enrollments and not being able to financially sustain T/TT faculty.
    6. A question was asked whether the percentage of LCPL is related to the 5 year rule for Visiting Assistant Professors (VAPs). Because of the 5 year rule, departments cannot retain non-tenure eligible members of the instructional staff and are losing talented instructors.  The intent is to increase the number of LCPL faculty and decrease the number of VAPs, which will help with stability and retention.
    7. A question was asked as to how it is decided how many T/TT faculty are hired. Provost Callahan explained that the hiring requests come from departments through the chairs, are supported by the deans and approved by the Provost. The approval is based on the enrollment and demand for the majors within the department.


  1. A motion was received, seconded, and carried to adjourn the Regular Session of University Senate.