University Senate - April 5, 2021 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order and Announcements
The University Senate was called to order at 3:30 p.m., via Zoom, on Monday, April 5, 2021. Members absent: Omar Elghazawi, Mandy Euen, Marielena Orozco, Brandon Small, Danielle Stein, and Harper Sutton.
Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of Senate Executive Committee, James Bielo.
Senator Bielo postponed announcements until after the Old Business.
Approval of University Senate Minutes
- A motion was received, seconded, and carried to approve the March 22, 2021, minutes.
Consent Calendar
The following items were received on the Consent calendar:
GMP Redesign meeting minutes - March 5, 2021
LEC Meeting Minutes - February 23, 2021
GMP Redesign meeting minutes - March 19, 2021
Campus Update – Provost Osborne
Dr.Jason Osborne, Provost
Provost Osborne stated that he is going to do a longer DE&I update at a later date, but wanted to give a few updates that are timely. President Crawford, Anthony James, and the Provost recently gave the Council of Diversity and Inclusion (CODI) an update on DE&I.
We have 2151 confirmed Oxford 黑料社区s for the fall, and what makes this notable is that we are ahead of every year except for 2019 in almost every category except international 黑料社区s. We are overperforming in Ohio and slightly underperforming outside of Ohio. We're also up in 黑料社区s who identify as Black or African American and also Hispanic 黑料社区s. Additionally, we are up 6% for first generation 黑料社区s.
As seen in the weekly COVID updates on campus, we're still doing fairly well and many thanks to everyone who is managing this, including the Office of Student Life, the testing team, and the Safe Return to Campus team. We have zero floors in purple or red and very few 黑料社区s in quarantine or isolation.
We are doing Spring Commencements in person, May 14-16, 2021 (times vary by division). Additionally, there will be a commencement on Thursday, May 13, 2021 for 2020 graduates and as of today, there are approximately 500 黑料社区s registered to attend.
We are changing how we’re doing our hiring. We need to better assist hiring departments and applicants for positions. Human Resources and Academic Personnel have been working to add to all of our application forms a question asking whether the applicant is authorized to work in the US on a full time basis. This is because we could get into a situation where the applicant needs sponsorship, and if we don't ask it up front, we can actually get into a situation where there's a finalist who needs sponsorship that we cannot provide. So by asking this question to everybody, it takes the burden off of the search committee needing to ask the question, which must be stated in a very precise way. Some people may be concerned that it is discriminatory, but it's going to be asked of every person who applies.
Talks continue about returning to campus as more of the population is vaccinated. We're currently working on some announcements that will allow for a gradual reconnection with the campus. Each division is going to set their own timeline, but we expect most employees to have had access to the vaccine by June 1, and to be fully immunized at that point if they want it. So we're looking at the period between June 1 - July 1 as a re connection with the campus and to get more comfortable with being back in the office. Obviously faculty are not on contract during the summer, so this is a great time to gradually re engage and reintegrate. Going forward, there are some things, such as hybrid office hours and online services that will remain with us.
We have been asked if Miami is going to require vaccines. Currently, all the vaccines continue to be available under an emergency use authorization (EUA), which is an experimental approval. At this time, we are not anticipating requiring them. We are strongly encouraging everyone to get the vaccine. There are some universities indicating they're going to require it of freshmen or 黑料社区s in residence halls. There's a lot of differences from state to state and across different sectors.
We're also still planning for an in depth budget symposium. It will be after the Board of Trustees meeting in May when we have passed the confirmation deadline will have more precise estimates of revenue.
Old Business
Covid Ad-Hoc Committee Reports – Dr. Dana Cox, Co-Chair, Faculty Ad-Hoc Committee and Senator Troy Travis. Co-Chair, Staff Ad-Hoc Committee
This is a continuation of the discussion from March 22, 2021. After that meeting, senators were asked to submit any questions for the subcommittees. The discussion today will address a few of the questions that have come in. The main one that can be addressed is ‘How was this document vetted?’ A lot of people have had the opportunity to provide feedback on both documents. Senator Travis indicated that the entire staff was surveyed. An open listening session was held and the information was shared with his constituency group. Senator Travis also indicated that both UPAC and CPAC have reviewed the document as well as Senator Arnos and representatives from Health and Wellbeing to ensure they were in full support of the emotional health and well-being portion.
Cox indicated that the faculty information was shared with the Council of Academic Deans (COAD). Some Chairs of committees have looked at it, including Stacey Lowery Bretz from Fiscal Priorities. Feedback was also provided by the Provost’s Office and the Faculty Welfare Committee. It was also vetted by faculty who served on various community committees, Mike Arnos and Steve Large.
Cox indicated that one of the suggestions submitted was regarding more learning communities, some of which were formulated during the pandemic. The recommendation is to consider ways where we can have feedback groups in an advisory capacity.
There were also many questions submitted that could not be addressed. Although they were important questions, the subcommittee groups are not able to answer them. They included questions about vaccines, testing, Covid-related policies for the fall, remote work policy, tax questions, ADA accommodation data, and the APEIP process (some of this was in the final document). Some of these topics were addressed during the Provost’s opening remarks while other questions were given to more appropriate people or groups.
Senators had the following questions and discussion:
Senator Poetter expressed that he is impressed by the exhaustive data collection procedures and thorough report. As Senate liaison to the Faculty Welfare Committee, he is grateful for the time and effort of the Subcommittees.
Senator Wagner also expressed gratitude for the report and suggested a motion to add appreciation to the committee to the resolution. She stated that moving forward, it would be nice to put some of these recommendations into policy. Senator Bielo responded that it is the task of Executive Committee to find senate committees appropriate for certain recommendations. Provost Osborne added that this is not just the work of University Senate, but there are resolutions that individual departments and divisions can implement. For example, one aspect would be to make sure our probationary faculty are well supported and that there's appropriate mentoring as they are going through their most stressful career period during a very stressful time. Senator Wagner asked that Executive Committee invite volunteers for the committees as that process moves forward.
Senator Carlin wanted to confirm that this was the place where we ask for recommendations. Executive Committee isn’t necessarily the only body to think about this.
Dr. Cox added that one of the things that she’s particularly interested in is how we can support those faculty who came on board during the pandemic. If there’s anything that departments or divisions can do to include them in programming or social events, that would be great since they have missed out on a lot.
Senators approved SR 21-25: 56 Yes; 2 Abstentions
SR 21-25
Sense of the Senate – Approval of Covid Ad-Hoc Subcommittee Reports
April 5, 2021
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate accepts the reports of the faculty and staff Ad-Hoc Subcommittees for Covid Support.
Announcements and Remarks by the Chair, Senate, James Bielo
This is a reminder that there are only two Senate meetings left, April 19 and April 26. There is not a meeting on April 12 due to it being a Wellness Day. Both agendas are very full at this point, and there are a number of resolutions being introduced at the April 19 meeting that will be voted on April 26.
Senators received a poll asking for thoughts regarding a get-together in May. It will be voluntary. There is nothing set yet, but it will be announced when confirmed.
There was a reminder that there will be a budget update, which is in part a response to recommendations from the Fiscal Priorities Committee that we do regular updates. It will be a special session sometime in May co-led by Dr. Creamer and Provost Osborne.
Information was given regarding an upcoming University Lecture Series Event:
New Business
Global Miami Plan Revision – Dr. Shelly Jarrett Bromberg, Director, Office of Liberal Education and Dr. Leighton Peterson, Interim Associate Director, Office of Liberal Education (Attachment A-I)
Dr. Bromberg and Dr. Peterson are to present the revised Global Miami Plan and answer questions. They will return on April 19 for a vote.
Dr. Bromberg began by thanking Bill Knight, Office of Institutional Research, Tim Kuykendall, College of Arts & Science, the GMP redesign committee, Carolyn Haynes, Provost Osborne, the Howe Writing Center, department chairs, and those who have come to the listening sessions.
Dr. Peterson led the discussion by stating that the process began in fall 2019 with suggestions from the strategic plan and feedback from the Miami community. The working assumption is that there will be a slow and steady implementation where there'll be targeted resources and support for curricular enhancement. The proposed revisions do not add any unique GMP credit hours.
The new model is called Miami Moments and has three components: Perspectives Courses (39+ hours); Connections Courses (Signature Inquires) (9 hours); and, Knowledge in Action (Horizons Experiences) (3+ hours). The Connections Course requirement will be organized around a series of themes. The Horizons Experiences include the current senior capstone requirement, as well as experiential learning service learning and internships.
One of the big changes that is being proposed is the introduction of the four pillars (four C's). It's based on the idea that when 黑料社区s complete the Global Miami Plan, they will develop transferable skills, including civic mindedness and social engagement, collaboration and innovation, critical and integrative thinking, and communication and expression.
The Perspectives areas is the current Foundations areas merged with other GMP outcomes. The new categories are: Formal Reasoning & Communication; Science & Society; Arts & Humanities; and, Global Citizenship. The focus of the Global Citizenship area will be a three-credit hour Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, intercultural consciousness, or global inquiry course. The Student Learning Outcomes have been revised, and the narrative for global inquiry and intercultural consciousness has been changed to make them distinct and meaningful.
The Miami Connections Courses are nine credit hours, and one of the significant things about this is that it can double dip into 黑料社区s’ Perspectives Courses. Students must take courses from at least two different departments or programs. It is required of all 黑料社区s, and courses are to be taken at Miami where possible. There are several themes that have been tested and vetted.
Learning outcomes for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion were given to us by the State. LEC is still seeking input on the learning outcomes for the Signature Inquiries as well as for Global Inquiry and Miami Connections.
LEC sought input from listening sessions and then each Council of Chairs as well as subsets of Chairs who met with LEC.
Next steps include: having a Miami Moments Advisors program trial run and a subset of DE&I courses ready for fall 2021; having a test run of Signature Inquiries courses in spring 2022; and, phasing in Signature Inquiry courses for fall 2022.
Senators had the following questions and discussion:
Senator Morris asked about current courses being used in the new plan. Dr. Bromberg responded that current courses will be used when possible.
Senator Stuart asked what would be the best way to communicate questions and feedback. Dr. Bromberg indicated that she would set up a meeting with him.
Senator Kenworthy asked about concerns regarding minors and thematic sequences. Dr. Peterson replied that he has met with approximately 40 Chairs and did meet with some Humanities faculty to clarify the transition from thematic sequences to the Connections Course requirement. With the new configuration, there are opportunities for humanities as well as other departments, programs, and divisions who may have been kind of left out in the past. The new Connections Course requirement represents a new set of learning outcomes that are interdisciplinary where you're looking at problems and issues from a variety of perspectives rather than getting in depth. Senator Kenworthy expressed that one concern was that this is going to kill off all of the minors, because 黑料社区s were doing minors to replace the thematic sequence. Dr. Peterson stated that it's a misnomer that 黑料社区s do a minor to avoid the thematic sequence. Conversely, it is thought that 黑料社区s find a minor due to the thematic sequences. He indicated that 黑料社区s can get engaged in areas through the Signature Inquiry courses.
Senator Coates stated that this a phenomenal opportunity for the social sciences, humanities and particularly DE&I efforts. He stated two major concerns. The first concern is maintaining the integrity of this plan as we move forward. How do we ensure that experts in these various areas are the ones who are teaching these courses, and not individuals that simply decide to become an expert in an area? The second question was how do we build in assessment? Dr. Peterson responded that there is good representation across the Colleges and there is enough representation for those who are experienced and trained in DE&I. Learning outcomes for Foundations I-V have been revised and LEC is in the process of auditing courses. Additionally, courses are vetted by those who have experience in the specific content area. LEC. Is ensuring that everyone understands Miami Plan courses have a certain set of learning outcomes that must be adhered to. The Miami Moments Advisors Program is going to be helpful to train advisors who then can go back and explain things to their department and show how all the pieces fit together.
Senator Coleman asked about naming conventions. She stated she was viewing it from an advisor’s perspective when working with a 黑料社区. She cautioned that you have to be very mindful of the ‘talk track’ and the leap that would have to be taken with a name change. Dr. Bromberg responded that LEC is working with University Communications on this issue and agreed that advisors need a direct way to explain any changes to their 黑料社区s.
Senator Tai expressed appreciation that liberal education is so prominent; however, was concerned about some programs and minors being sunsetted, specifically in the area of Asian/Asian-American Studies. Dr. Peterson responded that minors are not the purview of LEC. Even if a program might be eliminated, it doesn't mean that the courses are eliminated. It would depend on whether the course had good enrollment and fit the outcomes of the requirement. Senator Coates added that the Asian/Asian American Studies programs have not been eliminated, they have been merged into Critical Race and Ethnic Studies. All of the courses are still there and are part of a very vibrant ongoing major.
Associate Provost Wanko wanted to circle back to Senator Morris’ comment about existing courses. Existing courses are not going to be ignored; however, under the new Miami Plan there will need to be some oversight and review. Not every course will automatically be rolled over into the new Miami Plan. Dr. Bromberg added that there were a lot of courses in the 2015 Plan that were never actually vetted, but now LEC is finding fewer of those courses
Senator Hatch thanked LEC for all of the work on the new Plan and asked how the distribution of large enrollment courses will be done equitably across divisions and departments due to the elimination of the RCM model. His concern was for those in the arts or in smaller departments. Dr. Peterson stated that a short list of existing courses have been identified as Miami Connections courses. Not all units and divisions will necessarily participate in Miami Connections in the same way. The courses have been identified with the help of meeting with 40 chairs across units and divisions. Senator Hatch indicated that in his area (art history), the Miami Plan courses are how they can get 黑料社区s interested in the major. Dr. Peterson noted that the Miami Connections courses will be able to double-dip with the Foundations area, which will be the perfect opportunity for art and music. Senator Hatch emphasized that he thinks there is some fear among smaller departments that if you don't have these foundation type courses, they will atrophy. He wants to ensure that there is equitable distribution of these courses. Dr. Bromberg indicated that LEC is fully expecting to continue with the majority of the Foundation courses and to ensure that they are fairly equally distributed. Associate Provost Haynes indicated that we don’t want to create harm to any division or any cognate area, and a slower rollout will allow for a careful analysis to determine implication and to help faculty to retool if they need to find another place to contribute. Resources would then be reallocated as needed. She feels this will actually advantage the arts. Provost Osborne indicated that the RCM model is still being used.
Senator Green asked about the Miami Connections courses and what the process would be for departments who wanted to develop courses. Dr. Bromberg indicated that the learning outcomes are going to determine what courses are in the Miami Connections area.
Dr. Bromberg indicated that further comments can be put into the open Canvas site.
TCPL Percentage – Dr. Dana Cox and Senator Jen Green (Attachment A-II)
Dr. Cox indicated that the way in which we talk about percentages is not correct. She posed a question: If we had a vote, and 25 people voted no and 75 people voted yes, would the ‘no’ votes be 25% of the total or 33% of the total? She and Senator Green feel the percentage would be 25%, which would be 25 of a total of 100 people voting. However, when we consider how the policy on TCPL caps is calculated, it is using the 33% calculation, which would take 25/75.
An example of the current calculation would be if there's a cap of 25% TCPL. That doesn't mean that 25% of the faculty are TCPL. In fact, it represents a pie chart where TCPL are actually one fifth of the population and the rest are tenure track. In actuality, it’s a ratio comparison of TCPL faculty to tenure track faculty.
At the time of the cap changes, this was too much of a shift for Senate to consider. Therefore, what is now being proposed for consideration is to make this mathematically correct and to make these percentages to be true percentages, which means the denominator shouldn't just be tenure track faculty. The denominator should be tenure track faculty and TCPL faculty. The reason for choosing these two groups is that they are the two groups originally compared by the policy. Making this change doesn't change the intent of the policy at all. In fact, it holds the intent of the policy to be stable, but it changes the way that we talk about it to be clearer and more mathematically correct. The change in policy that is being proposed has no impact on anything other than to make it clearer when we talk about what the policy means, and to help people understand better exactly what comparison is and the percentages.
A friendly amendment has been added to clarify what is meant by continuing faculty, which will be to add (#TCPL+#TT) to the resolution to clarify what is to be calculated.
Senator Green added that this proposal does not change the absolute numbers in terms of the numbers of TCPL that a division can hire based on their current faculty composition.
Senators had the following questions and comments:
Senator Wagner expressed thanks for the change and said that it will be a huge relief to not have to explain it. She stated that there may be people who are concerned that there are implications of fewer tenure lines in the future. She has done the calculations, and mathematically, they are the same. The intent of the policy is to preserve tenure lines. She asked if a policy for the number of VAPs could be considered. If we constrain the number of TCPL, it could be likely that more VAPs would be hired.
Senator Tai indicated that she had brought this issue to Executive Committee and now has guilt because she thought the percentage was 25% (using the example above). Dr. Cox stated that no one should feel guilty, because all of this time, we were thinking of mathematical percentages. Hiring plans are considered with this ratio in mind. It was asked whether the percentage can be adjusted by division. Yes, divisions have the power to set the caps where they see fit with Senatorial oversight, as some have already done.
Provost Osborne agreed that this is very confusing, which supports the fact that we need to fix this policy and make it extremely clear. Then, if the divisions want to adjust, they'll actually know what they're adjusting, We were shooting in the dark. Changes can be addressed through divisional governance.
Senator Poetter was wondering about how the people who were petitioning us. They may have already thought this was a true percentage. Will Senate need guidance from Academic Personnel when there are petitions? Senator Green responded that FSB is rethinking this now. The reason this is being proposed is so everyone is using the same calculations.
Senator Carlin commented on the FSB example in which the 40% is actually 29%. It is thought they knew how the calculations worked or they figured it out.
Cox and Senator Green will return in two weeks for any further discussion and a vote on the proposed changes.
- The regular meeting of University Senate was adjourned at 5:00 p.m