
University Senate - January 25, 2021 Meeting

  1. Call to Order
    1. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of Senate, James Bielo
  1. Approval of University Senate Minutes
    1. November 23, 2020, meeting of 2020-2021 University Senate – full minutes

  1. Consent Calendar

    1. Curriculum
    2. Liberal Education Council Meeting Minutes – December 1, 2020

    3. Graduate Council Minutes – November 10, 2020  

  2. New Business

    1. SR 21-16 -Master of Science in Sport Leadership and Management – Melissa Chase – Chair, Department of Sport Leadership and Management (Attachment E/pg. 36)

      • Presentation, Discussion and Possible Vote

    2. SR 21-17 – Master of Esports Management – Michael Bailey-Van Kuran, Chair, Emerging Technology in Business and Design and Melissa Chase, Chair, Department of Sport Leadership and Management 

      • Presentation, Discussion and Possible Vote

    3. Academic Incubator Program – Carolyn Haynes, Associate Provost

      • Education and Discussion

    4. SR 21-18 - Change in Senate Standing Rules and ByLaws to add a Staff Member to Senate Executive Committee – Joe Carlin – Chair, Governance Committee (Attachment G/pg. 38)

      • Presentation and Clarifying Questions; Discussion and Vote on February 8, 2021

  1. Special Reports

    1. Jenny Darroch, Dean, Farmer School of Business

    2. Alicia Knoedler, Vice President for Research and Innovation

  1. Adjournment

The next meeting of University Senate is scheduled for February 8, 2021, 3:30 p.m., via Zoom.