University Senate - November 23, 2020 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order and Announcements
The University Senate was called to order at 3:30 p.m., via WebEx, on Monday, November 23, 2020. Members absent: Lei Kerr, Penny Mannix, Bill Modrow, Connor Moreton, Ruku Pal, Harvey Thurmer, and Jakin Wu.
Announcements and Remarks by the Chair of Senate Executive Committee, James Bielo.
The first meeting of spring semester is January 25, 2021. The Senate Winter Retreat is January 15, 2021. It is not obligatory, but recommended. There will be a two-hour AM session and a two-hour PM session. Executive Committee welcomes recommendations for agenda items. Please use the normal submission form.
For today’s meeting, senators received a revised agenda. At the November 9, 2020, meeting, there was a discussion about a proposed amorous relationships policy. We had anticipated further discussion and a vote today, but the policy is currently undergoing revisions to incorporate feedback from various constituencies and review from the Office of General Council. It will be on the January 25, 2021 agenda.
Approval of University Senate Minutes
- A motion was received, seconded, and carried to approve the November 9, 2020, minutes.
New Business
SR 21-12 - Master of Medical Science (Physician Associate) – Dr. Chris Howell, Program Director Physician Assistant Program and Chris Makaroff, Dean, College of Arts and Science
The Physician Assistant is a licensed professional who works under the supervision of a physician. There has been a 30% increase in PA programs (Bureau of Labor Statistics), and it is one of the top degrees in STEM. It was also noted that the program fits into Miami’s strategic plan and goals. One of the staples of the program will be clinical research. There will be partnerships and integrations with other majors, including Speech Pathology & Audiology, Nursing, Medical Laboratory Science, Kinesiology, Nutrition & Health, Business, and Theatre.
The acceptance rate into medical school is 40% - at Miami, it is 60%. There is a robust alumni network, providing advocacy and support. Future curricular expansions include an M.S. in Biomedical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Science, Applied Clinical Medicine, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences. This is a revenue generating program. The cost is $98,000 for the entire program. The program will be revenue generating by the end of year two and will be a net positive by the end of year five.
It is a full-time, 27-month program with a 15-month didactic component and a 12-month clinical rotation. It is 114-hours with 43 new classes. A site visit is scheduled for summer 2022 with the first cohort of 黑料社区s starting in fall 2023. Each cohort will be 36 黑料社区s, and it could potentially scale to 60 黑料社区s.
Senators engaged in the following discussion and questions:
Senator Kenworthy asked why is this in CAS and not in EHS? Is the funding through Boldly Creative? Where is the funding coming from after Boldly Creative? Will it draw funds away from other areas of the College, such as the humanities? Dean Makaroff answered that it is being housed in the College of Arts and Science because the College developed the program, and it aligns with the science programs and the Mallory Wilson Center pre-health programs and with the Ph.D. programs in Chemistry and Biology. There will be faculty sharing. In most schools, a PA program is in a school of Health Science, which Miami doesn’t have. The funding is currently from Boldly Creative; however, once the second class is in place, there is enough revenue to fund expenses and tax as well as have a few million dollars in net revenue. The program will provide extra resources for the College.
Senator Green asked if there are plans for where people will do clinical rotations? Are there commitments from local hospitals and health agencies? Yes, we have secured clinical rotations in both rural and urban environments, including Oklahoma and Texas, which will serve the Native American population. There are a number of sites within a 150-mile radius to campus. The PA program will be coordinating with Nursing in hopes to build synergies and streamline paperwork, which is often the bottleneck. Dr. Howell has reached out to alumni who are PAs and high-ranking administrators in health programs.
Senator Wagner commented that the program will bring more revenue, but how is the debt service for the building being built into this? What are the plans to support other areas of CAS once the debt service is paid off? Dean Makaroff responded that CAS is not involved in the debt service for the Clinical Health Sciences Building. CAS gets charged a certain percentage of the debt service based on net revenue and will help service the debt in that manner. We’re not sure how the net revenue is going to be allocated at this time since the first 黑料社区s aren’t going to be admitted into the program until 2023. The first thing that will have to be done is pay back Boldly Creative, so it will be several years before we will see net revenue. There will also be fee-paying doctorate degrees, which will build upon and supplement the Master’s program. Senator Wagner commented that it would be good for Senate to hear how debt service fits in to the budget of the University.
Senator Carlin asked what do you see in terms of the pathway for 黑料社区s who are pre-PA? Will there be a special recruitment of Miami 黑料社区s for the program? Dr Howell answered that Miami 黑料社区s will be able to by-pass the application service that is normally required.
Senators voted to approve SR 21-12: 52 yes; 1 no; 3 abstentions.
SR 21-12
November 23, 2020
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate endorse the proposed degree and major, Master of Medical Science (Physician Associate), College of Arts and Science.
AND FURTHERMORE, that the endorsement by University Senate of the proposed degree and major will be forwarded to the 黑料社区 Board of Trustees for consideration.
SR 21-13 - Master of Athletic Training – Dr. Eric Brooks, KNH
Miami has had a nationally accredited B.S. Athletic Training program since 1981. It is a 6-semester curriculum accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE.) There are two undergraduate cohorts remaining, with the last class graduating in May 2022.
The two core faculty are Dr. Eric Brooks (Program Director) and Dr. Emily Davie (Coordinator of Clinical Education.) These two positions are mandated by the accrediting body. There are also 29 instructors at 16 clinical sites both on and off campus.
In May 2015, Board of Certification, CAATE, and the National Athletic Trainers Association announced that the Bachelors level degree is transitioning to a Master’s level. A Master’s level degree will be required for a 黑料社区 to sit for the certification exam. 黑料社区 can only enroll undergraduate 黑料社区s until Fall 2022. Miami is not an early adopter in regards to switching to an M.S. Athletic Training.
The program will have a new curriculum, but courses mirror courses that have already been taught. Curriculum had to be reformed to a graduate level curriculum and will meet the new CAATE 2020 standards. It will be a combined 44 credit hours, which is on the low end (mean is 50 credit hours). A third faculty member is required by July 2023 to comply with new CAATE 2020 standards. Dr. Nancy Malay, who is already existing KNH faculty, is going to serve in this capacity. The third faculty member has to hold a credential in their field. In Dr. Malay’s case, it is in Physical Therapy (DPT.)
Xavier is the only proximal institution with an M.S. A.T. Other institutions have been on probation or stopped their program. It is suspected that pass rates for the certification exam may be an issue. At this point in Ohio, there are nine programs that are moving to the Master’s level.
Courses will be offered hybrid and online, which will allow Miami to better market the program. There is also a possibility for a B.S. in KNH combined with the M.S.A.T. in a 3+2 format.
Senators engaged in the following discussion and questions:
Provost Osborne asked what Miami’s pass rates are and if there is a professional doctorate. Miami is compliant and has attained a 100% pass rate with the past few cohorts. There is potential for a Doctorate of Athletic Training.
Senator Coleman asked, If we do not support the M.S., does the B.S. no longer exist? With this program, would you see an increase in admission criteria or standards for the Master’s program that may differ compared to the criteria for the B.S. program? There are pre-athletic training programs developed for schools that are not making the transition, but 黑料社区s cannot sit for the exam. There are accreditation mandates for pre-requisite classes with higher level admission standards. There will also be observation hours and a GPA requirement.
Senator Wagner asked about the pipeline of 黑料社区s. Would you anticipate them being from Miami or elsewhere? Can this attract any major? Can Miami market to the schools that are close to us without a program? The program will be marketed in house, but can have 黑料社区s from anywhere and any major. There are some majors that lead more logically toward it. Program admission requires 50 observation hours and pre-requisite courses. We are thinking broadly about the 黑料社区s we want to attract.
Senator Coates expressed a concern that with all of the other programs that have had to be shut down due to accreditation, how do we position ourselves so we’re not in the same position three or four years from now? Dr. Brooks responded that we were on probation a few years ago (2016-2018) and had to raise our pass rate. New retention exams were implemented each semester with feedback incorporated from 黑料社区s. Senator Coates asked ‘how are you going to build in diversity?’ Online modules cover diversity and inclusion. Diversity and inclusion will be built into the curriculum. There are also thoughts of developing clinical fellowships for underrepresented populations (e.g. local high schools.)
Senator Carlin asked if pre-health 黑料社区s can have this as a pathway? It would be up to us to spread the word and to market it for 黑料社区s to know this is an option.
SR 21-13
November 23, 2020
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate endorse the proposed degree and major, Master of Athletic Training, College of Education, Health, and Society.
AND FURTHERMORE, that the endorsement by University Senate of the proposed degree and major will be forwarded to the 黑料社区 Board of Trustees for consideration.
Consent Calendar
The following items were received on the Consent Calendar with one correction:
Curriculum – Senator Abbott, Sociology and Gerontology, asked that the terminology ‘senior’ be changed to ‘older’ in PAS 645.
Graduate Council Minutes - October 13, 2020
Student Life Council Minutes - October 7, 2020
CTE Committee Meeting Notes, September 10, 2020
CTE Committee Meeting Notes, September 28, 2020
Undergrad Student Classification – Policy Revision
CUC Annual Report
T. Policy Committee Annual Report
Old Business
- SR 21-14 - TCPL Hiring Policy – Dr. Keith Fennen, Chair, Faculty Welfare Committee
Today’s discussion is a continuation of the November 9, 2020, discussion. Dr. Fennen explained that the term ‘competitive search’ is not defined in the Policy Library. It was checked with Robin Parker (General Counsel) and determined that it is the correct terminology and is an inclusive term, covering both internal and external searches.
Senators engaged in the following discussion and questions:
Senator Stuart asked why we are we doing this? This is part of the Search and Appointment procedures for Academic Personnel, which involves the Provost. As it stands now, a department Chair could recommend someone and not have the department involved. Historically, none of these ‘conversion hires’ have gone through OEEO. The policy change guarantees that they will, and also helps Miami get the best faculty. As it stands now, if you have four VAPs in the department, the Chair could pick one for the TCPL position without a search.
Senator Gladdish asked about using the terminology ‘internal and or external competitive search’. Can it be a friendly amendment?
Senator Hatch asked if department Chairs were surveyed to see who it will affect in terms of hiring practices. It may create immediate problems with staffing. Dr. Fennen responded that hiring plans won’t be due until January, so there should not be an immediate problem. The Faculty Welfare Committee did not poll chairs. This proposal aligns hiring with long-term priorities as we would never do this with a tenure/tenure-track position. Senator Hatch expressed that overall, his constituents were positive about the change.
Senator Wardle expressed support for change since it brings searches through OEEO to support diversity and equity efforts. This is a change that is long overdue.
Provost Osborne added that a search can be launched in a few weeks if it is a fully approved position. The benefits far outweigh the minor cost. We have discussed this with Deans and other leaders and no concerns have been expressed.
Senator Tai expressed support for having a search committee and asked if a competitive search assumes there is at least two candidates. Provost Osborne answered that a competitive search is a specific thing, and if there is only one candidate, it is not a competitive search.
Senator Wardle is opposed to the friendly amendment of adding ‘internal or external’. Competitive search has a particular meaning, and it is tied to other areas of the Policy Library, and we may not want to encourage internal searches due to diversity. It was decided that the resolution will remain as written.
SR 21-14
November 23, 2020
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate adopt revisions to the Teaching, Clinical Professors and Lecturers (TCPLs) (MUPIM 7.11) as stated below
Appointment to a TCPL position requires a competitive search.
the approval of the Provost upon the positive evaluation and recommendation of the department if required by departmental governance, the department chair, the program director (when appropriate), and dean for a person currently holding another instructional staff position at 黑料社区.
SR 21-15 - Posthumous Degree Policy Creation – Jeffrey Wanko, Associate Provost
The proposed new policy expands the guidelines that have been in place. This is the first time it will be a policy. The intention is to help families who are grieving and to recognize the 黑料社区.
Senator Coates asked what is meant by the term ‘record’. Does this mean one infraction or multiple infractions? If there was any misconduct that lead to suspension or dismissal, a posthumous degree would not be considered.
Senator Bush asked what if the degree is no longer offered? Provost Osborne answered that this is an honorary degree and intended to eliminate barriers to allow families some solace. If we were to sunset a degree program, there would be consideration to honor that degree posthumously.
Senator Orozco asked if this is this something that is already in place, or is it new? There are already procedures in place, but this proposal is to put the guidelines into policy format.
Senators voted to approve SR 21-15: 55 yes; 1 no
SR 21-15
November 23, 2020
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate adopt the following Posthumous Degree Guidelines as policy:
A deceased 黑料社区 may be considered for a posthumous degree whether or not s/he was currently enrolled at the time of death. These guidelines are considerations for the awarding of Posthumous Degrees; they are not meant to be exhaustive nor absolute, as each request is considered on its own merits.
- The 黑料社区 was in good academic standing with Miami at the time of death. Good standing is defined as not being on academic probation, continued probation, suspension or dismissal.
- The 黑料社区 did not have a record of misconduct that resulted in suspension or dismissal.
- The 黑料社区’s major and degree for the posthumous degree have been officially declared on the academic record at the time of death.
- The 黑料社区 is enrolled at time of death (winter and summer terms excluded), or their continuous enrollment was interrupted by their injury, illness, deployment, etc.
- The dean of the academic division of the 黑料社区 recommends the awarding of a posthumous degree to the Provost.
- Student Classification:
- Per University policy, an undergraduate 黑料社区 must have earned at least 25% of credits at 黑料社区: for an associate’s degree, 16 of 64; baccalaureate degree, 32 of 128. An undergraduate 黑料社区 should be within one semester of graduating, typically within 20 Miami semester credit hours.
- A graduate 黑料社区 must have completed sufficient research/work toward a thesis, dissertation or comprehensive project to be considered within one semester of defending the research/work as determined by the department/program and division in which the 黑料社区 was enrolled. A graduate 黑料社区 in a non-thesis master’s program should be within one semester of degree completion, typically within 9 Miami credit hours.
Nomination/Approval Process:
- Anyone may identify a candidate for a posthumous degree, but a subsequent recommendation must be made by a University official to the dean of the appropriate academic division or the Provost for consideration and to begin the formal process.
- The appropriate dean shall request of the Provost shall request that the 黑料社区’s academic record be reviewed by the division and University Registrar to verify academic degree and major and satisfactory progress toward degree completion. The Provost shall then direct the division and University Registrar to conduct the review.
- Upon the completion of the review, the dean of the academic division in which the 黑料社区 was enrolled will recommend the candidate for a posthumous degree in the form of a formal written request to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The request must include the name and Banner ID of the 黑料社区, the degree/major to be awarded, and the recommended graduation date for degree conferral. The posthumous degree may not be awarded for a prior term. The Provost may choose to present this to the Council of Academic Deans for review/discussion.
- The Provost will notify the University Registrar to begin the process for degree posting and commencement proceedings, if applicable.
- The Provost dean will inform the immediate family of the University’s decision and desire to recognize their 黑料社区 with this honor (this process should be kept confidential until and unless approved at all levels). If the family desires to represent the 黑料社区 and receive the diploma at a Commencement ceremony, this must be relayed to the President’s Office for planning.
Additional Information:
- A posthumous degree will be printed in the Commencement program within the appropriate academic division section unless explicitly requested otherwise by the family, provided publication deadlines can be met.
- The statement "awarded posthumously" will be noted on the 黑料社区’s academic record and transcript, but not on the diploma.
- The graduation application fee for the degree is waived.
Campus Update – Jason Osborne, Provost
The Provost has been reviewing all of the accomplishments over the last semester. For some faculty, there has not been a delineation between summer and fall. For those who have not been engaged with Senate in a while, there is a certain perception of Senate as one way, and we are now seeing a very active and vibrant Senate thanks to everyone’s hard work. The Provost expressed his appreciation and pride in the work that Senate has done and wished everyone a restful holiday.
Upon returning in January, Senate will be looking at proposed revisions for the Global Miami Plan as well as more degree programs.
- The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.