
University Senate - April 29, 2024 Agenda

Monday, April 29, 2024, 3:30 p.m.
Room 111, Harrison Hall


  1. Call to Order and Announcements and Remarks – 
    1. Tracy Haynes, Chair of University Senate Executive Committee
  2. Approval of University Senate Minutes 
      1. University Senate Full Meeting Minutes.04.15.2024
  3. Consent Calendar
    1. Curricular Items _04.17.2024 
    2. Curricular Items _04.24.2024 
    3. Graduate Council Minutes_04.16.2024 
    4. LEC Meeting Minutes_04.09.2024 
  4. Old Business
    1. SR 24-xx WST - Individualized Studies, Bachelor of Philosophy, Nicholas Money,  Director of Western Program and Professor of Biology,The curriculum document can be accessed at  - click on 'title' and type 'Individualized Studies, Bachelor of Philosophy*' in the Search section. Click on 'WST - Individualized Studies, Bachelor of Philosophy’. Anticipated Vote on April 29, 2024
    2. SR 24-xx Registration Policy Proposal, Michael Crowder, Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School Anticipated Vote on April 29, 2024
    3. SR 24-xx Doctoral Time Limits Policy Proposal, Michael Crowder, Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School Anticipated Vote on April 29, 2024
    4. SR 24-xx Sense of the Senate: Department of Comparative Religion Elimination Process Coordinator Recommendations, Terri Barr, Professor of Marketing Senator Attendance Policy, Presentation only; Anticipated Vote on April 29, 2024
  5. New Business
    1. EHS TCPL cap increase, Amity Noltemeyer, Interim Dean and Professor, Presentation only; Discussion and Anticipated Vote on May 06, 2024
    2. Senate Attendance Policy, Tracy Haynes, Chair of University Senate Executive Committee Presentation only; Discussion and Anticipated Vote on May 6, 2024
    3. Administration of Graduate Awards: Time Limits, Jason Abbitt, Associate Dean of the Graduate School, Presentation only; Discussion and Anticipated Vote on May 6, 2024
  6. Adjournment
  7. Executive Session - Election of Senate Executive Committee Members
  8. Adjournment


