
Dr. Osaak Olumwullah

Osaak Olumwullah

Associate Professor of History

History Department

Room 268 Upham Hall

Oxford, OH 45056
513 529 5139
Office hours: M 2:30-4:00, W 3:30-5:00, and by appointment


Affiliate of Global and Intercultural Studies (Black World Studies Program)


PhD 1995, Rice University

MA, University of Nairobi

BA, University of Nairobi

Teaching and Research Interests: 
  • African history
  • Environmental history
Courses Recently Taught: 
  • HST 206 Introduction to Historical Inquiry
  • BWS/HST 224 Africa to 1884
  • BWS/HST 225 Making of Modern Africa
  • HST 325 Images of Africa
  • HST 342 Africa since 1945
  • HST 400 Senior Capstone: Social Change in Africa
Selected Publications: 

Dis-ease in the Colonial State: Medicine, Society, and Social Change among the AbaNyole of Western Kenya, Greenwood Publishers, 2002

Work in Progress: 

Dr. Olumwullah has research and teaching interests in the areas of science in Africa, the historical intersections of the biological and social sciences, and health, healing, and the sociology of medical knowledge in Africa. His current book project is entitled The Contested River: Landscape, Culture, and Development in the Tana River Basin.