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Demographics • Business/Economics of Aging • Long-Term Care Policy and Financing

Disability in Ohio: Current and Future Demand for Services

In an effort to project the size of Ohio’s Medicaid long-term care expenditures between now and the year 2020, this report first projected the size of the population with severe physical and/or cognitive, intellectual and/or developmental, and mental illness disabilities.

Demographics • Business/Economics of Aging • Long-Term Care Policy and Financing

Disability in Ohio: Current and Future Demand for Services

In an effort to project the size of Ohio’s Medicaid long-term care expenditures between now and the year 2020, this report first projected the size of the population with severe physical and/or cognitive, intellectual and/or developmental, and mental illness disabilities. Then, assuming different rates of medical and long-term care inflations the author projected both the total Medicaid and Medicaid long-term care expenditures.