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Long-Term Care Facilities

Implementation of the 2010 Ohio Nursing Home Family Satisfaction Survey: Final Report

In 2010, the Scripps Gerontology Center conducted the fifth biennial Ohio Nursing Home Family Satisfaction Survey under a contract to the Ohio Department of Aging.

Long-Term Care Facilities

Implementation of the 2010 Ohio Nursing Home Family Satisfaction Survey: Final Report

In 2010, the Scripps Gerontology Center conducted the fifth biennial Ohio Nursing Home Family Satisfaction Survey under a contract to the Ohio Department of Aging. This year the survey had the largest number of family response ever, with 97% of facilities participating and nearly 30,000 involved family and friends responding. An online version of the family survey was also made available for the first time. The report includes information about the survey process, psychometric analysis of the survey, and recommendations for future implementation of the family survey. The family satisfaction survey is one important component of the comprehensive nursing home information shown on the Ohio Long-Term Care Consumer Guide (www.ltcohio.org). Overall scores are also used as a quality component of Ohio's nursing home Medicaid reimbursement formula.