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Healthy Aging in the Context of Educational Disadvantage: The Role of "Ordinary Magic"

The objective of this study is to examine the correlates of healthy aging in the context of educational disadvantage and the extent to which identified correlates are shared with the wider, more educationally advantaged population.

Education • Demographics • Health • Physical Activity

Healthy Aging in the Context of Educational Disadvantage: The Role of "Ordinary Magic"

The objective of this study is to examine the correlates of healthy aging in the context of educational disadvantage and the extent to which identified correlates are shared with the wider, more educationally advantaged population. Among educationally disadvantaged adults, demographic characteristics (e.g., age), health practices (e.g., physical activity), and the presence of health conditions were independently correlated with healthy aging. With few exceptions, correlates of healthy aging were similar among educationally advantaged and disadvantaged adults. Ordinary factors are associated with healthy aging among adults without a high school diploma, suggesting that healthy aging is possible for larger numbers of adults aging in the context of educational disadvantage.

Journal of Aging and Health, doi: 10.1177/0898264316659994