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Cognitive/Communication Challenges

Narrative comprehension by people with aphasia given single versus combined modality presentation

People with aphasia experience comprehension impairments that hinder participation in daily activities.

Cognitive/Communication Challenges

Narrative comprehension by people with aphasia given single versus combined modality presentation

People with aphasia experience comprehension impairments that hinder participation in daily activities. Presenting information through more than one modality may reduce demands on cognitive resources and promote improved comprehension by people with aphasia. Previous researchers have documented improved comprehension of sentence-length material given simultaneous auditory and written presentation. However, less is known about the potential benefits people with aphasia derive from combined auditory and written presentations when processing paragraph-length narratives. This study's purpose was to examine comprehension accuracy and reviewing time for people with aphasia when processing short and long paragraph-length narratives in auditory only, written only, and combined auditory and written conditions. Additionally, we documented participants' preferred presentation modality.

Aphasiology, 33(6), doi: 10.1080/02687038.2018.1506088