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Quality Assurance • Research Methods • Long-Term Care Facilities • Long-Term Care Decision Making • Long-Term Care • Long-Term Care Policy and Financing

Resident preferences and CNA empowerment: Testing validity and reliability of a culture change survey tool

Culture change (CC) is an innovation to improve nursing home resident quality of life. Inconsistencies in how CC is measured make the interpretation of findings inconclusive.

Quality Assurance • Research Methods • Long-Term Care Facilities • Long-Term Care Decision Making • Long-Term Care • Long-Term Care Policy and Financing

Resident preferences and CNA empowerment: Testing validity and reliability of a culture change survey tool

Culture change (CC) is an innovation to improve nursing home resident quality of life. Inconsistencies in how CC is measured make the interpretation of findings inconclusive. The purpose of this study is to determine the underlying factors of CC among Ohio nursing homes to extract the core essence of CC. Two valid and reliable scales to advance the measurement of CC are presented that can be used to explore both residents' preferences for care and CNA empowerment components as predictors or outcomes. 

Journal of Applied Gerontology, doi:10.1177/0733464819884862