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Long-Term Care Facilities • Workforce Issues

Nursing home social services and post-acute care: Does more qualified staff improve behavioral symptoms and reduce antipsychotic drug use?

An increasing number of post-acute care patients are admitted to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) with behavioral symptoms such as wandering and rejecting care, which can interfere with care and place a patient at risk of social isolation or injury.

Long-Term Care Facilities • Workforce Issues

Nursing home social services and post-acute care: Does more qualified staff improve behavioral symptoms and reduce antipsychotic drug use?

An increasing number of post-acute care patients are admitted to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) with behavioral symptoms such as wandering and rejecting care, which can interfere with care and place a patient at risk of social isolation or injury. This study examines whether increasing the qualifications of social service staff through using a greater proportion of qualified social workers (QSWs) instead of paraprofessionals improves patients' behavioral symptoms and reduces the use of antipsychotic medications. 

JAMDA. doi 10.1016/j.jamda.2019.07.024