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Aging Network • Home and Community Based Services

Achieving population health impacts

Evidence-based health promotion programs can help older adults manage chronic conditions and address behavioral risk factors, and translating these interventions to population-scale impact depends on reaching people outside of clinical settings.

Aging Network • Home and Community Based Services

Achieving population health impacts

Evidence-based health promotion programs can help older adults manage chronic conditions and address behavioral risk factors, and translating these interventions to population-scale impact depends on reaching people outside of clinical settings. Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) have emerged as important delivery sites for health promotion programs, but the impacts of their expanded role in delivering these interventions remain unknown. This study found that AAA involvement in health promotion programs was associated with lower use of potentially avoidable nursing home use; the breadth of programs offered by AAAs and the implementation capacity of these organizations also played a role in reducing low-need nursing home use.

Medical Care, 59(3), 273-279. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001492