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CAS-A Requirement (Foreign Language)

CHI 101 - Elementary Chinese I (4 Credit Hours)
CHI 102 - Elementary Chinese II (4 Credit Hours)
CHI 201 - Intermediate Chinese I (3 Credit Hours)
CHI 202 - Intermediate Chinese II (3 Credit Hours)

CAS-B Requirement (Humanities)

CHI 251 - Chinese Literature to 1800 in English Translation (3 Credit Hours)
CHI 252 - Modern Chinese Literature in English Translation (3 Credit Hours)
CHI 255 - Drama in China and Japan in English Translation (3 Credit Hours)

Perspective Areas (PA3B - Humanities)

CHI 251 - Traditional Chinese Literature in English Translation (3 Credit Hours)
CHI 252 - Modern Chinese Literature in English Translation (3 Credit Hours)
CHI/JPN 255 - Drama In China/Japan in English Translation (3 Credit Hours)
CHI 257 - Chinese Satire (3 Credit Hours)
CHI 261 - Forbidden Romance in Modern Chinese Culture (3 Credit Hours)

Perspective Areas (PA4C - Global Inquiry)

CHI 257 - Chinese Satire (3 Credit Hours)

Contact the Department

Irvin Hall South Entrance

Department of German, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Irvin Hall 172
400 East Spring Street
Oxford, OH 45056-3645
United States
(513) 529-2526

Dr. Mila Ganeva, Chair
General Inquiries: gramelac@MiamiOH.edu