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Miami Plan Courses for Portuguese

CAS-A (Language Requirement)

POR 111 - Accelerated Introduction to Portuguese (4 Credit Hours)
POR 211 - Intermediate Portuguese (4 Credit Hours)

CAS-B (Literature)

POR 315 - Introduction to Lusophone Literature (3 Credit Hours)
POR 381 - African Lusophone Literature (3 Credit Hours)

Perspective Areas (PA3B - Humanities)

POR/FST/LAS 204 - Brazilian Culture Through Music and Film (3 Credit Hours)
POR/WGS/FST 383 - Brazilian Women through Literature and Film (3 Credit Hours)

Perspective Areas (PA4C - Global Inquiry)

POR/FST/LAS 204 - Brazilian Culture Through Music and Film (3 Credit Hours)

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