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Media, Journalism, and Film • Political Science • Sociology and Gerontology

Sophia Myers '25

Sophia Myers '25
Media, Journalism, and Film • Political Science • Sociology and Gerontology

Sophia Myers '25

  • Class: 2025
  • Majors: Political Science, Strategic Communication
  • Minor: Social Justice and Community-Based Leadership
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...the alumni association at Miami is so strong - there are alumni all throughout the world and I knew no matter where I picked to live after graduation I would be able to find a fellow Redhawk.
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Sophia Myers, Why Miami?

Why Miami?

I chose Miami for a number of reasons, after making a pro-con chart of course. First, it’s the perfect happy medium in terms of numbers. I knew personally I would feel trapped at a small school, but lost at a large school. Miami was perfect because it was right in the middle. I can go to class and say hi to people I know but also see new faces. Also, I wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted to study, but I knew that wouldn’t be an issue because of how many majors Miami offers. Next, the alumni association at Miami is so strong - there are alumni all throughout the world and I knew no matter where I picked to live after graduation I would be able to find a fellow Redhawk. Lastly, Miami offered a generous financial aid package, which aligns with my financial needs and makes pursuing my education here a feasible and responsible choice.

How did you choose your major?

I knew I wanted to study political science since I took AP Government in high school, however I acquired my second major in a unique way. My fall freshman year I accidentally signed up for a course which I believed was about political campaigns, however, it ended up being about marketing campaigns. I decided to give this new class a try and ended up loving it, and by the summer I had declared my second major in strategic communication.

Key Moment at Miami

I took Journalism 102 with Professor Fred Reeder and it absolutely changed my life. I found myself always wanting to learn more in JRN 102. I never missed a class because I didn’t want to miss anything. With every assignment I turned in I grew as a writer, and with every assignment I also grew emotionally. The journalism lessons were great and have helped my career, however, Professor Reeder’s life lessons are so crucial to who I am today.

Other Notable Experience

I have loved my time at Miami. I’ve had the opportunity to be involved in a little bit of everything - club sports, organizations, work study, internships, etc. Currently I’m involved in Women in Sport Leadership (WISL), CHAARG, Women’s Club Baseball, and UP Magazine, but have been a member of many other orgs. I would say the most impactful things I’ve done have been the things I was almost too scared to try. College should be about trying new things and looking to grab every opportunity you see fit. I’ve loved my time at Miami because of the experiences I’ve allowed myself to have.

Advice to Prospective Students

I think the most important thing to consider when choosing where to go to college is to really evaluate who you want to be a few years down the road - not what you want to do, but who you want to be. Think of all the resources, relationships, and experiences that you will need to have to get there and then think of where can provide you that. The next four years of your life is the only time in your life that you are entirely in control - right now your parents have a lot to do with your decisions and after graduation it’ll be work, a spouse, maybe kids, etc. This is the time for you so be sure to pick the place that is going to let you have that time.

What are your career goals?  

I plan to attend graduate school right after graduation to study public relations and communication. I hope to work in public relations or social media marketing for a while, with a long-term goal of becoming a professor in media and communication.