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As the days have gotten longer and warmer, many IT Services employees have embraced life outside of the Hoyt Hall corridors. Two popular activities are disc golf and intramural softball.
Documentary and discussion rounded out this great IT Diversity event.
A group of IT Services employees took part this year in the Red Brick Run 5K run/walk, as well as the Team Miami Plus training program.
Information Services Diversity Committee and Ms. Chen Zhao of the Confucius Institute joined forces for a diversity event.
Members of the Oxford Toastmasters group as of August 2017Oxford Toastmasters Club has been around for five years, and the local chapter is heavily influenced by Miami staff, in particular, a group from IT Services.
Diversity is a huge aspect of the workplace here in IT Services, and this was even more apparent during the week of October 16.
Let love speak louder than hatred. - Festus OjoDuring a recent IT Services Diversity event, Festus Ojo read his original poem Nothing but Color to those in attendance. He has agreed to share that poem here for everyone.
The IT Services Diversity Committee celebrated summer with its annual film festival and picnic lunch. Wednesday, July 19 IT staff viewed A Class Divided.
Covering territory from Boyd Hall on the east edge of campus to the Brown Road facility located blocks beyond the western border, IT Services聮 staff are literally located all across the Oxford campus.