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Flexible Work Arrangements

Scope: Unclassified Staff are covered by this policy.


Flexible Work Arrangements

The University recognizes the growing demands on staff and the increasing challenges of finding new and better ways to provide service and meet the University’s goals and expectations. Workplace flexibility is a strategy for using resources to provide the best environment for supporting staff while meeting the University’s needs.

Flexible Work Time

The University’s normal working hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. during the academic year and 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in the summer. Flexible work time arrangements include flextime (fixed hours other than University’s normal work hours) and compressed workweek (workweek compressed into less than five workdays). Flexible work arrangements may be appropriate for limited periods or as an on-going work arrangement. Flexible work arrangements that are scheduled to last longer than two months must be in writing, signed by the employee and the divisional vice-president and filed with the appropriate personnel office.

Reduced appointment (FTE)

 An employee may need to reduce their appointment (FTE) for a specified duration with an established date for returning to their original appointment. In the case of a reduced appointment a corresponding reduction in salary and some benefits (e.g. retirement contributions) will occur. A reduction in FTE must be in writing, signed by the employee and the divisional vice-president and filed with the appropriate personnel office.

Temporary Off-Campus Work

ºÚÁÏÉçÇø’s primary work locations are the Oxford, Regionals, and Luxembourg campuses. Full- time unclassified administrative staff assigned full-time to a primary work location may be permitted to work on a temporary basis away from their regularly assigned on-campus work location (e.g. work from home) for the convenience of the employer and employee.

Off – campus work must be approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor.  Off-campus work may be approved when there is a compelling need to ensure continuity of operations or that mission critical work is completed in a timely manner; the employee plays an essential role in completing that work; and due to extenuating circumstances coming to campus to work is not feasible. Off-campus work may be approved for up to 20 working days per calendar year. 

Off-Campus work does not alter an employee’s work relationship with the University, does not necessarily alter the employee’s work schedule and it does not relieve an employee from the obligation to observe all applicable University rules, policies and procedures. All existing terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to the position description, salary, benefits, vacation, and sick leave remain the same as if the regularly assigned work location was on a University campus. Any arrangement that extends beyond 20 working days per calendar year must go through the Remote Work Process, and if applicable, the Out-of-State Employment process.  

Employees are required to maintain accurate records of time worked (start time, meals, breaks and end -time). The University uses an electronic time-reporting system, and overtime-eligible employees are required to use this system. Any employee who falsifies a time record is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Supervisors are responsible for reviewing, approving, and correcting reported time and for ensuring that all records are current and accurate. Supervisors are required to communicate any changes to the employee in writing or have a written request from the employee to change the time record.

Remote Work Assignment

The University’s work is firmly grounded in consultation, collaboration, and innovation as we work to serve our ºÚÁÏÉçÇøs, faculty and staff, parents, alumni and donors to foster the mission of the University as a residential campus delivering an in-depth high-quality educational experience to its ºÚÁÏÉçÇøs.  Thus, the vast majority of University work requires face-to-face work on-campus. 

The University recognizes, however, that technology enables us to find new ways of providing first class service and workplace flexibility. The University will support remote work arrangements in situations in which it is advantageous to the University to have work be performed remotely on either a full- or part-time basis. Remote Work is a strategy for using resources most efficiently and providing the best environment for employee success.

The first step is to determine whether a particular position is appropriate for remote work based on the actual job duties being performed. This determination may be made either at the time the position is posted or upon request of the divisional vice president for a filled position. Unclassified administrative staff positions are only eligible for remote work if the work may be performed as or more efficiently than at an on-campus work location. The next step is to determine whether the actual employee is appropriate for the remote work assignment. Not all positions nor all employees will qualify for remote work.

Remote work is work that can be done alone or via technology from a remote work site. Remote work is not a right, it is a working arrangement that can be modified or revoked by ºÚÁÏÉçÇø at any time for any reason, including convenience of the University. Public facing and ºÚÁÏÉçÇø service positions are typically not appropriate for remote work. Student employment positions carry special concerns and   are generally not eligible for remote work absent compelling reasons. Student employees are not eligible for out – of- state work without the  written permission of the Department of Human Resources or General Counsel.

Approval of Position for Remote Work

The Department Human Resources/Academic Personnel must first approve the position as eligible for remote work. It is the responsibility of the divisional vice president, utilizing a , to demonstrate that remote work provides an articulable advantage or benefit to the University and its mission and that the duties of the position can be performed without any degradation in the quality of services to be provided.

If the position has been approved for full or part-time remote work, and the position is not filled, the terms of the remote work arrangement may be incorporated into the position description and into the position posting as long as it includes the following statement: “Remote work is not a right, it is a work arrangement that can be modified or revoked by ºÚÁÏÉçÇø at any time for any reason, including the convenience of the University.”

If the position has been approved for full or part-time remote work and the position is filled, the divisional vice-president may request Human Resources/Academic Personnel to approve one or more employees in the approved position as suitable for a remote work assignment. It is the responsibility of the divisional vice president to demonstrate that assigning the individual for remote work is appropriate and can perform the job duties without any degradation in the quality of services to be provided.

Employee Qualifications for Remote Work Assignments

The employee must have:

  1. been employed in the position for at least 6 consecutive months unless initially hired into a position approved for remote work;
  2. a current performance evaluation on file in Human Resources or Academic Personnel demonstrating that the quality and quantity of the employee’s work meets or exceeds expectations; and
  3. a demonstrated ability to work independently
  4. a suitable location to perform the duties of the position.

The divisional vice president must submit a proposed for approval to Human Resources/Academic Personnel for any employee to work remotely for some or all of the days or hours they are regularly scheduled to work.

Remote work does not alter the employee’s work relationship with the University and it does not relieve an employee from the obligation to observe all applicable University rules, policies and procedures. An employee’s obligation to fulfill their job responsibilities in an efficient and timely manner does not change with a remote work arrangement. Performance expectations for employees remain the same and supervisors are responsible for managing employee performance.

Remote work does not alter the employee’s workday schedule unless the approved Remote Work Plan provides otherwise. All existing terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to the position requirements, salary, benefits, and requesting time off work (e.g. vacation, and sick leave) remain the same as if the work location were on-campus.

Additional Minimum Requirements for Remote Work Assignments

  1. In order to qualify for a remote work assignment, employees must agree to and sign a ºÚÁÏÉçÇø Remote Work Agreement. Remote work cannot begin until the Plan and Agreement is approved and signed by all required parties.
  2. The Remote Work Plan and Remote Work Agreement will remain on file with Human Resources or Academic Personnel and is to be reviewed every six months by the employee’s supervisor and divisional vice president as part of the employee’s annual and mid-year performance evaluation. The Remote Work - Employee Approval form must include the process for determining productivity as well as quality of performance and for providing timely feedback to the employee. The supervisor must attest that the employee is effectively performing the responsibilities of the position while working remotely.  If the employee has supervisory responsibilities, the work plan must specifically indicate how the employee will perform their supervisory responsibilities and the evaluation must include an assessment of the employee’s supervision. This includes gathering qualitative and quantitative information from the persons supervised by the employee.
  3. The employees must provide, at their own expense, a dedicated, ergonomically appropriate remote workspace with appropriate internet connectivity. Employees who do not have an appropriate workspace are not permitted to work remotely.
  4. Departments with remote employee(s) bear the full cost of providing any necessary supplies or equipment required for the employee to perform their work from the remote location and tracking the equipment via Property Pass pr another system acceptable to the Office of the Controller. 
  5. Departments sponsoring employees to work remotely outside of the State of Ohio must also adhere to the .
  6. Remote workers may not hold in-person work-related meetings at the remote work site.
  7. Employees who have dependents at home during the workday must have appropriate care in place during all remote working hours and may not use remote work to provide dependent care.
  8. Remote employees are expected to have regularly scheduled and approved work hours, to be fully available during those hours, and to attend events and meetings on campus as required in the Remote Work -Employee Approval form. The University has normal business hours and unless otherwise specifically noted in the approved Remote Work - Employee Approval form, remote employees are expected to maintain the University business hours.
  9. Employees are not permitted to work at other jobs or perform work for their own, or family owned, business during their approved remote work hours.
  10. Employees who work remotely must comply with all University policies and procedures, including safeguarding any confidential information in accordance with applicable law and University policy. This includes protecting all electronic devices used to perform University work with two-factor authentication or other security measures as required by the University.
  11. Changes to Remote Work Agreements will need to be requested in advance, and with the approval by the divisional VP, to the appropriate human resource/personnel office for final review and approval. These changes include, but are not limited to, address, numbers of days, or schedule. 

Changes to Remote Work Plans and or Agreements

Changes to Remote Work Agreements may be requested with the approval of the divisional VP to the appropriate human resource/personnel office for final review and approval. These changes include but are not limited to address, numbers of days, schedule. 

Accommodations and Leaves

Requests to work remotely based on a disability are handled through the ADA accommodation process. Employees on FMLA or other approved leave are relieved of all work responsibilities for the period they are on leave and may not be asked to perform any work while on leave. Employees on intermittent or reduced leave may be eligible for remote work under this Policy ONLY during periods they are NOT on leave.

Related Form(s)

Additional Resources and Procedures

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Policy Administration

Next Review Date


Responsible Officers

  • Associate Vice President for Human Resources
  • Assistant Provost for Academic Personnel

Legal Authority

Not Applicable.

Compliance Policy


Recent Revision History

 New July 2021; Amended August 2023

Reference ID(s)


Reviewing Bodies

  • Associate Vice President for Human Resources
  • Assistant Provost for Academic Personnel
  • Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Senior Vice President for Finance and Business Services