Expanding geothermal on Miami’s campus: North Chiller Plant Conversion to Geothermal project
520 geothermal wells will be drilled under the front lawn of Millett Hall; part of Miami’s plan to reach carbon neutrality by 2040

Expanding geothermal on Miami’s campus: North Chiller Plant Conversion to Geothermal project
Digging deeper: Timeline of energy systems conversions
2011- First phases of the Utility Master Plan begin: Miami’s office of Energy Systems began the massive project to convert the central steam plant (by 2026) and miles of underground piping to Simultaneous Heating and Cooling (SHC).
2011 - First geothermal installed: In the historic Elliott and Stoddard residence halls.
2014 - Western Geothermal Plant completed: Currently serves nine buildings on Miami’s Western campus. It will expand in the near future to serve Bachelor Hall after renovation (which begins summer 2024) and Shideler Hall, plus additional buildings on Western campus.
2016 - Converted Billings Natatorium to the North Chiller Plant: This conversion took North quad buildings off steam heat and cooling and on to energy efficient Heating Hot Water (HHW). North and East quad residence halls were updated with central air conditioning.
2018-2019 - South Campus energy systems conversions included South Campus Chiller Plant providing HHW to 19 buildings on South Quad, including Goggin Ice Center and the Recreational Sports Center.
2022-2023 - Nine Central Quad buildings converted from steam heating systems to HHW.
2024 - North Chiller Plant Conversion to geothermal begins: Millett Hall and the Gross Student Athlete Development Center will be converted off steam heating to simultaneous heating and cooling and geothermal. North quad buildings currently served by HHW will be converted to geothermal heating and cooling.
2026 - 72% of buildings on HHW or geothermal: 72% of Miami’s Oxford campus buildings will have been converted off steam to HHW or geothermal. Central steam plant converted to HHW.