Roger and Joyce Howe Distinguished Professor of Written Communication and Director, Howe Center for Writing Excellence
Elizabeth Wardle
Contact Info
(513) 529-6210
King Library, Howe Center for Writing Excellence
151 S. Campus Avenue
Elizabeth Wardle has served as the Roger and Joyce Howe Distinguished Professor of Written Communication and the Director of the Howe Center for Writing Excellence since 2016. In the HCWE she takes primary responsibility for faculty development initiatives. She is interested in working with colleagues across the university to promote deep change around teaching and learning.
Research Interests
- writing across the curriculum
- threshold concepts
- transfer of knowledgeprogram design
- changing public conceptions of writing
- change and snesemaking
Courses Taught
- Rhetoric and Writing Capstone
- Grantwriting
- Composition Theory
- Writing Program Administration
- Transfer and Threshold Concepts
- Teaching Disciplinary Writing
- Institutional Rhetorics
- Ph.D., Rhetoric and Professional Communication, Iowa State University (2003)
- M.A., English, University of Louisville (1999)
- B.A., University of Louisville
- Changing Conceptions, Changing Practices: Innovating Teaching Across Disciplines. Utah State University Press, 2022.
- Writing Expertise: A Research-Based Approach to Writing and Learning Across Disciplines. WAC Clearinghouse, 2022.
- Writing about Writing, 5th ed. Bedford/St. Martins,2022.
- (re)Considering What We Know: Learning Thresholds in Writing, Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy. Utah State University Press, 2019.
- Composition, Rhetoric, and Disciplinarity. Utah State University Press, 2018.
- Naming What We Know: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies. Utah State University Press, 2015.
Recent Articles and Book Chapters
- "Boundary-Crossing During Challenging Political Times: An Exhortation and Heuristic for WAC as Site of Deep Change." With Caitlin Martin, Mandy Olejnik, and Angela Glotfelter. In Writing Worldviews. WAC Clearinghouse. Forthcoming.
- "Learning at the Boundaries: Feminist Invitational Rhetoric and Sensemaking toward Deep Change." Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn: A Collaborative Syllabus for Higher Education Leadership. Forthcoming.
- "Working with Faculty Partners to Change Conceptions of Writing Beyond University Walls.” With Mandy Olejnik, Jennifer Maher, Will Chesher, and Angela Glotfelter. WAC Journal, March 2023.
- “Writing-Related Faculty Development for Deep Change: An Introduction and Overview.” With Angela Glotfelter, Caitlin Martin, Mandy Olejnik and Ann Updike. In Changing Conceptions, Changing Practices: Innovating Teaching Across Disciplines. 2022. 5-26.
- “Changing Conceptions, Changing Practices: Effects of the Howe Faculty Writing Fellows Program.” With Angela Glotfelter, Caitlin Martin, Mandy Olejnik and Ann Updike. In Changing Conceptions, Changing Practices: Innovating Teaching Across Disciplines. 2022. 27-45.
- “Deep Change Theory: Implications for Educational Development Leaders.” With Caitlin Martin. In Changing Conceptions, Changing Practices: Innovating Teaching Across Disciplines. 2022. 2022. 46-60.
- “Principles for Enacting an Integrated Vision of Teaching and Learning.” With Angela Glotfelter, Caitlin Martin, Mandy Olejnik and Ann Updike. In Changing Conceptions, Changing Practices: Innovating Teaching Across Disciplines. 2022. 261-273.
- Afterword: Tracing the Rise of the Disintegrative View of Education and Imagining Challenges Ahead.” With Angela Glotfelter, Caitlin Martin, Mandy Olejnik and Ann Updike. In Changing Conceptions, Changing Practices: Innovating Teaching Across Disciplines. 2022. 275-289.
- “ ‘Something Invisible… Has Been Made Visible for Me’: An Expertise-Based WAC Seminar Model Grounded in Theory and (Cross) Disciplinary Dialogue.” With Angela Glotfelter and Ann Updike. In Diverse Approaches to Teaching, Learning, and Writing Across the Curriculum: IWAC at 25. Lesley Bartlett, Sandra Tarabochia, Andrea Olinger, and Margaret Marshall, eds. WAC Clearinghouse, 2020. 167-92.
- “Naming What We Know (In Writing Studies): Engaging Troublesome Trends in Educational Policy and Practice.” With Linda Adler-Kassner. Threshold Concepts on the Edge. Ray Land, and Julie Rattray, eds. Sense Publishers, 2019. 313-26
- “Using a Threshold Concepts Framework to Facilitate an Expertise-Based WAC Model for Faculty Development.” In (re)Considering What We Know: Learning Thresholds in Writing, Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy. Linda Adler-Kassner and Elizabeth Wardle, eds. Utah State University Press, 2019. 297-312.
- “Recognizing the Limits of Threshold Concept Theory.” With Linda Adler-Kassner, Jonathan Alexander, Norbert Elliot, James Hammond, Mya Poe, Jacqueline Rhodes, and Anne-Marie Womack. In (re)Considering What We Know: Learning Thresholds in Writing, Composition, Rhetoric, and Literacy. Linda Adler-Kassner and Elizabeth Wardle, eds. Utah State University Press, 2019. 15-35.
Additional Academic Information
- $300,000 Lumina Foundation Grant, Sensemaking for Student Success, 2024
- Council of Writing Program Administrators Outstanding Scholarship Award, 2022
- 黑料社区 Distinguished Scholar Award, 2020
- Council of Writing Program Administrators Outstanding Contribution to the Discipline Award, 2016
- Iowa State University Distinguished Alumni Award, 2012
- NCTE Best Article of the Year in Teaching of Technical and Scientific Communication, 2006
Work in Progress
- With Alex Arreguin and Stacy Wilson: description of a WAC collaboration between Miami's HCWE and Mesa Community College/Maricopa System.
- Articles on the Miami Writing Institute and changing the public's ideas about writing (with Jennifer Maher, Mandy Olejnik, Will Chesher, and Angela Glotfelter)
- Project on innovating general education with colleagues from six institutions across the US.