Assistant Professor, James C. and Carole E. Garland Professorship
Imran Mirza, Ph.D.
I am Imran Mirza, PI of the Theoretical Quantum Information Lab in the Physics Department at 黑料社区.
- Ph.D. Physics, University of Oregon
Research Interests
Our group's research lies in the area of theoretical quantum optics with primary applications in quantum information processing and quantum computation. Our research focuses on developing theoretical models to describe how light interacts with matter at a very small (atomic/quantum) scale in realistic situations where the system is allowed to interact with their surroundings (environment). In particular, we study how some of the key aspects of light-matter interactions can be utilized to build novel quantum technologies and to understand the underlying fundamental physics. Currently we are interested in the following research directions:
- Quantum Optics
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Information Theory
- Open Quantum Systems
Courses Taught
- PHY 692 Modern Quantum Mechanics II
- PHY 691 Modern Quantum Mechanics I
- PHY 651 Quantum and Nonlinear Optics
- PHY 491/591 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- PHY 483/583 Mathematical Methods for Physicists
- PHY 286 Introduction to Computational Physics
- PHY 192 General Physics with Lab II
- PHY 191 General Physics with Lab I
- PHY 141 Physics in Sports
- PHY 103 Concepts in Physics Laboratory
- Nishan Amgain* and Imran M. Mirza; Photon routing in disordered chiral waveguide QED ladders: interplay between photonic localization and collective atomic effects, Optics Express 32 (18), 32354 - 32369 (2024).
- Tiberius Berndsen, Nishan Amgain, and Imran M. Mirza; Band gap engineering and controlling transport properties of single photons in periodic and disordered Jaynes-Cummings arrays, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B 41(8), C9 - C19 (2024).
- Logan Patrick*, Umar Arshad*, Dingyu Guo*, and Imran Mirza; Chirality-assisted enhancement of tripartite entanglement in waveguide QED, Scientific Reports 14, 11175 (2024).
- Tiberius Berndsen*, Nishan Amgain*, and Imran Mirza; Band gap engineering and controlling transport properties of single photons in periodic and disordered Jaynes-Cummings arrays, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B, 41(8), C9-C19 (2024). Special Issue: The Jaynes-Cummings Model: 60 Years and Still Counting.
- Tiberius Berndsen* and Imran Mirza; Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in many-emitter waveguide quantum electrodynamics: linear vs nonlinear waveguide dispersions, Phys. Rev. A 108, 063702 (2023).
- Tiberius Berndsen* and Imran Mirza; Biphoton routing in few-emitter chiral waveguide quantum electrodynamics ladders, Optics Express 31, 42478 - 42494 (2023).
- Logan Patrick*, Umar Arshad*, Dingyu Guo*, and Imran Mirza; Fock-state master equations for open quantum optical systems, Progress in Optics, Chapter 2, volume 68, pages 67 - 100 (2023).
- Jessica Burns*, Owen Root*, Hui Jing, and Imran Mirza; Engineering Optomechanically Induced Transparency by coupling a qubit to a spinning resonator, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B 40(5), 958 - 965 (2023).
- Zibo Wang*, Pawan Khatiwada*, Dan Wang*, and Imran Mirza; Coherent Perfect Absorption in Tavis-Cummings models, Optics Express 30 (6), (2022).
- Antonio Lim*, and Imran Mirza; Non-Markovianity in photosynthetic reaction centers: A noise-induced quantum coherence perspective, Optics Continuum 1, 8, (2022).
- Dingyu Guo* and Imran Mirza; Three-photon Fock state master equations for multi-emitter chiral quantum electrodynamics, Quantum 2.0 QW4A-2, (2022).
- Adriana Cruz*, and Imran Mirza; On the Dissipative Dynamics of Entangled States in Coupled-Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Arrays, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B, 39, 1, 177-187, (2022).
- Antonio V. Lim*, Zibo Wang* and Imran Mirza; A Non-Markovian Model of Photosynthetic Reaction Center, Frontier in Optics + Laser Science, JTh5A. 23 (2021).
- Logan Patrick*, Umar Arshad*, Pawan Khatiwada* and Imran Mirza; Decay of a Single Atom Coupled to One-Dimensional Guided Photonic Modes, Frontier in Optics + Laser Science, JTh5A. 7 (2021).
- Adriana Cruz*, and Imran Mirza; NOON State Dynamics in Jaynes-Cummings Arrays, Frontier in Optics + Laser Science, JTh5A. 35 (2021).
- Zibo Wang* and Imran Mirza, Dissipative Five-level Quantum Systems: A Quantum Model of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers, Laser Science, JM6B. 26 (2020).
- Pawan Khatiwada* and Imran Mirza, Entanglement in Many-Body Quantum Systems, Frontiers in Optics, JM6A. 23 (2020).
- Bibandhan Poudyal* and Imran M. Mirza, Collective photon routing improvement in a dissipative quantum emitter chain strongly coupled to a chiral waveguide QED ladder, Phys. Rev. Research, 2(4), 043048 (2020).
- Imran M. Mirza, Jeremy G. Hoskins and John C. Schotland, Dimer chains in waveguide quantum electrodynamics, Opt. Comm., 463, 125427 (2020).
- Imran M. Mirza, Wenchao Ge and Hui Jing, Optical nonreciprocity and slow light propagation in coupled spinning optomechanical resonators, Opt. Express 27, 25515-25530 (2019)
- Imran M. Mirza and John C. Schotland, Influence of disorder on electromagnetically induced transparency in chiral waveguide quantum electrodynamics, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 35 (5), 1149-1158 (2018).
- Imran M. Mirza, Jeremy G. Hoskins and John. C. Schotland, Chiral-ity, band structure, and localization in waveguide quantum electrodynamics, Phys. Rev. A, 96, 053804 (2017).
- Imran M. Mirza and John. C. Schotland, Multi-qubit bi-directional chiral waveguide QED, Phys. Rev. A, 94, 012302 (2016).
- Imran M. Mirza and John. C. Schotland, Two-photon entanglement in multi-qubit bi-directional waveguide QED, Phys. Rev. A 94, 012309 (2016).
- Imran M. Mirza and Tuguldur Begzjav, Fano-Agarwal couplings and non-rotating wave approximation in single-photon timed-Dicke subradiance, European Physics Letters, 114, (2) 24004, (2016).
- Imran M. Mirza and Steven J. van Enk, How nonlinear optical effects degrade Hong-Ou-Mandel like interference, Opt. Comm., 343, 172-177 (2015).
- Imran M. Mirza and Steven J. van Enk, Single-photon time-dependent spectra in quantum optomechanics, Phys. Rev. A, 90, 043831 (2014).
- Imran M. Mirza, Steven J. van Enk and Howard J. Kimble, Single-photon time-dependent spectra in coupled cavity arrays, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 10, 2640-2649 (2013).
Service and Advising
- Physics Department's DEI Liaison
- Councilor at the Council of Undergraduate Research (National) 2021 - 2024.
- Academic Advising (Physics Department) for class of 2022.
Research Funding
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Launching Early-Career Academic Pathways in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (LEAPS) Program.
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Expand Capacity in Quantum Information Science and Engineering (Expand QISE) Program; Co-PI (PI from Miami Dr. Samir Bali; Co-PI from Wisconsin Madison Dr. Thad Walker).
- College of Arts & Science and Physics Department 黑料社区 startup funds.