Professor, On Leave 2024-25 Academic Year
English, Global and Intercultural Studies
Madelyn Detloff
Professor Detloff has taught at Miami for over 22 years, focusing on feminist and queer theory, LGBTQ+ studies, modernist literature and culture, and crip theory. She is currently serving as the General Editor for Oxford University Press's Gender Justice Intersections Project.
- Ph.D. English Literature, University of California, Santa Barbara (1997)
- Women’s Studies Doctoral Emphasis Certificate, University of California, Santa Barbara (1997)
- M.A. English Literature, University of California, Santa Barbara (1991)
- B.A. English Language and Literature, University of Chicago (1987)
Teaching and Research Interests
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Literary Modernism
- Crip Theory
- Trauma Studies
- Queer and Feminist Theory
- Virginia Woolf
- H.D.
- Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Writing
Courses Taught
On Research Leave 2024-25
Selected Publications
- The Value of Virginia Woolf, New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- The Persistence of Modernism: Loss and Mourning in the Twentieth Century. New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Edited Books
- Editor, Norton Critical Edition of Virginia Woolf's Orlando (2024)
Edited Volumes
- Queer Bloomsbury, Co-Edited with Brenda Helt, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016.
- Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism. Selected Papers from the 17th Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Diana Royer and Madelyn Detloff. Clemson, SC: Clemson University Digital Press, 2008.
- Special Issue on Woolf and Pedagogy. Virginia Woolf Miscellany 73 (Spring/Summer 2008).
- “Woolf and Biopower.” Oxford Handbook of Virginia Woolf. Ed Anne Fernald. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2021), 290-99.
- “The Disintegration of Sense and Bodies in Pain: Woolf, Wittgenstein, and the Rhetoric of War,” (co-authored with Gaile Pohlhaus, Jr.). Virginia Woolf, Europe, and Peace, Volume 2: Aesthetics and Theory. Ed. Peter Adkins and Derek Ryan. (Clemson: Clemson University Press, 2020):113-127.
- “The Binary Bind: Inversion, Intersexuality and Interest in a Very Queer Künstlerroman.” Man into Woman: A Comparative Scholarly Edition, by Lili Elbe. Ed. Pamela L. Caughie and Sabine Meyer. (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020):223-32.
- “Iconic Shade…and Other Professional Hazards of Woolf Scholarship." Women Making
Modernism. Ed. Erica Gene Delsandro (Gainesville: Univ. Press of Florida, 2020): 203-19. - “How should one [write for] a book?” Virginia Woolf and the World of Books. Ed. Nicola Wilson and Claire Battershill (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2018): 250-252.
- “Strong-armed Sisyphe: Feminist Queer Modernism Again … Again.” Feminist Modernist Studies. 1.1-2 (2018): 36-43.
- “Metics, Methods, and Modernism.” in “Mind the Gap! Modernism and Feminist Praxis”
Modernism/modernity Print Plus 2.2. (Aug 2017). - “Camp Orlando (or) Orlando.” Modernism/modernity 23.1 (2016).
- “Woolf and Crip Theory.” A Companion to Virginia Woolf. Ed. Jessica Berman. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016: 277-290.
- “Modern Times, Modernist Writing, Modern Sexualities.” The Cambridge Companion to Lesbian Literature, Ed. Jodie Medd. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
- “Making Sense of Wittgenstein’s Bloomsbury and Bloomsbury’s Wittgenstein” (co-authored with Gaile Pohlhaus, Jr.). Queer Bloomsbury, ed. Brenda Helt and Madelyn Detloff. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2016: 210-222.
- “The Precarity of ‘Civilization’ in Woolf’s Creative Worldmaking.” Virginia Woolf Writing the World. Selected Papers from the 24th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Pamela Caughie and Diana Swanson. Clemson: Clemson University Press, 2015: 204-210.
- “The Case of the Purloined Feminism.” Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association
46.2/47.1 (Spring 2014): 111-117. - “Translating Trans: Queer Theory, Script Theory, and Co-constructed Meaning in Kate Bornstein’s Serious Play.” Midwest Modern Language Association Journal 46.2 (Fall 2012).
- “‘The word is destroyed’? Women’s Studies, Modernist Studies, and the ‘New Normal’ in Academe.” Literature Compass. 10.1. (January 2013): 61-69.
- “’The Law is on the Side of the Normal:’ Virginia Woolf as Crip Theorist.” Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Woolf: Selected Papers from the Twenty-second Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Kathryn Holland and Ann Martin. Clemson University Digital Press, 2013.
- “Thirteen Ways to Look at Queering Woolf” (Co-authored with Brenda Helt). Virginia Woolf Miscellany 82 (Fall 2012): 1-4.
- “Woolf and Lesbian Culture: Queering Woolf Queering.” Virginia Woolf in Context. Ed. Jane Goldman and Bryony Randall. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012: 342-52.
- “Am I a Snob?” Well, sort of: Socialism, Advocacy, and Disgust in Woolf’s Economic Writing.” Contradictory Woolf: Selected Papers from the Twenty-first Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Ed. Derek Ryan and Stella Bolaki. Clemson University Digital Press, 2012.
- “Burnt Offerings or Incendiary Devices? Ambivalence, Trauma, and Cultural Work in The Gift and Trilogy.” Approaches to Teaching H.D.’s Poetry and Prose. Ed. Annette Debo and Lara Vetter. New York: Modern Language Association, 2011.
- “Learning Communities and Institutional Transformation,” co-authored with Carolyn Haynes, et. al. Learning Communities Journal 2.2 (2010).
- “Mrs. Dalloway and the Ideology of Death: A Cultural Studies Approach.” Approaches to Teaching Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway. Ed. Eileen Barrett and Ruth Saxton. New York: Modern Language Association, 2009.
- “Woolf and Pedagogy: Intellectual Liberty Under Pressure to Instrumentalize Knowledge.” Virginia Woolf Miscellany 73 (Spring/Summer 2008): 1-2.
- “Living in Energetic Space: Jeanette Winterson’s Bodies and Pleasures.” ELN 45.2 (2007).
- “‘’Tis Not my Nature to Join in Hating, but in Loving’: Toward Survivable Public Mourning.” Modernism and Mourning. Ed. Patricia Rae. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2007:50-68.
- “Gender Please, Without the Gender Police: Rethinking Pain in Archetypal Narratives of Butch, Transgender, and FTM Masculinity.” Journal of Lesbian Studies 10.1/2 (2006): 87-105. [Simultaneously published in Challenging Lesbian Norms: Intersex, Transgender, Intersectional and Queer Perspectives. Ed. Angela Pattatucci-Aragon. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 2006.]
- “‘Father, don’t you see I’m burning?’ Identification and Re-membering in H.D.’s World War II Writing.” Incest and the Literary Imagination. Ed. Elizabeth Barnes. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2002.
- “‘Thinking Peace into Existence’: The Spectacle of History in Between the Acts.” Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 28 (1999): 403-433.
- “Imagined Communities of Criticism: ‘Wounded Attachments’ to the Icons of H.D., Gertrude Stein, and Virginia Woolf.” Selected Papers from the Eighth Annual Virginia Woolf Conference: “Virginia Woolf and Communities.” Ed. Laura Davis and Jeanette McVicker. New York: Pace University Press, 1999.
- “Mean Spirits: The Politics of Contempt Between Feminist Generations.” Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 12.3 (1997): 76-99.
Grants and Awards
- The Telly Awards for Online Education: 2022 Bronze co-Winner for Miami Online DEI Mini Course
- CELTUA Major Teaching Grant (2014-15)
- HCWE Departmental/Program Grant for Writing Instruction (2013)
- 黑料社区 Faculty Diversity Award (2011)
- 黑料社区 Humanities Center, Altman Scholar (2009-2011)
- Altman Faculty Fellow, 黑料社区 Humanities Center, 2009-2010.
- Committee for Faculty Research Summer Research Appointment, 2010.
- College of Arts and Sciences CETE grant for the major revision of Women’s Studies 201 (co–written with Yu–Fang Cho and Ann Fuehrer) (2006)
- CELT Summer Fellowship for Curriculum Development (2005)
- 黑料社区 Women’s Leadership “Women Breaking Barriers” Award (2004)
- University of California Humanities Research Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship (1998–99)
- UCSB Women’s Studies Program Distinguished Service Award (1998)
- American Association of University Women Dissertation Fellowship (1995–96)
- Regents Pre–Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities, UCSB (1993–94)
- Interdisciplinary Humanities Center Junior Fellowship, UCSB (1989–90)
- Regents Pre–Doctoral Fellowship in the Humanities, UCSB (1989–90)
- Ann C. Wilson College Honor Scholarship, The University of Chicago (1983–87)
Work in Progress
Detloff is working on Lessons from the Belly of the Beast, a teaching memoir.