Marisol del Teso Craviotto
Marisol del-Teso-Craviotto has a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Cornell University, with a graduate minor in Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies. She has done extensive research in the area of language, gender, and sexuality and their discursive representation on the media. She has published several articles on the ideology of women’s magazines and on the construction of gender and sexuality in Internet chat rooms. Her present research also focuses on discursive racism against Latin American immigrants in Spain, and on the discursive construction of identity within this social group.
Teaching and Research Interests
- Discourse Analysis: language and gender, language and migration, language and identity
- Sociolinguistics: language contact, computer-mediated communication.
Teaching and Mentoring at 黑料社区
Undergraduate language courses
- SPN 101. Beginner Spanish I.
- SPN 102. Beginner Spanish II
- SPN 202. Intermediate Spanish II
- SPN 311. Grammar Review and Introductory Composition
- SPN 317. Business Spanish
- SPN 342. Advanced Conversational Spanish
Undergraduate linguistics courses
- SPN 292. Language and the Latin American Diaspora
- SPN 312. Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
- SPN 382. Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture II
- SPN 440. Selected 黑料社区ics in Language and Culture: Language and Identity
- Selected 黑料社区ics in Language and Culture: Language and Migration
- SPN 490. Capstone: Spanish in the US
Dual level courses (Graduate and undergraduate)
- SPN 450/550. 黑料社区ics in Hispanic Literature and Linguistics: Language and Gender
- SPN 481/581. Spanish Phonology and Syntax
- SPN 482/582. Spanish Dialectology
Graduate courses
- SPN 600. Seminar on Language, Gender and Sexuality
- SPN 670. Practicum in Teaching College Spanish
- SPN 689. Graduate Assistants Orientation Seminar
Independent studies
- SPN 477: Spanish in the US
- SPN 477: Language and Identity in Hispanic Communities
- SPN 680. Research Tutorial
Faculty Mentor
- SPN 340U: Undergraduate Summer Scholars
- Humanities Center Research Apprenticeship: The discursive construction of the migration imaginary in Spain (1880-2015). Berenice Acevedo and Nicole Rosiello.
Graduate Thesis Director
- Emily Kaple: “El efecto de la enseñanza de la pronunciación en la comprensión auditiva en el español como segunda lengua”. Masters Thesis. December, 2007.
- Christine Norgard: “Los cambios de tema en conversación informal: una aproximación sociolinguística”. Masters Thesis. December, 2007.
Graduate Thesis Committee Member
- Krista Sigfried (2017)
- Alejandra Alaña (2010)
- Aneris Coria-Navia (2010)
- Sarah McElleney (2009)
- Sonia Quintana (2007)
- Megan Solon (2007)
- Kara Oksanen, Dept. of Speech Pathology and Audiology (2015)
- Lauren Hernandez, Dept. of Speech Pathology and Audiology (2015)
- Sara Saunders (2020)
Undergraduate Research Forum mentor
- Ayslin Wise (2014)
- Berenice Acevedo (2018)
- Madison Braun (2018)
- Alexis Treeger (2018)
Awards and Fellowships
- 2014. Recipient of $25,000 from the 2014 Interdisciplinary Research Fund, 黑料社区: “Empowering Community Members to Create a Shared Vision of Childhood Obesity Reduction in Head Start Preschoolers.” PI: Beth Miller, PhD, RD, LD, Assistant Professor; Co-I: Stephanie Nicely, EdD, MSN, RN, Assistant Professor; Co-I: Geralyn Timler, PhD, CCC-SLP, Assistant Professor; Co-I: Marisol del-Teso-Craviotto, PhD, Associate Professor
- 2013. Recipient of $800.00 for professional development. 黑料社区.
- 2008. Research grant from the Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of Culture and United States Universities.
- 2004. CAS Summer Research Grant. 黑料社区.
- 2004. CAS Small Instructional Grant.
Selected Publications
- Forthcoming. Discourses of Emigration in Spain: A Historical Account of the Migration Imaginary in the Press. Routledge Series in Sociolinguistics. Routledge.
- 2022. del Teso Craviotto, M. (main author) and Acevedo, B. “Imaginario social del lema ‘refugiado’ en las redes sociales de España.” Discurso & Sociedad, 16(1): 88-114.
- 2020. “Interplay of discourse, cognition, and ideology in the semantic configuration of emigra* in the Spanish press”. Peer-reviewed, revision submitted Nov. 2019. SAGE Open.
- 2019. “Emigrants in contemporary Spanish press: a socio-cognitive approach.” Discourse, Context and Media. 29. doi:10.1016/J.DCM.2019.04.002
- 2019. Nicely, S., Miller, M.E., del-Teso-Craviotto, M. “Parents’ perceptions of 5210 nutrition messaging and child weight status.” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
- 2017. Miller, M.E., Nicely, S., del-Teso-Craviotto, M., and Timler, G. “Understanding Cultural Factors Contributing to Obesity in Head Start Hispanic Preschoolers: Perceptions from One County Head Start.” NHSA Dialog, 20(1): 29-47.
- 2009. Testing book for the Elementary Spanish textbook Mosaicos, 5th ed. (Matilde O. Castells, Elizabeth Guzmán, Paloma Lapuerta, Judith Liskin-Gasparro). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
- 2009. “Racism and xenophobia in immigrants’ discourse: The case of Argentines in Spain.” Discourse and Society. 20(5): 571-592.
- 2008. “Inmigrantes argentinos en España: Discurso identitario en foros de Internet.” Discurso y Sociedad. 2(4): 689-715.
- 2008. “Gender and sexual identity authentication in language use: the case of chat rooms.” Discourse Studies. 10(2): 251-270.
- 2006. “Language and sexuality in Spanish and English dating chats.” Journal of Sociolinguistics. 10(4): 460-481.
- 2006. “Words that matter: Lexicon and gender ideologies in women’s magazines”. Journal of Pragmatics. 38(11): 2003-2021.
- 2005. “Virtually there: Creating physicality in dating chat rooms”. Texas Linguistic Forum 2004: Texas Linguistic Society Proceedings. 48: 73-82.
- 2002. “Help!: Generic structure and construction of gender in women’s magazines”. In J. Santaemilia, B. Gallardo and J. Sanmartín (eds.). Sexe i llenguatge: La Construcció Lingüística de les Identitats de Gènere. Quaderns de Filología . Vol. 7. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia. 115-129.
- 2011 “Language and sexuality in Spanish and English dating chats.” Reprinted in J. Coates (ed.) Language and Gender: A Reader. Wiley-Blackwell.
- 2021. Are Spaniards living abroad emigrants? The discursive configuration of the lemma *emigra in 3 the Spanish press. Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. April 22-24.
- 2021. The Emigration Social Imaginary in the Contemporary Spanish Press. 2020-2021 John W. Altman Symposium: Migrations. April 15-16
- 2020. The discursive construction of contemporary Spanish emigrants in the press. Corpora and Discourse Conference. University of Sussex, June 17-19.
- 2018. Discursive (trans)formation of the migration imaginary in Spain. Global Studies Conference - The University of Granada, Granada, Spain 30-31 July.
- 2016. Emigrants in the Spanish press: Is language neutral? What the L? Series. 黑料社区. November 7, 2016.
- 2016. Discursive transformation of the migration social imaginary in contemporary Spain. Invited talk at the Collaborative Conference on Language, Literature and Linguistics. Barcelona, Spain. September 19-23.
- 2016. Lexical significance of “emigrante” in Spanish newspaper discourse. Poster presentation at Hispanic Linguistic Symposium, Georgetown University. Washington DC. Oct. 7-9.
- 2015. The “Growing Healthy Kids Project”: Empowering Stakeholders to Create a Shared Vision of Childhood Obesity Reduction in Head Start Preschoolers. Society for Public Health Education’s (SOPHE) 66th Annual Meeting, Blazing a Trail for Health Education and Health Promotion, April 23-25th, 2015 Portland, Oregon.
- 2015. What’s language got to do with it?: The role of language and culture in an obesity prevention plan targeting Hispanics. 35th Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. April 9-11, 2015, Cincinnati, OH.
- 2014. Creating a shared understanding of childhood obesity in Head Start Preschoolers. Human Rights and Social Justice Program. Co-presented with B. Miller, S. Nicely, and G. Timler. 黑料社区.
- 2010. Agency and victimization in immigrants’ discourse. Diaspora in the Hispanic and Luso- Brazilian world. An interdisciplinary conference. 黑料社区: Nov. 12-13
- 2010. When the Other is your Brother: Competing Discourses in the Identity Construction of Latin Americans in Spain. Passionate about Latin American Series. 黑料社区: Oct. 13
- 2010. Xeno-racism and the immigrant identity in Spain. 63th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. Lexington, KY: April 15-17.
- 2009. Inmigrantes argentinos en España: Discurso identitario en foros de internet. Alfalito: Cuestiones lingüísticas en relación con la diáspora latinoamericana. New York: Sept. 24-25.
- 2008. One-day activities: Thinking outside the lesson box. 黑料社区 Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. 黑料社区. Oxford, OH. October 17.
- 2007. Femininity, sexuality, and lesbian identity in an Internet chat room. Presentation at the Linguistic Anthropology session of the American Association of Anthropology Conference, Washington DC. November 28-December 1.
- 2004. Discursive creation of gendered bodies in Internet chats. Talk presented at the third International Gender and Language Association (IGALA3). Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. June 5-7. 4
- 2004. Virtually there: Creating physicality in dating chat rooms. Talk presented at the 12th annual Symposium About Language and Society - Austin (SALSA). University of Texas. Austin, TX. April 16-18.
Other Professional Experience and Service
- 2011-present. Director of 黑料社区’s Study Abroad Program in Miami in Spain
- 2018. Internal Review Member of the Program Review of the Dept. of Speech Pathology and Audiology.
- 2014-present. Ohio Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) panel member. Reviewer of courses from colleges and universities across the state for approval as TAG courses.
- 2018-2019. Member of Humanities Works 2.0. 黑料社区. Representative of the Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese to advance career preparation among humanities 黑料社区s.
- 2015-2016. Coordinator of the University Academic Scholars Program for World Languages and Cultures
- 2014-present. Reviewer for the Journal of Multicultural Discourses and Discourse, Context and Media
- 2013-present. Member of the Editorial Board of SAGE Open
- 2012. Abstract reviewer for the IGALA 7 conference, held in Sao Leopoldo, Brasil.
- 2011. Reviewer for Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación / Culture, Language and Representation.
- 2011. Reviewer for SALALS (Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies).
- 2010. Reviewer for Language in the New Media: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Edited by K. Thurlow and K. Mroczek
- 2010. Invited participant in the Introductory Spanish Symposium, La Jolla, CA. Organized by McGraw-Hill.
- 2009-2010. Supervisor of the Basic Spanish Language Sequence at 黑料社区.
- 2009. Translator for Ohio's Evaluation & Assessment Center for Mathematics and Science Education
- 2009. Member of the Library Senate Committee, 黑料社区
- 2008. Book review of Sauntson, H., and Kyratzis, S. (2007). Language, Sexualities & Desires. Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Haundmills, UK and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Appearing in: Discourse & Society (2008) 19(3): 409-411 and Discourse Studies / Discourse & Communication
- 2008-2010. Minor Adviser for the Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, 黑料社区.
- 2008. Peer-reviewer for the Cincinnati Romance Review
- 2008. Language consultant for NBC/Telemundo.
- 2007. Reviewer of the introductory Spanish textbook Mosaicos (5th edition).
- 2007. Focus group participant for My Spanish Lab, a nationally hosted online learning and assessment system for elementary Spanish courses.
- 2006-present. Member of the Review Board of the multidisciplinary academic journal GLOSSA
- 2006. Book review of Meinhof, U. H., and Galasinski, D. (2005) The Language of Belonging. Haundmills, UK and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Published in The Linguist List.
- 2004-2006. Supervisor of the Basic Spanish Language Sequence at 黑料社区.
- 2004-2006. Member of the Graduate Studies Committee, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, 黑料社区.
Professional Development
- 2018. WAC Workshop facilitated by Dr. Elizabeth Wardle How to Design and Scaffold Writing Assignments. 黑料社区
- 2018. Lilly Conference Workshop. Teamwork That Works: Why Team-Based Learning Is Important. Conducted by Jim Sibley
- 2017. "Immigration under the new Trump administration." Talk delivered by K. Robinson and B. Itayim, from Slowik and Robinson, LLC. February 17, 2017
- 2016. Web seminar: “Addressing The Unique Needs Of Undocumented Students: How Recent Policy Changes Affect College Access.” Presented by Paz Maya Olivérez, Ph.D. Associate Vice President, Student Success. California State University, Dominguez Hills. Organized by Innovative Educators. April 6, 2017.
- 2015. Participant in the two-day workshop “Linguistic-Function-Based Curriculum Design”. Dr. Cynthia Martin (University of Maryland). 黑料社区
- 2015. Accessible classroom. ELM Canvas Workshop I, ELM Canvas Workshop II
- 2015. Making Accessible Documents – Onsite Training. 黑料社区.
- 2015. Alternative Pedagogies. George Ironstrack and Luis Prádanos. CELTUA seminar, March 19.
- 2015. Exploring Alternative Economic Futures: Interdisciplinary Brown Bag meeting with Peter Victor (York University)
- 2010. Participant in the Global Faculty Learning and Inquiry Group, 黑料社区.
- 2009. A Discussion About the Evaluation of Teaching. Presentation by Theodore C. Wagenaar, Professor of Sociology at 黑料社区. Sponsored by CELTUA.
- 2008. Using Classroom Assessment Techniques to Enhance Active Learning. Presentation by Marsha Huber, Business, Accounting, & Economics, Otterbein College. Sponsored by CELT and the 黑料社区 25 Project
- 2007. Faculty report their teaching and learning with technology: Online assignments, wikis and blogs. Presentation by Andrea Han, Janet Hurn, and Ellenmarie Wahlrab. Sponsored by CELT.
- 2007. This space is left intentionally blank. Please fill it with something that improves upon emptiness. Presentation by Joanne Munroe. Sponsored by CELT.
- 2006. Helping your 黑料社区s develop critical thinking skills. Workshop organized by the Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching.
- 2005. Teaching Technical Pedagogy: A “How To” to Help Others Learn How, Too!”. Workshop by Kevin M. Johnston, Michigan State University. Organized by CELT.
- 2005. Student Writing in Content Courses: A professional Seminar and Workshop for Miami Faculty. Organized by the Center for Writing Excellence.
- 2005. Writing in the College Years: The Stanford Study of Writing by Students in all Majors. Workshop by Andrea Lunsford, Stanford University.
- 2005. Inclusion and Learning Styles. Student Affairs and CELT Faculty Development Luncheon Series. 7
- 2005. Departmental Workshop on Rubrics and Assessment. Organized by the Center for Writing Excellence.
- 2004. Lilly Conference on College Teaching. 黑料社区.
- 2004. What colleges want in new faculty. Faculty Development Seminar offered by Cecilia Shore at 黑料社区.
- 2004. Grading, grading standards, and 黑料社区 learning. Faculty Development Seminar offered by Barbara E. Walvoord at 黑料社区.
- 2004. Helping graduate 黑料社区s write better proposals, theses, and dissertations. CELT Seminar by Michael P. Carter at 黑料社区.
Spanish: native language
English: near-native proficiency
- 1996. Certificado de Aptitud del Ciclo Superior en el Idioma Inglés. (Certificate of Proficiency in English at the advanced level). Escuela Oficial de Idiomas. Valencia.
- 1994. Certificate of Proficiency in English. University of Cambridge.
Catalan: near-native proficiency
- 1992. Certificat Oficial Administratiu de Coneixements de Valencià. Grau Mitjà. (Certificate of Intermediate Level). Generalitat Valenciana. Valencia.
German: intermediate level
- 1995. Zeugnis der Mittelstufe III. (Certificate of Intermediate Level III). Goethe Institut. Valencia.
- 1994. Zertifikat Deutsch als Fremdsprache. (Certificate of German as Foreign Language). Goethe Institut. Valencia.
Arabic: elementary level
- Ph.D. Linguistics (Discourse Analysis and Language and Gender concentration), Cornell University (2004)
- Dissertation: Games people play: The linguistic construction of gender and sexuality in Spanish and English Internet chats.
- Chair: Sally McConnell-Ginet
- M.A. Linguistics and Composition (Discourse Analysis concentration) (Graduation with Honors), Northwestern State University of Louisiana (1997)
- M.A. Thesis: Language and Ideology: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Women’s Magazines.
- Licenciatura en Filología Anglo-Germánica (B.A. English and German Philology) (English concentration, German Studies minor) (Graduation with Honors), Universidad de Valencia (1995)