Associate Teaching Professor,
Lead Departmental Advisor
Lead Departmental Advisor
Chemical, Paper, and Biomedical Engineering
Alim Dewan, Ph.D.
- Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, 2010
- M.S., Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2005
- B.S., Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2002
Research Interests
- Biological fuel cells
- Microfluidics
- Process Safety
Research Projects
- Population dynamics of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris
- Alternative power source for underwater monitoring sensors
- Risk assessment of organizational change in chemical process industries
Academic Experience
- August 2015–present, Lecturer, 黑料社区, Chemical, Paper, Biomedical Engineering Department
- Jan 2013–Aug 2015 Lecturer, Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering, Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center, Texas A&M University, College Station
- Jan 2012–Dec 2012 Instructor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock
- June 2010–Dec 2011 Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Chemical Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock
- Apr 2002–Aug 2005 Lecturer, Department of Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka
Professional Experience
- Bureau of Research, Testing and Consultation at BUET, 2002–2005.
Professional Affiliations
- Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB)
- Platform for Education Movement (PEM), Bangladesh
- Center for Human Security (CHS), Bangladesh
- Chemical Engineering Alumni Association, BUET, Bangladesh
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), USA
Honors and Awards
- 2008, First prize in oral presentation, Graduate Exposition-2008 at Washington State University.
- 2005, Gold Medal, Dr. Ali Karim gold medal for obtaining the highest GPA in B.S.
- 2001, 1998 Chemical Engineering Alumni Association (BUET) Merit Scholarship
- 2000, District Merit Scholarship, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
- 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997 Dean's Award, BUET, based on undergraduate results each year
Principal Publications
- Dewan, A., Suat, A., Karim, M. N., and Beyenal, H. Alternative power sources for remote sensor: a review, Journal ofPower Sources, 245, 129-143, 2014.
- Dewan, A., Li, Z., Han, B., and Karim, M. N. Saccharification and fermentation of waste sweet potato for bioethanolproduction, Journal of Food Process Engineering, 36, 739–747, 2013.
- Donovan, C., Dewan, A., Heo, D., and Beyenal, H. Sediment microbial fuel cell powering a submersible ultrasonic receiver:New approach to remote monitoring, Journal of Power Sources, 233,79-85, 2013.
- Dewan, A., Kim, J., McLean, R., Vanapalli, S. A., and Karim, M. N. Growth kinetics of microalgae in microfluidic static droplet arrays, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 109 (12), 2012.
- Donovan, C., Dewan, A., Peng, H, Heo, D., and Beyenal, H. Power management system for a 2.5W remote sensor powered by a sediment microbial fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources, 196, 1171-1177, 2011.
- Dewan, A., Van Wie, B. J., Lewandowski, Z., and Beyenal, H. The microbial fuel cells as an education tool, ChemicalEngineering Education, 44 (2), 2010.
- Dewan, A., Donovan, C., Heo, D., and Beyenal, H. Evaluating performance of microbial fuel cells powering electronic devices, Journal of power sources, 195, 90-96, 2010.
- Dewan, A., Beyenal, H., and Lewandowski, Z. Intermittent energy harvesting improves performance of microbial fuel cell,Environmental Science and Technology, 43, 4600 - 4605, 2009.
- Donovan, C., Dewan, A., Heo, D., and Beyenal, H. Batteryless, wireless sensor powered by sediment microbial fuel cell,Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 8591-8596, 2008.
- Dewan, A., Beyenal, H., and Lewandowski, Z. Scaling up microbial fuel cells, Environmental Science and Technology, 42,7643-7648, 2008.
Conference proceedings
- Dewan, A., Raftery, J., and Karim, M. N. Biofuel from waste agricultural product and lignocellulosic biomass, IFAC Meeting, Finland, Agricontrol 4(1), 178-186, 2013.
- Li, Z., Dewan, A., and Karim, M. N. Optimization of bioethanol production in fed-batch fermentation, 8th IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes, Singapore, 2012.
- Dewan, A., Euwing, T., Nielsen, M. E., Reimers, C., Chadwick, B., Richter, K., and Lewandowski, Z. Effect of location on the performance of benthic microbial fuel cells. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, Biofilms 2010, pp. 48 - 51 (4).
- Lewandowski, Z., Beyenal, H., Dewan, A., Gao, H., and Meehan, A. Microbial fuel cells to power submersed electronic devices, Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem. 54 (2), 2009.
- Dewan, A., and Alam, M.J, Effect of oxygen concentration and turbulence on acid corrosion of brass, International Conference on Chemical Engineering 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Dewan, A., Kerls, M., and Karim, M. N. Integrating photo-bioreactor and fermentor to produce biofuels and bioelectricity,AIChE Annual Meeting 2012, Pittsburg, PA.
- Dewan, A., Vanapalli, S. A., and Karim, M. N. Population dynamics of microalgae, AIChE Annual Meeting 2012, Pittsburg,PA.
- Dewan, A., Vanapalli, S. A.,and Karim, M. N. Long term storage of droplets in PDMS microfluidic chip to study growth kinetics of Chlorella vulgaris, 33rd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals 2011, Seattle, USA.
- Dewan, A., Bithi, S.S., Kim, J., Kerls, M., Vanapalli, S. A., and Karim, M. N. Single-cell growth kinetics of microalgae,Chlorella vulgaris, in microfluidic droplets, AIChE Annual Meeting 2011, Minneapolis, USA.
- Beyenal, H. Dewan, A., Babuta, J., Nguyen, H., Renslow, R., Cao, B. Electrochemical and metabolic control of electrontransfer in biofilms, 217th ECS Meeting, 2010, Vancouver, Canada.
- Dewan, A., Euwing, T., Nielsen, M. E., Reimers, C., Chadwick, B., Richter, K., and Lewandowski, Z. Effect of location on the performance of benthic microbial fuel cells. IWA-Biofilm Reactor Technology Conference 2010, Portland, OR.
- Dewan, A., Nguyen, and H. D., Beyenal, H. Electron transfer and local pH variation in anodic biofilms, AIChE AnnualMeeting 2009, Nashville, TN.
- Dewan, A., Van Wie, B., Lewandowski, Z., and Beyenal, H. The microbial fuel cells as multidisciplinary education tool.AIChE Annual Meeting 2007, Salt Lake City, UT.