Justin Saul, Ph.D.
- Postdoctoral Training, University of Washington, Department of Bioengineering September, 2005–August, 2007
- Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve University January, 2006
- B.S., Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, 1999 (with Honors)
Research Interests
- Controlled release and delivery of therapeutic agents including chemotherapy drugs, small molecule/peptide therapeutics, antibiotics, and nucleotides.
- The role of physical guidance cues in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
- Application of drug delivery systems to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Research Bio
Justin Saul earned a B.S. in 1999 from Purdue University and served as a co-op engineer at SC Johnson Polymer (Racine, WI) as an undergraduate. He earned his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 2006 and served as a “visiting scientist” at the Georgia Institute of Technology from 2003 – 2005 under the direction of Dr. Ravi Bellamkonda. His Ph.D. dissertation was related to the development of chemotherapy-loaded nanoparticles targeted to surface receptors in cancer cells.
Following his Ph.D. he worked for two years as a senior fellow in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Washington with Dr. Suzie Pun. His research efforts were directed toward non-viral gene carriers and their application to tissue engineering constructs (specifically, tissue engineered esophagus) to promote expression of transgenes involved in vascularization, such as vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF).
Before joining Miami in 2011, Dr. Saul was on faculty at Wake Forest University Health Sciences from 2007-2011.
Dr. Saul has continued his work in drug and cell delivery from biomaterial constructs since joining Miami.
His current research includes biomaterials to support cells for retinal regeneration, delivery of growth factors to promote bone regeneration, cell delivery strategies for skeletal muscle, and tissue engineering strategies for hormone replacement.
He is a member of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) and serves as a Professor in the Department of Chemical, Paper and Biomedical Engineering.
Research Projects
- Drug delivery systems
- Controlled release and delivery of therapeutic agents including chemotherapy drugs, small molecule/peptide therapeutics, antibiotics, and nucleotides.
- The role of physical guidance cues in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
- Application of drug delivery systems to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Academic Experience
- Associate Professor of Chemical, Paper Biomedical Engineering, 黑料社区, 2011–present
- Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering. Wake Forest University School of Health Sciences and Virginia Tech-Wake Forest University School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, Winston-Salem, NC. November, 2007–2011.
- Assistant Professor, Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. November, 2007–2011.
Professional Experience
- Wake Forest University Health Sciences, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Institute for Regenerative Medicine. November, 2007–2011
- Senior Fellow. University of Washington, Department of Bioengineering. September, 2005–August, 2007.
- Graduate Research Assistant in PhD Program. Case Western Reserve University, Department of Biomedical Engineering. September, 1999–September, 2005.
- Co-op Engineer – Polymer Process Development. SC Johnson Polymer, Racine, Wisconsin. January–August, 1998.
- Co-op Engineer - Manufacturing. SC Johnson Polymer, Racine, Wisconsin. August–December, 1996; May–August, 1997. Rodger Kruse, group leader.
Principal Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Roy, D, Kowalczewski, C, Hall, R, Burnett, L, Tomblyn, S, Saul, J, Christy, R (2014). Antibiotic-Loaded Keratin Hydrogels Prevent Infection in a Full-Thickness Porcine Excision Wound. TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A Meeting Abstract: P-148, 20, pp. S64-S64 Supplement: 1 .
- Seyler, Bracey, Plate, Lively, Mannava, Smith, Saul, Van Dyke, Whitlock. The Development of a Xenograft-derived Scaffold for Tendon and Ligament Reconstruction. Role (at Miami): J Arthroscopy and Rel Res, April, 2014.
- Kowalczewski, CJ; Tomblyn, S; Wasnick, DC; Ellenburg, M; Callahan, M; Smith, T; Van Dyke, M; Burnett, L; Saul, JM. Kerateine biomaterials bridge critically-sized rat mandibular defects with minmal ectopic bone growth through controlled release of recombinant human bone morphogenic protein-2. Biomaterials, 35(10): 3220-3228, 2014. IF = 7.608.
- Sivanandane, S.; Saul, JM; McQuilling, JP; Pareta, R; Balaji, S; Joo, S; Register, TC; Yalcinkaya, T; Yoo, JJ; Atala, A; Opara, EC. A cell-based alternative to pharmacological hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for ovarian failure. Submitted/In revision.
- Cheng, X; Tsao, C; Saul, JM; Sylvia, V; Cornet, D; Christy, R. Comparison of two nanoparticle formulations for localized delivery of PDGF from aligned collagen fibers. Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, 1(1): 1-10, 2013. IF = N/A.
- Christ, GJ; Saul, JM; Furth, M; Andersson, K-E. The Pharmacology of Regenerative Medicine (Review). Pharmacological Reviews, 65(3): 1091-1133, 2013. IF = 20.225.
- De Guzman, RC; Saul, JM; Ellenburg, MD; Merrill, MR; Coan, HB; Smith, TL; Van Dyke, ME. Bone regeneration with BMP-2 delivered from keratose scaffolds. Biomaterials, 34(6): 1644 – 1656, 2013. IF = 7.404.
- Sivandandane, S; Saul, JM; Joo, S; Yoo, JJ; Atala, A; Opara, EC. In vitro functions of bioartificial endocrine ovary designed as multi-layered microcapsules using encapsulation techniques. Biomaterials, 34(10): 2412-2420, 2013. IF = 7.404.
- Orlando, G; Wood, KJ, Baptista, P; Binder, KW; Bitar, KN; Breuer, C; Burnett, L; Christ, G; De Coppi, P; Farney, A; Figliuzzi, M; Holmes, J; Koch, K; Macciarini, P; Mirmalek Sani, SH; Opara, E; Remuzzi, A; Rogers, J; Saul, JM, Seliktar, D; Shapira-Schweitzer, K; Smith, T; Solomon, D; Van Dyke, M; Yoo, J.; Zhang, Y; Atala, A; Stratta, RJ; Soker, S. Regenerative medicine as applied to general surgery. Annals of Surgery, 255(5): 867-880, 2012. IF = 7.9
- Saul, JM; Clarke, JB. (Invited, peer-reviewed). Recent advances and patents in the local delivery of nucleic acids by non-viral means in neural applications (Review). Recent Patentson Biomedical Engineering 5(1): 78-42, 2012. IF = N/A.
- Tendulkar, ST; Mirmalek-Sani, S-H; Childers, C.; Saul, J; Opara, EC; Ramasubramanian,MK. A three-dimensional microfluidic approach to scaling up microencapsulation of cells. Biomedical Microdevices, 14(3): 461-469, 2012. IF = 3.032
- Scott, JB; Afshari, M; Kotek, R; Saul, JM. Polymer templated fibrin scaffolds promote axon extension in vitro. Submitted to Biomaterials.
- Saul, JM; Ellenburg, MD; de Guzman, R.; Van Dyke, ME. Sustained release of bioactive ciprofloxacin from keratin hydrogels. Submitted to Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A.
- Saul, JM; Wang, CK; Ng, CP; Pun, SH. Multilayer nanocomplexes of polymer and DNA exhibit enhanced gene delivery. Advanced Materials, 20(1), 19-25, 2008.
- Saul, JM; Linnes, MP; Ratner, BD; Giachelli, CM; Pun, SH. Two-stage delivery of non-viral gene carriers from sphere-templated fibrin scaffolds for sustained transgene expression. Biomaterials, 28(31), 4705-4716, 2007.
- Saul, JM; Annapragada, AV; Bellamkonda, RV. A dual ligand approach for enhancing selectivity of tumor-targeted drug delivery vehicles. Journal of Controlled Release, 114(3), 277-287, 2006.
- Ghaghada, KB; Saul, J; Natarajan, JV; Bellamkonda, RV; Annapragada, AV. Folate targeting of drug carriers: A mathematical model. Journal of Controlled Release, 104(1):113-128, 2005.
- Saul, JM; Annapragada, A; Natarajan, JV; Bellamkonda, RV. Controlled targeting of liposomal doxorubicin via the folate receptor in vitro. Journal of Controlled Release, 92(1-2), 49-67, 2003.
- Kader, KN; Moore, LR; Saul, JM; Zborowski, M; Ziats, NP; Bellamkonda, RV. Isolation and purification of canine adipose microvascular endothelial cells. Microvascular Research, 61(2), 220-226, 2001.
- Saul, JM and Williams, DF. Chapter 35: Hydrogels. In “Principles of Regenerative Medicine” (Editors: Atala, Lanza, Thomson, and Nerem), pages 637 – 662. Academic Press, Elsevier, NY, 2011.
- Saul, JM and Harrison, BS. Micro- and nano-scale delivery of therapeutic agents for Regenerative Therapy. In “Regenerative Pharmacology (Editors: Christ and Andersson). Cambridge Press, NY. Submitted.
Abstracts/Presentations at National Meetings
- Saul, JM; Annapragada, A; Bellamkonda, RV. Folate receptor-mediated delivery of doxorubicin to glioma. Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference Abstract and Podium Presentation, April, 2002, Tampa, FL.
- Saul, JM; Annapragada, A; Bellamkonda, RV. Tunable dosage of liposomal doxorubicin to tumor cell lines by folate targeting. Engineering Tissues Conference Abstract and Poster, February, 2003, Hilton Head, SC.
- Saul, JM; Annapragada, A; Bellamkonda, RV. Differential delivery of liposomal doxorubicin to cells via the folate receptor in vitro. 7th World Biomaterials Conference Abstract and Podium Presentation, May, 2004, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
- Saul, JM; Annapragada, AV; Bellamkonda, RV. Modulation of Tumor Cytotoxicity and Targeting Selectivity of Nanocarriers via a Dual Ligand Targeting Approach. Society for Biomaterials Annual Conference Abstract and Podium Presentation, April, 2006, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Saul, JM; Linnes, MP; Ratner, BD; Giachelli, CM; Pun, SH. Integration of DNA carriers and templated fibrin scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. Biomedical Engineering Society Abstract and Poster, October, 2006, Chicago, IL.
- Saul, JM; Linnes, MP; Ratner, BD; Giachelli, CM; Pun SH. Non-viral gene delivery from templated fibrin tissue engineering scaffolds for sustained transgene expression. American Society for Gene Therapy Abstract and Poster Presentation, May-June, 2007, Seattle, WA.
- Wang, CK; Saul, JM; Ng, CP; Pun, SH. Novel layer-by-layer polyplexes using poly(ethylenimine) and poly(acrylic acid) for gene delivery. American Society for Gene Therapy Abstract and Podium Presentation, May-June, 2007, Seattle, WA.
- Saul, JM; Scott, JB. Development of axially-aligned scaffolds for nerve regeneration applications. North Carolina Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Society meeting. Abstract and poster, November, 2008, Research Triangle Park, NC.
- Scott, JB; Saul, JM. Development of axially-aligned scaffolds for optimization of neural regeneration. Society for Biomaterials. Abstract and Podium Presentation, April, 2009, San Antonio, TX.
- Hodges, SJ; Patel, BN; Saul, J; Kraft, R; Atala, AJ. Catheterless MRI cystogram using ultrasound activated gadolinium-containing liposomes – a pilot study. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exposition, Abstract. October, 2009, Washington, D.C..
- Saul, JM; Ellenburg, MD; de Guzman RC; Van Dyke, ME. Sustained antibiotic release from keratin hydrogels. Biomedical Engineering Society, Abstract and Poster. October, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Scott, JB and Saul, JM. Development of intraluminal nerve scaffolds of defined length scales. Biomedical Engineering Society, Abstract and Poster, October, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Saul, JM; Ellenburg, MD; de Guzman, RC; Van Dyke, ME. Sustained release and bioactivity of antibiotics from keratin hydrogels. Orthopedic Research Society, Abstract, Podium, and Poster, March, 2010, New Orleans, LA.
- Saul, JM; Ellenburg, MD; de Guzman, RC; Van Dyke, ME. Sustained release of ciprofloxacin from keratin hydrogels for inhibition of bacterial growth. Society for Biomaterials, Abstract and Podium, April, 2010, Seattle, WA.
- Scott, JB; Saul, JM. Intraluminal nerve scaffolds promote axon extension in vitro. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Conference and Exposition, Abstract and Poster Presentation, December, 2010, Orlando, FL.
- Kowalczewski, CJ; Saul, JM. Surface-mediated delivery of small interfering ribonucleic acid polyplexes. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society Conference and Exposition, Abstract and Podium Presentation, December, 2010, Orlando, FL.
- Saul, JM; Tomblyn, S; Ellenburg, MD; Burnett, L; Van Dyke, ME. Controlled release of protein growth factors from keratin hydrogels. Abstract and podium presentation. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – North America Conference and Exposition. December, 2011, Houston, TX.
- Tomblyn, S*; Saul, JM; Ellenburg, MD; Van Dyke, ME; Burnett, L. Tissue formation in vivo using growth factor and cell-loaded injectable keratin hydrogels. Abstract and podium presentation. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – North America Conference and Exposition. December, 2011, Houston, TX.
- Scott, JB; Saul, JM; Christ GJ. Development of a novel tissue engineered muscle repair construct with potential for enhanced motor end plate formation and function in vitro and in vivo. Abstract and podium presentation. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – North America Conference and Exposition. December, 2011, Houston, TX.
- De Guzman, R*; Saul, JM; Merrill, M; Ellenburg, M; Smith, T; Van Dyke, M. Collagen versus keratose scaffolds for BMP-2 delivery in regeneration of critical-size bone defects. Abstract and podium presentation. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – North America Conference and Exposition. December, 2011, Houston, TX.
- Sivanandane, S*; Saul, JM; Yoo, JJ; Atala A; Opara, E. Tissue-engineering of ovarian endocrine cells using a multi-layer alginate microcapsule structure results in improved long term hormone secretions in vitro. Abstract and podium presentation. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – North America Conference and Exposition. December, 2011, Houston, TX.
- Kowalczewski, K*; Tomblyn, S; Wasnick, D; Ellenburg, M; Callahan, M; Smith, T; Van Dyke, M; Burnett, L; Saul, JAbstract and podium presentation. Controlled release of rhBMP-2 from keratin biomaterials promotes bridging of critically-sized rat mandibular defect while minimizing ectopic bone growth. Orthpaedic Research Society Annual Meeting. January, 2013, San Antonio, TX.
- Ham, T; Lee, R; Burnett, L; Tomblyn, S.; Saul, J. Abstract and poster presentation. Tuning keratin hydrogels to achieve controlled release rates of degradation and bioactive agent release. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting. September, 2013, Seattle, WA.
- Han, S.*; Ham, T; Saul, J. Abstract and podium presentation. Alkylation of keratin for a tunable biomaterial platform in bone regeneration. Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting. September, 2013, Seattle, WA.
Invited Presentations
- Michigan Technological University Department of Biomedical Engineering seminar. Houghton, MI. Non-viral gene delivery for tissue engineering applications. November 30, 2007.
- Wake Forest University Comprehensive Cancer Center / School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences Retreat, Winston-Salem, NC. Systemic drug delivery of therapeutic agents in cancer. December 12, 2007.
- Virginia Tech School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences Seminar, Blacksburg, VA. Non-viral gene delivery vectors and their application to regenerative medicine. April 3, 2009.
- Winston-Salem State University MARC Program Seminar. Winston-Salem, NC. Non-viral gene delivery vectors and their application to regenerative medicine. October 19, 2009.
- North Carolina A&T and University of North Carolina Greensboro Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, Greensboro, NC. Application of non-viral gene delivery vehicles to regenerative medicine. March 25, 2011.
- 黑料社区 Physics Departmental Seminar, Oxford, OH. Keratin hydrogels for drug and cell delivery in tissue engineering applications. April 18, 2012.
- Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET). Delivery of nucleic acids to regulate the local environment in tissue engineering applications. April 25, 2012.
- Biomaterials Day, University of Kentucky (Society for Biomaterials). Drug delivery for regulation of the local environment in tissue engineering applications. September 22, 2012.
- Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. Keratin Biomaterials for Controlled Release in Bone Tissue Engineering. June 4, 2013.
- 黑料社区 Alumni Weekend, Oxford, OH. Classes Without Quizzes: Materials in Biomedical Engineering (Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering). June 22, 2013
Professional Societies
- Society for Biomaterials, 2002 – Present
- Controlled Release Society, 2002
- American Society for Gene Therapy, 2007-2008
- Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society, 2008 - Present
- Wake Forest Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2007- Present
- Biomedical Engineering Society, 2009-Present