Timothy Cameron, Ph.D.
- Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1988
- M.Eng., Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 1985
- B.S., Agricultural Engineering, (Mechanical Design Concentration), Cornell University, 1981
Research Interests
- Transmission systems
- Gears and Clutches
Research Bio
Dr. Cameron served as Chair of Miami’s Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department from 2010-2018. He previously served as Professor and Associate Department Head of Mechanical Engineering at Kettering University in Flint, MI, and as Associate Professor and Assistant Chair of Mechanical Engineering (now Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering) at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA.
Dr. Cameron’s research interests are in the areas of noise and vibration control, especially friction-induced vibration, in mechanical and biological systems. He has contributed to improvements in the performance of automotive powertrain and driveline components, including torque converters, clutches, gears and limited-slip differentials. He has also contributed to the understanding and characterization of the unique mechanisms used by fish and insects for producing and sensing sound.
Prior to his academic appointments, Dr. Cameron worked as an R&D Design Engineer for a defense vehicle manufacturer and as a developer and manager in the engineering software industry. Dr. Cameron received his B.S. in Engineering from Cornell University, with a major in Agricultural Engineering, and his M.Eng. and Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in Mechanical Engineering.
Years of Service on this Faculty
- Professor and Chair of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, appointed August 16, 2010
- Chair of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering August 16, 2010—May 2018
Scientific and Professional Societies
- ASME, Chairman Saginaw Valley Section 1997-1998
Honors and Awards
- Tau Beta Pi
- Sigma Xi
- Pi Tau Sigma
- SAE outstanding speaker awards
Other Related Experience
- Kettering University (formerly General Motors Institute & GMI-EMI), Flint, MI, July 2004-Aug 2010
- Professor & Associate Department Head, Mechanical Engineering
- Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, January 1999-June 2004
- Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering - Developed acoustics research laboratory, supervised graduate research - two M.S., one Ph.D.; developed two undergraduate teaching laboratories - Mechatronics and Mechanical Systems and Climate Control; developed and supervised senior capstone design.
- Assistant Department Chairman June 2002-May 2003.
- Kettering University (formerly GMI Engrg. & Mgmt. Inst.), Flint, MI, July 1992-December 1998
- Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering (July 1996-Dec. 1998)
- Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (July 1992-June 1996) - Developed Noise & Vibration Laboratory with over $500,000.00 in grants and donations from NSF and industry.
- Algor, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, March 1991-July 1992
- Manager, Engineering Software Development - Developed computational tools to analyze physical processes: vibrations (modal and transient-dynamic), stress and displacement, fluid flow, electromagnetic fields, kinematics and dynamics, and design optimization.
- Ansoft, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, June 1988-March 1991
- Product Manager/Senior Development Engineer - Developed finite element modeling simulation programs in C and C++ for 3-D low frequency electric and magnetic field analysis; electromagnetic device design optimization, and conduction heat transfer.
- Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, August 1983-June 1988
- Instructor, Engineering Systems Analysis, Fall 1987
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, Solid Mechanics, Spring 1986
- Graduate Research Assistant, Vibration damping in high-speed turbomachinery, 1983-1988
- BMY Division, Harsco Corporation, York, PA, September 1982-August 1983
- Mechanical Engineer/Project Manager - Air Defense Gun System (ADGS) Project Manager: coordinated vehicle design with General Dynamics; designed cab structural, hydraulic, and electric power systems.
- Stoner Associates, Inc., Carlisle, PA, June 1981-August 1982
- Project Engineer - Modeled and calculated fluid pressure and flow rates in pipe networks. Consulted for municipal water supply and natural gas utilities on pressure and flow problems in distribution pipelines.
Principal Publications
- "Characterization and generation of male courtship song in Cotesia congregata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)," J. P. Bredlau, Y. J. Mohajer, T. M. Cameron, K. M. Kester, and M. L. Fine, PLoS ONE 8(4): e62051. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062051.
- "Parametric Modeling of Clutch Torque and Dynamic Stability," T. M. Cameron, M. T. Devlin, T. McCombs, A. J. Rollin, S. H. Tersigni, T.-C. Jao, Powertrain International, Winter/Spring 2013.
- "Theoretical Relationship between Modulus of Elasticity and Temperature for Engineering Materials," Y. Dong, I. E. Shkolnik, and T. Cameron, i-manager’s Journal on Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3, May-July 2012.
- "Utilizing Interactive Web Based Dynamics Animation Software in Order to Obtain Graphs of Par-ametric Studies," R. Stanley and T. Cameron, ASEE Computers in Education Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July-September 2011.
- "Lean Program and Course Assessments for Quality Improvement," M. El-Sayed, J. El-Sayed, J. Morgan, and T. Cameron, International Journal of Process Education, Vol. 3, pp 65-72, 2011.
- "Acoustical properties of the swimbladder in the oyster toadfish opsanus tau," M. L. Fine, C. B. King, T. M. Cameron, Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol. 212, October 2009, pp 3542-3552.
- "Effect of Limited Slip Clutch Friction on the Driveline Dynamics of a Rear Wheel Drive Vehicle Coasting in a Turn," T. M. Cameron, T.-C. Jao, C. Hewette, T. McCombs, D. J. DeGonia. SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr., April 2009, 1:873-882.
- "Non-Destructive Evaluation of the Relationship between Modulus of Elasticity and Temperature based on the Nonlinear Equation of State for Industrial Materials," Skholnik, I., Y. Dong, and T. M. Cameron, Nonlinear Acoustics—Fundamentals and Applications, edited by B. O. Enflo, C. M. Hedberg and L. Kari, © 2008 American Institute of Physics, pp. 565-568.
- "Functional morphology of the sonic apparatus in the fawn cusk-eel Lepophidium profundorum, M. L. Fine, H. Lin, B. B. Nguyen, R. A. Rountree, T. M. Cameron, E. Parmentier, Journal of Morphology, Volume 268, Issue 11, November 2007, Pages 953-966.
- "Enhanced Stability of Transmission Clutch Engagement with Temperature-Dependent ATF Friction," Cameron, T., Iyer, R., McCombs, T., Maelger, H., Rollin, A., Tersigni, S., Jao, T.-C., SAE 2007 Transactions Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, October 2007, 2007-01-3977.
- "The roles of orthokinetic collision and acoustic wake effect in acoustic agglomeration of polydis-perse aerosols," S. Dong, B. Lipkens, and T. Cameron, Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 37, 540-553, 2006.
- "The effects of orthokinetic collision and the acoustic wake effect on acoustic agglomeration of polydisperse aerosols," S. Dong, B. Lipkens, and T. Cameron, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 117 Pt 2, p.2534, 2005.
- "The effect of loading on disturbance sounds of the Atlantic croaker Micropogonius undulatus: Air versus water," M. L. Fine, J. Schrinel, T. M. Cameron, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 116(2), 2004, pp 1271-1275.
- "Robust Design Optimization of Structures Through Consideration of Variation," E. Sandgren and T. M. Cameron, Computers and Structures, Vol. 80 (2002), pp 1605-1613.
- "Sound Generation by the Toadfish Swimbladder," M. Fine, K. Malloy, C. King, S. Mitchell, T. Cameron, Bioacoustics, Vol. 12, No 2/3 (2002), pp 221-222.
- "Movement and Sound Generation by the Toadfish Swimbladder," M. Fine, K. Malloy, C. King, S. Mitchell and T. Cameron, Journal of Comparative Physiology A (2001) 187: 371-379.
- "Optimization of Frame Structures with Flexible Joints," T. M. Cameron, A. Thirunavukarasu and M. E. M. El-Sayed, Structural Optimization, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 204–213, May 2000.
- "Sensitivity of Structural Joint Stiffnesses with Respect to Beam Properties: A Hybrid Approach," T. M. Cameron, L. Jordan, and M. E. M. El-Sayed, Computers and Structures, Vol. 63, No. 6, pp.1037–1041, 1997.
- "Nonlinear Acoustic Methods for Strength Testing of Materials," I. E. Shkolnik and T. M. Cameron, Nonlinear Acoustics in Perspective, Nanjing University Press, 1996.
- "An Integrated Approach for Friction Damper Design," T. M. Cameron, J. H. Griffin, R. E. Kielb, and T. M. Hoosac, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 112, No. 2, April 1990, pp. 175–182.
- "An Alternating Frequency/Time Domain Method for Calculating the Steady-State Response of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems," T. M. Cameron and J. H. Griffin, Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 56, March 1989, pp. 149–154.