Bo Li
Bo Li, Ed.D. is an associate professor in Sport Leadership and Management department. He teaches sport administration, sport marketing and sport public relations. His research has been mainly focused on sport digital media and branding. He has previously co-edited the book Sport and the Pandemic: Perspectives on Covid-19’s Impact on the Sport Industry, Sport Administration, and Governance and Administration of Global Sport Business. He has authored over 40 peer-reviewed academic manuscripts. His works have been published in leading academic journals including Sport Management Review, Communication & Sport, Journal of Media, Culture, and Society, International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship, International Journal of Sport Communication, Sport Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of Sport Finance and Journal of Sport Media.
Ed.D. Recreation and Sport Management - University of Arkansas
Master of International Business - University of Wollongong, Australia
M.A. International Relations - University of New South Wales, Australia
B.A. Radio and TV Journalism - Guangzhou University, China
Research Interests
My research interests lie in the intersection of digital media, mass media, branding, and consumer behaviors. Specifically, my scholarship aims to advance our understanding of how various forms of media are used to connect with customers at different levels.
Select Publications
Li, B., Scott, O. K., Zhao, L., & Jin, S. (2024). Are they really Chinese? Examining Chinese Audiences’ emotions and perceptions toward naturalized athletes at the 2022 Winter Olympics. Communication & Sport, 12(1).
Li, B., Naraine, L. M., Zhao, L., & Li, C. (2023). A magic “bullet”: Exploring sports fan usage of on-screen, ephemeral posts during live stream sessions. Communication & Sport, 11(2), 334-355.
Li. B., Scott, O., Sharpe, S., Stokowski, S., & Zhong, Q. (2022). Patriot, expert, or complainer? Exploring athlete’s self-presentation strategies at the 2018 PyeongChang Olympic Games. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 31(3).
Li, B., Scott, O., Naraine, L. M. & Ruihley, B., (2021). Tell me a story: Explore elite female athletes’ self-presentation via Instagram Stories. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 21(2), 108-120.
Hutchins, B., Li, B., &Rowe, D. (2019). Over-the-top sport: Live streaming services, changing coverage rights markets, and the growth of media sport portals. Media Culture and Society, 41(7), 975-994.
Li, B., Dittmore, S.W., Scott, O. K. M., Lo, W., & Stokowski, S. (2019). Why we follow: Exploring the differences in users’ motivations for following sport organizations on Twitter and Weibo. Sport Management Review, 22(3), 333-347.
Courses Taught
SLM 472/572: Sport Administration
SLM 416/516: Sport Marketing
SLM 636: Sport Communities & Public Relations