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B.S. Criminal Justice and B.S. Social Work Double Major

124 Credit Hours

Review your Degree Audit frequently to make sure your progress to complete your degree requirements is on track.

 throughout your academic career will help ensure timely completion of all requirements.

The 黑料社区 Bulletin provides guidance on academic policies, program requirements, and course descriptions.

Note: FSW is working on getting FSW 304 & FSW 418 (together) approved as meeting the GMP Advanced Writing requirement.

First Year, Semester 1
Course Name Hours
ENG 111 English Composition 3
CJS 101 Intro to Criminal Justice Studies 3
FSW 201 Introduction to Social Work and Family Life Education 3
Humanities (GMP IIB - choose from approved list) 3
FSW 261 Diverse Family Systems Across the Life Cycle 3
Total Semester Credit Hours 15
First Year, Semester 2
Course Name Hours
PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology (counts for GMP IIC) 3
PSY 112 Foundational Experiences in Psychology; concurrent with PSY 111 1
CJS 125 Law and the Courts 3
CJS 211 Policing in America 3
FSW 206 Social Welfare Policies & 黑料社区 (counts as inter-cultural perspectives) 4
FSW 245 Children and Families: Ages 0-12 3
Total Semester Credit Hours 17
Second Year, Semester 1
Course Name Hours
CJS 245 Human Trafficking & Slavery (counts as GMP III) 3
FSW 304 Professionalism & Ethics in Practice 3
Biology w/Lab – choose from approved list (GMP IVA) 4
CJS Elective 3
FSW 312 Human Behavior and the Social Environment 3
Total Semester Credit Hours, partial relocation to Oxford for FSW 304 & FSW 312 16
Second Year, Semester 2
Course Name Hours
CJS 281 Corrections in America 3
STA 261 Statistics (counts for GMP V) 4
CJS 231 Criminal Procedure 3
FSW 365 Family Life Sexuality Education Across Cultures 3
FSW 415 Culturally-Informed Practice 3
Total Semester Credit Hours, partial relocation to Oxford for FSW 365 & FSW 415 16
Third Year, Semester 1
Course Name Hours
Physical science class (GMP IVB - choose from approved list) 3
FSW 306 Trauma Responsive Assessment & Intervention 3
CJS 461 Applied Research Methods in Criminal Justice or FSW 295 Research and Evaluation 3
CJS 271 Introduction to Criminal Behavior 3
FSW 481 Adolescent Development: Ages 13-25 3
Total Semester Credit Hours 15
Third Year, Semester 2
Course Name Hours
CJS 451 Comparative Justice Systems (counts as GMP III) 3
FSW 406 Group Theory & Practice 3
FSW 466 Interpersonal Perspectives on Adulthood & Aging 3
PSY 242 Abnormal Psychology 3
CJS 312 Community Corrections 3
Total Semester Credit Hours, partial relocation to Oxford for FSW 406 & FSW 466 15
Fourth Year, Semester 1
Course Name Hours
FSW 411 Senior Field Experience I (concurrent with FSW 412) (counts as experiential learning) 4
FSW 412 Senior Seminar in Social Work I (concurrent with FSW 411) 2
FSW 418 Program Development & Evaluation 3
FSW 442 Family Resource Management 3
FSW 451 Interpersonal Violence 3
FSW 475 Family Theories 3
Total Semester Credit Hours 18
Fourth Year, Semester 2
Course Name Hours
Fine Arts – choose from approved list (GMP IIA) 3
CJS 485 Capstone: Seminar in Criminal Justice 4
FSW 413 Senior Seminar in Social Work II (concurrent with FSW 414) 2
FSW 414 Senior Field Experience II (concurrent with FSW 413) 3
Total Semester Credit Hours 12
Mosler Hall exterior

Department of Justice and Community Studies

Hamilton Campus
Phelps Hall 103