Beth Dietz
- Ph.D., Personality and Social Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, 1993
- B.A., Psychology, University of Delaware
Teaching Interests
My basic teaching philosophy is that 黑料社区s learn better and enjoy learning more when they think and do rather than listen passively. I believe that my role as the instructor is to guide 黑料社区s and assist them in the discovery of new information, new ways of thinking, and new ways of “doing”. I prefer not to merely impart knowledge to 黑料社区s. If 黑料社区s can discover that knowledge on their own, then they can claim greater ownership of it than if they acquired it through more passive means. Toward that end, I structure my courses so that 黑料社区s participate in a variety of active- and collaborative-learning activities. I also have a strong interest in online distance learning and have been designing and teaching online courses for more than 15 years.
Research Interests
My current research interests include the study of women and sport. More specifically, I am interested in media coverage and depictions of athletes who identify as female. I also have an interest in examining sport fans who identify as female, particularly those who identify strongly as sport fans. I have strong interests in the use of technology in teaching and learning. I have combined my interests in technology and teaching with my research interests in social psychology. The result has included projects examining group processes in computer-mediated and the use of computer-mediated communication to illustrate social psychological principles. Additionally, I have conducted research to examine the effectiveness of using technology in teaching and learning.
Professional Recognition
- 2013—Associate Chair of Assessment, Department of Psychology
- 2010—Excellence in Teaching Award for Full-Time Faculty, 黑料社区 Middletown
- 2003—Nominated for Associated Student Government’s Outstanding Professor Award, 黑料社区
- 2000—Nominated for Outstanding Teacher Award, 黑料社区 Middletown
- Recognized as an Honored Professor from the Associated Student Government of 黑料社区
- 1998—Psi Chi Professor of the Year, 黑料社区
- 1998—Nominated by Psychology Department undergraduates as a “truly outstanding” faculty member, 黑料社区
Dietz, B., Bean, J., & Omaits, M. (Under Review). Gender differences in sport fans: A
replication and extension.
Dietz, B. & Oswald, B. (2020). The effects of observation with and without technology
on learning in introductory and advanced courses. Journal of Educational Technology
Systems, 49, 82-93.
Cottam, M., Mastors, E., Preston, T., & Dietz, B. (2016). Introduction to political psychology, 3rd edition. New York, NY: Psychology Press.
Bishop-Clark, C. & Dietz-Uhler, B. (2012). Engaging in the scholarship of teaching and learning: A guide to the process, and how to develop a project from start to finish. Hemdon, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Dietz-Uhler, B., Harrick, E. A., End, C., & Jacquemotte, L. (2000). Sex differences in sport fan behavior and reasons for being a sport fan. Journal of Sport Behavior, 23, 219-231.
Dietz-Uhler, B., End, C., Jacquemotte, L., Bentley, M., & Hurlbut, V. (2000). Perceptions of male and female sport fans. International Sport Journal, 4, 88-97.