Associate Professor
John Forren
- Ph.D., Political Science, The Johns Hopkins University, 2001
- A.B. with College Honors, Political Science, University of Chicago
- American Political System
- Politics and National Issues
- Theories of Civic Leadership and Democracy
- State and Local Government & Politics
- Law and Courts
- Constitutional Law
- Civil Rights and Liberties
- Constitutional Criminal Procedure
- Administrative Law
- Capstone on Great Trials
Professional Affiliations
- American Political Science Association
- Midwest Poltiical Science Association
- Law and Society Association
- Ohio Council for the Social Studies
“State and Federal Legal Protections for Peyote Use in the United States,” in B. Labate & C. Cavnar, (eds.), Peyote: History, Tradition, Politics and Conservation (Santa Barbara: Praeger, forthcoming in 2015)
“Delegation of Legislative Power,” in T. Birkland, M. Graber, D. Lutz, J. Patrick & T. Vontz, eds.., American Governance (Macmillan, forthcoming in 2015)
“Seventeenth Amendment,” in T. Birkland, M. Graber, D. Lutz, J. Patrick & T. Vontz, eds., American Governance (Macmillan, forthcoming in 2015)
“Zenger Trial,” in T. Birkland, M. Graber, D. Lutz, J. Patrick & T. Vontz, eds., American Governance (Macmillan, forthcoming in 2015)
2013 Ohio Civic Health Index Report (with Sarah Woiteshek), Washington: National Conference on Citizenship, 2014
“Civic Engagement I,” co-authored with Rebecca JoAnn Cruise and Robbin E. Smith, in Kimberly A. Mealy, “2012 APSA Teaching and Learning Conference and Track Summaries,” PS: Political Science and Politics 45 (3): 522-523 (July 2012)
“Government Support of Faith-Based Social Services: A Look at Three Potential Pitfalls,” J. of Markets and Morality 1: 161-170 (Spring 2006)
“Revisiting Four Popular Myths About the Peyote Case,” 8 U. Pa. J. of Constl. Law 209-253 (March 2006)
“2005 APSA Teaching and Learning Conference Track Summaries – Track 8: Technology,” co-authored with Robert Trudeau (Providence College), PS: Political Science and Politics 38 (3): 427-428 (July 2005)
“The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970,” in B. Landsberg, ed., Major Acts of Congress (Macmillan, 2004), pp. 94-99.
“Search Incident to Arrest,” in David Schultz and John Vile, eds., Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in America (M.E. Sharpe, 2004), pp. 849-850.
“United States v. Drayton,” in David Schultz and John Vile, eds., Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in America (M.E. Sharpe, 2004), pp. 975-976.
“United States v. Santana,” in David Schultz and John Vile, eds., Encyclopedia of Civil Liberties in America (M.E. Sharpe, 2004), pp. 983-984.
Book Review of Mark Killenbeck, ed., The Tenth Amendment and State Sovereignty: Constitutional History and Contemporary Issues (Lanham: Roman & Littlefield, 2003), in Publius (Summer 2005): 491-92.
Book Review of William G. Ross, Forging New Freedoms: Native Education and the Constitution, 1917-1927 (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1994) in Law and History Review (Spring, 1997): 192-194.