Departments Using Tested Experience Criteria
Below are the departments which offer highly skilled or applied courses and which occasionally hire instructional staff using the tested experience criteria. The table also indicates whether they use the university tested experience metric or have developed one specific to the department.
College of Arts and Science
American Culture & English Program
Types of Courses: English Language Learner courses
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor's degree in related field
Years of Professional Experience: 10 years
Type of Experience: TESOL certification, related professional experience (including teaching), or 10 or more graduate credits in field
Relevant Degree(s): M.A.
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Successful graduate course-work in anthropology or a closely related discipline as determined by the department/unit, plus regular and explicit use of discipline in the performance of professional responsibilities. This can include, for example, full-time or regular successful teaching experience in the discipline; ongoing applied or public research and/or work experience; and/or professional engagement such as regular training, workshop, conference, or professional society presentations.
Biology and Biological Sciences
Types of Courses: BIO 221 - Plant Propagation
Relevant Degree(s): B.S. Horticulture or Botany
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Instructors for BIO 221 Plant Propagation should have experience in the following: plant grafting techniques; prepare plant cutting for rooting; seed collection and preparation for germination; experience in delivering oral presentations to 黑料社区s and other professionals; knowledge of new plant materials; and, plant propagation.
Types of Courses: International field courses which benefit from applied conservation and education backgrounds, in-country experience, language proficiency, and other specialized skills. Courses with a specialized focus outside of typical biological content, such as those with a primary focus on leadership (e.g., Leadership in Science Inquiry - BIO 635), applied community engagement (e.g., Conservation Science and Community - BIO 631, Environmental Stewardship in My Community - BIO 656, Master Plan in Action - BIO 655), specialized institutional knowledge (e.g., Conservation Research in Living Collection Institutions - BIO 667) or educational approaches (e.g., Environmental & Informal Science Education - BIO 699.E, Biology Through Inquiry - BIO 668).
Relevant Degree(s): Master’s degree in relevant field, such as science, conservation, ecology, science education
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Significant professional experience working in relevant fields such as conservation; field research; education in formal or informal science settings; endangered species management (in-situ or ex-situ); demonstrated leadership in community institutions such as zoos, aquariums, arboretums, nature centers, relevant government agencies (e.g., EPA, USDA), natural resources and park/forestry departments, environmental non-profits, or similar settings. Instructors qualifying under this criteria must additionally demonstrate Teaching Excellence through a teaching portfolio (including past course evaluations, syllabi, or other artifacts) and a list of professional references that can verify teaching ability. Candidates without past teaching experience must be approved by the Dragonfly Graduate Committee for teaching potential as demonstrated by relevant professional activities and a teaching demonstration.
Ecology, Evolution & Environmental Biology
Types of Courses: Graduate
Relevant Degree(s): Masters
Years of Professional Experience: See below
Type of Experience: Prior to being offered a position to teach in the EEEB program, candidate’s qualifications are evaluated by their own department. In addition to verifying the above stated criteria, the candidate’s experience is evaluated by the EEEB Executive Committee for relevance to the subject-matter of an individual course.
English: OWP, Creative Writing, Comp & Rhetoric
Types of Courses: Graduate Courses taught in the Ohio Writing Project
Relevant Degree(s): Masters of Education or English
Years of Professional Experience: Minimum 5 years
Type of Experience: Teaching experience in a K-16 setting relevant to the course content they are hired to teach.
Environmental Science
Types of Courses: Graduate
Relevant Degree(s): Masters
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: One or more of the following -- Full-time work experience that requires the regular use of discipline or course-specific skills in the performance of professional responsibilities. Prior successful graduate-level teaching experience. Published peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, textbooks or similar work in the field.Professional presentations such as training presentations, workshop presentations, conference presentations, professional society presentations, user-group presentations, or regular presentations to groups such as employees, clients, management or the public.
French & Italian
Types of Courses: Language courses
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Evidence of proficiency in the language using American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages standards
Types of Courses: Graduate courses: GEO 541, GEO 542, GEO 543, GEO 545, GEO 560, GEO 567
Relevant Degree(s): M.A.
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: One or more of the following -- Full-time work experience that requires the regular use of discipline or course-specific skills in the performance of professional responsibilities. Prior successful graduate-level teaching experience. Published peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, textbooks or similar work in the field.Professional certifications in relevant fields. Professional presentations such as training presentations, workshop presentations, conference presentations, professional society presentations, user-group presentations, or regular presentations to groups such as employees, customers, management or the public.
Types of Courses: Graduate courses: GLG 502, GLG 508, GLG 511A, GLG 512, GLG 513, GLG 517, GLG 527, GLG 528, GLG 532, GLG 535, GLG 536, GLG 537, GLG 547, GLG 550, GLG 561, GLG 567, GLG 592, GLG 596, GLG 630, GLG 643, GLG 662, GLG 666, GLG 670, GLG 677, GLG 710, GLG 720, GLG 730, GLG 750, GLG 770, GLG 790
Relevant Degree(s): M.A., M.S.
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Work experience in a field relevant to the course being taught.
German, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
Languages currently offered by the department: Arabic, Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian
Types of Courses: First and second-year language courses.
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor's degree.
Years of Professional Experience: Minimum two years, with preference for teaching experience.
Type of Experience: Evidence of proficiency in the target language using ACTFL standards.
Types of Courses: Graduate
Relevant Degree(s) Masters
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Discipline-specific professional development in the field, or other relevant workshops, trainings, conferences, or seminars. Participation in discipline-specific community of practice recognized by a professional society or significant personal practice to develop skills in the field. Professional recognition in the form of honors and awards by discipline-specific professional organizations such as the Gerontological Society of America and the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education. Publication and/or presentation of research findings in discipline-specific professional outlets (e.g., peer reviewed journals, scientific conferences).
Second Option Requirements: Prior successful teaching experience. Published textbook, peer-reviewed journal manuscripts, article or essay, or similar work in the field. Professional presentations such as training presentations, workshop presentations, conference presentations, professional society presentations, or regular presentations to groups such as employees, clients, management, or the public. Demonstrated group leadership skills such as management experience or project management of a team or teams. Participation in training programs and workshops designed to develop or improve teaching skills.
Individualized Studies (Western)
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses in Individualized Studies
Relevant Degree: Bachelor’s degree
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Significant professional experience in more than one academic discipline; evidence of exemplary university-level teaching that shows an ability to translate workplace experience to an academic setting, specifically as related to interdisciplinary problem solving. Demonstration of teaching excellence through syllabi and other previous course materials and evaluations.
Media, Journalism & Film Studies
Types of Courses: Undergraduate video production course (MAC 211, 311, 313, 414); other undergraduate MAC, JRN and STC courses (journalistic practice, media production, applied public relations)
Relevant Degree(s): High school diploma for video production course; bachelor’s degree in field being taught (e.g., journalism, radio/tv/film, communication)
Years of Professional Experience: 20 years for video production course; 5 years for other courses
Type of Experience: Need one of the following: (1) managerial or executive level professional experience or highly applied professional experience; (2) at least 18 graduate credits in field plus four years of significant professional experience (including teaching); or (3) professional certificate plus four years of significant professional experience in field
Types of Courses: MBI 690
Relevant Degree(s):
Years of Professional Experience:
Type of Experience: College-level teaching experience. (Co-)authorship of peer-reviewed journal manuscripts in microbiology or a related field
Naval Science
Types of Courses: NSC402 (Leadership and Ethics)
Relevant Degree(s): For NSC402, must possess an undergraduate degree with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA
Years and Type of Experience: For NSC402, superior performance as a Commanding Officer at the O-5 level ( Commander in the United States Navy or Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Marine Corps) and at the O-6 level (Captain in the United States Navy or Colonel in the United States Marine Corps). Being selected for Command at the O-5 level means that an individual has served honorably as a commissioned officer for at least fourteen (14) years and was determined by a Board of senior Navy officers to be the best and most fully qualified to lead Sailors/Marines under their charge. Being selected for command at the O-6 level (Major Command) means that an individual was selected again by a Board of senior Navy officers where the key factor in their selection to Major Command was their proven superior performance as a Commanding Officer at the O-5 level. Command at the O-6 level means an individual has served honorably as a commissioned officer for at least twenty (20) years.
Demonstration of Teaching Excellence: Officers in command are leaders, mentors, and teachers. They are charged with the absolute responsibility for the safety, well-being, and efficiency of their commands. Furthermore, Commanding Officers are held accountable to the highest standards of personal and professional conduct. They are expected to always lead by example by adhering to ethical standards, maintaining physical fitness, and displaying an unwavering commitment to the Navy Core Values of honor, courage, and commitment.
Physician Associate Studies
Types of Courses: Professional Development Seminars I, II, II, Clinical experience-based lectures, within established courses. Member of the team for clinical outreach and leadership, director of clinical education
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor of Science in Physician Assistant Studies or similar studies leading to eligibility for the NCCPA board certification; Acquisition of an NCCPA board certification and Ohio license to practice medicine.
Years of Professional Experience:
More than 10 years of tested clinical experience in at least one primary discipline. This includes maintenance of clinical practice, through board certification, state licensure, and practice letters of recommendation. Further, good standing is identified through the sate medical licensing board.
Type of Experience:
Instructors for BIO 221 Plant Propagation should have experience in the following: plant grafting techniques; prepare plant cutting for rooting; seed collection and preparation for germination; experience in delivering oral presentations to 黑料社区s and other professionals; knowledge of new plant materials; and, plant propagation.
Demonstration of Teaching Excellence:
Community engagement, in service to mentoring future and current clinical healthcare professionals. This may be accomplished in mentoring clinical 黑料社区s (in similar professions or higher), teaching within undergraduate/graduate clinical health and leadership experiences (classroom/labs), consulting and speaking for continuing health education services. Teaching may be at national or local conferences, peer/mentoring in device and product engagement supporting scientific advancements to improve health, conducting and reporting research-clinically.
Political Science
Types of Courses: Undergraduate special topics courses, POL 345 (especially law-related), POL 330 and 370, POL 467 and POL 468
Relevant Degree(s): Masters
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: A master’s degree plus five (5) years of significant and relevant professional experience that includes both of the following: Experience in a high level leadership position in the field of politics (and/or public administration). Examples of a high-level leadership position could include, but are not limited to, Executive Director of a nonprofit organization, Senior Fellow of a think tank, or elected office at the state or federal level. Experience teaching college courses.
Types of Courses: Graduate Level
Relevant Degree(s): Ph.D.
Years of Professional Experience: N/A
Type of Experience: The Department of Psychology believes that faculty must have the terminal degree in psychology, or a related discipline, to teach graduate courses in psychology. In other words, our qualification for tested experience is a terminal degree.
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses in social justice
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Professional experience in field
Speech Pathology & Audiology
Types of Courses: American Sign Language undergraduate courses;
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree in related discipline
Years of Professional Experience: two years plus fluency or certification
Type of Experience: For ASL undergraduate courses, need appropriate certification or demonstration of ASL fluency plus two years of professional experience, with a preference for teaching experience.
Types of Courses: Non-ASL undergraduate courses
Relevant Degree(s): M.A. or M.S in the discipline
Years of Professional Experience: Masters plus 4 years
Type of Experience: Certificate of Clinical Competence from ASHA for minimum of 3 years (four years total of clinical experience counting clinical fellowship year), plus proof of continuing education standards for continued certification plus clinical experience for population of focus in assigned course.
Types of Courses: Graduate courses
Relevant Degree(s): M.A. or M.S in the discipline
Years of Professional Experience: Masters plus 6 years.
Type of Experience: Instructor must have held the Certificate of Clinical Competence from ASHA for a minimum of five years (six years total of clinical experience counting clinical fellowship year), show proof of maintenance of continuing education standards for continued certification, and have provided clinical services for the population of focus in the assigned master’s course.
Types of Courses: Graduate STA courses (500/600 level)
Relevant Degree(s): M.S.
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Demonstrated achievement of depth in a statistical area (e.g. authorship on a publication involving statistics; presentation of statistical material at a professional conference; letter from a professional colleague demonstrating candidate's area of statistical strength; or some similar achievement.)
College of Creative Arts
Architecture & Interior Design
Types of Courses: Undergraduate and graduate design studio, building technologies, graphics, professional practice courses
Relevant Degree(s): For undergraduate architecture courses, Bachelor of Architecture, BA/BS in Architecture, BS in Engineering (for building systems/structures courses), BA/BS in technology field for computer-oriented courses. For graduate architecture courses, Master’s degree (Master of Architecture, MS/MA in Architecture or related field). For interior design undergraduate courses, a Bachelor of Interior Design, BA/BS or BFA in Interior Design, Bachelor of Architecture, BA/BS in Architecture, BS in Engineering (for building systems/structures courses; BA/BS in technology related field for computer-oriented courses qualify in addition to those listed for Architecture.
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Tested experience is demonstrated by a minimum of five years of relevant experience as exemplified by professional qualifications, portfolio review, quality teaching experience, professional reference, etc. When tested experience is used, a recommendation is made by the Department Chair for approval by the Graduate School.
Types of Courses: Undergraduate applied or studio courses, including Art Center and CraftSummer, fashion design, game design, communication design, and professional practice courses
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree in art or related field; high school diploma for CraftSummer and ArtCenter courses.
Years of Professional Experience: 7 years for CraftSummer and ArtCenter courses; 5 years for other courses
Type of Experience: Tested experience is demonstrated by a minimum of five years of relevant experience as exemplified by professional qualifications, portfolio review, quality teaching experience, professional reference, etc.
Types of Courses: Masters courses
Relevant Degree(s): Master of Fine Arts, Master of Graphic Design or Master of Design or related field.
Years of Professional Experience: Minimum 5 years
Type of Experience: Tested experience is demonstrated by a minimum of five years of relevant experience as exemplified by professional qualifications, portfolio review, quality teaching experience, professional reference, etc. When tested experience is used, a recommendation is made by the Department Chair for approval by the Graduate School.
Experience Design
Types of Courses: Graduate courses
Relevant Degree(s): Masters
Years of Professional Experience: See below
Type of Experience: Tested experience is demonstrated by a minimum of five years of relevant experience as exemplified by professional qualifications, portfolio review, quality teaching experience, professional reference, etc. When tested experience is used, a recommendation is made by the Department Chair for approval by the Graduate School.
Emerging Technology in Business and Design, Games and Simulation
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses in user experience (UX), digital marketing, experience design, physical technology, design/technology, esports, esports management, web development, coding, game development, 3D modeling and animation.
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree related to design, business, technology, games, media, or communications
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Significant and relevant professional experience at the intersection of technology, design, and business requiring regular use of discipline specific skills in the performance of professional responsibilities. Experience should evidence currency in the discipline as shown by activities or artifacts
Program: Emerging Technology in Business + Design, Games and Simulation
Types of Courses: Graduate courses in user experience (UX), digital marketing, experience design, physical technology, design/technology, esports, esports management, web development, coding, game development, 3D modeling and animation
Relevant Degree(s): Varies by subfield Ph.D., M.F.A., M.S.Master’s degree related to design, business, technology, games, or media including Masters of Arts, Masters of Science, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Business Administration, and Professional Masters.
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: The resume will be reviewed for evidence of significant and relevant professional experience at the intersection of technology, design, and business. Evidence should include regular use of discipline specific skills in the performance of professional responsibilities and evidence currency in the discipline as shown by activities or artifacts.All instructors are evaluated jointly by the graduate directors from ETBD and their home department (when applicable). Recommendation for approval will be made to the chairs of ETBD and their home department (when applicable). Approval will be granted jointly by the chair(s).
Program: Emerging Technology in Business + Design, Games and Simulation
Music Education
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses in applied music instruction, ensemble direction and other courses that teach applied skills or performance techniques (diction, functional piano, music education methods); graduate courses focusing on applied skills, music instruction or performance techniques
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree in music or music education; Masters degree in Music or Music Education
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Tested experience is demonstrated by a minimum of five years of relevant experience as exemplified by professional qualifications, portfolio review, quality teaching experience, professional reference, etc. When tested experience is used, a recommendation is made by the Department Chair for approval by the Graduate School.
Music Performance
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses in applied music instruction, ensemble direction and other courses that teach applied skills or performance techniques (diction, functional piano, music education methods); graduate courses focusing on applied skills, music instruction or performance techniques
Relevant Degree(s): Masters degree in Music or Music Education
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Tested experience is demonstrated by a minimum of five years of relevant experience as exemplified by professional qualifications, portfolio review, quality teaching experience, professional reference, etc. When tested experience is used, a recommendation is made by the Department Chair for approval by the Graduate School.
Performance, Theatre, and Practice
Undergraduate Courses - Theatre Skills
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses in “theatre skills” including acting, movement, voice, design, technology, playwriting, stage management, arts management, directing and excluding theatre studies (theory, literature, history)
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree in theatre arts or related degree in skill being taught (e.g., marketing/communication for arts management or English literature for playwriting)
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Tested experience is demonstrated by a minimum of five years of relevant experience in professional theatre, film or television. For Arts Management, five years experience in marketing or management is required.
Teaching Excellence: Determined by chair and includes: prior course evaluations, review of syllabi, or demonstration of teaching
Undergraduate Courses - Single Skills
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses in highly focused “single skills”– includes practical dance studios (excludes dance history) and “Theatrical Toolbox” courses such as stage combat, radio drama, voice acting, puppetry, etc. (currently THE 210)
Relevant Degree(s): High school diploma
Years of Professional Experience: 10 years or 5 years + certification by professional society/school
Type of Experience: Professional theatre, film or television
Teaching Excellence: Determined by chair and includes: prior course evaluations, review of syllabi, or demonstration of teaching
Graduate Courses
Types of Courses: Graduate courses in acting, design/technology, specialized skills (radio drama, stage combat, movement/voice techniques, auditions)
Relevant Degree(s): MA in theatre arts
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Professional theatre, film or television
Teaching Excellence: Determined by chair and includes: prior course evaluations, review of syllabi, or demonstration of teaching
College of Liberal Arts & Applied Science
Unless listed here, CLAAS departments offering Oxford-based courses will use the relevant tested criteria as described by the appropriate Oxford department. For example, BIO 221 offered by the CLAAS department Biological Sciences will follow the Biology Department's tested criteria for BIO 221.
Name of Academic Department: Commerce
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses in accounting, finance, human resources, insurance, project management, process optimization, supply chain, digital marketing, hospitality and sales management, including CMR 301, Personal Organizational Skills and CMR 401 Leadership Decision Skills
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree in business or different bachelor’s degree with certification in field; Degrees from military service academies, e.g., West Point, Annapolis.
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Professional experience and/or certification in field; military unit command experience
Demonstration of Teaching Excellence:
- Review of syllabi;
- Former course evaluation data;
- Demonstration of teaching during hiring interview;
- Multiple promotions during service.
Computer Information Technology
Name of Academic Program: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses in programming, technology, management, professional development or special topics in IT
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years of professional experience and/or certification in the field.
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree in computing or technology (including psychology, mathematics, engineering, business, or educational degrees and relevant experience)
Demonstration of Teaching Excellence:
- Review of syllabi;
- Former course evaluation data;
- Demonstration of teaching during hiring interview.
Engineering Technology
Types of Courses: All ENT courses
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree in engineering or engineering technology
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: One of the following: (1) managerial or executive-level professional experience or highly applied professional experience; (2) at least 18 graduate credit hours in field plus four years of significant professional experience; or (3) professional certificate in the field plus at least four years of significant professional experience
Justice & Community Studies
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree in related field
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: One of following: (1) managerial or executive-level experience or highly applied experience; (2) at least 18 graduate credits in field plus at least four years of teaching or professional experience in field; or (3) professional certificate in the field of course being taught plus at least four years of significant professional experience in field.
Types of Courses: graduate courses
Relevant Degree(s): Master’s degree in field
Years of Professional Experience: Masters + 5 years
Type of Experience:
At least one of the following: Prior successful college level teaching experience. Published textbooks, peer-reviewed journal manuscripts, articles, essays or similar work in the field. Professional presentations such as training presentations, workshop presentations, conference presentations, professional society presentations, user-group presentations, or regular presentations to groups such as employees, customers, management or the public.Demonstrated group leadership in a criminal justice organization.
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses; can be instructor or teaching assistant
Relevant Degree(s): For instructors, need a baccalaureate degree in nursing. For teaching assistants, need completion of an approved registered nursing education program
Years of Professional Experience: For instructors: license plus 24 months of clinical nursing as Registered Nurse; for teaching assistants, license plus 24 months of clinical nursing as a Registered Nurse
Type of Experience: Need valid, unencumbered license as a Registered Nurse in State of Ohio plus at least 24 months of clinical nursing experience as Registered Nurse
Proposed Language Based on Revised Board Requirements (2/2020):
According to the Ohio Board of Nursing, requirements for faculty teaching a nursing course:
Completion of an approved registered nursing education program in a jurisdiction as defined in paragraph (R) of rule of the Administrative Code;
Experience for at least two years in the practice of nursing as a registered nurse;
A master's degree;
If the individual does not possess a bachelor of science in nursing degree, the master's or other academic degree, including, but not limited to a Ph.D., shall be in nursing;
If the individual possesses a bachelor of science in nursing degree, the master's degree may be, but is not required to be, in nursing; and
Current, valid licensure as a registered nurse in Ohio;
For a teaching assistant as defined in paragraph (NN) of rule of the Administrative Code:
Completion of an approved registered nursing education program in a jurisdiction as defined in paragraph (R) of rule of the Administrative Code;
Experience for at least two years in the practice of nursing as a registered nurse;
A baccalaureate degree in nursing or enrollment in a graduate level course in a program for registered nurses to obtain a master's or doctoral degree with a major in nursing; and
Current, valid licensure as a registered nurse in Ohio;
For a preceptor as defined in paragraph (CC) of rule of the Administrative Code:
Completion of an approved registered nursing education program in a jurisdiction as defined in paragraph (R) of rule of the Administrative Code;
Experience in the practice of nursing as a registered nurse with demonstrated competence in the area of clinical practice in which the preceptor provides supervision to a nursing 黑料社区;
A baccalaureate degree in nursing is preferred; and
Current, valid licensure as a registered nurse in the jurisdiction or foreign country where the supervision of a nursing 黑料社区's clinical experience occurs.
The requirements of this rule do not prohibit an individual appointed to a position prior to February 1, 2008 from continuing to serve in the position if the individual met the rule requirements for the position at the time of appointment.
An individual who is a foreign educated nurse graduate, as defined in paragraph (D) of rule of the Administrative Code, shall be deemed to have met the academic preparation for an administrator, faculty, teaching assistant or preceptor for a registered nursing education program specified in paragraphs (A)(1)(a), (A)(2)(a), (A)(3)(a), (A)(4)(a), and (A)(5)(a) of this rule, if the individual has practiced nursing as a registered nurse in the state of Ohio, or in another jurisdiction of the national council of state boards of nursing, for at least two years.
Types of Courses: all 500 and 600 Level Courses
Relevant Degree(s): Master's of Science in Nursing (MSN)
Years of Professional Experience: 5 Years
Type of Experience: Full-time professional work in a healthcare setting in a direct or indirect care role, policy-making role, and/or in a field relevant to the course content of the course they are hired to teach.
College of Engineering & Computing
All Graduate programs in the College of Engineering and Computing
Types of Courses: Graduate
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
黑料社区: MS in Chemical and Paper Engineering, MS in Computer Science, MS in Mechanical Engineering, MS in Computational Electrical and Computer Engineering
Type of Experience: Divisional Level Criteria. All faculty teaching at the master’s or doctoral level must have graduate faculty standing which requires an approved terminal degree in the discipline or a master’s degree plus five years of significant and relevant professional experience satisfying both of the following two standards.
Standard 1: Five years minimum experience requiring regular use of discipline or course-specific skills in the performance of professional responsibilities. Experience should evidence currency in the discipline as shown by activities or artifacts such as, but not limited to, one or more of the following: Discipline-specific professional development in the field, or other relevant workshops, trainings, conferences, or seminars. Professional or National Board certification in the field. Participation in discipline-specific community of practice recognized by a professional society or significant personal practice to develop skills in the field. Professional recognition in the form of awards. Patents, designs, software or other products.
Standard 2: Readiness for college-level teaching as shown by activities such as, but not limited to, one or more of the following: Prior successful teaching experience. Published textbook, peer-reviewed journal manuscripts, article or essay, or similar work in the field. Professional presentations such as training presentations, workshop presentations, conference presentations, professional society presentations, user-group presentations, or regular presentations to groups such as employees, customers, management, or the public. Demonstrated group leadership skills such as management experience or project management of a team or teams.
All Undergraduate programs in the College of Engineering and Computing
黑料社区: All undergraduate programs in the College of Engineering and Computing
- Bioengineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Engineering Management
- General Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Software Engineering
Types of Courses: Project-intensive courses in CEC. These are identified as the senior design capstones in each department (CPB 471, 472; CSE 448, 449; ECE 448, 449; MME 448, 449), and other interdisciplinary project based courses (CEC 205, CEC 206, CEC 488).
Relevant Degree(s): A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a technical, computing, scientific, or business related discipline.
Years or Type of Professional Experience:
Demonstrated leadership skills including project management. Additional relevant and significant professional experience demonstrated by one of the following:
A minimum of 18 credit hours of graduate-level academic coursework plus at least 5 years of significant professional experience managing projects and/or teaching experience/conducting training in project management
A minimum of 7 years of significant professional experience that includes managing projects and/or teaching experience/conducting training in project management
Professional certificate in Project Management including (but not limited to)
- Certifications from the Project Management Institute (PMI) including Project Management Professional (PMP) or Program Management Professional (PgMP). (Both of these certifications require a substantial number of hours (minimum 4,500) of experience leading and directing projects. )
- Agile certification (such as PMI-Agile Certified Practitioner)
- Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB) (professional level)
- Certifications from Global Association for Quality Management as a Professional in Project Management (PPM) or Certified Project Director (CPD).
Demonstration of Teaching Excellence: The candidate will demonstrate excellence by any of the following: documentation of teaching experience and course evaluations; professional experience leading training sessions and evaluation of performance; review or creation of course syllabi, demonstration of teaching during hiring interview.
Computer Science & Software Engineering
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses in the following three categories: applications and foundation courses for non-CEC majors (CSE 148, 151, 153, 163, 243, 251, 252).
Relevant Degree(s): A bachelor’s degree in any field.
Years or Type of Professional Experience:
A minimum of 5 years of significant professional experience working with the relevant application(s) in a professional environment.
Undergraduate courses for CSE and CYB majors not included above:
- Degree: scientific, quantitative or technology-oriented bachelor’s degree, including (but not limited to) computer science, software engineering, other engineering, cybersecurity, information technology, mathematics, statistics
- Significant professional experience:
- A minimum of 5 years in a professional environment that includes writing computer programs, or performing technical functions related to cybersecurity or software development, or
- Related professional certification (equivalent to 18 credit hours) in the field of the course being taught plus at least three years of professional and/or teaching experience in the field of the course being taught, or
- At least 18 credit hours of graduate-level academic coursework in the field of the course being taught
Types of Courses: Graduate courses (CSE and CYB courses, 500-level and above)
Relevant Degree(s): scientific, quantitative or technology-oriented master's degree, including (but not limited to) computer science, software engineering, other engineering, cybersecurity, information technology, mathematics, or statistics.
Years or Type of Professional Experience:
- A minimum of 5 years in a professional environment that includes writing computer programs or performing technical functions related to cybersecurity or software development, or
- Professional certificate in the field of the course being taught plus at least three years of professional and/or teaching experience in the field of the course being taught.
College of Education, Health & Society
Educational Leadership
Types of Courses: Graduate courses
Relevant Degree(s): Master’s degree in field
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: A master’s degree plus five (5) years of significant and relevant professional experience that meets the applicant’s departmental guidelines for tested experience.“Tested experience” means full-time professional work in a K-16 setting in a relevant teaching, leadership, or policy-making role, and/or in a field relevant to the course content of the course they are hired to teach.
School Leadership
Types of Courses: Masters level
Relevant Degree(s): Masters
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: A master’s degree plus five (5) years of significant and relevant professional experience that meets the applicant’s departmental guidelines for tested experience.“Tested experience” means full-time professional work in a K-16 setting in a relevant teaching, leadership, or policy-making role, and/or in a field relevant to the course content of the course they are hired to teach.
Student Affairs in Higher Education
Types of Courses: Graduate Level
Relevant Degree(s): Masters
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: A master’s degree plus five (5) years of significant and relevant professional experience that meets the applicant’s departmental guidelines for tested experience.“Tested experience” means full-time professional work in a K-16 setting in a relevant teaching, leadership, or policy-making role, and/or in a field relevant to the course content of the course they are hired to teach.
Transformative Education
Types of Courses: Masters level
Relevant Degree(s): Masters
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: “Tested experience” means full-time professional work in a K-16 setting in a relevant teaching, leadership, or policy-making role, and/or in a field relevant to the course content of the course they are hired to teach. The 5 years of significant and relevant professional experience is any combination of full-time teaching, leadership, or policy-making.
Educational Psychology
Educational Technology
Types of Courses: Graduate Level
Relevant Degree(s): MEd
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: For the eligible courses listed below, an instructor without a Specialist (EdS) or doctorate degree in Special Education, School Psychology, or a related field, must have:
Licensure in K-12 teaching discipline relevant to the course subject matter
five or more years of experience in a K-12 educational institution in which s/he has performed the professional duties relevant to the course subject matter. *
* Professional experience in a K-12 educational institution varies widely, this the relevance of professional experience must be evaluated by the appropriate program committee. A report of this evaluation will be provided to the department chair for all prospective instructors without a Specialist (EdS) or doctorate degree in Special Education, School Psychology, or a relevant field.
Instructional Design & Technology
Types of Courses: Graduate
Relevant Degree(s): Masters
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: For the eligible courses listed below, an instructor without a Specialist (EdS) or doctorate degree in Special Education, School Psychology, or a related field, must have:
Licensure in K-12 teaching discipline relevant to the course subject matter
five or more years of experience in a K-12 educational institution in which s/he has performed the professional duties relevant to the course subject matter. *
* Professional experience in a K-12 educational institution varies widely, this the relevance of professional experience must be evaluated by the appropriate program committee. A report of this evaluation will be provided to the department chair for all prospective instructors without a Specialist (EdS) or doctorate degree in Special Education, School Psychology, or a relevant field.
School Psychology
Types of Courses: Masters level
Relevant Degree(s): Masters
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: For the eligible courses listed below, an instructor without a Specialist (EdS) or doctorate degree in Special Education, School Psychology, or a related field, must have:
Licensure in K-12 teaching discipline relevant to the course subject matter
five or more years of experience in a K-12 educational institution in which s/he has performed the professional duties relevant to the course subject matter. *
* Professional experience in a K-12 educational institution varies widely, this the relevance of professional experience must be evaluated by the appropriate program committee. A report of this evaluation will be provided to the department chair for all prospective instructors without a Specialist (EdS) or doctorate degree in Special Education, School Psychology, or a relevant field.
Special Education
Types of Courses: Special education graduate courses that are not research courses (EDP 656, 596, 650A)
Relevant Degree(s): M.Ed.
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience:
Licensure in K-12 teaching discipline relevant to the course subject matter
five or more years of experience in a K-12 educational institution in which s/he has performed the professional duties relevant to the course subject matter. *
* Professional experience in a K-12 educational institution varies widely, this the relevance of professional experience must be evaluated by the appropriate program committee. A report of this evaluation will be provided to the department chair for all prospective instructors without a Specialist (EdS) or doctorate degree in Special Education, School Psychology, or a relevant field.
Family Science & Social Work
Types of Courses: Undergraduate courses in family science, undergraduate social work field courses (FSW 411, 412, 413, 414), and other undergraduate social work courses
Relevant Degree and Experience: Bachelor’s degree in the field of the course being taught; AND
Evidence of teaching excellence via one of more of the following assessments: prior course evaluations, review of syllabi, or demonstration of teaching during interview; AND
Relevant and significant professional experience, which can be demonstrated by one or more of the following:
For BSW field instructors: Hold a BSW with a minimum of 2 years of social work practice experience (5 years practice experience preferred); **
For BSW practice courses: Hold a BSW with a minimum of 2 years of social work practice experience (5 years practice experience preferred); **
Be a Certified Family Life Educator (i.e., CFLE) or hold a professional certificate or license related to Family Financial Counseling or Family Resource Management.
Child life theory practice course (FSW 318): Certification as a Child Life Specialist (CCLS) *
At least 18 credit hours of graduate-level academic coursework in the field of the course being taught plus at least four years of significant professional and/or teaching experience in the field of the course being taught.
* = Association of Child Life Professionals Certification Standard
** = Council on Social Work Education Accreditation Standard
Types of Courses: Graduate-level courses primarily in the field of social work with courses in family science that are offered as 400/500-level courses
Relevant Degree: In the field of Social Work, a masters degree, specifically in social work (MSW or MASW), is considered a terminal degree. According to the national social work accrediting body, the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), instructors who teach practice and field education courses need only have a MSW and two years of post-master level practice experience.
In the field of Family Science, a PhD is considered a terminal degree.
Type of Experience: The following criteria are used by the FSW Department Chair, to determine if instructors hold the necessary qualifications to teach FSW courses. Instructors must:
Master’s degree in the field, or closely related-field, of the course being taught; AND
Evidence of teaching excellence via one of more of the following assessments: prior course evaluations, review of syllabi, or demonstration of teaching; AND
Five years of relevant and significant professional experience, to be reviewed by the FSW Department Chair, or
Hold full certification Family Life Educator (i.e., CFLE) or hold a professional certificate or license related to Family Financial Counseling or Family Resource Management.
Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health
Types of Courses: KNH 101 - Personal Nutrition
Relevant Degree(s): Masters Degree OR a Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition, Dietetics, or a related field and current enrollment in 黑料社区’s post-baccalaureate Dietetic Internship/Master's program.
Years of Professional Experience: Not specified
Type of Experience: Relevant and significant professional experience includes:
- appropriate Nutrition coursework required in a Bachelor degree in Nutrition, Dietetics or related field, and;
- experiences as a post-baccalaureate Dietetic Internship/Master’s 黑料社区 taught and supervised by Miami Nutrition faculty and their Dietetic preceptors.
Demonstration of Teaching Excellence:
All potential KNH 101 instructors with Bachelor degrees and currently enrolled in Miami’s post baccalaureate Dietetic Intern/Master’s program will be interviewed and must be recommended by the Post Baccalaureate Dietetic Intern/Master’s Program Director. The Program Director will also serve as each Dietetic Internship/Masters 黑料社区s’ direct supervisor for teaching the course. They will share all course materials and assist instructors throughout the course. Student/course instructor evaluations and the Program Director’s evaluations will be used to provide formative feedback and in decisions for rehiring.
(Note: Examples include review of syllabi, former course evaluation data, demonstration of teaching during hiring interview.)
Types of Courses: All 500 and 600 level KNH courses that the individual is qualified to teach and serve on graduate thesis and non-thesis committees
Relevant Degree(s): For the master’s level courses, an instructor without a PhD in Kinesiology, Nutrition or Public Health or a relevant field, must meet Criterion II in section 5.2.B of the Graduate School Handbook through satisfying the following requirement(s):
A master’s degree plus five (5) years of significant professional experience in teaching, research, and/or clinical service in a field relevant to the course(s) they are hired to teach. Registrations, certifications, and licensures related to the field of study also strengthen a faculty member's application to teach graduate-level courses
Years of Professional Experience: As stated above
Type of Experience: Prior to being offered a position to teach in the Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health program, candidate’s qualifications are evaluated by the Graduate Director and Chair of the Department. In addition to verifying the above stated criteria, the candidate’s experience is evaluated for relevance to the subject-matter of an individual course.
Demonstration of Teaching Excellence: None stated
Sport Leadership and Management
Types of Courses: All Physical Activity Life Skill (PALS) undergraduate courses, SLAM Undergraduate courses: SLM 195, 212, 272, 337, 447, 445, 414, 417.
Relevant Degree(s): High school diploma for PALS courses, and bachelor’s degree in sport management or related field for undergraduate courses
Years of Professional Experience: 3 years (PALS courses); 4 years (Undergraduate courses)
Type of Experience: For PALS courses instructor needs at least three years of applied or teaching experience in field being taught.
For Undergraduate courses instructor needs one of the following: 1) managerial or executive-level professional experience or highly applied professional experience; 2) at least 15 graduate credits of academic coursework in field plus two years of significant professional experience; or 3) professional certificate plus at least four years of professional experience in field.
Demonstration of Teaching Excellence: Review of example syllabi, former course evaluation data, demonstration of teaching during hiring interview.
Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry
Types of Courses: Graduate Level
Relevant Degree(s): Masters
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: “Tested experience” means full-time professional work in a K-16 setting in a relevant teaching, leadership, or policy-making role, and/or in a field relevant to the course content of the course they are hired to teach. The 5 years of significant and relevant professional experience is any combination of full-time teaching, leadership, or policy-making.
Literacy & Language
Types of Courses: The candidate’s experience is evaluated for relevance to the subject-matter of an individual course.
Relevant Degree(s): M.Ed.
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: “Tested experience” means full-time professional work in a K-16 setting in a relevant teaching, leadership, or policy-making role, and/or in a field relevant to the course content of the course they are hired to teach. The 5 years of significant and relevant professional experience is any combination of full-time teaching, leadership, or policy-making
Farmer School of Business
Types of Courses: Foundation-level, applied/skilled undergraduate courses
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor's degree in Accountancy or in equivalent and relevant business-related discipline
Years of Professional Experience: Four Years
Type of Experience: Evidence of teaching excellence through prior teaching evaluations, review of course syllabi, or demonstration of teaching capability through interview process. A minimum of four years in professional services firms and/or in industry, non-profit, or government accounting-related positions. Certified Public Accountant or other relevant and widely-recognized professional business-related designation or licensure preferred.
Types of Courses: Graduate Accountancy Courses
Relevant Degree(s): Master's degree in Accountancy or equivalent and relevant business-related discipline.
Years of Professional Experience: Ten Years
Type of Experience: Evidence of teaching excellence through prior teaching evaluations, review of course syllabi, or demonstration of teaching capability through interview process. A minimum of ten years in professional services and/or in industry, non-profit, or government accounting-related positions relevant to the content of the course(s) they are hired to teach, with at least two years of significant responsibility for strategic and/or operational decisions. Certified Public Accountant or other relevant and widely-recognized professional business-related designation or licensure preferred.
Business Administration (M.B.A)
Types of Courses: M.B.A. courses
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree (preferred) in business or field related to the course being taught
Years of Professional Experience: At least twenty years (ten years if they hold their Master’s degree) of managerial or executive-level professional experience or highly applied technical experience in the field of the course being taught and/or licensure and at least ten years of clinical/professional experience in the field of the course being taught.
Type of Experience: Evidence of teaching excellence via one or more of the following assessments: prior teaching evaluations, review of course syllabi/course preparation, prior corporate or non-profit training delivery, or demonstration of teaching capability during interview; AND Relevant and significant professional experience, demonstrated by one or more of the following: At least twenty years (ten years if they hold their Master’s degree) of managerial or executive-level professional experience or highly applied technical experience in the field of the course being taught. Licensure and at least ten years of clinical/professional experience in the field of the course being taught.
Additional Considerations:
- The MBA Program Senior Director will utilize evaluated teaching experiences (e.g. as MBA class speaker, compensated contributor for an MBA course and/or Mini MBA module presenter) as a confirmation of teaching capability prior to any full class assignments when the decision timing allows.
- Quality of managerial/executive/technical experience will be evaluated by the MBA Senior Director and presented to the FSB Dean’s Office as part of any faculty proposal based on this criteria.
- Historical performance in past MBA courses by degree/experience profiles will be used as a secondary support for teaching excellence when appropriate
Business Management (MS)
Types of Courses: Graduate Courses
Relevant Degree(s): Masters Degree related to the course in which they will teach.
Years of Professional Experience: Five years’ experience as described below.
Type of Experience: Five years of related managerial, executive or highly applied professional experience or professional education experience related to the course in which they will teach (in higher education or practice).
Who will evaluate: Prior to being offered a position to teach in the MSiM program, candidate’s qualifications are evaluated by department chair of the course department and associate dean with oversight of the program. In addition to verifying the above stated criteria, the candidate’s experience is evaluated for relevance to the subject-matter of an individual course.
Business Analytics (MS)
Types of Courses: Graduate Courses
Relevant Degree(s): Masters Degree related to the course in which they will teach.
Years of Professional Experience: Five years’ experience as described below.
Type of Experience: Five years of related managerial, executive, technical or highly applied professional experience or professional education experience related to the course in which they will teach (in higher education or practice).
Who will evaluate: Prior to being offered a position to teach in the MSBA program, candidate’s qualifications are evaluated by department chair and graduate studies committee. In addition to verifying the above stated criteria, the candidate’s experience is evaluated for relevance to the subject-matter of an individual course.
Types of Courses: Undergraduate Courses
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelors or Masters
Years of Professional Experience: Five Years
Type of Experience: Relevant and significant professional experience for instructors of each type of applied/highly skilled course: Demonstrable professional experience dealing with both understanding and communicating issues at the intersection of area of expertise and economics.
Demonstration of Teaching Excellence: Prior course evaluations and/or review of course syllabus by Undergraduate Studies Committee.
Types of Courses: Graduate Courses
Relevant Degree(s): Masters
Years of Professional Experience: Five Years
Type of Experience: "Tested experience” means full-time professional work in statistics, econometrics, data analytics, or professional communication, and/or in a field relevant to the course content of the course they are hired to teach.
Types of Courses: All ESP courses
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s degree in business, computer science, microbiology and occasionally from creative and liberal arts fields
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Managerial or executive level professional experience or highly applied professional experience, professional experience in entrepreneurial (start-up, social, corporate or creative) organization, professional experience in entrepreneurial ecosystem activities, such as funding, evaluating, mentoring entrepreneurial organizations, or professional experience in entrepreneurial education (in higher education or practice)
Types of Courses: Foundation-level, applied/skilled undergraduate courses
Relevant Degree(s): Master of Finance or Master of Business Administration (MBA) or Bachelor’s in Finance and current professional credentials related to Finance (CFA, CFP, etc.)
Years of Professional Experience: 4 years
Type of Experience: Four years total experience in the areas of wealth management, asset management, corporate finance, commercial banking or insurance. Experience also can be demonstrated by obtaining and maintaining professional credentials, including Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or other widely recognized designations or licenses.
Demonstration of Teaching Excellence: Examples include review of syllabi, former course evaluation data, demonstration of teaching during hiring interview.
Information Systems & Analytics
Types of Courses: All ISA courses
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s Degree in Information Systems, Analytics/Statistics, Computer Science or an alternative technically or analytically-focused discipline
Years of Professional Experience: 5 years
Type of Experience: Five years of managerial, executive or highly applied professional experience in either an applied technology or data driven decision making context or professional education experience in either an applied technology or data driven decision making context (in higher education or practice).
Demonstration of Teaching Excellence: Examples include review of syllabi, former course evaluation data, demonstration of teaching during hiring interview.
Types of Courses: All Undergraduate Marketing (MKT) courses
Relevant Degree(s): Bachelor’s Degree in Business
Years of Professional Experience: 10 years
Type of Experience: Ten or more years of managerial or executive level professional experience or highly applied professional experience in any marketing field including product/brand management, sales or sales management, market research (qualitative or quantitative), marketing analytics, customer relationship management, retailing, consumer insight development, and new business development.
Demonstration of Teaching Excellence: Examples include review of syllabi, former course evaluation data, demonstration of teaching during hiring interview.