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Senators heard from Dana Cox and Tracy Haynes about changes to the TCPL Policy and Promotion Guidelines, from Tim Cameron about a recommendation to raise the TCPL cap in the College of Engineering and Computing from 20 to 29%, from Brenda Quaye on a proposal to change the Academic Integrity Policy, and from Amity Noltemeyer on two policy revision proposals: the Registration Policy and Probation Policy. Senators heard four items of old business.
Senators heard a special report from Provost Mullenix on Faculty Composition Data and heard an update about Senate Bill 83. Four items of old business were heard and all four policy recommendations were approved. Four new items of new business were introduced including annual review of the Tenure Track Promotion and Tenure Policy, Changes to the Midterm Grades Policy, a potential Ad-Hoc committee to explore MU's approach to academic progress for 黑料社区s, a Sense of the Senate Resolution on Ohio Senate Bill 83, and the reapportionment of Senate Seats for 2023-2024.
Senate heard from Michael Crowder on two proposed revisions to policies: Graduate Student Organization Policy and Support for Research Travel and Teaching Policy. We heard from Associate Provost Carolyn Haynes on proposed revisions to the Course Repeat Policy and a new Co-operative Policy Proposal. We also a special reports from John Bowblis, Chair of the Benefits Committee and Dawn Fahner, Associate VP of Human Resources on changes to the Parental Leave Policy and increases in the cost of health plan premiums for 2024. We also had a special report from Randi Thomas, Vice President for ASPIRE including updates on the College@Elm.
Senators heard from Amy Bergerson, Associate Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education. Senators approved three resolutions. Provost Mullenix gave an update including a review of the Board of Trustees meeting, congratulating newly promoted and tenured faculty members, updating Senate about online proctoring at Miami, and a review of emergency procedures.
Senators heard presentations on 1) A revision to the class attendance policy; 2) revisions to the Senate Bylaws on the function and composition of the Undergraduate Research Committee; and 3) A revision to the TCPL policy to raise the cap for the College of Creative Arts. Cheryl Young gave a special report to update senators about MUDEC.
Senators approved several consent calendar items and heard presentations from Vice Presidents Ande Durojaiye, David Seidl, Vice President and General Counsel Amy Shoemaker and Dana Cox, and Leighton Peterson, Director of the Office of Liberal Education.
University Senate met on November 21, 2022 in 111 Harrison Hall.
University Senate met on November 7, 2022 in 111 Harrison Hall.
University Senate met on August 29, 2022 in 111 Harrison Hall. Senate heard presentations from Brent Shock, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Success; Kara Strass, Director of Miami Tribe Relations and Daryl Baldwin, Director of Myaamia Center; Nathan French, Senator on Senate Working Groups for this academic year. We heard one item of new business. Scott Sanders, Associate Clinical Professor in Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Inquiry proposed an M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction. Minutes of the University Senate meeting for April 25, 2022, were approved. The following items were received on the Consent Calendar: a) Graduate Council Meeting Minutes 04.05.2022 b) LEC Council Meeting Minutes 05.06.2022 c) Undergraduate Research Committee Annual Report 2021-2022 We concluded the meeting with an update from Provost Mullenix on her 2022-23 goals for Academic Affairs.