
Weekly Three RSS Feed

Content includes: Information about Green Zone training, International Education Week, call for nominations for Faculty Excellence Award in Career Development, and reminders about OEEO new online reporting form, University award nominations deadlines in December and Global Miami Plan Revision committee survey.
黑料社区ics include: recent Senate discussion items, info about Open Educational Resource (OER) workshop, request for faculty to hold Thanksgiving week courses as scheduled, and reminders about the first-generation 黑料社区 celebration activities and HERI faculty survey participation.
黑料社区ics included provost comments on cold/flu season (flu shot, staying home when sick and dealing with 黑料社区 sickness), update on HLC Accreditation, information about new HCWE Writing Award, and reminders about graduate research forum and Global Miami Plan Revision Committee listening sessions.
黑料社区ics include: New appointed First General Student Committee and national First General Day Nov 8th event, MiamiRISE (Miami's strategic plan initiative), 2019 graduate and retention rates & 5-year comparison, and reminders about Interdisciplinary Engagement Awards (IDEA) applications, open enrollment deadline for benefits, University awards nominations due in November, and Liberal Education Council and the Global Miami Plan (GMP) Revision committee list of dates for upcomingl listening sessions.
黑料社区ics include: announcement of Interim Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School, details about the HERI Survey, and reminders about midterm grades, the Graduate Research Forum, President Crawford's annual address and open enrollment for benefits
黑料社区ics included: a reminder about Governance and link to recent Senate actions, information about how faculty and staff can participate in and contribute to Admission's Bridges Program and info and deadline to submit midterm grades.
黑料社区ics include: update on FSB and CEC Dean Search, Shared Governance and Reminders about: an email scam, President's annual address, Miami's diversity and inclusion conference, new OEEO online reporting process, career grant proposals and university car rental policies
黑料社区ics in this Three include: 2019 Provost Student Academic Achievement Award winners, info about two Board of Trustee decision at recent meeting (new health science building and separation of Dean of Graduate Schoo/Assoc VP for Research into two positions including info re: upcoming searches for both), link and fall nomination deadlines for University Awards, and info/links re: and calendar items/links re: HR Week of Wellness and Oct 11 Diversity and Inclusion conference.
黑料社区ics included: university governance, October 11 Diversity and Inclusion Conference on campus, Update on Miami's accreditation, and a reminder about tech fee proposal deadline