Senate ByLaws
Section 1. Election of Thirty-Four (34) Divisional Faculty Members of University Senate
1.A. Members of Faculty Assembly vote in the representational unit to which they are contractually assigned according to their annual letters of appointment. Each representational unit must be represented by a member of that unit. Each member of Faculty Assembly whose primary appointment is not to an administrative unit shall be counted as a member of one, and no more than one, representational unit. Faculty Assembly members whose contractual responsibilities are equally divided shall choose with which representational unit they wish to caucus for the purposes of electing Faculty Assembly members to University Senate. Faculty Assembly members primarily assigned to a/multiple regional campus(es) and who are not part of the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Sciences (CLAAS) may caucus either with other non-CLAAS faculty on (one of) their regional campus(es) or with the Oxford-based department or program in which they hold a primary appointment, but not more than one of these. Faculty Assembly members for whom the above criteria are indecisive shall inform the Elections Coordinator of the representational unit in which they shall vote and by which they shall be represented. Librarians shall caucus together, regardless of the campus to which they are assigned.
Faculty Members whose appointments allow them to choose the location of their representational unit may change units of representation only when redistribution of Faculty Assembly seats on University Senate occurs as specified in Section 1.C. of the Bylaws of University Senate.
The Elections Coordinator shall be responsible each January for insuring that representational unit membership remains current by insuring that new faculty who have significantly changed the nature of their appointments, are included among the membership of their appropriate academic caucuses; and ensuring that new faculty whose appointments entitle them to choose among caucuses are included among the membership of the caucuses of their choice.
1.B. The thirty-four (34) seats on University Senate, which are to be filled by members of Faculty Assembly who are elected by their representational units, shall be distributed as described below. They shall serve three-year terms. Election shall be by majority vote within each representational unit.
The College of Arts and Science - 14
The College of Creative Arts - 3
The College of Education, Health, and Society - 3
The College of Engineering and Computing - 3
The Farmer School of Business - 5
The College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science - 5
The Libraries (all campuses) - 1
1.C. Every three (3) years, using data supplied for the fall meeting of Faculty Assembly, the Governance Committee of University Senate shall review the distribution of the above seats. The Committee may recommend the redistribution of the thirty-four (34) seats if necessary to maintain the proportional representation of the full-time equivalent faculty assigned to and within the divisions. Seats shall be allocated proportionally to full-time faculty equivalents by division, then by caucus within divisions, provided that each division indicated above is allocated at least one seat. Senate must approve any redistribution of the above. Senate, on recommendation of the Governance Committee, may lengthen or shorten some terms by one year if that is necessary to accommodate redistribution while maintaining staggered terms.
1.D. Within each division, the seats shall be apportioned as indicated below:
College of Arts and Science
English + Spanish & Portuguese + ACE - 2
French, Italian & Classical Studies + German, Russian, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures - 1
History + Comparative Religion + Philosophy - 1
Global and Intercultural Studies + Western Program + Anthropology + Political Science + Geography - 2
Science - Biological
Biology + Microbiology + Physician Associate Studies - 2
Science - Physical
Chemistry & Biochemistry + Physics + Statistics + Geology & Environmental Earth Science + Inst. Env. & Sustainability - 2
Mathematics - 1
Science - Social
Media, Journalism, and Film - 1
Psychology + Sociology & Gerontology + Speech Pathology & Audiology - 2
College of Creative Arts
Architecture & Interior Design+ Emerging Technology in Business and Design - 1
Art + Arts Management/Entrepreneurship - 1
Music + Theatre - 1
College of Education, Health, and Society
Educational Leadership + Educational Psychology - 1
Kinesiology, Nutrition & Health + Sports Leadership & Management -1
Family Science & Social Work + Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Inquiry - 1
College of Engineering and Computing
Electrical & Computer Engineering + Chemical, Paper, and Biomedical Engineering - 1
Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering - 1
Computer Science & Software Engineering + Cybersecurity - 1
Farmer School of Business
Accountancy + Economics + Finance - 2
Entrepreneurship + Information Systems & Analytics + Management - 2
Marketing - 1
College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science
Nursing - 1
Biological Sciences + Computer & Information Technology + Engineering Technology + Mathematical & Physical Sciences + Commerce - 2
Education & Society + Justice & Community Studies + Social & Behavioral Sciences - 1
Humanities & Creative Arts + Languages, Literatures & Writing + Interdisciplinary & Communication Studies - 1
Libraries (all campuses) - 1
1.E. The distribution within divisions listed in Section 1.D may be changed by a vote of the faculty of that division, subject to review by the Governance Committee of University Senate and the approval of University Senate. Any such redistribution must maintain at least a rough proportionality of representation.
1.F. Procedures for electing members of Faculty Assembly by majority vote to fill these divisional seats shall be established by each representational unit and shall be acceptable to a majority of Faculty Assembly members in each department or program of a representational unit. These procedures must include the processes for (1) making nominations; (2) conducting elections; (3) declaring a seat vacant prior to the end of a term; and (4) filling seats vacated prior to the end of a three-year term. Changes to the procedure occasioned by regroupings or changes desired by the representational unit shall be submitted to the Governance Committee for review. The Governance Committee will forward its recommendations to University Senate for approval. Any member of a representational unit with a concern over unit procedures may notify the Governance Committee and ask for a review.
Whenever two (2) seats must be filled simultaneously by the same representational unit, two separate elections shall be conducted, and each person elected shall be determined by majority vote.
1.G. The names of those elected shall be reported to the Elections Coordinator. These names, along with the names of continuing members of University Senate, are printed in the Miami Matters (i.e., the daily electronic newsletter of 黑料社区) or other suitable medium as approved by University Senate).
Section 2. Election of Ten (10) At-Large Faculty Members of University Senate
2.A. At-large-faculty representatives to University Senate shall be elected by the voting members of Faculty Assembly in separate nominating and general elections using secret electronic balloting and the method of the single transferable vote. They shall serve a three-year term.
2.B. The election of the ten (10) at-large members of University Senate shall occur in the spring semester subsequent to the election of the membership of the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities.
2.C. The list of those eligible to be nominated as candidates for election as at-large faculty representatives to University Senate shall consist of all Faculty Assembly members who do not hold full-time administrative appointments. The names of divisional representatives on University Senate, either newly elected or continuing, shall not appear on the list. The name of anyone elected to serve on the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities who has indicated his/her preference to serve on that Committee rather than stand for election to University Senate shall not appear on the list. In the first round of voting, the total number of nominees selected to stand for election to at-large faculty seats on University Senate shall be limited to twenty-one (21).
2.D. Any faculty elected to University Senate and to the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities must choose one of the two and resign from the other.
2.E. In the event that an at-large member of University Senate resigns before the end of his/her three-year term, that seat shall be filled by the candidate who received the next-largest number of votes behind the candidate previously elected.
2.F. The names of those elected as at-large representatives to University Senate shall be reported to the Secretary of University Senate and announced via email or other suitable medium as approved by University Senate.
Section 3. Administrative and Staff Appointments of University Senate
3.A. The President of the University, consulting as he or she chooses, shall appoint the Provost and seven (7) administrators and/or unclassified staff members to University Senate. Each appointee shall serve a renewable one-year term.
3.B. The Classified Personnel Advisory Committee shall appoint one (1) classified staff member to University Senate.
3.C. The Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee shall appoint one (1) unclassified staff member to University Senate.
3.D. Procedures for appointing representatives of the Classified Personnel Advisory Committee and the Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee shall be established by each group. These procedures shall include the processes for (1) appointing representatives; (2) declaring a seat vacant prior to the end of a term; and (3) filling seats vacated prior to the end of a term.
3.E. The names of University Senate members so appointed shall be reported to the Secretary of University Senate.
Section 4. Election of Student Members of University Senate
4.A. The fifteen (15) 黑料社区 representatives in University Senate shall include thirteen (13) undergraduate 黑料社区 representatives (one [1] of whom shall be the Student Body President), and two (2) graduate 黑料社区 representatives. They shall serve one-year terms. Ten (10) undergraduate 黑料社区 representatives from the Oxford campus, plus one each from the Hamilton and Middletown campuses, shall be selected according to procedures established by the Associated Student Government, the 黑料社区 Hamilton Student Government Association, and the 黑料社区 Middletown Student Advisory Council, respectively. The graduate 黑料社区 representatives shall be chosen according to procedures established by the Graduate Student Association.
4.B. Any vacancies which occur during the term of office for the 黑料社区 members of University Senate may be filled by procedures to be determined by the same 黑料社区 groups that established the procedures to fill the seats initially.
4.C The names of those selected as 黑料社区 representatives to University Senate shall be reported to the Secretary of University Senate.
Section 5. Procedures of University Senate
5.A. The members of University Senate whose terms begin on the first day of the fall semester of the academic year and the continuing members of University Senate shall meet at the call of the Provost during the preceding spring semester in order to elect the two faculty members of the next year's Executive Committee of University Senate and to elect the Chair-elect.
5.B. Prior to the end of the spring semester of an academic year, all members will inform the Chair concerning their summer availability for specially called meetings of Senate. The Chair of University Senate, acting with available members of the Executive Committee, will determine when summer meetings are necessary. When one-half of the membership of Senate can be called, actions may be taken as if under normal procedures. Absent one-half of the members, the Executive Committee members available may call together those members of Senate who are available for the consideration of any action which must be taken. Such action is considered only temporarily approved until ratified by the full Senate in the fall term.
5.C. Unless modified by the provisions of the Enabling Act of University Senate and Faculty Assembly and its amendments or by the Bylaws of University Senate, the procedures of University Senate shall follow the rules established in the most recently revised edition of Robert's Rules of Order.
Section 6. Committee Structure of University Senate
6.A. Committee Structure
6.A.1. The terms of committee members shall be for three (3) years except as Senate otherwise specifies and except in the case of the Executive Committee of University Senate (see below).
6.A.2. All committees, with the exception of the Graduate Council and the Student Life Council, should have among their membership one or more members of University Senate.
6.A.3. Members and chairs of all committees, other than as specified in the committee descriptions below, shall be nominated by the Executive Committee of University Senate or by a subcommittee designated by the Executive Committee. These nominations shall be submitted to University Senate for additional nominations, deletions, and election.
6.B. Standing Committees of University Senate
The standing committees have broad responsibilities and will conduct the continuing and regular business of University Senate.
6.B.1. The Executive Committee of University Senate
6.B.1.a. The Executive Committee of University Senate shall be composed of the Provost; four (4) members of Senate elected by Senate, one (1) of whom shall be elected Chair-elect, one (1) of whom shall be Chair (having served as Chair-elect the previous year); and one (1) of whom is the Past Chair of university senate (having served as chair the previous year); one (1) staff member; one (1) undergraduate 黑料社区 who shall be the Student Body President; and one (1) graduate 黑料社区 who is a member of University Senate. The Secretary of University Senate shall serve as an ex officio non-voting member of the Executive Committee.
6.B.1.b. In the event that the Chair or Past Chair of Executive Committee is no longer an elected member of Senate following the year of service as either Chair-Elect or Chair, they shall continue to serve on Executive Committee, but serve as an ex officio non-voting member of the Senate.
6.B.1.c. The Chair of the Executive Committee of University Senate shall also serve as Vice-chair of University Senate. Chair of Executive Committee, together with the Recording Secretary of University Senate, shall prepare a synopsis of University Senate deliberations and actions for transmission to the Board of Trustees on a regular basis as determined by the Senate Executive Committee. The Chair of Executive Committee, or a faculty member of the Executive Committee designated by the Chair, shall attend each public meeting of the Board of Trustees.
6.B.1.d. Further, the Chair of the Executive Committee shall, in collaboration with the Chair of University Senate, moderate discussions in regularly scheduled senate meetings and retreats and motivate further discussion among senators and constituents through university senate committees, work to build community and trust within and between diverse constituencies, and guide the senate in taking necessary and deliberate action.
6.B.1.e. The members shall be elected for one-year terms, except for the Chair-elect who shall serve a three-year term – one as Chair-elect, and one as Chair, and one as Past Chair. If the Chair cannot complete his/her term, the Chair-elect shall assume the Chair's responsibilities. If the Chair-elect or other faculty member of the Executive Committee cannot complete his/her term, Senate shall conduct a special election to fill the position.
6.B.2. Academic Policy Committee
6.B.2.a. The Academic Policy Committee shall be composed of:
Six (6) faculty members, one from each academic division and at least one of whom shall be a member of University Senate and serve as liaison and one of whom shall be a current or former department chair.
- One (1) academic dean, associate dean, or assistant dean with expertise in academic policy of one college or school appointed on a rotating basis.
- University Registrar or designee
- One (1) professional academic advisor
Three (3) undergraduate 黑料社区s with two being representatives of Associate Student Government and one being a 黑料社区 representative from the Regional Campuses. The Regional campus Representative (RCR) will he a regional campus 黑料社区 selected by regional campus 黑料社区 government. In the event regional campus 黑料社区 government is unable to select the RCR, then the RCR will be selected by the office of the regional campus vice president.
One (1) graduate 黑料社区 selected by the Graduate Student Association (GSA), In the event GSA is unable to select, then the office of the dean of the graduate school will select the graduate 黑料社区 representative.
One (1) ex officio, non-voting member
One (1) representative from the Office of Academic Affairs
6.B.2.b. The functions of the Academic Policy Committee are to advise the Provost and make recommendations to University Senate or other University Senate committees on educational policies found in the Policy Library related to curriculum and research such as but not limited to: course registration, course repeat, re-enrollment, transfer credit, examinations, grading system, academic integrity, attendance, classification of 黑料社区s, degree honors and graduation requirements, and wording in the General Bulletin that relates to the policies under consideration. The Committee is responsible for reviewing revisions of policies in the areas listed above, reviewing proposals for new or revised policies from others, and can also propose policies. It reports regularly to Senate; and consults with and advises the Provost about all matters of academic policy affecting the University.
6.B.3. Department Planning & Improvement Process Committee
6.B.3.a. The Department Planning & Improvement Process Committee shall be composed of:
- Eight (9) tenured, tenure-track or TCPL faculty members and at least one (1) of whom shall be a member of University Senate, along with additional 黑料社区 and ex officio members.
The faculty membership of the Committee shall be allocated as follows:
Three (3) from the College of Arts and Science (one each from the areas of the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences).
One (1) from the College of Education, Health, and Society.
One (1) from the Farmer School of Business.
One (1) from the College of Engineering and Computing.
One (1) from the College of Creative Arts.
One (1) from the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science.
If warranted by the number of programs under review, or the timing of those reviews, one or two additional ad hoc eligible faculty members may be nominated by the Executive Committee of University Senate in consultation with the Academic Program Review Committee Chair to serve a one-year term.
One (1) undergraduate 黑料社区.
One (1) graduate 黑料社区.
Three (3) ex officio nonvoting members
Designee of the Provost who shall serve as the ex officio nonvoting Chair of the Committee.
The Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence or his/her designee.
- The Associate Vice President of Institutional Research & Effectiveness
Membership shall be for a term of three (3) years with the exception of 黑料社区 membership, which shall be one (1) year. Faculty and 黑料社区s whose department or program will be reviewed within the term may be appointed to the Committee but shall not serve on a subcommittee that reviews his or her department or program. Nominations shall normally be submitted for approval to University Senate no later than the last regularly scheduled Senate meeting of the academic year preceding that in which new members will begin to serve.
6.B.3.b. The functions of the Department Planning & Improvement Process Committee are to initiate and implement a continuous process that assesses the quality and effectiveness of departments and identifies and monitors strategies for improvement in the context of the discipline as well as 黑料社区's mission, strategic plan and diversity statement; to develop and recommend to University Senate a policy specifying the purposes, criteria and standards, and procedures of the department planning and improvement process; to periodically re-examine that policy and, if necessary, recommend changes to University Senate; to coordinate the department planning and improvement processes according to the established guidelines and procedures; to report regularly to University Senate; and to respond to inquiries.
6.B.4. Benefits Committee
6.B.4.a. The Benefits Committee shall be composed of:
One (1) faculty member who is also a member of the Faculty Welfare Committee (preferably the Chair).
One (1) faculty member who is also a member the Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee (preferably the Chair).
One (1) classified staff member nominated by the Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (CPAC).
One (1) unclassified staff member nominated by the Unclassified Personnel Advisory Committee (UPAC).
One (1) representative of Local 209 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).
One (1) Senate Liaison.
Two (2) members of the faculty or staff with relevant expertise to provide information and data to the Committee and serving rotating terms. These members will be nominated by the Executive Committee of University Senate in consultation with the Benefits Committee Chair.
Two (2) ex officio, non-voting members:
Director of Human Resources or his/her designee.
Director of Academic Personnel or his/her designee.
The Committee may appoint additional administrators or staff members to serve as ex officio members to serve during consideration of any specific issue(s) being discussed by the Committee; and shall inform the Executive Committee of University Senate of these appointments.
6.B.4.b. The function of the Benefits Committee is to represent University Senate and advise the senior administration on policies involving benefits currently and potentially available to faculty and staff. Current benefits include but are not limited to: healthcare insurance, dental benefits plan, long-term disability insurance, group life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, Flexible Spending Accounts, retirement options, tax-deferred annuities, fee waivers, sick leave, and vacation. The Committee shall work closely with the President and the Vice President of Finance and Business Services. The Committee shall establish its agenda based on the recommendations of the President and members of the President’s Executive Council and on matters brought to it by University Senate. The Committee shall report regularly to University Senate.
6.B.5. Campus Planning Committee
6.B.5.a. The Campus Planning Committee shall be composed of:
- Five (5) faculty members (at least one [1] of whom shall be a member of University Senate and at least one [1] of whom shall be appointed from the Department of Architecture).
No more than one (1) faculty member from any academic department shall serve on the Committee.
One (1) classified staff member.
One (1) unclassified staff member.
Two (2) undergraduate 黑料社区s.
One (1) graduate 黑料社区.
Two (2) ex officio nonvoting members:
One (1) senior administrator from the Physical Facilities Department.
One (1) senior administrator from the Division of Finance and Business Services.
6.B.5.b. The function of the Campus Planning Committee is to represent University Senate in the process of planning and maintaining the physical plant of the institution in order to ensure that the environment and facilities are appropriate to the University's mission. The Committee shall review Campus Planning Project Requests (required for any alteration in the exterior campus environment and for major alterations to campus building interiors); review proposed capital improvement priorities; and review, adopt, and update periodically a set of Patterns that serve as design guidelines for any campus planning project. The Committee shall report both to University Senate and to the senior administration, namely to the President, the Provost, and the Vice President for Finance and Business Services.
6.B.6. Faculty Welfare Committee
6.B.6.a. The Faculty Welfare Committee shall be composed of:
- Five (5) faculty members, at least one of whom shall be a member of University Senate, with no more than two (2) representatives from any academic division.
6.B.6.b. The functions of the Faculty Welfare Committee are to represent the faculty and consult with the Provost on matters that affect the fiscal compensation and support of the faculty. Such matters include but are not necessarily restricted to salaries, insurance benefits, retirement, fee waivers, overload compensation, leaves, and travel. The Committee shall work closely with the Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee and with the Academic Policy Committee in those areas where the primary responsibilities of the later committee affect overall fiscal and academic priorities and policies. The Committee shall report regularly to University Senate.
6.B.7. Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee
6.B.7.a. The Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee shall be composed of:
Six (6) faculty members, at least one (1) of whom shall be a member of University Senate, with one (1) member from each division.
One (1) classified staff member.
One (1) unclassified staff member.
One (1) undergraduate 黑料社区.
One (1) graduate 黑料社区.
Two (2) ex officio nonvoting members serving as liaisons to provide information, data, and expertise to the Committee:
One (1) representative of the Office of Finance and Business Services.
One (1) representative of the Office of the Provost.
6.B.7.b. The functions of the Fiscal Priorities and Budget Planning Committee are to represent University Senate in the financial management of the University, in the process of setting fiscal priorities and in budget planning, and also to offer on-going advice to the administration in each of those areas. The Committee shall give attention to long-range fiscal priorities and budget planning as well as to immediate fiscal and budget concerns. The Committee shall report regularly to University Senate and, in fulfilling its charge, shall work closely with and advise the senior administration of the University, namely the President, the Provost, and the Vice President for Finance and Business Services. The Committee shall establish its own agenda and consider matters brought to it by the President, Provost, Vice President for Finance and Business Services, and University Senate, as well as, matters it chooses to initiate.
6.B.8. Governance Committee
6.B.8.a. The Governance Committee shall be composed of:
- Four (4) faculty members, at least one (1) of whom shall be a member of University Senate.
No more than two (2) faculty members from the same University Senate disciplinary unit as described in the Bylaws of University Senate shall serve simultaneously on the Committee.
One (1) undergraduate 黑料社区.
One (1) graduate 黑料社区.
6.B.8.b. The functions of the Governance Committee are to oversee the implementation and operation of the Enabling Act of University Senate and Faculty Assembly and the Bylaws of University Senate; to oversee and approve recommendations to University Senate for the reallocation of divisional seats as the distribution of full-time equivalent faculty shifts among divisions; to oversee Faculty Assembly and University Senate elections; to approve election procedures submitted by academic representational units, as specified in these Bylaws; and to audit, as the Executive Committee of University Senate or Senate deems necessary, the elections conducted by these groupings.
6.B.8.c. A representative from the Division of Academic Affairs, who need not be a member of the Governance Committee, shall be appointed Elections Coordinator by the Executive Committee of University Senate and shall report to the Governance Committee and to the Executive Committee. At the beginning of the spring semester, the Secretary of University Senate shall review and approve lists of those eligible to vote in faculty elections. The Elections Coordinator shall conduct elections for: (1) the ten (10) at-large faculty seats on University Senate, (2) the faculty members of Graduate Council, (3) the members of the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, (4) the All-University Faculty Committee for the Evaluation of Administrators; and shall conduct other elections upon request.
The Elections Coordinator shall also be responsible by the beginning of the spring semester for insuring that representational unit membership remains current by insuring that new faculty, or faculty who have significantly changed the nature of their appointments, are included among the membership of their appropriate academic caucuses. By the beginning of the spring semester, the Elections Coordinator should also ensure that new faculty whose appointments entitle them to choose among caucuses are invited to select their caucus and then included among the membership of the caucuses of their choice (See Section 1.A of this document).
The Elections Coordinator shall assist the Governance Committee in the regular audit of University Senate seat distribution.
An additional representative from the Division of Academic Affairs will be appointed by the Executive Committee of University Senate and trained by the Elections Coordinator to step into the place of the Elections Coordinator should he/she be unavailable to conduct elections.
6.B.9. Graduate Council
6.B.9.a. The Graduate Council shall be composed of twelve (12) elected faculty representatives and three (3) graduate 黑料社区 representatives. One (1) representative from the Office of the University Registrar shall serve as an ex officio, non-voting member.
6.B.9.a.i. Election of faculty members and alternates of Graduate Council.
The twelve (12) elected faculty representatives shall be elected for three-year staggered terms in separate divisional nominating and general elections utilizing the method of the single transferable vote.
Each academic division offering graduate degree programs (the College of Arts and Science, the Farmer School of Business, the College of Education, Health, and Society, the College of Creative Arts, and the College of Engineering and Computing) shall be guaranteed at least one elected faculty representative (five [5] total), and the remaining seven (7) faculty seats shall be apportioned among the aforementioned academic divisions on the basis of each unit's full-time equivalent graduate faculty size (those holding regular graduate faculty status of Level B or higher) by the method of major fractions, taking account of the guaranteed seats.
Each academic division shall select the number of nominees whose names will appear on the general election ballot equal to twice the number of faculty representatives to be elected plus one, except that in no event shall the number of nominees of any unit be fewer than three (i.e., if only one seat is to be filled).
Faculty alternates to the Graduate Council shall be chosen by reprocessing within each academic division the ballots cast for faculty representatives. Divisions with three (3) or fewer representatives shall have one (1) alternate; those with four (4) or more seats shall have two (2) alternates. Alternates shall serve for terms that coincide with those of the membership categories, and they shall be seated only to replace an absent member of their representative category. (For example, an absent faculty representative from the College of Education, Health, and Society should be replaced only by an alternate from that academic division.)
Eligibility for faculty service on the Graduate Council shall be limited to faculty members with Level A graduate faculty status, and representation shall be limited to the academic divisions offering graduate degree programs.
Eligibility for voting in elections for the Graduate Council shall be limited to faculty members with regular graduate faculty status of Level A or B whose appointments are in academic divisions with graduate degree programs.
6.B.9.a.ii. Selection of graduate 黑料社区 members and alternates of Graduate Council.
The three (3) graduate 黑料社区 representatives in the Graduate Council shall serve for one-year terms, with no limit on eligibility to serve successive terms, and they shall be chosen according to procedures established by the Graduate Student Association.
No more than two (2) graduate 黑料社区 representatives shall be from the same academic division.
There shall be two (2) graduate 黑料社区 alternates chosen according to procedures established by the Graduate Student Association and they shall be from different divisions.
6.B.9.b. The Dean of the Graduate School shall serve as Chair of the Graduate Council, the Administrative Assistant shall serve as its secretary, and the Associate Dean shall serve as Acting Chair in the absence of the Dean.
6.B.9.c. The authority to recommend graduate program policy to University Senate shall reside in the Graduate Council.
6.B.9.d. The functions of the Graduate Council shall be to review all new graduate degrees, majors, programs, and certificates and any degree revisions proposed by academic units that need the Ohio Regents Advisory Committee on Graduate Studies (RACGS) approval and to recommend their approval or rejection to University Senate; to consult with the Provost and make recommendations to Senate on the establishment of graduate programs, and on policies pertaining to methods of instruction, evaluation of instruction, advising and counseling, admissions and retention of graduate 黑料社区s, and on other policies pertaining to the administration of graduate programs; and to share responsibility with the Dean of the Graduate School for consulting with the Provost about financial aid and employment of graduate 黑料社区s and on the use and distribution of educational and research resources for graduate programs and graduate 黑料社区s. Actions of Graduate Council which require the approval of University Senate, such as new degrees, shall be reported to the Executive Committee of University Senate, which shall place them on the agenda of University Senate. All actions of Graduate Council shall be recorded in its minutes which shall be distributed to all members of University Senate who may raise questions about any actions at the meeting of University Senate which follows the distribution of the minutes. Except for the unusual occurrence of University Senate referring an action back to Graduate Council, the actions shall be considered passed upon the adjournment of the first University Senate meeting after the distribution of the minutes.
6.B.10. Student Life Council
6.B.10.a. The voting members of the Student Life Council shall be composed of an equal number of 黑料社区s and faculty or administrative officers of the University – ten (10) faculty members (none of whom shall be members of University Senate), four (4) faculty members or administrative officers appointed by the Vice President for Student Life for one-year terms, and fourteen (14) 黑料社区s. Fourteen (14) 黑料社区 alternates, four (4) Vice Presidentially-appointed alternates, and seven (7) faculty alternates shall also be appointed.
The 黑料社区 membership of Student Life Council shall be composed of two (2) at-large members elected by Student Senate, the President of Associated Student Government (ASG), President of Student Senate, Vice President of ASG, Secretary for On-Campus Life, Secretary for Off‑Campus Life, Secretary for Diversity Life, President of the Interfraternity Council, President of the Panhellenic Association, President of the National Panhellenic Association, President of the Organization of Commuting Students, Chief of Staff to the Executive Cabinet, and Vice President of Student Organizations.
6.B.10.b. The Chair shall be the Vice President for Student Life, who shall serve as an ex officio member, with the Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Student Life serving as secretary, both without vote.
6.B.10.c. University Senate delegates its authority in the realm of 黑料社区 social-conduct rules and regulations to the Student Life Council, a semi-autonomous governing body, which also has legislative authority in the general realm of nonacademic 黑料社区 Life.
6.B.10.d. The functions of the Student Life Council are to advise the Vice President for Student Life; to exercise delegated authority from University Senate in matters pertaining to 黑料社区 social and conduct regulations; and to exercise legislative authority in the general realm of nonacademic 黑料社区 Life. All actions of the Student Life Council that have substantial academic content shall be reported to the Executive Committee of University Senate, which shall place them on the agenda of University Senate. All actions of Student Life Council shall be recorded in its minutes to be sent to the Executive Committee of University Senate, which shall be alert to the possibility that some items may be of sufficient University-wide importance to merit the attention of University Senate under its responsibility to provide recommendations on all matters related to 黑料社区. Actions of the Student Life Council which do not have substantial academic content are made directly to the President via the Vice President for Student Life and need not be acted upon by University Senate, although the President may desire to consult with this or other groups in deciding to approve, modify, or reject actions taken by the Student Life Council. Matters to be considered by the Student Life Council will originate from a number of sources, but it is expected that Associated Student Government will be an important source of suggestions for action by Student Life Council.
6.B.11. Council for Undergraduate Curriculum
6.B.11.a. The Council for Undergraduate Curriculum shall be composed of:
Six (6) faculty members one from each academic division.
At least one (1) of these faculty members shall be a member of University Senate.
Two (2) undergraduate 黑料社区s.
Eight (8) ex officio nonvoting members:
One (1) representative from Academic Affairs.
One (1) representative of the Office of the University Registrar.
Six (6) divisional representatives one from each of the divisional academic deans’ office (typically, an associate dean).
6.B.11.b. The functions of the Council for Undergraduate Curriculum are to review, in light of established academic policies of the University, all changes in curricula, degree requirements, and new majors and new degrees proposed by academic divisions and forwarded to University Senate by the academic deans, and to recommend to University Senate the approval or rejection of those changes. The Council for Undergraduate Curriculum, along with the Academic Policy Committee, shall advise the Provost on criteria for the establishment of new majors and new degrees. The process for elimination of programs and degrees is specified in Senate Resolution SR 14-01 (Appendix A, Guide for the Consolidation, Partition, Transfer, or Elimination of Academic Divisions, Departments, or 黑料社区). The Council shall report regularly to Senate.
6.B.12. The Honors College Advisory Committee
6.B.12.a. The Honors College Advisory Committee shall be composed of:
Eight (8) faculty members from Oxford-based curriculum-generating units as follows:
One (1) member of University Senate from any academic discipline and serving as Senate Liaison to the Committee. The Senate Liaison shall be drawn from any Oxford-based curriculum-generating unit.
One (1) from the humanities from the College of Arts and Science.
One (1) from the the social sciences from the College of Arts and Science.
- One (1) from mathematics/statistics/natural sciences from the College of Arts and Science.
One (1) from the College of Creative Arts.
One (1) College of Engineering and Computing.
One (1) from the College of Education, Health, and Society.
- One (1) from the Farmer School of Business.
The Chair of the Committee shall normally have had previous experience serving on the committee and teaching honors courses.
Two (2) 黑料社区 members.
The 黑料社区 representatives shall be chosen by the Honors Student Advisory Board.
Ex officio nonvoting member:
- The Director of the Honors College.
6.B.12.b. The Executive Committee of University Senate, in consultation with the Director of the Honors College, shall nominate committee members. Nominees must be able to serve at the regularly scheduled meeting time established for the Honors College Advisory Committee for the following academic year. Where possible , preferences should be given to identifying nominees who have experience in teaching honors courses.
6.B.12.c. The functions of the Honors College Advisory Committee are to advise the Director of the Honors College on curricular and administrative issues involving the honors education at Miami and to approve the inclusion of courses in the Honors College curriculum. The Committee shall report regularly to University Senate.
6.B.13. University Liberal Education Council
6.B.13.a. The Liberal Education Council shall be composed of:
A minimum of eleven (11) faculty members:
- The Associate Director
Two (2) faculty members from different departments with expertise in humanities.
Two (2) faculty members from different departments with expertise in social sciences.
- Two (2) faculty members with expertise in natural sciences.
One (1) faculty member with expertise in creative arts.
One (1) faculty member with expertise in mathematics/technology/formal logic.
One (1) faculty liaison to the Howe Center for Writing Excellence.
One (1) faculty at-large member nominated in consultation with the Chair of the University Liberal Education Council.
One (1) faculty (could also be one of the above) with expertise in Study Away/Study Abroad.
One (1) faculty (could also be one of the above) shall represent the Regional Campuses.
- One (1) faculty (could also be one of the above) with expertise in interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary learning.
- One (1) faculty (could also be one of the above) with expertise in DE&I.
- One (1) faculty (could also be one of the above) with expertise in Intercultural Consciousness.
- One (1) faculty (could also be one of the above) with expertise in Global Inquiry
- One (1) faculty (could also be one of the above) shall be a member of University Senate and serve as Senate Liaison.
The primary goal is assemble a committee with the appropriate expertise to appropriate expertise to appropriately evaluate offerings. All divisions must be represent.
One (1) representative from the University Libraries.
One (1) representative from the Office of the University Registrar.
One (1) undergraduate 黑料社区s nominated by Associated Student Government.
One (1) professional academic advisor.
The University Director of Liberal Education shall serve as the Chair of the Liberal Education Council.
Additional ex officio members may be named to nonvoting seats on the Liberal Education Council at the discretion of the Council, with the approval of University Senate.
The Council shall form appropriate subcommittees as necessary.
Nominations shall be made in consultation with the Director of Liberal Education. Nominees must be able to serve at the regularly scheduled meeting time established for the following year.
6.B.13.b. The authority to approve the inclusion of courses in the University Liberal Education curriculum shall reside in the Liberal Education Council. Courses submitted for such approval shall already have been approved by all other appropriate academic units.
6.B.13.c. Actions of the Liberal Education Council which require the approval of University Senate, such as changes in policy, shall be reported to the Executive Committee of University Senate, which shall place them on the agenda of University Senate. All actions of the Liberal Education Council shall be recorded in its minutes, which shall be distributed to all members of University Senate, who may raise questions about any of these actions at the meeting of University Senate that follows the distribution of the minutes. Except for any action University Senate refers again to the Liberal Education Council, the actions which do not require explicit approval by University Senate shall be considered passed upon the adjournment of the first University Senate meeting after the distribution of the Liberal Education Council's minutes.
6.C. Advisory Committees of University Senate
Advisory Committees are charged to advise appropriate administrators and to report to University Senate from time to time on the state of the institution in the policy area for which that Committee is responsible.
6.C.1. Athletic Policy Committee
Advisory to the President and to the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics.
6.C.1.a. The Athletic Policy Committee shall be composed of:
Six (6) faculty or staff members, at least one of whom shall be a member of University Senate.
Three (3) of the faculty or staff members shall be selected by the Executive Committee of University Senate from a list of six (6) or more nominees submitted by the President; the other three (3) faculty or staff members shall be selected as provided in Section 6.A above.
Three (3) 黑料社区s.
Two (2) of the 黑料社区 members, one (1) female and one (1) male, shall be selected from 黑料社区 intercollegiate athletic teams. Two (2) female and two (2) male nominees shall be selected by the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics and their names forwarded to Associated Student Government, which shall inform the Executive Committee of University Senate of its choices. The third 黑料社区 member shall be chosen by Associated Student Government from among 黑料社区s who are not formally involved in intercollegiate athletics.
Two (2) ex officio nonvoting members:
The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics.
A faculty representative to the Mid-American Conference from 黑料社区 (chosen by the President).
6.C.1.b. The functions of the Athletic Policy Committee are to represent University Senate and to advise the President and the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics about matters affecting the academic and athletic integrity of intercollegiate athletics, including, but not limited to, matters affecting 黑料社区-athlete welfare. The Committee shall advise the Athletic Director generally on policies for 黑料社区 athletes including standards of academic eligibility, 黑料社区 support and health, academic integrity and progress, equity, including Title IX, and NCAA, MAC, and CCHA issues. The Committee is charged with the responsibility to track the academic progress of current athletes, to analyze that academic data and to make recommendations to the Athletic Director on related policy. The Committee shall advise the President and University Senate on the sports in which Miami will participate. The Chair of the Athletic Policy Committee shall be kept informed of the search processes for head coaches and the intercollegiate athletic director. The Committee is involved in the NCAA recertification process.
6.C.2. Awards and Recognition Committee
Advisory to the President and to the Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
6.C.2.a. The Awards and Recognition Committee shall be composed of:
Six (6) tenured faculty members at the rank of full professor, at least one (1) of whom shall be a member of University Senate.
At least one member with expertise in arts or humanities; at least one with expertise in social sciences, education, or business; and at least one with expertise in science, math, technology or engineering. Efforts will be made to select members from across academic divisions and who have experience with promotion and tenure reviews.
At least one (1) member who is a past recipient of the Benjamin Harrison Medallion, or University Distinguished Professor Award, or Distinguished Service Award.
One (1) or more ex officio nonvoting member(s).
The Secretary of University Senate or his/her designee, who shall serve as Committee secretary.
Additional administrators or staff members shall serve ex officio during consideration of any particular award as the terms of that specific award mandate.
For the Distinguished Service award, a classified or unclassified staff member shall serve as an additional voting member.
6.C.2.b. The functions of the Awards and Recognition Committee are to advise the President and the Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs; to serve as the screening and nominating committee for the Benjamin Harrison Medallion, University Distinguished Professorships, the Distinguished Service Award, and candidates for honorary degrees; to select or nominate candidates for other academic honors and awards that may be created; and to report regularly to University Senate.
6.C.3. Committee for the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE)
Advisory to the Director of the Center for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching, and University Assessment.
6.C.3.a. The Committee for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching, and University Assessment shall be composed of:
- Seven (7) faculty members, at least one (1) of whom shall be a member of University Senate; and one (1) of whom shall, in consultation with the Director of the Center for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching, and University Assessment, be appointed chair.
No more than two (2) faculty members from any one academic division shall serve simultaneously on the Committee.
Two (2) undergraduate 黑料社区s.
One (1) graduate 黑料社区.
Two (2) ex officio nonvoting members:
The Director of the Center for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching, and University Assessment.
A liaison from IT Services representing academic and institutional technical support.
6.C.3.b. The functions of the Committee for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching, and University Assessment are to serve as a catalyst for the promotion, development, and assessment of outstanding teaching at 黑料社区; to advise the Director of the Center for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching, and University Assessment on matters of policy and implementation affecting teaching and assessment at 黑料社区; to evaluate proposals and applications for awards, grants, and programs administered by the Committee; and to report regularly to University Senate.
6.C.4. Council on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI)
Advisory to the Vice President of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion and the Provost.
6.C.4.a. The Council on Diversity and Inclusion shall be composed of:
One (1) faculty member who is a member of University Senate and shall serve as Senate Liaison.
One (1) representative from the College of Arts and Science.
One (1) representative from the Farmer School of Business.
One (1) representative from the College of Engineering and Computing.
One (1) representative from the College of Education, Health, and Society.
One (1) representative from the College of Creative Arts.
- One (1) representative from the University Libraries
One (1) representative from the College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science.
One (1) member of the Classified Personnel Advisory Committee (CPAC).
One (1) member from the Division of Enrollment Management and Student Success.
One (1) representative from the Division of Information Technology (IT) Services.
One (1) representative from the Division of Student Life.
One (1) representative from the Division of University Advancement.
One (1) representative from University Communications and Marketing.
One (1) representative from Intercollegiate Athletics.
One (1) representative from the Division of Finance and Business Services.
- One (1) undergraduate 黑料社区 who is the Associate Student Government, Secretary of Diversity and Inclusion.
- One (1) undergraduate 黑料社区 who is a member of the Diversity Affairs Council
- One (1) undergraduate 黑料社区 who is enrolled at a Miami Regionals campus.
One (1) graduate 黑料社区 who is a member of the Graduate Students of Color Association.
- One (1) graduate 黑料社区 chosen from teh general graduate 黑料社区 body.
Five (5) administrative staff positions:
- The Director of the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion or representative.
Director of the Office of Equity and Equal Opportunity or representative.
The Director of Global Initiatives or representative.
The Director of Miller Center for Student Disability Services.
The Regional Director of Diversity and Multicultural Services.
The Executive Committee of University Senate, in consultation with the Vice President for Institutional Diversity, shall nominate Council members and shall appoint two members as the committee co-chairs (one faculty and one staff representative).
6.C.4.b. The functions of the Council on Diversity and Inclusion are to advise the Vice President of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion and the Provost on matters of diversity and to facilitate long term planning for and make policy recommendations to the University Senate and University Senate committees related to issues of diversity and inclusion. The Council is also responsible for reviewing revisions of policies in the areas listed above, reviewing proposals for new or revised policies from others, and can also propose policiies in consultation with the VP for Institutional Diversity and Inclusion. CODI will also engage in the following:
Connect offices and departments of the University to various diversity and inclusion initiatives;
Disseminate information to members of the University community regarding "best practices" which encourage diversity, equity, and inclusion;
Facilitate open dialogue and difficult conversations across differences to promote understanding and constructive exchange of views on matters of diversity;
Develop diversity-related competencies to increase recruitment and retention of diverse faculty, staff, and 黑料社区s;
Use metrics to assess and identify trends, progress, and problems pertaining to campus diversity and climate; and
Build an intellectual community that recognizes that diverse experiences create a rich educational experience for members of the greater University Community.
6.C.4.c. The Council on Diversity and Inclusion will have five standing sub-committees:
- Curriculum Development seeks to assist and educate faculty in their efforts to embed Diversity & Inclusion in the curriculum and co-curriculum.
- Multicultural Programming sees to offer a broad base of cultural experiences within the institution.
- Recruitment and Retention supports the institution in its efforts to recruit, hire, and develop the best possible faculty and staff; examines 黑料社区 recruitment and retention practices and how they affect the overall committee to Diversity & Inclusion.
- Data will keep CODI abreast of relevant institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion data, national data trends, and lead the faculty, staff, and 黑料社区 diversity climate survey.
- DEI Recognition will create and implement recognition for excellence in DEI teaching, advocacy, and leadership. It will also lead the planning of the Week of Inclusive Excellence.
The Council shall report regularly to University Senate.
6.C.5. Faculty Research Committee
Advisory to the Vice President for Research and Innovation, Office of Research and Innovation.
6.C.5.a. The Faculty Research Committee shall be composed of:
Ten (10) faculty members, one of whom shall serve as the Chair of the Committee and at least on of whom shall be a member of University Senate. The following disciplinary groupings shall each be represented by three (3) faculty members:
Applied and natural sciences.
Business, education, and social sciences.
Humanities and creative arts.
Three (3) faculty alternates. The following disciplinary groups shall each be represented by one (1) alternate:
Applied and natural sciences.
Business, education, and social sciences.
Humanities and creative arts.
Two (2) ex officio nonvoting members:
The Dean of the Graduate School.
Representative from the Office for the Advancement of Research and Scholarship to be appointed by the Associate Provost for Research and Scholarship or his/her designee.
The Chair of the Committee and the chairs of the subcommittees shall be tenured. The Chair will oversee the work of the Committee; and will oversee the work of the subcommittees; and will not be eligible to serve on a subcommittee.
6.C.5.b. The functions of the Faculty Research Committee are to promote research and scholarship at 黑料社区 by advocating policies and procedures that strengthen initiatives to increase the quality and visibility of faculty research accomplishments; to advise the Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship on matters of policy and implementation affecting research at 黑料社区, and on other matters which the Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship may bring to the Committee for advice and counsel; and to evaluate proposals for summer research grants, research assistantships, and other grants in support of research, according to the policies and procedures contained in the 黑料社区 Policy and Information Manual. The Committee shall report regularly to University Senate.
6.C.6. Information Technology Policy Committee
Advisory to the Vice President for Information Technology.
6.C.6.a. The Information Technology Policy Committee shall be composed of:
Five (5) faculty members, no more than two (2) of whom shall be selected from any one academic division.
Two (2) staff members, representing different administrative divisions (i.e., serving under different vice presidents).
One (1) representative (dean, librarian, or staff member) of the University Libraries.
One (1) undergraduate 黑料社区.
One (1) graduate 黑料社区.
One (1) ex officio nonvoting member:
Vice President for Information Technology.
At least one (1) member of the Committee shall be a member of University Senate, and at least one (1) member of the Committee shall represent the regional campuses.
6.C.6.b. The functions of the Committee are to advise the Vice President for Information Technology on matters of policy and implementation regarding computers, communication networks, and other aspects of information technology at 黑料社区; to monitor and review information technology policies and procedures; to assist in seeking input, and interpreting responses, from the University community on issues of strategic and tactical planning for information technology; to evaluate proposals for the use of University-wide 黑料社区 technology fees for specialized purposes; and to report regularly to University Senate. The chair of the Information Technology Policy Committee shall also serve on the IT Portfolio Board.
6.C.7. Library Committee
Advisory to the Dean and University Librarian.
6.C.7.a. The Library Committee shall be composed of:
Five (5) faculty and staff members, at least one of whom shall be a member of University Senate.
One (1) undergraduate 黑料社区.
One (1) graduate 黑料社区.
One (1) ex officio nonvoting member: the Dean and University Librarian.
6.C.7.b. The functions of the Library Committee are to advise the Dean and University Librarian about library policies and practices; to promote effective communication among library patrons (faculty, staff, and 黑料社区s), library staff, and University administrators; to disseminate information to the University community about new developments that affect use of library resources, services, and programs; and to report regularly to University Senate.
6.C.8. University Committee on Internationalization
Advisory to the administrators responsible for international education.
6.C.8.a. The University Committee on Internationalization shall be composed of:
Seven (7) faculty
Six (6), one from each academic division.
One (1) member of University Senate, serving as Senate Liaison.
At least one (1) member, , shall be a faculty member with familiarity of the 黑料社区 Dolibois European Center (MUDEC).
At least one (1) member shall be a faculty member with familiarity of the international 黑料社区 and scholar experience.
Two (2) undergraduate 黑料社区s.
One (1) who has studied abroad outside of the United States.
One (1) from the international 黑料社区 community.
One (1) graduate 黑料社区
Ex officio nonvoting members:
The Assistant Provost, Global Initiatives
Director of Liberal Education
Finance & Business Affairs representative
Student Affairs representative
Enrollment Management & Student Success representative
6.C.8.b. The functions of the University Committee on Internationalization are to:
advise and consult on strategic comprehensive internationalization planning and assessment; and
advocate for education abroad, exchange programs, global partnerships, international 黑料社区 support, visiting scholars’ guidelines and support, faculty professional development, global alumni relations, and intercultural and global curricular/co-curricular learning outcomes; ; and
goals and initiatives are discussed, and advice is solicited by those responsible for global endeavors on behalf of the university.
The Committee will discuss long term goals and priorities, as well as immediate interests; and
the Committee will establish ad hoc and standing sub-committees as needed to focus on established centers of emphasis, and emerging concerns, initiatives, guidelines, or proposals; and,
report regularly to University Senate.
Standing Sub-Committee - 黑料社区 Dolibois European Center (MUDEC) Committee
The 黑料社区 Dolibois European Center Sub-Committee shall be composed of:
Six (6) faculty members, one of whom shall be appointed Chair.
All the faculty members shall have had international education experience.
Two (2) ordinarily shall have had recent experience as teachers of the Thematic Sequence Semester Course at MUDEC, and at least one shall have had experience as a visiting scholar or professor.
At least one (1) shall be a member of University Senate, and at least one (1), ordinarily the Chair, shall be a member of the International Education Committee. The Chair shall have had experience at the Center.
One (1) 黑料社区 and one (1) 黑料社区 alternate.
The 黑料社区 member and alternate shall be chosen by Associated Student Government from among 黑料社区s who have studied for at least one full semester at MUDEC.
Two (2) ex officio nonvoting members:
The MUDEC Oxford Coordinator
The Assistant Provost, Global Initiatives
serve as the Curriculum Committee for the Center. In consultation with the Dean of the John E. Dolibois European Center and the European faculty, it shall propose revisions to curricular requirements; propose, develop, and revise courses as appropriate; and review courses proposed by European faculty.
function as the search committee for the appointment of Semester Course faculty and sprint course faculty and scholars
in consultation with the Dean, it shall advertise these positions; in cooperation with the Dean, it shall accept nomination materials, and screen and interview candidates; it shall then recommend appointments to the Dean.
assist the Provost and the Dean in the recruitment and appointment of the MUDEC Oxford Coordinator and the Student Activities Coordinator. The Committee shall advise the Provost on the appointment of the Dean. On request, it shall advise the Dean on the recruitment of European faculty shall report regularly to University Senate, the Dean of the John E. Dolibois European Center, and the University Committee on Internationalization.
6.C.9. Undergraduate Research Committee
Advisory to the Associate Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education.
6.C.9.a. The Undergraduate Research Committee shall be composed of:
Eight (8) faculty members, at least one (1) of whom shall be a member of University Senate and including at least one member from each of the academic divisions, with attention to ensuring that the University’s graduate programs are represented:
- College of Arts and Science
- College of Creative Arts
- College of Engineering and Computing
- College of Education, Health, and Society
- Farmer School of Business
- College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science
- They should also reflect the following disciplinary groupings with two (2) faculty members ber disciplinary group:
- Applied sciences and natural sciences.
- Business, education, and social sciences.
- Humanities and creative arts.
- Two (2) at-large faculty members.
Three (3) undergraduate 黑料社区 members nominated according to a procedure established by the Associated Student Government.
One (1) of the 黑料社区 members shall serve a one-year term.
Two (2) of the 黑料社区 members shall serve two-year terms.
Two (2) graduate 黑料社区s serving, preferably, two-year terms.
Two (2) ex officio nonvoting members:
Director of Research for Undergraduates or their designee.
The Vice President for Research and Innovation or their designee.
6C.9.b. The functions of the Undergraduate Research Committee are to:
- promote quality research experiences for undergraduate 黑料社区s by advocating policies and procedures, encouraging undergraduate research, providing input on publicity through University Communications and Marketing, and increasing quality and recognition of undergraduate research accomplishments;
- encourage faculty/黑料社区 research;
- promote research-based courses across disciplines;
- publicize available funding opportunities;
- evaluate 黑料社区 proposals for small grant research funding and to award undergraduate research grants;
- advise the Associate Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education on matters relating to undergraduate research at the University;
- assist in the identification and procurement of external funding sources for undergraduate research; and
- report regularly to the University Senate.
Section 7. Amendment
7.A. A proposal to amend the Bylaws of University Senate may be presented at any regular meeting of University Senate by any member of University Senate.
7.B. The proposal and procedure from Section 7.C shall be announced in the summary of the meeting prepared by the Secretary of University Senate for distribution.
7.C. At the meeting of University Senate following the distribution of the proposal, an agenda item shall be the discussion of the proposal with time allowed for comment from any 黑料社区, staff, faculty, or administrator of 黑料社区.
7.D. Approval of the proposal shall require the vote of an absolute majority of the membership of University Senate.
Section 8. Appendix A
8.A. Senate Resolution SR 14-01, Guide for the Consolidation, Partition, Transfer, or Elimination of Academic Divisions, Departments, or 黑料社区
SR 14-01
Original date: September 23, 2013
Revised Date: November 9, 2020
BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that University Senate adopt revisions to the Guide for the Consolidation, Partition, Transfer, or Elimination of Academic Divisions, Department, or 黑料社区 (Bylaws of University Senate, Section 8.A) as stated below:
The purpose of this resolution is to guide the decision-making process when consolidation, partition, transfer, or elimination of academic divisions, departments, or programs is under consideration. “黑料社区” in this document is defined as administrative units such as academic departments, programs or institutes that offer degree programs, and academic divisions, rather than curricular programs (see "Changes to the Academic Curriculum" in the Policy Library for the procedure for elimination of an academic degree program or major). Fundamental to all that follows is the principle that ordinary administrative chains of command should always be observed in the decision-making and implementation process; that is, discussion, consultation, and fact-finding will normally begin at the programmatic or departmental level, with recommendations passing through divisional channels before reaching the Provost’s office. This does not preclude initiative for such a decision-making process coming from a higher level, but it is meant to establish the principle of involving in a substantial way, those who are closest to the areas under consideration. Those who have proposed a consolidation, partition, transfer, or elimination of Academic Divisions, Departments or 黑料社区 will present to Senate the rationale for the restructuring in question. Senate will consider the suggested change and make a recommendation to the Provost. If the restructuring moves forward, a process coordinator will be designated by the Provost in consultation with the Executive Committee of University Senate. The process coordinator should be a neutral person who has no formal ties with the division, department, or program under consideration and is a tenured, full professor who is nominated by the professor's academic dean.
At all times in the process outlined below, every effort should be made to keep the Provost, other appropriate University officers, and the faculty, staff, and 黑料社区s in affected divisions, departments, and programs informed of the progress of such discussions as they take place.
In consultation with the Provost, the process coordinator is charged with:
ensuring that the decision-making process is fair and empowers all constituents;
ensuring that the process not only allows adequate time to hear and debate all concerns, but also is as efficient as possible;
acting as a sounding board and mediator, as required, throughout the decision-making process; and
acting as a liaison between the affected units and University Senate (the process coordinator does not need to be a member of University Senate).
The following actions should guide all administrators and key stakeholders whenever consolidation, partition, transfer, or elimination is being formally considered. Relevant communication should occur at a time that would allow for substantive feedback from affected parties.
Step 1. A request with a rationale for consolidation, partition, transfer, or elimination of a department, program (academic unit), or division is submitted to the Provost. This request may be made by the chair or director of the unit involved or it may come from a higher level.
Step 2. If the Provost deems the request worthy of consideration, those who have proposed it will present to Senate the rationale for the restructuring in question. Senate will consider the suggested change and make a recommendation to the Provost. If the Provost approves the request, the Provost shall name a process coordinator at such time that formal discussion involving consolidation, partition, transfer, or elimination begins. In consultation with the person who initiated the request and the Dean, the Provost may constitute an ad hoc process committee.
Step 3. In consultation with the Provost and Dean, the process coordinator shall ensure that information is shared widely with divisions, departments, and programs; and with all interested parties within and external to Miami.
Step 4. The persons involved in instituting the request (along with the ad hoc committee where required) will work with the affected division(s), department(s), or program(s) to develop a specific proposal that includes course and timeline of action and impact analysis. The analysis should assess benefits and impacts on the University mission, on all constituents, and affected units, and on budget. Where diverse perspectives exist, the process coordinator will ensure that they are included in the impact analysis. If deemed necessary by the Provost in consultation with the Dean and chair or director, a formal or informal Academic Program Review may be included in the analysis.
Step 5. In consultation with the Provost and the appropriate dean, and at the earliest time possible in the process, the process coordinator will ensure that the proposal in process is presented and discussed at a regularly scheduled meeting of University Senate. Multiple Senate visits may be necessary.
Step 6. In consultation with the Provost, the process coordinator shall ensure that the Council of Academic Deans and all affected administrators and departments and programs are consulted on the draft proposal.
Step 7. The process coordinator shall ensure that the proposal is presented to University Senate for consideration.
Step 8. The process coordinator and the University Senate shall make recommendations to the Provost.
Bylaws of University Senate approved by University Senate
Section Number | Action | Approving Body | Date |
8 | University Senate | 3/7/88 | |
8.C.2.a. | New | University Senate | 8/29/88 |
4.1 | Deleted and sections renumbered | University Senate | 2/6/89 |
8.D.3.a. |
University Senate | 2/6/89 | |
8.C.6.b. | University Senate | 11/6/89 | |
8.B.8.a 8.B.8.b |
Board of Trustees | 12/9/89 | |
Codified complete document | University Senate | 3/98 | |
8.B.11 | Nes | University Senate | 3/5/90 |
2.1 2.3 |
Board of Trustees | 6/8/91 | |
2.4 | New | Board of Trustees | 6/8/91 |
2.6 2.7 |
Board of Trustees | 6/8/91 | |
2.8 | New | Board of Trustees | 6/8/91 |
7.1.a 7.1.b |
New | Board of Trustees | 6/8/91 |
8.B.6.a 8.B.6.b |
New and sections renumbered | Board of Trustees | 6/8/91 |
8.B.1.a | Board of Trustees | ||
8.C.4.a 8.C.4.b |
Board of Trustees | ||
8.B.13 | New | University Senate | 2/20/92 |
8.B.2.a 8.B.2.b |
University Senate | 2/8/93 | |
8.B.6 | New and sections renumbered | University Senate | 2/8/93 |
8.B.12 | New and sections renumbered | University Senate | 3/8/93 |
4.1 4.2 |
University Senate | 4/18/94 | |
8.a 8.b 8.c |
Sections Renumbered | University Senate | |
9.B.6.a 9.C.9.a |
University Senate | 10/16/95 | |
9.B.6.a 9.C.9.a |
University Senate | 11/6/95 | |
9.C.1.a | University Senate | 12/4/95 | |
6.C.3.a |
University Senate | 1/25/99 |
6.C.4(a) 6.C.4(b) |
Deleted and sections renumbered | University Senate | 2/22/99 |
6.C.3.a | University Senate | 4/5/99 | |
6.C.3.c(1)(a) and (b) 6.C.3.c(2)(a) and (b) 6.C.3.c(3)(a) and (b) |
Deleted | University Senate | 4/5/99 |
6.C.6.c(1) 6.C.6.c(2)(a) 6.C.6.c(2)(b) 6.C.6.c(2)(c) 6.C.6.c(3) |
New | University Senate | 4/5/00 |
1.D | Add Dept. of Speech Pathology and Audiology | 5/2000 | |
1.D | Amended | University Senate | 4/9/01 |
1.D | Codified name Comparative Religion | June 2001 | |
6.C.1.b | Amended | University Senate | 2/5/01 |
1.D | Redistribution of Senate seats | University Senate | 3/26/01 |
6.B.1.b | University Senate | 4/9/01 | |
6.B.4.a | Ex Officio | University Senate | 8/27/01 |
6.B.16 | Amended | University Senate | 2/25/02 |
6.B.8 | Delete Faculty Conference | University Senate | 4/1/02 |
2 | Election of 10 at-large senators reordered and revised | University Senate | 4/8/02 |
6.B.11.b | Governance Committee functions and elections coordinator | University Senate | 4/8/02 |
Codified complete document | University Senate | July 2002 | |
Codification of new titles | University Senate | June 2003 | |
6.B.15 | Honors and Scholars Program | University Senate | 10/20/03 |
Codified name change School of Business | University Senate | June 2004 | |
6.C.2.B | Distinguished Service Award | University Senate | 3/28/05 |
6.B.9.a | SR 06-10, amended ex officio | University Senate | 11/21/05 |
6.C.6.c.1 | SR 06-11, amended ex officio | University Senate | 11/21/05 |
6.B.3.a | SR 06-19, amended composition | University Senate | 1/23/06 |
6.C.6.a | SR 06-21, amended ex officio | University Senate | 1/23/06 |
6.C.8 | SR 06-28 new | University Senate | 4/17/06 |
Codified complete document | University Senate | July 2006 | |
Codified to reflect R2007-24 FSB | Board of Trustees | 2/9/07 | |
6.C.3 | SR 07-15, committee composition/function | University Senate | 3/5/07 |
1.D | Codified to reflect R2007-39, Kinesiology | Board of Trustees | 4/27/07 |
Codified document R2007-24 Farmer School of Business | Board of Trustees | 2/9/07 | |
6.C.3 | SR 07-15, amended committee composition and function | University Senate | 3/5/07 |
1.D | R2007-39, Kinesiology and Health | Board of Trustees | 4/27/07 |
Various | SEAP to Education, Health, and Society | Board of Trustees | 9/14/07 |
6.C.3 | 08-06 Create Benefits Committee & codify Section numbers | University Senate | 10/22/07 |
Various | SR 08-07 add graduate 黑料社区 representatives | University Senate | 10/22/07 |
6.B.6 | SR 09-05, deleted Committee of Delegates to the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee & renumber accordingly | University Senate | 10/20/08 |
6.C.5 | SR 09-06, ex officio, Faculty Research Committee | University Senate | 10/20/08 |
6.B.13.a | SR 09-10, UCC name/function to Council for Undergraduate Curriculum/add SR 08-09 as Appendix A. | University Senate | 12/1/08 |
1.D | R-2009-17; Mathematics & Statistics – two departments | Board of Trustees | 12/12/08 |
1.D | R2009-19 Computer Science & Systems Analysis name change to Computer Science and Software Engineering | Board of Trustees | 2/6/09 |
6.C.4 | SR 10-04, Committee for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching, and University Assessment, name, composition, and function | University Senate | 10/19/09 |
6.C.1.b | SR 10-06, Athletic Policy Committee, function | University Senate | 12/9/09 |
6.C.7 | SR 10-26, International Education Committee, composition and function | University Senate | 3/29/10 |
6.B.3.a | SR 10-29, Academic Program Review Committee, composition | University Senate | 3/29/10 |
Codified Miami Report replaced with the e-Report | University Senate | June 2010 | |
SR 11-21 & SR 11-27 reclassify MUDEC (6.B.11) as standing committee & Faculty Research (6.C.9) as advisory | University Senate | 4/4/11 & 4/18/11 | |
Various Sections Note - Sections Renumbered |
August Consent Calendar – Honors renamed/composition – Liberal Education composition SR 12-01 Benefits reclassify as standing committee SR 12-02 & 12-35 Liberal Education composition SR 12-03, SR 12-20, & SR 12-22 Awards & Recognition composition/function SR 12-16 Multicultural renamed/composition/function CODI SR 12-36 CELTUA composition Changes to references of Office of the University Secretary throughout the document |
University Senate | 2011-12 Academic Calendar Various Dates |
Various Sections |
Creation of the College of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences on the regional campuses Renaming College of Education, Health, and Society; College of Engineering and Computing; Ccollege of Creative Arts |
University Senate/Board of Trustees |
4/15/13 4/22/13 6/21/13 |
Various Sections Note: Section 6 renumbered |
SR 13-11 through SR 13-20 revisions to the following committees: Academic Policy, Academic Program Review, Graduate Council, Student Life Council, Council for Undergraduate Curriculum, University Honors, University Liberal Education, Faculty Research Committee, CELTUA, Benefits, Student Affair. SR 13-21 dissolution of Codification Committee |
University Senate |
4/15/13 |
Section 8.A. Appendix |
SR 14-01, Guide for the Consolidation, Partition, Transfer, or Elimination of Academic Divisions, Department, or 黑料社区 |
University Senate |
9/23/13 |
6.C.4.a |
SR 14-05, Council on Diversity & Inclusion, Composition |
University Senate |
11/4/13 |
6.C.4.a |
SR 14-06, Academic Program Review |
University Senate |
11/4/13 |
1.A; 1.B; 1.F; 1.G 3.B/ 3.C; 3.D |
SR 14-09 |
University Senate |
12/2/13 |
Section 1 |
SR 14-14, Faculty Assembly Senate Seat Redistribution |
University Senate |
2/24/14 |
Codified Miami Report replaced with Miami Matters |
9/10/14 |
College of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences (CPSAS) replaced with College of Liberal Arts and Applied Science (CLAAS); |
7/1/16 |
Center of Enhancement of Learning, Teaching, and University Assessment (CELTUA) replaced with Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) |
7/1/16 |
8.A |
Change to SR 14-01 |
University Senate |
2/17/17 |
Section 1 |
SR 17-03, Faculty Assembly Senate Seat Redistribution |
University Senate |
3/6/17 |
6.C.2.a |
SR 18-01, Revisions to the Awards & Recognition Committee Composition |
University Senate |
10/9/17 |
6.B.13.a |
SR 18-03, Revisions to the University Honors Program and Advisory Committee Composition |
University Senate |
2/12/18 |
6.C.4.a |
SR 18-04, Revisions to the Council on Diversity and Inclusion Committee Composition |
University Senate |
2/12/18 |
6.C.7.a |
SR 18-05, Revisions to the International Education Committee Composition |
University Senate |
2/12/18 |
6.C.4.a |
SR 19-01, Revisions to the Council on Diversity and Inclusion |
University Senate |
8/17/19 |
6.B.11.a |
SR 20-01 – Revisions to the Council for Undergraduate Curriculum |
University Senate |
9/9/19 |
6.C.8 |
SR 20-02 – Revisions to the International Education Committee |
University Senate |
9/23/19 |
1.B |
SR 20-10 Reapportionment |
University Senate |
2/24/20 |
6.B.1.a |
SR 20-22 – Revisions to the Senate Executive Committee |
University Senate |
4/27/20 |
6.C.4 |
SR 21-05 Revisions to the Composition and Function of CODI |
University Senate |
10/12/20 |
8.A |
SR 21-10 - Revisions to the Guide for the Consolidation, Partition, Transfer, or Elimination of Academic Divisions, Department, or 黑料社区 |
University Senate |
11/09/20 |
6.B.1.a |
SR 21-18 - Revisions to the Composition of Senate Executive Committee |
University Senate |
2/8/21 |
6.B.13 |
SR 21-28 Revision of Liberal Education Council Composition |
University Senate |
4/19/21 |
6.B.2 |
SR 21-30 Revisions to the Function and Composition of the Academic Policy Committee |
University Senate |
4/26/21 |
6.C.4 | SR 22-08 Revisions to the Function and Composition of CODI | University Senate | 11/22/21 |
6.B.7 |
SR 22-24 - Revisions to Composition of the Fiscal Priorities & Budget Planning Committee |
University Senate | 4/11/22 |
6.B.3 |
SR 22-25 - Revisions to Composition, Name, and Function of the Academic Program Review Committee |
University Senate | 4/11/22 |
1.B |
SR 23-18 Reapportionment |
University Senate | 4/10/23 |