Level 1 Oxford Campus College Credit Plus (CCP) Courses
The Ohio Department of Higher Education requires that College Credit Plus 黑料社区s must complete 15 credit hours of courses that are on an approved list. These courses meet at least one of the criteria for . These courses are transferable courses among any Ohio public higher education institution. After completing the 15 credit hours, CCP 黑料社区s should confer with their academic advisor if they wish to take a course that is not on the list.
The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the College Credit Plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon College Credit Plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs.
CCP 黑料社区s are not eligible to enroll in one-on-one private instruction courses, courses with fees that exceed the amount set by the Chancellor, study abroad or study away courses, physical education courses, remedial courses, or courses that are not taken for a grade.
The courses listed below include options available via the 黑料社区 Oxford Campus and/or 黑料社区 Regional Campuses.
All Oxford 黑料社区s (including CCP) must wait until 30 days prior to the semester to register for an online course through the regional campuses.
The list also includes the reason per the state that the course is included on the level 1 list (see course eligibility above).
Please note that course offerings vary by semester. This list does not reflect available courses in any given semester or term.
It is the 黑料社区’s responsibility, with the guidance of their school, to know which courses count towards high school graduation requirements.
All grades received by 黑料社区s in this program are reviewed by college admission offices and thus, participation in the program needs to be carefully considered.
Please note, any 黑料社区 enrolled in the CCP program must be admitted to 黑料社区 before they can be offered selective admission or a degree. Admission to 黑料社区 requires a diploma with a high school graduation date or GED. For information on applying to 黑料社区, please visit Admission and Aid.
ARC 188 Ideas in Architecture OT36
ARC 221 History of Architecture I OT36
ARC 222 History of Architecture II OT36
ART 102 Color Theory and Practice TAG
ART 111 Design and Composition TAG
ART 121 Observational Drawing
ART 171 Visual Fundamentals – 3D TAG
ART 181 Concepts in Art OT36
ART 187 History of Western Art: Prehistoric to Gothic TAG, OT36
ART 188 History of Western Art: Renaissance to Modern TAG, OT36
ART 231 Painting I (pre-requisite: ART 121) TAG
ART 241 Printmaking I (prerequisite: ART 121) TAG
ART 251 Typography CTAG
ART 257 Photography, Darkroom TAG
ART 261 Ceramics I (prerequisite: ART 111) TAG
ART 271 Sculpture 1 TAG
ART 350 Illustration (prerequisites: ART 121 and 231) CTAG
MUS 100 A-G Various Ensemble Groups (audition required) TAG
MUS 101 Theory of Music I TAG
MUS 102 Theory of Music II (prerequisite: MUS 101) TAG
MUS 142 A-T Applied Music (audition required) TAG
MUS 151 Theory of Music: Aural Skills I TAG
MUS 152 Theory of Music: Aural Skills II TAG
MUS 160 Functional Piano I TAG
MUS 161 Functional Piano II TAG
MUS 185 The Diverse Worlds of Music OT36
MUS 189 Great Ideas in Western Music OT36
MUS 201 Theory of Music III (prerequisite: MUS 102) TAG
MUS 202 Theory of Music IV (prerequisite: MUS 201) TAG
MUS 211 History of Western Music OT36
MUS 242 Applied Music (audition required) TAG
MUS 251 Theory of Music: Aural Skills III (prerequisite: MUS 152) TAG
MUS 252 Theory of Music: Aural Skills IV (prerequisite: MUS 251) TAG
MUS 285 Introduction to African American Music OT36
THE 101 Introduction to Theatre: Drama and Analysis TAG, OT36
THE 131 Principles of Acting TAG
THE 191 Experiencing Theatre OT36
THE 200 Production and Performance Practicum TAG
THE 255 Stagecraft TAG
THE 257 Stagecraft TAG
BIO 101 Biotechnology: Coming of Age in the 21st Century CTAG
BIO 115 Biological Concepts: Ecology, Evolution, Genetics, and Diversity TAG, OT36
BIO 116 Biological Concepts:Structure, Function, Cellular, and Molecular Biology TAG, OT36
BIO 121 Environmental Biology OT36
BIO 131 Plants, Humanity, and Environment OT36
BIO 155 Field Botany with LAB CTAG
BIO 161 Human Physiology LAB OT36
BIO 171 Human Anatomy and Physiology LAB OT36
BIO 176 Ecology of North America OT36
BIO 191 Plant Biology LAB OT36
BIO 342 Genetics TAG
MBI 111 Microorganisms and Human Disease OT36
MBI 121 The Microbial World OT36
MBI 123 Experimenting with Microbes LAB OT36
ACC 221 Introduction to Financial Accounting TAG
ACC 222 Introduction to Managerial Accounting TAG
BLS 342 Legal Environment of Business TAG
BUS 284 Business Communication TAG
CMR 101 Introduction to Accounting TAG
CMR 105 Introduction to Marketing TAG
CMR 108 Introduction to Business Law TAG
CMR 111 Introduction to Management I TAG
CMR 117 Personal Finance: An Introduction CTAG
CMR 181 Computers and Business TAG
CMR 207 Management Planning and Control (Prerequisite: CMR 101) TAG
CMR 224 Medical Terminology TAG, CTAG
CMR 241 Introduction to Supply Chain Management Technology CTAG
CMR 263 Sales and Promotion (Prerequisite: CMR 105) TAG
ECO 201 Microeconomics TAG, OT36
ECO 202 Macroeconomics TAG, OT36
EDL 100 Career Development for the College Student RULE B3e
EDP 101 Critical Issues in the Psychology of the Learner OT36
EDP 201 Human Development and Learning in Social and Educational Contexts TAG, OT36
EDP 256 Psychology of the Exceptional Learner TAG
EDT 110R Learning Strategies RULE B3e
EDT 190 Introduction to Education TAG, CTAG
EDT 272P Early Childhood Development TAG
FSW/EDT 225 Family, School, and Community Connections TAG
CEC 101 Computing, Engineering, and Society TAG
CIT 154 - Personal Computer Concepts and Applications (VR) TAG
CSE 151 Computers, Computer Science and Society Rule B3b
CSE 153 Introduction to C/C++ Programming Rule B3b
CSE 163 Introduction to Computer Concepts and Programming (prerequisite: MTH 102 or higher or a score of 12 or higher on the mathematics placement test) Rule B3b
CSE 174 Fundamentals of Programming and Problem-Solving (prerequisite: MTH 102 or higher or a score of 12 or higher on the mathematics placement test) Rule B3b
CSE 271 Object-Oriented Programming (prerequisite: CSE 174 with grade of C- or better) Rule B3b
ENT 135 Computer Aided Drafting and Design CTAG, TAG
ENT 151 Engineering Materials TAG
ENT 152 Manufacturing Process CTAG, TAG
ENT 192 DC Circuit CTAG, TAG
ENT 193 AC Circuit TAG
ENT 196 Electronics TAG
ENT 235 Computer Aided Drafting and Design CTAG, TAG
ENT 271 Statics TAG
ENT 272 Strength of Materials TAG
ENT 293 Digital Electronics CTAG, TAG
ENT 295 Microprocessors TAG
ENT 296 Programmable Logic Controllers TAG
ENT 310 Fluid Mechanics TAG
MME 211 Static Modeling of Mechanical Systems (prerequisites: MTH 151 and PHY 191) TAG
MME 311 Dynamic Modeling of Mechanical Systems (prerequisite: MME 211) TAG
MME/CPB 341 Engineering Economics (prerequisite: MTH 151 and STA 261) TAG
APC 239 Introduction to Communication Theory TAG
EGS 215 Workplace Writing OT36
ENG 111 Composition and Rhetoric OT36
ENG 112 Composition and Literature (Prerequisite: ENG 111) OT36
ENG 122 Popular Literature OT36
ENG 123 Introduction to Poetry OT36
ENG 124 Introduction to Fiction OT36
ENG 125 Introduction to Drama OT36
ENG 134 Introduction to Shakespeare OT36
ENG/FST 220 Literature and Film OT36
ENG 225 Advanced Composition(Prerequisite ENG 111) RULE C1b
ENG 226 Introduction to Creative Writing (Prerequisite ENG 111) RULE C1b
ENG/AMS 246 Native American Literature OT36
ENG 251 Introduction to European Literature OT36
ENG/LAS 254 Latino/a Literature and the Americas OT36
ENG 272 English Literature to 1660 TAG, OT36
ENG 273 English Literature 1660-1900 TAG, OT36
ENG 274 English Literature 1901 to Present TAG, OT36
ENG 275 American Literature to 1900 TAG, OT36
ENG 276 American Literature 1900 to Present TAG, OT36
STC 135 Principles of Public Speaking TAG
STC 136 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication TAG
STC 231 Small Group Communication TAG
Students must take the Oxford online placement test to determine the appropriate first course for all language courses.
ARB 101 Elementary Arabic I TAG
ARB 102 Elementary Arabic II (prerequisite: ARB 101) TAG
ARB 201 Intermediate Modern Arabic I (prerequisite: ARB 102) TAG
ARB 202 Intermediate Modern Arabic II (prerequisite: ARB 201) TAG
CHI 101 Elementary Chinese I TAG
CHI 102 Elementary Chinese II (prerequisite: CHI 101) TAG
CHI 201 Second Year Chinese I (prerequisite: CHI 102) TAG
CHI 202 Second Year Chinese II (prerequisite: CHI 201) TAG
FRE 101 Elementary French I TAG
FRE 102 Elementary French II (prerequisite: FRE 101) TAG
FRE 201 Intermediate French I (prerequisite: FRE 102) TAG
FRE 202 Critical Analysis of French Culture TAG
GER 101 Beginning German I TAG
GER 102 Beginning German II (prerequisite: GER 101) TAG
GER 201 Second Year German (prerequisite: GER 102) TAG
GER 202 Second Year German (prerequisite: GER 201) RULE B3b
GRK 101 Beginning Greek I TAG
GRK 102 Beginning Greek II (prequisitie: GRK 101) TAG
GRK 201 Intermediate Greek TAG
ITL 101 Beginner’s Course in Italian I TAG
ITL 102 Beginner’s Course in Italian II (prerequisite: ITL 101) TAG
ITL 201 Second Year Italian I (prerequisite: ITL 102) TAG
ITL 202 Second Year Italian II (perquisite: ITL 201) TAG
JPN 101 First Year Japanese I TAG
JPN 102 First Year Japanese II TAG
JPN 201 Second Year Japanese I TAG
JPN 202 Second Year Japanese II TAG
KOR 101 Beginning Korean 1 RULE B3b
KOR 102 Beginning Korean 2 (prerequisite: KOR 101) RULE B3b
KOR 201 Intermediate Korean 1 (prerequisite: KOR 102) RULE B3b
KOR 202 Intermediate Korean 2 (prerequisite: KOR 201) RULE B3b
LAT 101 Beginning Latin I TAG
LAT 102 Beginning Latin II (prerequisite: LAT 101) TAG
LAT 201 Intermediate Latin TAG
LAT 202 Representative Latin Authors TAG
RUS 101 Beginner's Course RULE B3b
RUS 102 Beginner's Course (prerequisite: RUS 101) RULE B3b
RUS 201 Intermediate Russian (prerequisite: RUS 102) RULE B3b
RUS 202 Intermediate Russian (prerequisite: RUS 201) RULE B3b
SPA/DST 101 Beginning ASL I TAG
SPA/DST 102 Beginning ASL II (prerequisite: SPA 101) TAG
SPA/DST 201 Intermediate ASL I TAG
SPA/DST 202 Intermediate American Sign Language II TAG
SPN 101 Beginner’s Course in Spanish I TAG
SPN 102 Beginner’s Course in Spanish II TAG
SPN 111 Intensive Basic Spanish TAG
SPN 201 Second Year Spanish I TAG
SPN 202 Second Year Spanish II TAG
SPN 203 Spanish for Health Care Professionals TAG
SPN 211 Intensive Intermediate Spanish TAG
SPN 311 Grammar Review and Introduction to Composition (Prerequisite: SPN 202, 203, or 211) RULE B3bKNH 102 Fundamentals of Nutrition TAG
KNH 104 Introduction to Food Science and Meal Management TAG
KNH 188 Physical Activity and Health CTAG
KNH 203 Nutrition in Disease Prevention Management TAG
KNH 209 Medical Terminology for Health Professionals CTAG, TAG
AMS 205 Introduction to American Cultures OT36
CLS 121 Introduction to Classical Mythology OT36
FST 201 Film History and Analysis OT36
GER 231 Folk and Literary Fairy Tales OT36
HST 111 Survey of American History I TAG, OT36
HST 112 Survey of American History II TAG, OT36
HST 197 World History to 1500 TAG, OT36
HST 198 World History Since 1500 TAG
JRN 350P Introduction to Photo Journalism TAG
LAS 260 Latin America in the US OT36
MJF 105 Intro to Mass Communication TAG, OT36
PHL 103 Society and the Individual TAG
PHL 104 Purpose or Chance in the Universe TAG
PHL 105 Theories of Human Nature TAG, OT36
PHL 131 Introduction to Ethics TAG, OT36
REL 275 Introduction to Biblical Literature OT36
RUS 137 Russian Folklore OT36
Students' standardized test scores will be used to determine the appropriate first course for all math courses.
MTH 115 Mathematics in Elementary Education I OT36
MTH 116 Mathematics in Elementary Education II OT36
MTH 119 Quantitative Reasoning OT36
MTH 125 Pre-Calculus OT36
MTH 141 Business Calculus OT36
MTH 151 Calculus I (prerequisites: MTH 104 or 123 or 125) TAG
MTH 249 Calculus II (prerequisite: grade of B or better in MTH 151) OT36
MTH 222 Introduction to Linear Algebra (prerequisite: MTH 249 or 251) TAG
MTH 245 Differential Equations (prerequisite: MTH 251 or 249) TAG
MTH 251 Calculus II (prerequisite: grade of C or better in MTH 151) TAG
MTH 252 Calculus III (prerequisite: MTH 249 or 251 TAG
CHM 111 + 111L Chemistry in Modern Society LAB) OT36
CHM 141R/CHM 141 + 144 College Chemistry and College Chemistry LAB TAG
CHM 142 + 145 College Chemistry, LAB (pre-requisite CHM 141; 144) TAG
CHM 241/251 + 244/254 Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry I LAB (prerequisite: CHM 142) TAG
CHM 242/252 + 245/255 Organic Chemistry II and Organic Chemistry II LAB (prerequisite: CHM 241) TAG
EDT 181 Physical Science I with LAB OT36
EDT 182 Physical Science II with LAB OT36
GLG 111 The Dynamic Earth TAG, OT36
GLG 115L Understanding the Earth LAB TAG, OT36
GLG 121 Environmental Geology TAG, OT36
GLG 141 Geology of U.S. National Parks TAG, OT36
GLG 201 Mineralogy with LAB (Pre-requisite GLG 111, 121, 141, and GLG 115L; Co-requisite: CHM 141/144) TAG
GLG 204 Survival on an Evolving Planet (Pre-requisite: Any 100-level BIO or GLG course) TAG
PHY 101 Physics and Science OT36
PHY 103 Concepts in Physics LAB OT36
PHY 111 Astronomy and Space Physics OT36
PHY 121 Energy and Environment OT36
PHY 161 Physics for Life Sciences with Laboratory I (prerequisite: MTH 104 or 123 or 125) TAG
PHY 162 Physics for Life Sciences with Laboratory II (prerequisite: PHY 161) TAG
PHY 191 General Physics with LAB I (corequisite: MTH 151) TAG, OT36
PHY 192 General Physics with LAB II (prerequisite: MTH 151 and PHY 191; corequisite: MTH 249 or 251) TAG, OT36
STA 125 Business Statistics TAG
STA 261 Statistics OT36
CHM 111 + 111L Chemistry in Modern Society LAB OT36
CHM 141R/CHM 141 + 144 College Chemistry and College Chemistry LAB TAG, OT36
CHM 142 + 145 College Chemistry, LAB (pre-requisite CHM 141; 144) TAG
CHM 241/251 + 244/254 Organic Chemistry I and Organic Chemistry I LAB (prerequisite: CHM 142) TAG
CHM 242/252 + 245/255 Organic Chemistry II and Organic Chemistry II LAB (prerequisite: CHM 241) TAG
EDT 181 Physical Science I with LAB OT36
EDT 182 Physical Science II with LAB OT36
GLG 111 The Dynamic Earth TAG, OT36
GLG 115L Understanding the Earth LAB TAG, OT36
GLG 121 Environmental Geology TAG, OT36
GLG 141 Geology of U.S. National Parks TAG, OT36
GLG 201 Mineralogy with LAB (Pre-requisite GLG 111, 121, 141 and GLG 115L; Co-requisite: CHM 141/144) TAG
GLG 204 Survival on an Evolving Planet (Pre-requisite: Any 100-level BIO or GLG course) TAG
PHY 101 Physics and Science OT36
PHY 103 Concepts in Physics LAB OT36
PHY 111 Astronomy and Space Physics OT36
PHY 121 Energy and Environment OT36
PHY 161 Physics for Life Sciences with Laboratory I (prerequisite: MTH 104 or 123 or 125) TAG
PHY 162 Physics for Life Sciences with Laboratory II (prerequisite: PHY 161) TAG
PHY 191 General Physics with LAB I (corequisite: MTH 151) TAG, OT36
PHY 192 General Physics with LAB II (prerequisite: MTH 151 and PHY 191; corequisite: MTH 249 or 251) TAG, OT36
ATH 145 Lost Cities and Ancient Civilizations TAG
ATH 155 Introduction to Anthropology OT36
ATH 175 People of the World TAG, OT36
ATH 185 Cultural Diversity in the US OT36
ATH 255 Foundations of Biological Anthropology TAG
BWS 225 Making of Modern Africa OT36
BWS 348 - Race and Ethnic Relations (VR) TAG
CJS 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice Studies TAG, CTAG
CJS 211 Law Enforcement TAG
CJS 271 Criminal Behavior TAG
CJS 281 Corrections TAG
CLS 101 Greek Civilization in its Mediterranean Context OT36
ECO 131 Economic Perspectives on Inequality in America OT36
ECO 201 Principles of Microeconomics TAG, OT36
ECO 202 Principles of Macroeconomics TAG, OT36
FSW 201 Introduction to Social Work TAG
FSW 206 Social Welfare TAG
FSW 261 Diverse Family Systems Across the Life Cycle TAG
GEO 101 Global Forces, Local Diversity TAG, OT36
GEO 111 World Regional Geography: Patterns and Issues TAG, OT36
GEO 121 Earth’s Physical Environment TAG, OT36
GEO 201 Geography of Urban Diversity OT36
GEO 242 Map Communication and Analysis TAG
GEO 441 Geographic Information Systems TAG
GTY 154 Aging in American Society OT36
HST 197 World History to 1500 OT36
ITS 201 Introduction to International Studies OT36
KNH 303 Food Systems Management TAG
LAS 208 Introduction to Latin America OT36
POL 142 American Politics and Diversity OT36
POL 221 Modern World Governments TAG, OT36
POL 241 American Political Systems TAG, OT36
POL 268 State and Local Government TAG
POL 271 World Politics TAG, OT36
PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology TAG, OT36
PSY 221 Social Psychology (Pre-requisite: PSY 111) TAG
PSY 231 Developmental Psychology (Pre-requisites: PSY 111 or EDP 101) TAG
PSY 241 Personality (Pre-requisite: PSY 111) TAG
PSY 242 Abnormal Psychology (Pre-requisite: PSY 111) TAG
SOC 151 Social Relations TAG
SOC 153 Sociology in a Global Context TAG, OT36
SOC 201 Social Problems TAG
SOC 352 Criminology (prerequisite: SOC 151 or 153) TAG
SOC 363 Sociology of Families (Pre-requisite: SOC 151 or 153) TAG
SPA 223 Theories of Language Development OT36
WGS 201 Introduction to Women’s Studies OT36
General Education Pathway
15-Hour Pathway
- Social Science Course (POL 241)) – 3 hours
- Math Course (MTH 122, 124)- 3 hours
- ENG 111 - 3 hours
- Biological science course (BIO 121)- 3 hours
- Global Course (ATH 185, IDS 159, GEO 101, HST 197, 198…) – 3 hours
30-Hour Pathway
- Above courses plus the following:
- Creative Art Course (ART 181, MUS 185, ART 187, ART 188…)- 3 hours
- Math (MTH 122, MTH 124)- 3 hours
- Humanities Course (ENG 122, ART 187, 188, HST 111, 197, …) – 3 hours
- Global Course (ATH 185, IDS 159, GEO 101, HST 197, 198…) – 3 hours
- Physical Science Course (PHY 101, 111, 121, 141, 161(math prereq needed), GLG 111, 121, 141, CHM 111, 121, 141(math prereq needed)) – 3 to 4 hours
Regional College Credit Plus
Miami's regional campuses provide a robust offering of CCP courses. Please visit their CCP page for more information.
Department Abbreviations
- AMS - American Studies
- ARC - Architecture
- ART - Art
- ARB - Arabic
- ATH - Anthropology
- BIO - Biology
- BWS - Black World Studies
- CEC - Engineering
- CHM - Chemistry
- CLS - Classics
- COM - Communication
- CPB - Chemical, Paper, and Bioengineering
- CSE - Computer Science Engineering
- ECO - Economics
- EDL - Educational Leadership
- EDP - Educational Psychology
- EDT - Teacher Education
- ENG - English
- ENT - Engineering Technology
- FST - Film Studies
- FSW - Family Studies and Social Work
- GEO - Geography
- GLG - Geology
- GRK - Greek
- GTY - Gerontology
- HST - History
- IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
- ITS - International Studies
- KNH - Kinesiology and Health
- JRN - Journalism
- LAS - Latin American Studies
- LAT - Latin
- MAC - Media and Culture
- MBI - Microbiology
- MGT - Management
- MME - Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
- MTH - Math
- MUS - Music
- PHL - Philosophy
- PHY - Physics
- POL - Political Science
- PSY - Psychology
- REL - Religion
- SOC - Sociology
- SPA - Speech Pathology and Audiology
- STA - Statistics
- THE - Theatre
- WGS - Women, Gender, and Society