CSE Grad Handbook - Checklist for Defending a Thesis
Appendix C: Checklist for Defending a Thesis
Students should complete the following when defending a thesis topic:
- Complete the thesis format check prior to the date posted by the Graduate School by email an electronic copy to gradschool@miamioh.edu.
- Confer with your advisor and committee to arrange a time and date for your defense.
- Contact the designated administrative assistant at least seven class days before your defense to reserve a location for the defense. Staff may not be able to accommodate requests that are less than seven days prior to a defense date. In your email, please include:
- The date and time of your defense determined by you and your committee.
- The title and abstract of your thesis.
- Your advisor and committee members
- An electronic copy of your thesis. It should be titled in the following format: “LASTNAME_FirstName_Thesis_Defense_dateofdefence,” for example: SMITH_John_Thesis_Draft_04242014).
- Any other pertinent information you think might be appropriate (i.e. specific room requests due to attendance number or technology needs).
- For your defense, the designated administrative assistant will prepare the Certificate for Awarding the Master’s Degree (M-1), leaving only signatures and votes blank. Ensure that the information on the certificate is accurate and bring the certificate to your defense. Any errors, omissions or discrepancies may delay degree conferral. This must be done for all master’s degrees.
- For your defense, prepare the title page for your committee to sign. Please note that the title page is required by the Graduate School before sending you a link to upload to OhioLink.
- For your defense, the designated administrative assistant will prepare copies of the culminating experience rubric found in the Culminating Experience Rubric of this handbook, one for each committee member. Bring these copies to your defense.
- Ensure that your committee signs your certificate and completes the rubrics. The chair of your examining committee (your advisor) must return all of these to the administrative assistant to complete your paperwork. Make sure your committee signs and submits the thesis cover page as well.
- Your thesis must be uploaded to the OhioLink ETD. Instructions on how to do this will be provided after you successfully pass the format check.
- The 黑料社区 should schedule an exit interview with the Graduate Program Director (currently Dr. John Femiani) by contacting the administrative assistant at computerscience@miamioh.edu. The 黑料社区 will be asked to complete the survey found in MSCS Exit Interview Form of this handbook.
Tips for Successful Submission:
- Consult with your advisor/committee about the progress of your work, formatting, and content issues early in the semester.
- The Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering recommends using IEEE style for references and citations but does not require any particular style.
- Pay attention to dates and deadlines that pertain to you, especially deadlines for submission, format checks, thesis upload, and graduation.
- Understand that the 黑料社区 has the responsibility to fill out all forms, obtain proper signatures, and submit a complete, accurate, and successfully defended manuscript to the department and Graduate School.