Faculty Research and Publications
TCE faculty are involved in a variety of scholarly activities. Here is a sampling of faculty and 黑料社区 efforts:
Bautista, N., Blue, J., Yezierski, E., Wanko, J. & Schwartz, T. ($1,172,821; 2017-2022). A Community-Based and Culturally Responsive Approach to STEM Teacher Preparation, Induction and Retention. National Science Foundation, Robert Noyce Scholarship Program. Funded. Award No. 1660644.
Bryan, N. & Lee, L. ($5000; October 2020). Investigating the Impact of Teachers’ Exclusionary Discipline Practices During Black Boyhood Play on the Reading Achievement and Repeated Disciplinary Outcomes of Black boys in 3rd grade. Albany State Center for Educational Opportunity.
Castañeda, M. (PI/Co-Author) & Schell, R. (Project Director/Co-Author) (2021). Preparing English Learner Educational Allies (¡PELEA!, which translates to “Fight!”), Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) National Professional Development, U.S. Department of Education (2.5 Million) (funded)
Cosmah, M., Bryan, N., Saine, P., Washburn-Moses, L., & Watt, S. ($499,000; 2022-2024). Miami Literacy and Mathematics Lab: A Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Approach. The Ohio Department of Education.
Herrington, D., Yersinski, E. and MacKenzie, A. (2011-2020). Collaborative Research: Further Development and Testing of the Target Inquiry Model for Middle and High School Science Teacher Professional Development., NSF Grant, $1.5 million.
Lee,L. Reggio Emilia Project-Based Learning in Low-Income Preschools. Ohio Children’s Foundation ($15,000)
Saine, P. (PI).EHS Research Seed Grant,Preparing Preservice and Inservice Teachers to Engage in Critical Race English Education (CREE) Pedagogical Practices and Virtual Mentoring in High School English Language Arts (ELA) Classrooms. Co-PI (Nathaniel Bryan); [2019-2020] $3,000
Schultz, B. D. & Taliaferro-Baszile, D (Co-PIs). ($200,000; 2022-2024)Addressing Educators Shortages in Ohio Grant. (Lead PI: . MU TEACh Cincinnati Pipeline Project, U.S. Department of Education/Ohio Department of Higher Education.
Schwartz, T. & Reyes, G. ($78,000). Mentoring: I-Teach Montgomery County. Ohio Deans Compact Grant. Sub-recipient. Funded.
Schwartz, T., Leafgren, S., Klatt, S., & Wachenheim, K. ($28,072; 2020). Induction Year Mentoring for Cincinnati Public School Teachers. Martha Holden Jennings Foundation.
Schwartz, T., Wachenheim, K. & Sander, S. ($28,500; 2022). Communities of Practice for Early Career Teachers, Phase 2. Martha Holden Jennings Foundation.
Taliaferro Baszile, D. Schultz, B.D., Bryan, N., McMillian, R. (Co-PIs). ($10,000; 2021). Duke Energy Foundation. MU TEACh Cincinnati Summer Scholars.
Bergen, D., Lee, L., Dicarlo, C. & Burnett, G. (2020). Enhancing Young Children’s Brain Development in Infants and Young Children: Strategies for Caregivers and Educators. New York, NY: Teacher’s College Press.
Bryan, N. (2021). Toward a BlackBoyCrit Pedagogy: Black boys, male teachers, and literacy early childhood classroom practices. Routledge. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Research Series.
Ellis, A. L., Bryan, N., Sealey-Ruiz, Y., Toldson, I., & Emdin, C. (Eds.). (2021). The impact of classroom practices: Teacher educators reflect on culturally relevant teachers. Information Age Publishing.
He, M. F., & Schubert, W. H. (Eds.) Nunez, I., Roberts, P., Ross, S., & Schultz, B. D. (Assoc. Eds). (2021). Encyclopedia of curriculum studies (three volumes). New York: Oxford University Press.
Misco, T. (2017). What you need to know to be an undergraduate in the U.S. Beijing, China. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
Radina, R. & Schwartz, T. (2019). Radical Love as Resistance: Youth Participatory Action Research for Transformation. Austin, TX: Sentia Publishing Company.
Saine, P. (2021). Remote Learning: Engaging in K-12 Literacy Instruction (Rowman & Littlefield). 2nd Edition
Schultz, B. D. (2017). Teaching in the cracks: Opening and opportunities for 黑料社区-centered, action-focused curriculum. New York: Teachers College Press. ISBN: 0807758310
Schultz, B. D. (2018). Spectacular things happen along the way: Lessons from an urban classroom (2nd/10th Anniversary ed.). New York: Teachers College Press. ISBN: 0807761060
Spangler, D. A. & Wanko, J. J. (Eds.) (2017). Enhancing classroom practice with research behind Principles to Actions. Reston, VA:
Wright, B., Bryan, N., Sewell, C., Yates, L., Barrett, C., Thomas, K., & Robinson, M. (Eds.). (2019). Gumbo for the soul: Males of color share their stories, meditations, affirmations, and inspirations. Information Age Publishing.
Aronson, B. A., Banda, R., Johnson, A., Kelly, M., Radina, R., Reyes, G., Sander, S., & Wronowski, M. (2020). The Social Justice Teaching Collaborative: A Collective Turn Towards Critical Teacher Education. Journal of Curriculum Studies Research, 2(2), 21-39.
Aronson, B., Reyes, G., Banda, R., Barrios, V., Castañeda, M. E, & Claros-Berlioz, E. (2020). Improvising a space for us: A testimonio from a Latina Diaspora Group. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 19(3), 266-274.
Baker, J., Flaspohler, P., Wargel, K., & Schwartz, T. (2020). Youth participatory action research in urban public education: Underrepresented youth addressing social justice in the United States. In C. S. Clauss-Ehlers, A. B. Sood, & M. D. Weis (Eds.), Social Justice for Children and Young People: International Perspectives (pp. 460-476). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Banda, R. M. & Reyes, G. (2022). Caring for 黑料社区s by caring for ourselves first: Comadre co-teaching during times of crisis. Teaching in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2022.2103668
Banda, R., Fernandez, E., Aronson, B., & Reyes, G. (In Press). “This ain’t new, so back us up”: Critical race composite counterstories as resistance during an anti-CRT climate in teacher education. Thresholds in Education.
Batchelor, K. & Sander, S. (2017). Down the Rabbit Hole: Using The Matrix to Reflect on Teacher Education, Studying Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1080/17425964.2017.1286577
Batchelor, K. E. (2018). Middle school writers’ attitudes and beliefs on revision paired with transmediation during a flash fiction unit. English Education, 50(4), 337-364.
Batchelor, K. E. (2019). Discovering signs of embodied literacies: Dramatic play and revision in middle school writers in Warsaw, Poland. Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 15(2), 1-24.
Batchelor, K. E. (2019). Using linked text sets to promote advocacy and agency through a critical lens. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 62(4), 379-386.
Batchelor, K. E. (2022). Using the “CARD” response technique to assist middle school 黑料社区s in the revision process. Journal of Response to Writing 8(1), 43-80.
Batchelor, K. E., Bissinger, N., Corcoran, C., & Dorsey, M. (2021). Choose wisely!: Interactive fiction narrative videogames in the English classroom. English Journal, 110(5), 94-102.
Batchelor, K. E., Ramos, M., & Neiswander, S. (2017). Opening Doors: Teaching LGBTQ-themed young adult literature for an inclusive curriculum. The Clearing House, 91(1), 29-36.
Bautista, N. U., Misco, T., & Quaye, S. (2017). Early childhood open-mindedness: An investigation into preservice teachers’ capacity to address controversial issues. Journal of Teacher Education. Published online, 1-15.
Beard, D., & Castañeda, M. E. (2019). Beyond Input: Promoting Interpersonal Communication with Task-Based Language Teaching. Breaking Barriers Building Bridges Promoting Performance, 63.
Bell, J., Zaino, K., & Sealey-Ruiz, Y. (2022.) Diggin’ in the racial literacy crates. Equity & Excellence in Education. DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2022.2064354
Blackburn, M., & Thomas (Corwin), M. (2019). LGBTQ+ youth in rural schools and communities. Equity by Design. Indianapolis, IN: Midwest & Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP EAC).
Blackburn, M., & Thomas (Corwin), M. (2020). Supporting LGBTQ+ 黑料社区s in rural schools: A professional development facilitator manual for educators. Equity by Design. Indianapolis, IN: Midwest & Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP EAC)
Brown, C. L., Park, Y., Schell, R. F., Benedict, A. (2017). Portfolio assessment: A magnifier to look deeply into English language learners’ responsiveness. New England Reading Association Journal, 52(1), 81-93.
Brown, C. L., Schell, R. F., & Ni, M. (2018). Powerful participatory literacy for English learners. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 62(4), 369-378.
Brown, C. L., Schell, R. F., Denton, R. A., & Knode, E. A. (2019). Family literacy coaching: Partnering with parents for reading success. School Community Journal, 29(1), 63-86.
Bryan, N. (2020). “To me he teaches the way the child learns”: Black mothers on the pedagogies and schooling practices of a Black male kindergarten teacher.” Urban Review, 53(1), 491-515.
Bryan, N. (2020). Remembering Tamir Rice and other Black boy victims: Imagining Black PlayCrit Literacies inside and outside urban literacy education. Urban Education, 56(5), 744-771.
Bryan, N. (2020). Shaking ‘the bad boys’: Troubling the criminalization of Black boys’ childhood play, hegemonic White masculinity and femininity, and ‘the school playground-to-prison pipeline.’ Race, Ethnicity, and Education, 23(5), 673-692.
Bryan, N., Davis, D., McMillian, Jackson, J., & Cooper, R. (accepted). Toward a Black PlayCrit in Educational Leadership: What school leaders need to know about Black boyhood play. Journal of School Leadership.
Castañeda, M. E., Shen, X., & Claros-Berlioz, E. (2018). This is my story: Latinx learners create digital stories during a summer reading camp. TESOL Journal, 1-14
Colmenares, E. E., & Morvay, J. K. (2019). Affective (An) Archive as Method. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 10(2021-02-03), 310.
Dover, A., & Schultz, B. D. (2018). Turning towards 黑料社区s: Adopting a 黑料社区-centered stance in mandate-centered times. In G. Hall, D. Gollnick, & L. Quinn, Handbook on teaching and learning (pp. 199-223). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Edwards, M. T. & Walker, J. (2017). A tail of two sliders. Mathematics Teacher, 111(1), 66-69.
Krehbiel, T., Salzarulo, P., Cosmah, M., Forren, J., Gannod, G., Havelka, D., Hulshult, A., and Merhout, J. (2017). Agile manifesto for teaching and learning. The Journal of Effective Teaching,
Lee, L. (2019). When technology met real-life experiences; Science curriculum project with technology for low-income Latino preschoolers. In N. Kucirkova & J. Rowsell (Eds.), International Handbook of Learning with Technology in Early Childhood Theory and Method (pp. 338-348). New York: Routledge.
Lee, L. (2020). Other technology-augmented play materials. In D. Bergen (Ed.), Handbook of Developmentally Appropriate Toys (pp. 263-274). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
MacKenzie, A.H. (2022). A socially-just science classroom: What will we teach with critical race theory under attack? The Science Teacher, 89, (3), pp. 6-7.
MacKenzie, A.H. (2022). Inclusive strategies for the science classroom. The Science Teacher, 89, (5), p. 6-7.
MacKenzie, A.H. (2022). Phenomena in our science classrooms. The Science Teacher, 89, (4) p. 6-7.
MacKenzie, A.H. (2022). Teaching societal issues in the science classroom. The Science Teacher, 89, (6), p. 6-7.
Misco, T. & Stahlsmith, M. (2020). What should become of the territories? Teaching the problematic past and present of the “unincorporated” territory. The Social Studies, 111(1), 11-17.
Misco, T. & Tseng, J-H. (2017). ““I will never teach about controversial issues unless they are in The textbook”: An exploration of curriculum instructional gatekeeping in Taiwan.” Journal of Social Studies Research.
Misco, T., & Bennett-Kinne, A. (2021). Citizenship wanted, but denied: The racial prerequisite cases and their role in institutionalizing racism against Asians. The Social Studies, 112(6), 291-297.
Misco, T., Molina, E., & Schultz, B. (2021). Citizenship not wanted, but received. The Social Studies, 112(1), 46-56. DOI:
Morvay, J. K. (2021). Learning response-ability: What The Broken Earth can teach about crafting a Chthulucene. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 18(2), 154-167.
Nabbout-Cheiban, M., Fisher, F., & Edwards, M. T. (2017). Using technology to prompt good questions about distributions in statistics. Mathematics Teacher, 110(7), 527-532.
Nash, B. (2018). “But isn’t the teacher supposed to tell us?”: Illuminating transactional reading processes through transmediation in the ELA classroom. Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 14(2), 1-11.
Nash, B. (2018). Exploring multimodal writing in secondary English classrooms. English Teaching: Practice & Critique, 17(4), 342-356.
Nash, B. (2021). Constructing meaning online: Critical reading practices for a post-truth world. The Reading Teacher, 74(6), 713-722.
Nash, B. (2022). “We felt like pioneers”: Exploring the social and emotional dimensions of English teachers’ learning during online professional development. Journal of Online Learning Research, 8(1), 101-125.
Nash, B. & Brady, R. B. (2022). Video games in the secondary English language arts classroom: A state-of-the-art review of the literature. Reading Research Quarterly, 57(3): 957-981.
Nash, B., Mosley Wetzel, M., Dunham, H., & Murdter-Atkinson, J. (2021). Ways of being in community: Centering preservice teachers’ culturally sustaining pedagogies in field-based literacy teacher education. Literacy Research: Theory, Method and Practice, 70(1), 408-427.
Norval, B. & Castañeda, M. E (2020). ELL Corner-Linguistic Modifications in Action. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 1-18.
Olson, K., Johnson, C., Noltemeyer, A., Schultz, B. D., & Schwartz, T. (2022). What school psychologists should know about arming teachers. The Ohio School Psychologist, 66(3), 5-13.
Oyler, C., Morvay, J., & Sullivan, F. R. (2017). Developing an activist teacher identity through teacher education. The Sage handbook of research on teacher education, 228-246.
Pinckney, H., Bryan, N., & Outley, C. (2021). Black PlayCrit: Examining the disruption of play for Black male youth. American Journal of Play, 13(3), 210-226.
Radina, R., Schwartz, T., Ross, G., Aronson, B., Albright-Willis, J., Wallace, M., & Norval, B. (2018). A Space for us too: Youth Participatory Action Research as a means for liberation in school-community-university partnerships. School-University Partnerships, 11 (4), 122-139.
Reyes, G., & Sander, S. A. (2019). Tensions between urgency and scaffolding 黑料社区s into social justice education. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue: Vol. 21# 1 & 2, 123.
Reyes, G., Banda, R., & Schultz, B. D. (2021). Critical perspectives on curriculum design and forms of instruction. In He, M. F., & Schubert, W. H. (Eds.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. New York: Oxford University Press. doi:
Reyes, G., Barrios, V., Banda, R., Aronson, B., Claros Berlioz, E. & Castaneda, M. (2021) “We Came Together Out of Necessity”: A Latina Diaspora Group Engaging in Plática to Thrive with Dignity in Academia, Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education.
Romano, Tom. 2017. “Take Pleasure in Language.” Ohio Journal of English Language Arts, 57, 1 (Spring/Summer ): 71-74.
Rushek, K. A. (2017). The global education reform movement and its effect on the local african american community. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education.
Rushek, K. A. (2019a). Using HBO’s The Wire to foster critical cosmopolitanism in preservice English teachers. Changing English, 26(4), 415–429.
Rushek, K. A. (2019b). “We are looking forward to another great year!”: How principals’ language-in-use reflect school quality ratings in Chicago Public Schools. Linguistics and Education, 53(100756), 100756.
Rushek, K. A., & Seylar, E. (2022). Collective diamond mining: Using collaborative curriculum excavation to embrace the educator’s responsibility toward culturally sustaining literacy pedagogy. In S. C. Cantrell, D. Walker-Dalhouse, & A. M. Lazar (Eds.), Culturally sustaining literacy pedagogies: Honoring 黑料社区s’ heritages, literacies, and languages (pp. 123–140). Teachers College Press.
Saine, P. & Bryan, N. (2021). Transformative learning: How an intercultural journey influenced the perceptions of preservice educators. The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 28(2), 65-80. doi:10.18848/2327-7955/CGP/v28i02/65-80.
Saine, P. & West, J. (2017) Content Area Teacher Candidates’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Teaching Writing Online. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 33(2 l).
Saultz, A., Lyons, A. I., Aronson, B., Sander, S. A., & Malin, J. R. (2021). Understanding Preservice Teacher Dispositions: Implications for Social Justice and Educational Policy. Teacher Education Quarterly, 48(1), 7-32.
Schultz, B. D., & Pearson, P. (2021). Pedagogical pivoting, emergent curriculum, and knowledge production: But just don’t call it social justice. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 36(1), 10-27.
Schwartz, T., Dinnen, H., Smith-Millman, M. K., Dixon, M., & Flaspohler, P. D. (2017). The Urban Teaching Cohort: Pre-service training to support mental health in urban schools. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 10(1), 26-48. doi: 10.1080/1754730x.2016.1246195
Vernikoff, L., Morvay, J. K., & Kolman, J. (2022). Where Is Antisemitism in Teacher Preparation? An Exploration of the Perspectives and Practices of Equity-Oriented Teacher Educators. Equity & Excellence in Education, 1-14.
Vilrado, A., MacKenzie, A. & Yezierski, E. J. (2017). Using 黑料社区s’ conceptions of air to evaluate a guided-inquiry activity classifying matter using particulate matter. Journal of Chemical Education, 94, 206-210.
Wanko, J. J. (2017). Teaching inductive reasoning with puzzles. Mathematics Teacher 110(7), 514-519.
Ward, N. A., Schell, R. F., Brown, C. L., & Thomason, B. (2019). Pairing fiction and nonfiction texts to promote literacy and language development of adolescent English learners. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 92(6), 193-201.
Wells, J.*, & Batchelor, K. E. (2017). Incorporating multivoiced texts to investigate the glorification and condemnation of war. Ohio Journal of English Language Arts (OJELA), 57(1), 51-57.
Wynter-Hoyte, K., Bryan, N., Singleton, K.*, Grant, T.*, Goff, Green, D.*, & Michael, I.* (2020). A Seat at the kitchen table: Investigating the lived experiences of Black female preservice teachers in an urban education cohort initiative. Equity and Excellence in Education, 53(3), 342-364.
Zaino, K., & Bell, J. (2021). Beyond brutality: Addressing anti-blackness in everyday scenes of teaching and learning. Northwest Journal of Teacher Education. 16(2), 1-22. DOI: 10.15760/nwjte.2021.16.2.3
Zaino, K., & Bell, J. (2022). We are each other’s breath: Tracing interdependency through critical poetic inquiry. International Studies in Sociology of Education. DOI: 10.1080/09620214.2021.1997628
Zengilowski, A., Schuetze, B., Nash, B., & Schallert, D. L. (2021). A critical review of the refutation text literature: Methodological confounds, theoretical problems, and possible solutions. Educational Psychologist, 56(3), 175-195. https://doi.org/10.1080/00461520.2020.1861948
Recent Book Chapters
Schultz, B. D., & Dover, A. (2017). “We do everything with edTPA”: Interrupting and disrupting teacher education in troubling times. In J. Carter, & H. Lochte (Eds). Teacher performance assessment and accountability reforms: The impacts of edTPA on teaching and schools (pp. 107-117). New York: Palgrave Macmillian.
Misco, T. (2017). Constructing rationales to teach controversial issues. In S.G. Grant, J. Lee, & K. Swan (Eds.) Teaching social studies: A methods book for methods teachers. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
Leafgren, S., & Sander, S. (2017). Children, nomads, queers: Desire and surprises in a wiggly world. In W. Letts & S. Fifeld, STEM of Desires: Queer Theories in Science Education (pp. 223-242). Brill.
Chang-Bacon, C., Khote, N., Schell, R., & Crookes, G. (2021). Critical literacies and languages. In J. Z. Pandya, R. A. Mora, J. Alford, N. A. Golden & R. S. deRoock (Eds.). The critical literacies handbook. New York, NY: Routledge.
Thomas (Corwin), M. (2022). Rurality & LGBTQ+ youth. In K. Strunk & S. Shelton (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Queer Studies in Education (pp. 612-618). Brill.