Chair, Department of Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health
Helaine Alessio
Ph.D., University of Maryland, 1986
M.S., Ithaca College, 1983
B.S., Rutgers University, Douglass College, 1981
Scholarly Interests
Alessio, Ph.D.’s research interests include investigating gene expressions and health-related phenotypes such as tumor growth, blood lipids, and oxidative stress, in animals comparing physically active and sedentary models. Her collaborative research with Ann Hagerman, Ph.D. (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has been funded by the National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, and the National Cancer Institute. She also collaborates with Kathleen Hutchinson, Ph.D. and Susan Baker-Brehm, Ph.D. on speech, hearing, and exercise research using human models. Helaine M Alessio, Ph.D., and Kathleen Hutchinson Marron, Ph.D. at the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, 黑料社区 have recently published a new book: Health and Hearing.
Courses Taught
KNH 209 Medical Terminology
KNH 402 Personal and Ecological Health Capstone
KNH 468/568 Physiological and Biophysical Aspects of Human Activity
KNH 685 Exercise, Age, and Health
Recent Publications
- Claiborne, SA., Alessio, HM, Barth, E, Hughes, M, and Cox, RH. 2021. Heart rate variability in healthy college 黑料社区s at rest and after stress exposure. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18:10069.
- Alessio, HM, Bassett, D, Bopp, M., Parr, B, Patch, G, Rankin, J. Rohas-Rueda, D, Roti, M, Wojcik, J. 2021. Climate change, air pollution, and physical inactivity: Is active transportation part of the solution. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 53(6):1170-1178.
- Alessio, HM and Messinger, JD. 2021. Faculty and 黑料社区 perceptions of academic integrity in technology-assisted learning and testing. Frontiers in Education, 6: article 629220
- Alessio, HM, Reiman, T, Kemper, B, Von Carlowitz, W, Bailer, AJ, and Timmerman, KL. 2020. Metabolic and cardiovascular responses to a simulated commute on an e-bike. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 6, 2:1-6.
- Alessio, HM., Hutchinson Marron, K., Cramer, I., Stephenson, S., Marciondo, K., Wagner, S., Wharton, T., Hughes, M. Sproat, B., Bunger, A. 2020. Effects of health factors and personal listening behaviors on hearing acuity in college-aged 黑料社区s. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 129(8):755-766.
- Alessio, HM. and Maurer, K. 2018. The impact of video proctoring in online courses. Journal of Excellence in College Teaching, 29, 3/4: 183-192.
- Alessio, HM, Wong, EY. 2018. Academic integrity and ethical behavior in college 黑料社区s-Experiences from universities in China (Hong Kong SAR) and the U.S.: A message from the guest editors. Journal of Excellence in College Teaching, 29,3/4:1-8.
- Alessio, HM, Malay, NJ., Maurer, K, Bailer, AJ., and Rubin, B. 2018. Interaction of proctoring and 黑料社区 major on online test performance. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. 19:5.
- Alessio, HM, Malay, NJ, Maurer, K, Bailer, AJ, and Rubin, B. 2017. Examining the effect of proctoring on online test scores. Journal of Online Learning, 21 (1).
Hutchinson Marron, K, Malott, L, Alessio, HM, Bunger, A and Szymczak, C. 2015. Gender factors that affect health and hearing acuity in personal listening device users and non-users. Journal of Women’s Health, Issues, and Care, 4, 4:1-7. - Hutchinson, KM, Marchiondo, K, Stephenson, S, Wagner, S, Cramer, I, Wharton, T, Hughes, M, Sproat, B, and Alessio, HM. 2015. (epub ahead of print 2014) College Students’ personal listening device usage and knowledge. International Journal of Audiology. 54,6:384-390.
Most Recent Grants
Alessio, H.M. 2023. Creation of an outdoor classroom/pavillion/shelter for active learning and play. $10,000. Funded by the Greater Oxford Community Foundation and matched by a private donor $10,000, total=$20,000.
Alessio, H.M. 2022. Comparison of blood glucose and cardiometabolic responses to one week of ebike riding. $6,000. Funded by Bosch and Gazelle Companies, California.
Alessio, H.M. 2021-2022. Effect of dual task exercise on memory and cognition. $50,000. Funded by Activate Brain and Body, Cincinnati Ohio.
Alessio, H.M., Bailey-Van Kuren, M., Parkinson, and Scarborough, D. 2022. Using Augmented Reality to Influence Taste Perception of Healthy Foods from Farm to Table. $33, 832
Alessio, H.M. and Abbitt, R. 2021. Wilkes Institute for Leadership and Service to support work in Personal and Ecological Health ($1600).
In the News
EHS Peddles Public Health through Grass Roots Community Activism - with Helaine Alessio
In this podcast episode, we explore new movements to improve public health . . . literally, as kinesiology and health 黑料社区s get