Session C 51-60
Session C, John Dolibois Room: 3-4:30pm
C 51-60
C 51: Characterizing the persistent impacts of chronic early life stress on fear and anxiety-related behaviors in adult male and female rats
Sophia Bick, Biology and Neuroscience Major
Bulut Vardar, Biology and Premedical Studies Major
Barrett Croskey, Psychology and Premedical Studies Major
Carson Powell, Biology and Premedical Studies Major
Lauren Roos, Biology and Premedical Studies Major
Advisor(s): Jennifer Quinn, Department of Psychology
Brianna Minshall, Department of Psychology
C 52: Effects on travel velocity in wild woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii) at Tiputini Biodiversity Station, Ecuador
Nicholas Guetersloh, Biology Major
Advisor(s): Kelsey Ellis, Department of Anthropology
C 53: The Effects of Early Life Stress on Alcohol Drinking Behavior in Mice
Charlotte Roemer, Psychology Major
Caroline Scribner, Kinesiology and Premedical Studies Major
Advisor(s): Anna Radke, Department of Psychology
Oscar Sandoval, Department of Psychology
C 54: Compounding Effects of Early Life Malnutrition and Alcohol drinking in C57 Mice
August Ogunnowo, Biology and Neuroscience Major
D'Erick Underwood, Psychology Major
Lindsey O'Lalde, Psychology and Neuroscience Major
Advisor(s): Anna Radke, Department of Psychology
Roman Zegarelli, Department of Psychology
C 55: Investigating viral genes as possible chemosensitizers for resistant cancer cells
Katelyn Wang, Microbiology and Spanish Major
Advisor(s): Eileen Bridge, Department of Microbiology
C 56: Sex Differences in Safety and Threat Learning: an Evaluation of Bnst-projecting Neurons From the PVT
Luke Koulouris, Business Economics and Premedical Studies Major
Hannah Ledbetter, Psychology and Computer Science Major
Devon Hobbs, Psychology Major
Chloe Hudock, Psychology and Neuroscience Major
Advisor(s): Jennifer Quinn, Department of Psychology
Amanda Reichert, Department of Psychology
August Ogunnowo, Department of Psychology
C 57: The Effect of Safety and Sex on Freezing and Central Amygdala Activity in Rats
Noelle Naccarato, Biology and Neuroscience Major
McKenzie Pham, Biology and Premedical Studies Major
Jordan Roth, Psychology Major
Grace Rempel, Psychology Major
Advisor(s): Jennifer Quinn, Department of Psychology
Amanda Reichert, Department of Psychology
August Ogunnowo, Department of Psychology
C 58: DRN corticotropin-releasing hormone modulation of aELS-enhanced fear learning in adulthood
Lauren Roos, Biology Major
Advisor(s): Jennifer Quinn, Department of Psychology
Brianna Minshall, Department of Psychology
C 59: Selective Genetic Deletion of Oprm1 in FoxP2-Expressing Neurons Reduces Aversion-Resistant Reward Seeking
Harrison Carvour, Psychology Major
Advisor(s): Anna Radke, Department of Psychology
C 60: Somatic Symptoms in Relation To Mental Health in Transitioning College
Iyahna Campbell, Psychology Major
Hayley Buhro, Psychology and Premedical Studies Major
Emma McHenry, English-Creative Writing Major
Lily Sawyer, Psychology and Premedical Studies Major
Advisor (s); Carolyn Craig, Visiting Faculty, College of Arts and Science and Ph.D. Student, Department of Educational Leadership, College of Education, Health, and Society
Abigail Morgan, Social Science Librarian
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Oxford, OH 45056