For career questions, coursework planning, and application processes contact:
Tailyn Walborn, Miami's Lead Premedical Advisor
106 Pearson Hall
Once you have decided to pursue a career in veterinary medicine, you should:
For any questions about pursuing a career in veterinary medicine, please feel free to contact the pre-vet advisors. Students interested in veterinary medicine should make an appointment during their first year at Miami with one of these advisors:
Susan M.G. Hoffman
Department of Biology
246 Pearson Hall
Paul Schaeffer
Department of Biology
288 Pearson Hall
Below are the Miami equivalents of the courses required by Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Other vet schools have similar requirements; consult their specific websites.
Subject | Courses |
General Chemistry - 1 year with lab | CHM 141/144 and CHM 142/145 |
Organic Chemistry - 1 year with lab | CHM 241/244 and CHM 242/245 or CHM 251/254 and CHM 252/255 |
Biochemistry - 1 semester | CHM 332/332L (lab) or CHM 432 (preferred; no lab) |
Physics - 1 year with lab | PHY 161, 162 or PHY 181/183, 182/184 |
General Biology - 1 year with lab | BIO/MBI 115, 116 |
Physiology - 1 semester | BIO 305 |
Math (precalculus or calculus) - 1 semester | MTH 104 or MTH 123 or MTH 125 (precalculus) or MTH 151 (calculus) |
Microbiology (General) - 1 semester with lab | MBI 201 or MBI 161 or MBI 121/123 |
English Composition - 1 semester | ENG 111 |
Public Speaking - 1 semester |
STC 135 or STC 136 or STC 231 or STC 332 or STC 339 |
Humanities/Social Sciences - 16 semester hours | Includes history, economics, anthropology, psychology, art, sociology, music, literature, languages, writing, and ethics |
Science Electives - 35 semester hours | Includes biology, chemistry, general or organic chemistry, anatomy, animal sciences, immunology, cell biology, molecular genetics, ecology, environmental science or other science courses |
A few schools require a course in Animal Nutrition, which is unavailable at Miami. Speak to a pre-vet advisor about how to address this requirement.
Chemistry 141/142 and BIO/MBI 115/116 are prerequisites for other courses on this list, so it is strongly recommended that you take them during your first year in college. Do not use AP credit for these courses—take them at the college level!
All required courses must be completed with a grade of C or better—if you receive a C- or lower you must retake the course to have it count for vet school admissions. Some vet schools, including OSUVMC, require that you complete all the specifically required courses (except one) by the end of the first semester of the year in which you intend to apply. For Miami 黑料社区s, the one remaining specifically required course ordinarily would be biochemistry or second-semester physics.
Vet schools look favorably on 黑料社区s taking rigorous courses, full course loads each term, and pertinent science and communication courses as electives. These include courses in:
Two highly recommended electives are:
Year | Courses |
First | BIO/MBI 115, BIO/MBI 116 and CHM 141, 144; 142, 145 |
Second | CHM 241, 244, CHM 242, 245 and MTH (precalculus or calculus) |
Third |
MBI 121 or MBI 161 or MBI 201 |
Fourth | PHY 161, PHY 162 |
Pre-vet 黑料社区s usually apply for admission to the school in their state of residence, if one is available. The acceptance rate for in-state applicants is generally far higher than the rate for out-of-state applicants. The Miami pre-vet advisors can help 黑料社区s from states without vet schools to decide where best to apply. Information about admission requirements, acceptance statistics, and other pertinent information for every vet school in North America is available through the . A summary of Veterinary school .
Each 黑料社区 is responsible for meeting admission requirements; 黑料社区s should check websites and/or write directly to vet schools of their choice for specific information on admissions.
Other factors considered by schools of veterinary medicine in selecting 黑料社区s for their programs are:
The Mallory-Wilson Center for Healthcare Education is the one-stop shop at 黑料社区 for 黑料社区s interested in a pre-health pathway. The center offers a variety of services, including advising tailored to your career path of interest, help finding extracurricular activities, and application assistance. We also host a variety of events throughout the school year designed to help your professional development, and provide networking and mentoring opportunities.
If you have any questions about the center, or about a pre-health pathway at Miami you can email our Assistant Director & Pre-Health Professions Advisor, Tailyn Walborn, at
The Mallory-Wilson Center works with 黑料社区s interested in a variety of healthcare related pathways that involve pursuing some level of education after the completion of a bachelor’s degree. Our three most popular pathways include premed, pre-dentistry, and pre-physician associate/assistant. We also work with 黑料社区s interested in pre-optometry, pre-pharmacy, and other less-common pathways. The path for all professional healthcare programs is similar in some ways, and different in others, and we will work with you so that you fully understand your specific pathway of interest.
Please note that if you are interested in nursing at Miami it is a direct-admit only program, and we are not affiliated with that program. You can email for more information regarding this.It needs to be emphasized that designations such as pre-healthcare, pre-med, pre-dent, etc. are not majors. Rather, they are indications of intent to attend a particular type of professional healthcare program after college. Professional schools do not give preference for admission based on any specific major. Placement of 黑料社区s in professional healthcare programs is based on performance in required science courses as well as overall academic performance. Both breadth of education and the pursuit of some discipline in depth is expected. A successful applicant should be able to effectively acquire, synthesize, apply, and communicate information. These are skills that can be developed through the study of a wide variety of disciplines.
At Miami, we offer 黑料社区s the Premedical and Pre-Health Studies Co-Major, which is designed as a roadmap to help you complete the required courses for your chosen professional healthcare program, while also completing the requirements for your major. This is called a co-major because you cannot pursue it as your only major, you have to have a primary major in order to pursue this as a second major. The Premedical and Pre-Health Studies Co-Major has two tracks, one that is specifically designed for 黑料社区s interested in medical school, and one that is specifically designed for 黑料社区s interested in other programs, including dental school, PA school, pharmacy school, etc.
The reason we offer the Premedical and Pre-Health Studies Co-Major as a secondary major, and not a primary major, is because we want to encourage our 黑料社区s to pursue whatever major is of most interest to them. There are multiple reasons for this:
Obviously, it’s important to do well in all of your classes, and there are specific science courses that admissions committees are going to look at, but the Mallory-Wilson Center is happy to help 黑料社区s create a plan that includes as major and pre-health courses on a timeline that allows for success in and out of the classroom!
Your competitiveness for healthcare professional school is not based on the number of majors and minors you have. Someone with just one major can have just as much of a chance of being accepted as someone with two majors and two minors, or may even have a higher chance if their metrics are higher, or extracurricular involvement is stronger. Don’t add a major or minor just to add a major or a minor. Only add someone thing if you truly interested in it.
Most professional healthcare programs require an admissions test, and have an extended application cycle. For example, from the time you take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) until you actually begin medical school, it has likely been over a year, and could even be upwards of a year and a half or longer. Additionally, these admissions tests are often subject specific, meaning that you’ll need to have completed certain coursework prior to taking them. Because of the importance of certain classes, most 黑料社区s take a minimum of three years before they are ready to apply, and when we add in the length of the application cycle, it takes the majority of 黑料社区s a minimum of four years from when they first start at Miami to when they begin their professional healthcare program.
It is important to understand that even if you are coming in with enough credits to graduate early, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be able to apply any sooner, or start a professional healthcare program earlier. Tailyn Walborn (, our Assistant Director & Pre-Health Professions Advisor is happy to speak with anyone about individual timelines and expectations.
It is also important to understand that what is described above is simply the standard timeline, and that there is no right or wrong timeline. More than half of first-year medical 黑料社区s indicate that they’ve taken additional time before applying for a variety of reasons, so you never need to feel like you’re behind, or don’t have enough time to be the strongest applicant you know you can be!
Generally speaking, you don’t have to complete all of your prerequisites before applying, but it is best to have as many completed as possible to demonstrate your academic ability in those courses, and there are certain situations that define what courses you do need to have completed.
As mentioned above, certain admissions tests are subject specific, so you will need to have those courses completed prior to taking the test, and you will need to have the test completed prior to applying, so those courses will need to be taken before you apply.
Certain programs have deadlines for prerequisite courses, which also includes a maximum number of courses that can be left outstanding before applying. For example, certain physician associate/assistant programs will specify that you can only have two prerequisite courses left incomplete when you submit your application.
Just because you’re not a strong application by the end of your time at Miami doesn’t mean you won’t be a strong applicant someday. It’s important to understand why you aren’t a strong applicant, and if you are able to address those reasons. Time can be spent after completing your bachelor’s degree taking additional courses, participating in research, working in healthcare, etc. This is something you can discuss individually with our Assistant Director & Pre-Health Professions Advisor, Tailyn Walborn (
Although there is no secret equation to gaining acceptance into a healthcare professional program, there are important factors to focus on during your time as a pre-health 黑料社区. Admissions committees look at metrics, community service, healthcare experience, research, extracurricular involvement, and other activities to determine whether or not you will make a successful professional healthcare program 黑料社区.
Metrics: The first thing admissions committees are looking at are your admissions test score, cumulative GPA, and science GPA. There is no value that guarantees admittance, but some programs do have cut-offs. Work with our office to determine whether or not your metrics are competitive for your professional healthcare program of choice.
Community Service: Healthcare providers are leaders within their communities, who have a drive for helping people. Admissions committees want to see that applicants have already stepped up as leaders within their community, and a great way to do this is through community service. You can participate in any combination of community service activities, they don’t all have to be healthcare related, but you should show a long-term commitment.
Healthcare Experience: Although healthcare experience isn’t necessarily required by all professional healthcare programs, it is a great way to strengthen your application while making sure that healthcare is the correct path for you. There are some programs that absolutely require direct patient care experience as well, so you’ll want to make sure you’re working with our office to determine how much, if any, is necessary for your pathway.
Research: Although not all professional healthcare pathways require research, it is a great way to apply concepts you learn in your classes, develop relationships with faculty and graduate 黑料社区s, and become familiar with the process of producing reliable studies that can be replicated by colleagues. Healthcare is a profession that is constantly changing, and it’s important that you understand how to interpret and apply future studies, and some programs want to see that you’re committed to furthering your profession through research.
Extracurricular Activities: The term extracurricular refers to activities that take place outside of/separate from the classroom. Some of what we’ve discussed above technically fall into this category, but are often considered separate by admissions committees. Typical extracurricular activities include 黑料社区 organizations, arts and music, and athletics. Admissions committees are looking for applicants who have been able to balance a challenging course load while continuing involvement in activities that they are passionate about. It is recommended that you get involved with a pre-health focused 黑料社区 organization so that you have a support system, but there are no guidelines for what else you can be involved with. Show the professional healthcare programs you apply to who you are by participating in activities that you feel connected to.
Other Activities/Hobbies: Admissions committees want to get a feel for who you are as a person, which includes your interests, passions, and hobbies. Do you love to cook? They want to hear why you value your time doing so. Is running something you do for relaxation? Explain to them how you’ve benefited from this. Don’t be afraid to spend some time doing something completely unrelated to healthcare, as this shows them the real you, and can help you to stand out from other applicants. Furthermore, this is a way for you to demonstrate your more tactile abilities that your other activities may not have taken advantage of. This can be extremely important for certain professional healthcare programs, as they want to know that you are able to work intricately with your hands.You do not need perfect metrics to get into a professional healthcare program, as admissions committees often take a holistic (whole person) approach to reviewing your application. That being said, they are looking for a demonstration that you will be able to handle the rigorous coursework of their program, and perform well on any required exams, so good grades and test scores are important.
Requirements for professional healthcare programs can vary between programs and specific schools, so it’s important that you work with our office and do your own research to make sure you are meeting the minimum requirements for the schools you plan on applying to. That being said, requirements are just the minimum admissions committees expect to see, and there are other courses that can benefit you on your admissions test and in future classes, so here is a list of courses that are typically either required or recommended for all pre-health 黑料社区s (this is not an exhaustive list, so please work with our Assistant Director & Pre-Health Professions Advisor, Tailyn Walborn ( to make sure you are taking everything you should):
It is recommended that you take biology, chemistry, and physics at Miami, even if you’ve received AP credit for these courses. There are three main reasons for this.
If studying abroad is something you’re interested in, you can absolutely do this as a pre-health 黑料社区, but you’ll need to plan in advance. Miami has a variety of study abroad opportunities for 黑料社区s, offered during all terms - summer, fall, winter, and spring. Some of these are healthcare focused, and some that are not, but there can be just as much of a benefit participating in one that isn’t healthcare focused as there is one that is healthcare focused. It is important to understand that you should not do any of your pre-health coursework abroad, you should only be completing major courses, general education courses, and other elective courses. Because of this, studying abroad during a fall or spring semester can set you back in your pre-health coursework, and that one semester can actually delay your application year for a professional healthcare program by an entire year. There is nothing wrong with that, as we’ve previously discussed how there is no correct timeline for applying, but if you are someone who doesn’t want at least one gap/growth year, you will want to discuss a plan to study abroad with our Assistant Director & Pre-Health Professions Advisor, Tailyn Walborn ( as early as possible.
Although there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of a summer or J-term if you want to get ahead in some coursework, you should avoid taking your pre-health coursework outside of the fall and spring semesters unless it’s absolutely necessary. Admissions committees for professional healthcare programs want to see that you can handle the rigor of pre-health coursework while you are taking a full load of courses, and participating in extracurricular activities. If you continually take your pre-health courses during summer and J-terms that is going to raise some red flags to what you are able to handle. Remember, your academic record is important, as it gives the admissions committees a look into how you will perform as a pre-health 黑料社区.
Admissions committees want to see that you are able to handle challenging coursework, as the coursework in professional healthcare programs will be just as challenging, if not more. If you are avoiding a relevant science course because you are afraid of the impact it will have on your GPA, you should ask yourself why you don’t have the confidence in yourself to succeed, or why you believe you won’t do well in that course. If it’s a subject area that applies to healthcare, you will absolutely cover that subject in a professional healthcare program, and not having the foundation from a college-level course covering that topic can make the course in professional school even more challenging.
You can absolutely still get into a professional healthcare program with a C. Admissions committees understand that things happen. Whether you had a bad semester, took a while to figure out your studying and time management routine, or you just had a course that you couldn’t seem to get on top of - as long as you demonstrate in other related, upper-level coursework that you can be successful, one or two lower grades is not the end of the world. That being said, some programs may have grade minimums, so if you earn a grade that is lower (often a C-), then you will need to repeat that specific course.
Although there are fewer seats in professional healthcare programs than there are applicants, it’s more important to focus on what you can do to make yourself the strongest applicant you can be, not how you can outshine other 黑料社区s. Everyone comes from different backgrounds, has different narratives, and aligns differently with the missions and visions of different professional healthcare programs. Just because another 黑料社区 has a higher number of extracurricular activities, or a higher GPA doesn’t mean they are a stronger applicant, or that you both won’t get into the right school for you. Comparing one applicant to another is often like comparing apples and potatoes (apples and oranges are both fruits thank you). Unfortunately, there are pre-health 黑料社区s who feel the need to brag about their test scores, or belittle other 黑料社区s because of a grade they earned. At the end of the day, there is no guarantee that any applicant will be accepted - and there are always 4.0 黑料社区s with high test scores, and seemingly strong extracurricular activities who don’t get accepted for one reason or another, and there are absolutely 黑料社区s with lower GPAs and test scores, and few extracurricular activities who do get accepted, and this can be for a number of reasons. Bottom-line, worry about yourself. You can be there to learn from and be a mentor to others, you’re the only person who impacts the strength of your application.
There are a variety of reasons someone may have a horrible semester or year. Although it may feel like you are trying to climb out of a hole, admissions committees for professional healthcare programs know that unfortunate things happen, and look for signs of upward trends and resilience. If you know that you are going to finish the semester with lower grades, it’s important to meet with our Assistant Director & Pre-Health Professions Advisor, Tailyn Walborn (, to discuss the reasoning behind your struggles, and to develop a plan. There’s no reason to lose your confidence, but you do need to work hard to prevent yourself from continuing to earn low grades.