Teaching Load
5.3 Teaching Load
See section (6.2.2)
5.3.1 Normal Teaching Load.
In determination of its teaching load policy, the Department of Architecture and Interior Design values an equitable distribution of courses among its faculty, and a recognition that other administrative duties and service responsibilities, probationary status, research interests, and characteristics of specific courses may impact teaching assignments. The Department adheres to the following teaching load guidelines:
5.3.1.a The normal teaching load for full-time faculty in the Department of Architecture and Interior Design shall be one studio and one lecture/seminar each semester (or other equivalent combinations of courses), typically in the range of 15 – 18 credit hours per year. In addition to this, all full-time faculty are expected to participate as chairs and/or readers on 2-3 graduate thesis committees and in year-end studio reviews. This load of 15 – 18 credit hours per year is consistent with the Provost’s “Faculty Workload Norms” document (March 3, 2008), which specifies either a 3-3 or 3-2 yearly teaching load.
5.3.1.b The Department appreciates the flexibility of the Workload Policy. Conditions such as unusually high service loads, large lecture courses, courses with shared teaching assignments, and courses created for the first time may affect the Chair’s judgment in distributing teaching responsibilities. For faculty holding joint appointments, the Provost’s document says “workloads shall be developed jointly by the relevant department chair(s) and program director.”
5.3.1.c Faculty are expected to contribute to the instructional mission of the Department by teaching studios and support courses required in the curriculum. Typically, faculty will teach no more than one elective course per year.
5.3.1.d Teaching loads for probationary faculty are clearly spelled out in “Faculty Workload Norms,” and include a course release in one’s first and second year respectively as well as the expectation that faculty will apply for and be granted an Assigned Research Leave during the probationary period (see Sections 5.5 and 5.6). Probationary faculty members should not be burdened with the creation of multiple new courses, unless it is in the interest of the faculty member to do so and in consultation with the Chair.
5.3.1.e Faculty with administrative or significant service assignments may be granted a course release at the discretion of the Chair (typically one course per year). At a minimum, all faculty are expected to teach 12 credit hours per year.
5.3.1.f Historically, the Chair’s normal teaching load has been one 3 credit hour course each semester (1-1) plus graduate thesis advising. The faculty recognizes that the Chair’s teaching load should be on par with the School of Fine Arts, determined by the Dean and shared with the faculty.
5.3.1.g The clear expectation and responsibility for all faculty is to contribute at the very highest levels of quality in the three domains of teaching, research/creative activity, and service. If a faculty member over time becomes research inactive, in consultation with the Chair he or she may elect to trade a reduced level of scholarship for additional contributions in the categories of service and/or teaching.
5.3.2 Course Releases
In addition to probationary course releases (5.3.1.d.) and administrative course releases (5.3.1.e.), other releases may be granted by the Chair on an ad hoc basis as circumstances permit, in order to support departmental, divisional, or university service, or intensive research or scholarship.