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Medicare Basics

Medicare is comprised of Part A hospital insurance and is generally provided at no cost, Part B medical insurance (doctors' services and outpatient care), and Part D prescription drug coverage. Medicare Parts B and D have an additional monthly premium.

Medicare has an Initial Enrollment period of seven months. Enrollment begins three months prior to turning age 65, includes the birth month, and continues until three months after that. For example, if you turn age 65 in April, your initial enrollment period begins on January 1 and continues through July 31. If someone does not enroll during this period, enrollment is delayed until the General Enrollment Period (for Part A and B), which runs from January 1 through March 31 annually and the open enrollment period for Part D, which is October 15 through December 7 annually.

Enrollment in Medicare Part A is automatic IF you are age 65 and older AND are on Social Security. If you are receiving Social Security benefits, you CANNOT waive Part A.

Information to Consider

Medicare Enrollment

  • Miami does not require Medicare enrollment.
  • If you enroll in Medicare (any of the parts) and continue your enrollment in Miami's healthcare, Miami's plan will be primary and Medicare will be payable as secondary. Please go to the web site for more information on how other insurance works with Medicare.
  • If you continue your enrollment in Miami's health plan, Medicare will require you to complete the Initial Enrollment Questionnaire. More information can be found on the website.
  • If you do not elect Part D coverage during your Initial Enrollment Period, you may pay a late enrollment penalty if you don't have creditable prescription coverage.
    • The Traditional PPO plan prescription coverage is creditable.
    • The High Deductible Health Plan prescription coverage is creditable.


  • If you are enrolled (as the subscriber) in the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), the IRS does not allow contributions (employer or employee) into the Health Savings Account if you have other health coverage. Therefore, if you are enrolled in the HDHP while also enrolled in Medicare Part A and/or Medicare Part B, you are not eligible for either employer or employee contributions to the HSA.
  • If you wish to remain eligible for the Health Savings Account, you will need to waive coverage in Medicare Part A.
  • Premium-free Part A coverage begins six months before the date you apply for Medicare (or Social Security benefits), but no earlier than the first month you were eligible for Medicare. To avoid a tax penalty, you should stop contributing to your HSA at least six months before you apply for Medicare.

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