Graduate Student Successes
Job and Program Placement
Every year many of our graduate 黑料社区s secure jobs or gain admission to other excellent academic programs to continue their education. Faculty on the Job Placement Committee serve job seekers by holding informational meetings, reading and commenting on job application materials, and conducting mock interviews. Job Placement (listed by graduation year)
Composition and Rhetoric
- Angela Glotfelter (Ph.D., 2022), Assistant Professor, University of Alabama, Huntsville
- Mandy Olejnik (Ph.D., 2022), Assistant Director, Howe Center for Writing Excellence, 黑料社区
- Megan Schoettler (Ph.D., 2022), Assistant Professor, West Chester University (PA)
- Caitlin Martin (Ph.D., 2021), Assistant Professor, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U (FL)
- Yebing Zhao (Ph.D., 2021), Assistant Professor, Shenzen Technology U (China)
- Hua Zhu (Ph.D., 2020), University of Utah
- Shatha Alali (Ph.D., 2019), Assistant Professor, Mohammed Al-mana College of Health Science
- Kathleen Coffey (Ph.D., 2019), Indiana State University
- Cynthia Johnson (Ph.D., 2019), Assistant Professor, University of Central Oklahoma
- Caleb Pendygraft (Ph.D., 2019), Assistant Professor, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
- Enrique Paz (Ph.D., 2019), Assistant Professor and Writing Center Director, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
- Bridget Gelms (Ph.D., 2018), Assistant Professor, San Francisco State University
- Patrick Harris (Ph.D., 2017), Teaching Assistant Professor, University of Nevada-Reno
- Keely Mohon-Doyle (Ph.D., 2017), Assistant Professor, Austin Peay State University (TN)
- Jonathan Rylander (Ph.D., 2017), Associate Professor and Writing Center Director, University of Wisconsin-Stout
- Elizabeth Saur (Ph.D., 2017), Lecturer, University of California, Santa Barbara
- John Silvestro (Ph.D., 2017), Assistant Professor, Slippery Rock University
- Jonathan Bradshaw (Ph.D., 2016), Assistant Professor, Western Carolina University
- Joseph Burzynski (Ph.D., 2016), Assistant Professor, Texas A & M-Texarkana
- Dustin Edwards (Ph.D., 2016), Assistant Professor of Writing and Rhetoric, San Diego State University
- Ryan Ireland (Ph.D., 2016) Freelance writer and storyteller
- Renea Frey (Ph.D., 2015), Assistant Professor and Director of the Writing Program, Xavier University (OH)
- Leigh Gruwell (Ph.D., 2015), Associate Professor, Auburn University
- Kevin Rutherford (Ph.D., 2015), Lecturer, University of California, Santa Barbara.
- Chanon Adsanatham (Ph.D., 2014), Core Faculty, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University (Thailand)
- Scott Wagar (Ph.D., 2014), Freelance writer and educator
- Lance Cummings (Ph.D., 2014), Associate Professor, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
- Ann Updike (Ph.D., 2014), Associate Director of Howe Writing Center (retired), 黑料社区
- Lisa Blankenship (Ph.D., 2013), Associate Professor, Baruch College (CUNY)
- Dominic Ashby (Ph.D., 2013), Associate Professor, Eastern Kentucky University
- GPat Patterson (Ph.D., 2013), Associate Professor, Kent State University Tuscarawas
- Raina (Bre) Garrett (Ph.D., 2012), Associate Professor and Director of Composition, University of West Florida
- Aurora Matzke (Ph.D., 2011), Senior Associate Provost, Azusa Pacific University (CA)
- Caroline Dadas (Ph.D., 2011), Associate Professor, Montclair State University
- Kerrie Carsey (Ph.D., 2011), Assistant Teaching Professor, First-Year Core, Farmer School of Business, Miami U.
- Abby Dubisar (Ph.D., 2010), Associate Professor, Iowa State University
- Wioleta Fedeczko (Ph.D., 2010), Associate Professor of English, Utah Valley University
- Denise Landrum-Geyer (Ph.D., 2010), Chair and Associate Professor of English, Southwest Oklahoma State University
Creative Writing
- Leah Christianson (MFA Fiction, 2019), Research Consultant at Russell Reynolds Associates and Teaching Artist at The Loft Literary Center
- Freda Epum (MFA Nonfiction & Poetry, 2019), Program Manager at Public Allies Cincinnati
- Kyle Flemings (MFA Fiction, 2019), Creative Writing Teacher, Dayton Early College Academy (OH)
- John Fuentes (MFA Fiction, 2019), Freelance writer/content creator
- Carrie Bindschadler (MFA Fiction, 2018), Youth Writing Teacher - Writing Adventures, Las Vegas
- Jess Marshall (MFA Fiction, 2018), Script writer at Genius, Inc. (IN)
- Tammy Atha (MFA Poetry, 2017), Instructor, Southeast Community College (NE)
- Kinsey Cantrell (BA/MA Poetry, 2017), Content/Medical Writer, Flywheel Partners (NY)
- Erin Jamieson (MFA Fiction, 2017), Senior Lecturer in English at Ohio State University; Social Media Marketing Specialist at Growth Foundry
- Andrew Bergman (MA Fiction, 2016), English teacher at Casey County High School (KY)
- Amanda Siefert (BA/MA Fiction, 2016), Children’s Librarian at Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County (OH)
- Emily Corwin (MA Poetry, 2015), English Faculty (Detroit Country Day School), Assistant Director of Young Authors Camp, Cranbrook Schools (MI)
- Alice Ladrick (MA Poetry, 2012), Department Manager, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Special Collections
- Justin Chandler (Ph.D., 2022), Teacher, Cincinnati Country Day
- Casey Kuhajda (Ph.D., 2022), Lecturer, Honors College, Northern Kentucky University
- Stephen Dudas (Ph.D., 2021), Visiting Assistant Professor, Albion College (MI)
- Danielle Hart (Ph.D., 2021), Assistant Director, Center for Career Exploration and Success, 黑料社区
- Sidne Lyon (Ph.D., 2021), Visiting Assistant Professor of Women’s and Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
- Brenda Tyrrell (Ph.D., 2021), Lecturer, Iowa State University
- Tyler Groff (Ph.D., 2019), Teacher, Centerville High School (IN)
- Dinidu Karunanayake (Ph.D., 2019), Assistant Professor of English, Elon University (NC)
- Catherine Tetz (Ph.D., 2019), Assistant Professor, Pacific Union College (CA)
- Nicolyn Woodcock (Ph.D., 2019), Lecturer, Medaille College (NY)
- Greta Galloway (Ph.D., 2016), Teacher, Royalmont Academy (OH)
- José de la Garza (Ph.D., 2016), Assistant Professor of Latina/o/x Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Kasey Butcher Santana (Ph.D., 2016), Library Specialist, Arapahoe Libraries (CO)
- Joseph Cheatle (Ph.D., 2014), Assistant Professor and Director of the Writing Center, University of Southern Mississippi
- Chris Washington (Ph.D., 2012), Assistant Professor of English, Francis Marion University (SC)
Composition and Rhetoric - Program Placement
- Alex Mashny (MA, 2022) Michigan State University
- Anita Long (MA,2019) 黑料社区, Comp & Rhetoric PhD Program
Creative Writing - Program Placement
- Sof Voet (MFA nonfiction 2022), Doctoral program in creative writing, University of Albany
- Dalanie Beach (MFA Fiction 2022), Doctoral program in creative writing, Ohio University
- Abubaker Zahoor (MFA Fiction 2021), Doctoral program in creative writing, University of Southern Mississippi
- Trevor Root (MFA Poetry, 2020), Doctoral program in English literature, Duquesne University (PA)
- Madeline Lewis (MFA Poetry, 2019), Master of Theological Studies program, Boston College (MA)
- Savannah Trent (MFA Poetry, 2019), Doctoral program in creative writing, Florida State University
- Paul Vogel (MFA Poetry, 2019), Doctoral program in literary studies / poetics, SUNY Buffalo
- Isaac Pickell (MFA Poetry, 2018), Doctoral program in literary and cultural studies, Wayne State University (MI)
- Carly Plank (MFA Fiction, 2018), Instructor, Grand Rapids Community College
- Elizabeth Weeks (MFA Fiction, 2018), Doctoral program in creative writing, University of Southern Mississippi
- Justin Chandler (MFA Fiction, 2017), Doctoral program in literature, 黑料社区
- Chris Maggio (MA Fiction, 2016), Doctoral program in composition/rhetoric, 黑料社区
- Courtney Kalmbach (MA Poetry, 2015), MFA program, University of Alabama
- Matt Young (MA Fiction, 2015), Assistant Professor, Centralia College (WA)
Literature - Program Placement
- Marie Pruitt (MA, 2022), University of Louisville PhD program in comp/rhet
- Ruwanthi Edirisinghe (MA, 2021), Doctoral program in literature, CUNY
- Conner Moore (MA, 2021), Doctoral program in literature, 黑料社区
- Sam Hunter (MA, 2019), Doctoral program in cinema & media studies, UCLA
- Sandamini Ranwalage (MA, 2019), Doctoral program in literature, 黑料社区
- Christian B. Williams (MA, 2018), Doctoral program in literature, Ohio State
- Samitha Senanayake (MA, 2017), Doctoral program in literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Composition and Rhetoric
- Will Chesher (PhD candidate), “From Finger to Screen: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Touchscreen Typing and Secondary Students,” Wisconsin English Journal 63.1, 2021.
Creative Writing
- Leah Christianson (MFA Fiction 2019), "Is That What You Think?” Dunes Review; “Hard & Smooth & Seemingly Unattached,” Split Lip Magazine
- Laura Gaddis (MFA CNF 2021), “Mosaic” (three essays: “I Knew,” “Hoosier,” “Journey”), The Avalon Literary Review; “You Are My Sunshine,” Adelaide Magazine 48; “A Class in Gratitude,” Kitchen Sink Magazine 5 (in collaboration with ENG 226 黑料社区s at Miami); “Well-Meaning People,” Ligeia Magazine; “Cry and MTF On,” The Dillydoun Review
- Nate Hoil (MFA Poetry 2021), “Return to Planet Clown,” X-R-A-Y; “I Place My Healing Hand on Your Icicle Brain,” Misery Tourism; “Photogenic mouth goblins ingest the walls,” Witch Craft Magazine; “More Bad News to Share,” “Boohoo You Were Born in a Cult,” Rejection Letters; “Venom Stained Band-Aid,” Back Patio Press; “Building builder,” Cool Rock Repository; “Big budget poetry,” The Daily Drunk; “Dracula is usually at last call,” “Unlucky boy lives forever,” Sledgehammer Literary Journal; “Nothing bad occurs ever again,” Free Flash Fiction; three poems, Rabid Oak; “Groups Simply Trying,” Sonic Boom 20; three poems, Bear Creek Gazette; two poems, Poetica Review 11
- Jimmy Hollenbeck (MFA Fiction candidate) Short story, "Please, Please, Please, Give Your Mother My Love," Chaotic Merge Magazine 1; poem, "Requiem for a Falling Star with a Case of Beer," The Daily Drunk; short story, "A Wing, a Tree, a Spider's Web," Wretched Creations Magazine 1.4; poem, "Elegy for a Field of Pumpkins, November 3rd," No Contact Magazine 12; poem, "From Here We Hum Together," Dunes Review 24.1 (print only, as Jimmy Hollenbeck)
- Danielle Hart (PhD 2021), "A War for a Better Tomorrow: Ms. Marvel Fan works as Protest Art." Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 17, no. 2, November 2020.
- Danielle Hart and Mandy Olejnik (PhD candidate in composition/rhetoric), "Exploring a Threshold Concept Framework to Fan Studies Research Methodologies." Transformative Works and Cultures, vol. 33, June 2020, doi:10.3983/twc.2020.1715.
- Sandamini Ranwalage (PhD candidate), "Uncivil Performances: National Politics of the Sri Lankan Theater Space." South Asian Review (August 2021)
Composition and Rhetoric
- Angela Glotfelter (Ph.D. candidate), "Algorithmic Circulation: How Content Creators Navigate the Effects of Algorithms on Their Work," Computers & Composition 54
- Mandy Olejnik (Ph.D. candidate), with Danielle Hart (Ph.D. Literature 2021), “Exploring a Threshold Concept Framework Applied to Fan Studies Research,” Transformative Works and Cultures 33; Review of Sustainable WAC by Michelle Cox et al. Composition Studies 47; with Cara Marta Messina, “On the Front Lines: Graduate Student Roles in Shaping Discourse in Digital Spaces,” Xchanges: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Technical Communication, Rhetoric, and Writing Across the Curriculum 14.
- Megan Schoettler (Ph.D. candidate), with Doug Downs, Laurie McMillan, and Patricia Roberts-Miller, “Circulation: Undergraduate Research as Consequential Publicness,” Naylor Report on Undergraduate Research in Writing Studies, edited by Dominic DelliCarpini, Jenn Fishman, and Jane Greer, Parlor Press.
- Cody Smothers (Ph.D. candidate), “The Birth of a Canyon.” Kentucky’s Best Emerging Poets, Z Publishing House.
Creative Writing
- Carrie Bindschadler (MFA Fiction 2018) "Dead Bird," hobart 2019; "The Child," Puerto del Sol 2019.
- Leah Christianson (MFA Fiction 2019), "Show Your Work," The Evansville Review 30; "Jasmine," River Teeth; "Zombie Boyfriend," Flash Fiction Magazine; "Cinnamon," America's Emerging Writers; "Banding Together: Capturing Female Friendship in Fiction," Fiction Southeast; “Strawberry Jackknife,” Bending Genres.
- Dylan Ecker (MFA Poetry 2020), "Bite," HOOT; "Bike Ride to Union County, Indiana," The Penn Review; "A Few Changes to the Coastline," Saw Palm; "Freestyle," RHINO; "Millie, the Halfmoon Betta," Indiana Review.
- Freda Epum (MFA Nonfiction & Poetry 2019), “I am sorry to inform you about the banana peel thrown at the black girl: A One Woman Show,” Third Coast; "Liquid Stories: Writing and Teaching the Personal in White Literary Spaces," Vol 1. Brooklyn; "Blackcackle: Dayo Dying," Entropy Mag; “Too many love stories,” Atticus Review; “MEEK BLACK WOMAN,” Bending Genres
- Nate Hoil (MFA Poetry 2021), “Lonely county” and “Sleepy cowboy,” Deluge 13; five poems, Word for/Word 35
- Madison Krob (MFA Nonfiction 2021), "The Front Page of Digital Hill," Gone Lawn 38
- Robin Littell (MFA Fiction 2018), "Nebraska" and "Gravitate," Fiction Southeast; "Paper House," New Flash Fiction Review; "Knowing When to Give Up," Midway Journal 14.
- Casey McConahay (MFA Fiction 2018), “Pachyderm,” Lake Effect; “Hideous Creatures,” West Trade; “Scary Stories We Told at Church Camp,” Jokes Review; “Habitats,” Southern Humanities; “Pleasure Horses,” Essay Daily; “Touch My Cheek Before You Leave Me Baby,” Stonecoast Review; “A Place Beyond Prayer,” Raleigh Review; “Dance, Then, Wherever You May Be,” December 31; “Candids,” Slippery Elm Literary Journal.
- Louisa Pavlik (MFA Nonfiction 2020), "radical enough," The Rumpus; "Orchard for the Trees," About Place Journal 5.
- Isaac Pickell (MFA Poetry 2018), "You Only Trust Safe Senders," Black Warrior Review; "Uncommissioned elegy for the children of children," Sixth Finch; "The stories (that) aren't told," Fence 36; "We are more than mere endurance" Crazyhorse 97.
- Lincoln Reed (MFA Fiction 2019) “The Epicenter of Existence,” The Guardians of Time: A Zimbell House Anthology; “Slumpbuster Bunny,” Havok Publishing; “The Iron Knight,” The Dead Game: A Zimbell House Anthology; “Deadline,” Havok Publishing; “The Spark of Flame,” Explorer One: A Zimbell House Anthology; “Pocho,” Flash Fiction Magazine; “Last Rite,” The Marshal: A Zimbell House Anthology.
- Trevor Root (MFA Poetry 2020) "the red fake trolley bus and its discontents" and "dromological translation of the last shanty," SPAM Zine 10
- Nolan Boyd (Ph.D. 2020), "The Severed Eye: Sight, Sound, and Gender in Blue Velvet," JCMS: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 59
- Stephen Dudas (Ph.D. 2021), “Key” & “The Accursed,” BALLOONS Literary Journal 11; “The Cardinal,” Martin Lake Journal 3.
- Casey Kuhajda (Ph.D. candidate), "The Parable Series by Octavia Butler," The Literary Encyclopedia.
- Brenda Tyrrell (Ph.D. 2021), “A ‘Strange Bird’ in a ‘Strange World’: Ability and Difference in Wells’s The Wonderful Visit,” The Wellsian: The Journal of the H.G. Wells Society 42; “A World Turned Upside Down: Hop-Frog, Freak Shows, and Representations of Dwarfism,” Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 14; "Indiscriminate and Universal Destruction’? Warfare and Nature in H.G. Wells's The War of the Worlds" (co-authored with Jeremy Withers), The Wellsian 43; “The Metanarrative of HIV and AIDS,” The Metanarrative of Disability, edited by David Bolt, Routledge Advances in Disability Studies Series.
Composition and Rhetoric
- Kyle Larson (PhD candidate), "Remonstrative Agitation as Feminist Counterpublic Rhetoric,” Peitho 20.
- Caitlin Martin (PhD 2021), Review of Leading Academic Change: Vision, Strategy, Transformation by Elaine P. Maimon, Across the Disciplines 16
- Mandy Olejnik (PhD candidate), “Changing Conceptions of Writing: An Interview with Elizabeth Wardle,” WPA: Writing Program Administration 43
- Megan Schoettler (PhD candidate) and Elizabeth Saur (PhD 2017), “Beyond ‘Good Teacher’/’Bad Teacher’: Generative Self-Efficacy as a Reframing of the Composition and Rhetoric TAship,” Standing at the Threshold: Working Through Liminality in the Composition and Rhetoric TAship, edited by William J Macauley Jr, Utah State UP.
- Cody Smothers (PhD candidate), with Lucas Green, Courtnie Morin, Jordan Newman, and Sam Rodgers, “Exploring Instructor Perceptions of and Practices for Public Discourse in First-Year Writing Courses.” The CEA Forum 48
- Hua Zhu (PhD 2020) “Rhetorical Listening: Guiguzi and Feminists in Dialogue.” “Chinese Rhetorical Tradition and Communication,” special issue of China Media Research 15; Translation: “Thinking Beyond Aristotle: The Turn to How in Comparative Rhetoric,” Contemporary Rhetorical Studies: Chen WangDao Forum Collection, edited by Zhu KeYi, Fudan UP, 2018 [“超越亚里士多德去思考:比较修辞学的使用转向”《当代修辞学的多元阐释:“望道修辞学论坛”论文集萃》(第二辑). 祝克懿主编 ,复旦大学出版社, 2018.]; Review of Xiaoye You, Cosmopolitan English and Transliteracy, Composition Forum 40; Review of Hui Wu, Guiguzi, China’s First Treatise on Rhetoric: A Critical Translation and Commentary, Rhetorica 36.
- Yan Li (PhD candidate), Review of Camelia Suleiman, The politics of Arabic in Israel: a sociolinguistic analysis, Language in Society 47.
Creative Writing
- Amy Bailey (MFA Nonfiction 2019), “The Cleanest Hands” (video essay), Aquifer: The Florida Review Online; producer/editor/host of podcast, “Girls Who Became Writers: A Podcast on Craft.”
- Carrie Bindschadler (MFA Fiction 2018), "Permission to Hope," The Lit Pub; "Tortoise," Swamp Ape Review; "Liar," Cosmonauts Avenue.
- Matt Boyarsky (MFA Fiction 2019), “Vultures,” Swamp Ape Review.
- Leah Christianson (MFA Fiction 2019), “Wives,” California's Emerging Writers 2018: An Anthology of Fiction; “Likeness” (video essay), Triquarterly.
- Dylan Ecker (MFA Poetry 2019), “Diagnosis,” Hobart Pulp.
- Freda Epum (MFA Nonfiction 2019), “MARKED MANIFESTO” and “Segment on the inner workings of a first-generation girl,” Nat. Brut; “The African Dream,” Rogue Agent; “Race Day,” Heavy Feather Review : #NO MORE PRESIDENTS, July 2018; “White Boyfriend,” “Verb: To Systematize,” “entryways…” Cosmonauts Avenue.
- Brian Frazier (MFA Fiction 2018) “Insured and Gambling," Chiron Review 112/113; “One Call,” Dead Mule.
- Jordan King (MFA Fiction 2020) “Lost Time,” Adelaide Literary Magazine 21.
- Madeline Lewis (MFA Poetry 2019) "“What Mary Oliver Knows About Death and Beauty,” Church Life Journal; “Millefleur Dinner Party,” America’s Best Emerging Poets 2018: Midwest Region Anthology.
- Robin Littell (MFA Fiction 2018), "Perspective," Tin House Flash Fridays; "In Utero" and "Deep Plum Nail Polish," Literary Mama; "The Man in the Tree," Mud Season Review ; "Woman to Woman," Adanna Literary Journal; "Fox Summer," "Aquarius," and "Bird's Mill," Two Hawks Quarterly; "Homecoming" and "Tulip and Boxie," Peatsmoke.
- Casey McConahay (MFA Poetry 2018), "Windmill," New Limestone Review; "You Can See Where He Fought," Profane; "Emma Watson Is More Beautiful Than Anyone," Little Patuxent Review; "Drowning," Barely South.
- Alex McIntosh (MFA Poetry 2019), Three poems in Raw Art Review; “10,000 Things,” Broad River Review 50th Anniversary Issue.
- Andrew Miller (MFA 2019), “Someone Else’s Story,” Helen Literary Magazine; “Chicken Shit,” Newfound ; “It’s Time to Get Fucking Weird,” Little Death Lit ; “Kant Skateboard,” The Write Launch ; interview, “Victoria Lomasko: Other Russias,” The Nasiona; “6:54,” X-R-A-Y; with Chrisanne Gordon, Turn the Lights On! (Corpus Callosum Creations).
- Trevor Root (MFA Poetry 2020), three poems, Mannequin Haus .
- Jen Sammons, (MFA Nonfiction 2019), "Visitation," Tahoma Literary Review.
- Jessica Smith (MFA Poetry 2019), review of Futureless Languages by Cynthia Arrieu-Smith, Constant Critic; “New Orleans,” 8.
- Savannah Trent (MFA Poetry 2019), poems in Rat’s Ass Review and Caustic Frolic.
- Paul Vogel (MFA Poetry 2018), "The Cathedral." Dispatches Poetry Wars.
- Elizabeth Weeks (MFA Fiction 2018), "Lien," Quarter After Eight; "An Informed Purchase," Midwestern Gothic; "The Ashtray," Rivet Journal (.
- Marcus Whalbring (MFA Poetry 2019), poem published in High Shelf, Underwood Press, and forthcoming from The Oakland Review; essay in Spry.
- Nolan Boyd (PhD 2020), “Queercrip Temporality and the Representation of Disability in Lady Audley’s Secret,” Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 12; “Pink Dreams, Blue World: Power, Fantasy, and Desire in Alain Berliner’s Ma Vie en Rose,” Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture 3; “The Altered Shall Inherit the Earth: Biopower and the Disabled Body in Texhnolyze,” Science Fiction Studies 45; "You Can't Go Home Again: A Twin Peaks Story," Offscreen 21; "The Warped Mirror: The Reflection of the Ableist Stare in David Lynch's The Elephant Man," Disability & Society 31; "Nature Is Satan's Church": Depression and the Politics of Gender in Lars von Trier's Antichrist," Offscreen 20.
- Dinidu Karunanayake (PhD 2019), “Reclaiming Home and ‘Righting’ Citizenships in Postwar Sri Lanka: Internal Displacement, Memory and Human Rights,” in The Subjects of Human Rights: Critical Asian and Asian American Studies, Temple University Press; “Sri Lankan American Literature and Culture,” in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture, Oxford UP.
- Casey Kuhajda (PhD candidate), with Anita Mannur, “Asian American Ecocriticism,” Oxford Reference Encyclopedia of Literature
- Rachel Oriol (PhD) "“Embodied Knowledge as Revolutionary Dance: Representations of Cuban Modern Dance in Alma Guillermoprieto’s Dancing with Cuba,” Dance Research Journal 51.2.
- Cynthia Smith (PhD 2019), "Uncle Tom's (Ship) Cabin. ESQ 66.1.
- Nicolyn Woodcock (PhD 2019), “Narratives of Intimacy in Asian American Literature,” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature; "Tasting the 'Forgotten War': Korean/American Memory and Military Base Stew," Journal of Asian American Studies (February 2018).
- Nolan Boyd (PhD Literature)
"You Can't Go Home Again: A Twin Peaks Story." Offscreen, vol. 21, no. 11-12, Dec. 2017
"The Warped Mirror: The Reflection of the Ableist Stare in David Lynch's The Elephant Man." Disability & Society, vol. 31, no. 10, 2016, pp. 1321-1332.
"Nature Is Satan's Church": Depression and the Politics of Gender in Lars von Trier's Antichrist." Offscreen, vol. 20, no. 8, Aug. 2016. - Nicolyn Woodcock (PhD Literature 2018)
"Tasting the 'Forgotten War': Korean/American Memory and Military Base Stew," Journal of Asian American Studies (February 2018)
Fellowships, Grants, and Awards
Composition and Rhetoric
- Megan Schoettler (PhD Comp/Rhet) College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Teaching Award
- Yebing Zhao (PhD, Comp/Rhet) Rhetoric Society of America’s 2020 Gerard A Hauser Award
Creative Writing
- Dylan Ecker (MFA Poetry Expected 2020) Jordan-Goodman Prize (Poetry) & Jordan-Goodman Prize (Fiction)
- Freda Epum (MFA Nonfiction & Poetry 2019) Tin House Writers Workshop, Iron Horse Literary Review Chapbook Prize selected by Lacy M. Johnson (2020)
- Robin Littell (MFA Fiction 2018) Shortlisted (黑料社区 50 out of 1238) for the 2020 Fish Publishing Flash Fiction Prize; Semi-finalist in the 2020 American Shorter(er) Fiction Contest.
- Jack Nachmanovitch (MFA Poetry 2021) Betty James Abraham Memorial Poetry Prize
- Jen Sammons (MFA Nonfiction 2020) College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Teaching Award
- Stephen Dudas (PhD Literature Expected 2021) 2020 Children’s Literature Association Graduate Essay Award (PhD Level)
- Conner Moore (MA Literature Expected 2021) 2020 Carolyn Washburn Houtchens Award in Literature
- Sandamini Ranwalage (PhD Literature Expected 2023) Association for Theatre in Higher Education 2020 Theory & Criticism Graduate Student Essay Contest
Composition and Rhetoric
- Kathleen Coffey (PhD Comp/Rhet) 2019 Fifth-Year Fellowship (2019)
- Angela Glotfelter (PhD Comp/Rhet) Gayle Morris Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Fellowship (2018-2019)
- Kyle Larson (PhD Comp/Rhet) Spiro Peterson Award, Department of English (2019)
- Caitlin Martin (PhD Comp/Rhet) Bedford New Scholars Program (2019)
- Hua Zhu (PhD Comp/Rhet, 2020) Fourth-Year Fellowship (2019-2020); CAS Graduate Student Teaching Award (2019); Outstanding Teaching Award (2019); Scholars for the Dream Travel Award, Conference on College Composition and Communication (2019)
Creative Writing
- Amy Bailey (MFA Nonfiction 2019) Honorable Mention, Atticus Review’s Videopoem Contest; Jordan Goodman Award for Nonfiction
- Carrie Bindschadler (MFA Fiction 2018) Outstanding Graduate Award in Fiction (2018)
- Leah Christianson (MFA Fiction 2019) Jordan-Goodman Prize in Fiction (2019); Outstanding Graduate Student in Fiction (2019); Sun Yat-sen University Creative Writing Internship (2019)
- Amy Couple (MFA Poetry 2018) Outstanding Graduate Award in Poetry (2018)
- Dylan Ecker (MFA Poetry Jordan-Goodman Prize in Poetry (2019)
- Freda Epum (MFA Nonfiction 2019) Residency at Anderson Center (2019); Honorable Mention, Jordan-Goodman Prize in Nonfiction (2018); Jordan-Goodman Prize in Nonfiction (2019)
- Madeline Lewis (MFA Poetry 2019) "Academy of American Poets Betty Jane Abrahams Poetry Prize (Honorable Mention)
- Robin Littell (MFA Fiction 2018) Winner of the 2018 Vella Chapbook Contest; Selected as Writer in Residence @ Spark Box Studio
- Andrew Miller (MFA 2019) Summer Literary Series, 黑料社区 30 Competitive Fellowship (2019)
- Katarina Morris (MFA Nonfiction 2018) "Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Creative Nonfiction (2018)
- Louisa Pavlik (MFA Creative Writing 2019) Miami Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Support Award (2019)
- Recarlo Richardson (MFA Poetry 2018) Jordan-Goodman Prize in Poetry (2018)
- Jen Sammons MFA Nonfiction 2020) 2018 Gertrude Press Chapbook Prize in Creative Nonfiction; 2019 Intro Journals Project Award for Nonfiction, Association of Writers and Writing 黑料社区
- Dameion Wagner (MFA Poetry 2019) Academy of American Poets (2018)
- Elizabeth Weeks (MFA Fiction 2018) Jordan-Goodman Prize in Fiction (2018); Outstanding Graduate Student Prize in Fiction (2018); PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers (nominated, 2019)
- Nolan Boyd (PhD Literature 2019) Sinclair Fellowship (2019-2020)
- Jeff Carr (PhD Literature 2018) George Mills Harper Graduate Student Travel Fund Award from the South Atlantic Modern Language Association (2018)
- Sam Hunter (MA Literature 2019) Thesis Completion Grant, The Graduate School
- Dinidu Karunanayake (PhD Literature 2019) 黑料社区 Graduate School Fellowship (2017-2018); Connected Academics Career Development Boot Camp Fellowship and Travel Grant, Modern Language Association (2018)
- Casey Kuhajda (PhD Literature, 2019) Outstanding Graduate Student in Literature
- Sandamini Ranwalage (MA Literature 2019) Graduate School Scholar Assistantship (GSSA) (2019); Carolyn Washburn Houtchens Award in Literature (2018)
- Megan Schoettler (PhD Comp/Rhet) Outstanding Teaching Award, Department of English (2019)
- Brenda Tyrrell (PhD Literature 2019) Dartmouth Futures of American Studies Institute (Summer 2019); Graduate Achievement Award (2019)
- Nicolyn Woodcock (PhD Literature 2018) Graduate Students' Achievement Award, 黑料社区 Graduate School
Creative Writing
- Carrie Bindschadler (MFA Fiction 2018) Tucson Festival of Books Literary Awards First Place contest winner in fiction category
- Cynthia Smith (PhD Literature 2019) Harriet Beecher Stowe Society, Up and Coming Scholar Award (2018); Sinclair Dissertation Fellowship, 黑料社区 English Dept, (2016-2017); Outstanding Teaching Award, 黑料社区 (2016)
- Nicolyn Woodcock (PhD Literature) Graduate Student Scholar Assistantship (Dissertation Fellowship), 黑料社区 Graduate School (2017-2018)
Talks and Conferences
Our graduate 黑料社区s regularly participate in conferences hosted by a variety of professional organizations. The list below reflects conference participation during the last five years.
- Composition and Rhetoric
- Assoc of Teachers of Technical Writing
- Assoc of Writing and Rhetoric Studies Conference
- Assoc of Business Communication
- Conference on College Composition and Communication
- Computers and Writing
- Council of Writing Program Administrators Conference
- Crossing Over Symposium
- East Central Writing Center Assoc
- Feminisms and Rhetorics
- International Writing Across the Curriculum
- International Writing Centers Assoc
- Midwest Popular Culture Assoc/American Culture Assoc
- Modern Language Assoc
- National Conference of the Popular Culture Assoc/American Culture Assoc
- National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing
- Ohio Library Conference
- Ohio Library Support Staff Institute
- Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality Symposium
- Rhetoric Society of America
- Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric & Composition
- Threshold Concepts Conference
- Watson Conference
- Writing and Rhetoric across Language Boundaries
- Creative Writing
- Assoc of Writers and Writing 黑料社区<
- Miami Graduate Research Forum
- MEGGA Symposium
- The Louisville Conference
- Literature
- Altman Literature Symposium
- American Literature Assoc Conference
- American Philosophical Society
- Assoc for Asian American Studies
- Catharine Maria Sedgwick Society Symposium
- College Composition and Communication Conference
- Critical Ethnic Studies Assoc
- Crystal Queer
- Faulkner Studies Colloquium
- International Writing Center Assoc Conference
- Queer Studies Symposium
- MEGAA Symposium
- Midwest Victorian Studies Assoc
- Modern Language Assoc
- Modernist Studies Assoc
- Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States
- Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality Symposium
- South Atlantic Modern Language Assoc
- Sri Lanka Graduate Student Conference
- Ohio State Medieval and Renaissance Assoc Graduate Student Symposium
- Popular Culture Assoc
- The Louisville Conference
- The Society for the Study of Multi-ethnic Literature of the United States
- Woolf Society
2019-2020 In Detail (Alphabetical by last name)
- Freda Epum (MFA Nonfiction/Poetry, 2019) "Public Allies Cincinnati, Facilitator," Covid 19 Disparities in Race & Gender, "Cincinnati, OH, Forthcoming 2020; Neighborhood Summit," "Black American Tree Project," "July 2020, Cincinnati, OH Public Allies Cincinnati, Moderator: " The Forgotten History of MLK: Poor People's Campaign," Cincinnati, OH, January 2020; A2RU International Student Conference, "Black American String Exercise," February 2020, Cincinnati, OH
- Casey Kuhajda (Ph.D., Literature Expected 2022) "Intersectionality, Narrative Perspective, and Climate Justice." Keynote Address to the MU Hamilton Human Rights and Social Justice Program. November 18, 2019, Hamilton, Ohio. "Spiraling Temporality, Technology, and the Power of World-Building Through Climate Fiction." Part of the "Environmentalism on the Brink" Panel. The Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association, Baltimore Maryland, Nov. 2020.
- Yan Li (Ph.D. Comp/Rhet Expected 2022) IWCA (2019) Understanding trained EFL Consultants' strategy use as artisans and artists -A Case Study from an Activity Theory Perspective. My panel worked for a deepened understanding of trained multilingual consultants' participation in and engagement with peer collaboration, as both artists and artisans, in EFL writing centers.
- Christopher Maggio (Ph.D. Comp/Rhet Expected 2022) "Recovering and Teaching Heuristics through the Moth" 21st Century Englishes Conference Bowling Green Ohio
- Caitlin Martin (Ph.D. Comp/Rhet) "Responding to the Crisis of Higher Education: Empowering Boundary Brokers and Agents of Transformation." With Wietse de Boer, Elaine Maimon, Jeff Moore, John Sacher, and Elizabeth Wardle. Association of American Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. January 2020. "Researching Expertise-Driven Change: Preliminary Results from a Multi-Institutional Study." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Scheduled for March 2020 in Milwaukee, WI; Conference canceled due to COVID-19 Pandemic. "Detangling Graduate WAC Professional Development." WAC-GO Sponsored Panel. With Jacob Castle, Mandy Olejnik and Thomas Polk.International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Scheduled for June 2020 in Fort Collins, CO; Conference Canceled due to COVID-19 Pandemic. "Recognizing (and Inviting) Leadership Philosophies and Theories into WAC Scholarship and Program Development." With Crystal Fodrey, Nelson Graff, and Lisa Tremain. International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Scheduled for June 2020 in Fort Collins, CO; Conference Canceled due to COVID-19 Pandemic.
- Mandy Olejnik (Ph.D. Comp/Rhet Expected 2022) "Detangling Graduate WAC Professional Development" (panel with Jacob Castle, Caitlin Martin, and Tom Polk). International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Fort Collins, CO, June 2020 (Canceled due to COVID-19) "Blurred Boundaries: Sussing Out Thresholds between WAC and WPA in Administrative Professionalization" (roundtable with Amy Cicchino, Christina LaVecchia, and respondent Al Harahap). International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Fort Collins, CO, June 2020 (Canceled due to Coronavirus) "The (In) Visible Locations of Mentorship" (panel with Leigh Gruwell, Devon Ralston, and respondent Charlie Lesh).Conference on College Composition and Communication, Milwaukee, WI, March 2020 (Canceled due to COVID-19
- Sandamini Ranwalage (Ph.D. Literature Expected 2023) "Diaspora's Fleshy Archives: Re-thinking the Re-performances of the Sri Lankan Postcolonial Theater", 48th Annual Conference on South Asia. UW-Madison. October 2019. "Wanted in Wala: A Performed Feminist Critique of National Time-Spaces," 2nd Symposium: South Asian Music in the World, ICTM Study Group on Music and Allied Arts of Greater South Asia. Colombo, Sri Lanka, Dec. 12-14, 2019. "Staging the Nation-State: Ediriweera Sarachchandra Open-Air Theater as a National Time-Space, "Association for Asian Performance Annual Conference 2020 (Virtual preconference to ATHE Conference), July 27-July 29, 2020. "Fleshy Archives and Ephemeral Cracks: Association for Theater in Higher Education 2020: Driving Towards Connection (Virtual Conference): Theory & Criticism Roundtable, August 2020
- Trevor Root (MFA Poetry 2020) "Some Incalculable Spped" (Reading with Stephen Paul Miller, Jules Wood, and Kristina Erny). The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900, Louisville, KY. February 2020.
- Jen Sammons (MFA Nonfiction Expected 2020) "Queer is as Queer Does: Enacting Queer Pedagogy in the Transgenre Writing Classroom." Association of Writers and Writing 黑料社区, San Antonio, Texas, 2020. (Panel deferred to 2021 due to COVID-19)
- Megan Schoettler (PhD Rhet/Comp) "Feminist Effervescence": Activist Affects Behind the Hashtags, "Computers and Writing, May 2020 (Canceled due to Covid-19). "Toward a Feminist Commonplace: Literacies of Digital Activism, Menstruation, and Shame, "Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 2020 (Canceled due to Covid-19). Co-presenters: Salma Kalim, Keshia Mcclantoc, and Simone Droge. "
- Cody Smothers (Ph.D. Comp/Rhet Expected 2022) "IWCA (2019) The Art of it all: My panel title - Students as Creators - This panel session worked conversations about writing studio work related to visual infographics into a conversation of how to grade/instruct/consult with 黑料社区s who compose using visuals. CCCC (2020) Considering our Commonplaces - Made a Virtual Handout for the conference presentation: Theorizing the Impact of Multimodality and Technology in the Classroom; Writing Spaces and Visual Identities. - The interest of this presentation was concerned with how 黑料社区s compose using visual infographic tools online and what we need to learn as instructors to better gauge, evaluate, and instruct using digital composing tools online. "
- Brenda Tyrrell (Ph.D. Literature 2021) "IWCA (2019)" "(Not) Throwing the Baby Out With the Bath Water: A Discussion about Creating a Sustainable Online Program" " HG Wells International Conference:" Spade House and Chartwell: Houses of Healing and Influence " "MLA 2021 Conference: Teaching to Transform: Combining Threshold Concepts and Science Fiction To Explore Disability " Graduate Research Forum (2019):" Extrapolating HIV And AIDS And The Future Through Speculative Fiction " Society for Disability Studies Conference (2020):" Do * not do * a thing ": Co-opting Visionary Fiction to Resist White Supremacy" (accepted but did not present due to COVID-19).
Books by Alumni
Composition and Rhetoric
Laurel Johnson Black (PhD, 1993) Associate Professor, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Between Talk and Teaching: Reconsidering the Writing Conference. Utah State UP, 1998.
Lisa Blankenship (PhD, 2013) Associate Professor, Baruch College (CUNY)
Changing the Subject: A Theory of Rhetorical Empathy. Utah State UP, 2019.
With Banaji, Paige V., Katherine DeLuca, Lauren Obermark, and Ryan Omizo, editors., The Rhetoric of Participation: Interrogating Commonplaces in and Beyond the Classroom. Computers and Composition Digital P/Utah State UP, 2019, .
Jen Cellio (PhD, 2008) Associate Professor, Northern Kentucky University
With Cynthia Lewiecki-Wilson, editors. Disability and Mothering: Liminal Spaces of Embodied Knowledge. Syracuse UP, 2011.
Caroline Dadas (PhD, 2011) Associate Professor, Writing Studies, Montclair State University
With William P. Banks and Matthew Cox, editors. Re/Orienting Writing Studies: Queer Methods, Queer Projects. Utah State UP, 2019.
Jay T. Dolmage (PhD, 2006) Professor, University of Waterloo (Canada)
Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education. U of Michigan P, 2017.
Connie Kendall-Theado (PhD, 2005) Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati
With Samantha NeCamp, editors. Working with and Against Shared Curricula: Perspectives from College Writing Teachers and Administrators. Peter Lang Publishers, 2021.
Scott Richard Lyons (PhD, 2000) Associate Professor, University of Michigan
Editor. The World, the Text, and the Indian: Global Dimensions of Native American Literature. SUNY Press, 2017.
X-Marks: Native Signatures of Assent. U of Minnesota P, 2010.
Gwendolyn D. Pough (PhD, 2000) Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Dean’s Professor of the Humanities, Syracuse University
With Elaine Richardson, Aisha Durham, and Rachel Raimist, editors. Home Girls Make Some Noise! Hip Hop Feminism Anthology. Parker Publishing, 2007.
Check It While I Wreck It: Black Womanhood, Hip-Hop Culture, and the Public Sphere. Northeastern UP, 2004.
Pegeen Reichert Powell (PhD, 2001) Professor and Chair, Columbia College Chicago
Editor. Writing Changes: Alphabetic Text and Multimodal Composition. MLA, 2020.
Retention and Resistance: Writing Instruction and Students Who Leave. Utah State UP, 2013.
Nedra Reynolds (PhD, 1991) Professor, University of Rhode Island
Geographies of Writing: Inhabiting Places and Encountering Difference. Southern Illinois UP, 2003.
Lisa J. Shaver (PhD, 2006) Associate Professor, Baylor University
Reforming Women: The Rhetorical Tactics of the American Female Moral Reform Society, 1834-1854. U of Pittsburgh P, 2019.
Beyond the Pulpit: Women’s Rhetorical Roles in the Antebellum Religious Press. U of Pittsburgh P, 2012.
Kay Siebler (PhD, 2001) Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska-Omaha
Black Women Shattering Stereotypes: A Streaming Revolution. Lexington Press, 2021.
Learning Queer Identity in the Digital Age. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Composing Feminism(s): How Feminists Have Shaped Composition Pedagogy. Hampton Press, 2008.
Creative Writing
Keith Banner (MA, 1993)
Next to Nothing. Lethe Press, 2014.
The Smallest People Alive. Carnegie Mellon UP, 2004.
The Life I Lead. Knopf, 1999.
David Bell (MA, 2000) Professor of English, Western Kentucky University
Kill All Your Darlings. Berkley, 2021.
The Request. Berkley, 2020.
Layover. Berkley, 2019.
Christopher Coake (MA, 1997) Associate Professor, University of Nevada-Reno
We’re in Trouble: Stories. Harcourt, 2005.
Emily Corwin (MA, 2015)
Tenderling: Poems. Stalking Horse Press, 2018.
Eugene Gloria (MA, 1990) John Rabb Emison Professor of Creative and Performing Arts and Professor of English at DePauw University
Sightseer in This Killing City. Penguin Random House, 2019.
My Favorite Warlord. Penguin, 2012.
Hoodlum Birds. Penguin, 2006.
Drivers at the Short-Time Motel. Penguin, 2000.
Heba Hayek (MFA, 2019)
Sambac Beneath Unlikely Skies. Hajar Press, 2021.
Alice Ladrick (MA, 2012)
Don't Read This If You Already Want to Die. Adjunct Press, 2016.
Molly McCaffrey (MA, 2000)
Stuck in the Middle. Main Street Rag, 2016.
You Belong to Us. Main Street Rag, 2015.
How to Survive Graduate School & Other Disasters. Main Street Rag, 2011.
Matt Young (MA, 2015) Assistant Professor, Centralia College (WA)
Eat the Apple. Bloomsbury, 2018.
Andrew Cole (MA, 1993) Wilson Professor of Literature, Princeton University
The Birth of Theory. U Chicago P, 2014.
With D. Vance Smith, editors. The Legitimacy of the Middle Ages: On the Unwritten History of Theory. Duke UP, 2010.
Literature and Heresy in the Age of Chaucer. Cambridge UP, 2008.
Marcy Jane Knopf-Newman (PhD, 2001) Director, Spruha Higher Education Counseling Services
The Politics of Teaching Palestine to Americans: Addressing Pedagogical Strategies. Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
Beyond Slash, Burn, and Poison: Transforming Breast Cancer Stories into Action. Rutgers UP, 2004.
The Sleeper Wakes: Harlem Renaissance Stories by Women. Rutgers UP, 1993.
Bryan Santin (MA, 2011) Associate Professor of English, Concordia University Irvine (CA)
Postwar American Fiction and the Rise of Modern Conservatism: A Literary History, 1945–2008. Cambridge UP, 2021.
Elizabeth Swanson (PhD, 2000) Mandell Family Foundation Senior Term Chair in Literature and Human Rights, Babson College (MA)
With Alexandra Schultheis Moore, editors. Theoretical Perspectives on Human Rights and Literature. Routledge, 2012.
Beyond Terror: Gender, Narrative, Human Rights. Rutgers UP, 2007.
Chris Washington (PhD, 2012)
Romantic Revelations: Visions of Post-Apocalyptic Hope and Life in the Anthropocene. U of Toronto P, 2019.
With Anne McCarthy, editors. Romanticism and Speculative Realism. Bloomsbury, 2019.
Brenda R. Weber (PhD, 2001) Provost Professor of Gender Studies, Indiana University
Latter-day Screens: Gender, Sexuality, and Mediated Mormonism. Duke UP, 2019.
Editor. Reality Gendervision: Sexuality & Gender on Transatlantic Reality Television. Duke UP, 2014.
Women and Literary Celebrity in the Nineteenth Century: The Transatlantic Production of Fame and Gender. Ashgate, 2012.
Makeover TV: Selfhood, Citizenship, and Celebrity. Duke UP, 2009.