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7.0. Evaluation, Promotion, and Tenure of the Instructional Staff

7.1. Evaluation of Members of the Instructional Staff

7.1.a Frequency and Purpose of Evaluation

7.1.b Annual Report of Professional Activities

7.1.c Annual Evaluation of Tenured Members of the Instructional Staff

7.1.d Annual Evaluation of Probationary Members of the Instructional Staff

7.1.e Formative Promotion Evaluations

7.2. Statement on the Evaluation of Teaching

7.2.a General

7.2.b Teaching Evaluation Plan

7.3. Tenure and Promotion

7.3.a Purpose of Tenure and Promotion

7.3.b Eligibility for Tenure

7.3.c Eligibility for Promotion

7.4. Definitions

7.4.a Definition of Terms

7.4.b Senior Instructor

7.4.c Assistant Professor

7.4.d Associate Professor

7.4.e Professor

7.5. Annual Review of Probationary Members of the Instructional Staff

7.5.a Review of Associate Professors

7.5.b Annual Review of Probationary Members of the Instructional Staff

7.6. Tenure and Time

7.6.a Probationary Period

7.6.b Credit Towards Probationary Period

7.6.c Stopping the Tenure Clock

7.7 Criteria for Tenure

7.8 The Tenure and Promotion Process

7.9 Rights of a Candidate Who Has Received a Negative Recommendation or Been Denied Tenure or Promotion

7.9.a Reconsideration

7.9.b Appeal of Denials

7.9.c Presidential Directive that Tenure Be Considered the Following Year

7.9.d Deadlines

7.10 Failure to Attain Tenure

7.11 Nontenure-Eligible Instructional Staff Positions

7.11.a Instructor

7.11.b Visiting Professor, Visiting Associate Professor, Visiting Assistant Professor

7.11.c Lecturer

7.11.d Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty

7.11.e Senior Lecturers and Senior Clinical/Professionally Licensed Faculty

7.11.f Adjunct Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Adjunct Instructor

7.12 Affiliate