Annual Review of Probationary Members of the Instructional Staff
7.5 Annual Review of Probationary Members of the Instructional Staff
7.5.a Review of Associate Professors
7.5.a.1 An associate professor may apply for promotion in any year. Candidates should consult with their department chair and/or program director(s), when appropriate, and dean before making this request.
7.5.a.2 Starting in their third year in rank and every three (3) years thereafter, associate professors must submit to their department(s) a report of professional activities that addresses the criteria for promotion to professor. The department chair, after consultation with the departmental promotion committee, will provide a letter of review of the report. The dean(s) and the Provost will also provide letters of review. These letters should be detailed enough to provide associate professors with valuable guidance for achieving promotion.
7.5.a.3 Faculty who have been in the associate professor rank for at least fifteen (15) years may opt out of the review. An opt-out will not affect prospects for promotion.
7.5.b Annual Review of Probationary Members of the Instructional Staff
7.5.b.1 Candidates for tenure and promotion are reviewed by the Tenure Committee. In Architecture and Interior Design, this committee consists of all tenured faculty members. In each year of the probationary period, the instructional staff member submits to the department a report of professional activities that addresses the tenure criteria. Subsequently, the department chair or program director (when appropriate), after consultation with the department tenure committee, prepares an annual written evaluation of the member's accomplishments; an evaluation that will provide an assessment of the member's progress toward tenure, including strengths and weaknesses and specific recommendations for improvement.
7.5.b.2 Concerns regarding professional collegiality should be shared as promptly as possible with the person whose behavior is questioned. Notice of uncollegiality must be given to that person in writing no later than his or her next annual evaluation after occurrence of the behavior considered uncollegial.
7.5.b.3 In the event the tenure committee’s evaluation differs from that of the chair, the tenure committee shall forward its evaluation to the probationer. Such evaluations are subsequently reviewed by the divisional dean, and then officially transmitted to the probationer. Whenever the dean's evaluation differs from that of the department chair or the department tenure committee, the dean must so inform the staff member, the chair, and the committee in writing, citing the basis for the judgment.
7.5.b.4 In the third year of qualifying service, the department tenure committee will also prepare a separate written evaluation of the instructional staff member's progress toward tenure, including strengths and weaknesses and specific recommendations for improvement, and share that evaluation with the probationer and the department chair. The chair will also write an evaluation of the probationer’s progress toward tenure.
7.5.b.5 The Provost reviews the evaluations in the third, fourth, and fifth years of a candidate's probationary period. Whenever the Provost’s evaluation differs from what has already been recorded, this judgment, with reasons, will be reported in writing to the candidate, the department tenure committee, the department chair, the program director (when appropriate), and the dean.
7.5.b.6 Early in the candidate’s final year of probationary service, the department tenure committee undertakes a review of his or her cumulative professional record and makes a positive or negative recommendation for tenure to the department chair. After receiving the department tenure committee’s recommendation, the department chair makes a positive or negative recommendation. The candidate’s application is then advanced to the dean, who makes a positive or negative recommendation. The University Promotion and Tenure Committee then considers all candidates who have received a positive recommendation from the department committee, the department chair, or the dean. Candidates who receive a positive recommendation from the University Promotion and Tenure Committee are advanced to the Provost for consideration. Candidates who receive the Provost’s positive recommendation are advanced to the President. Candidates receiving the positive recommendation of the President are advanced to the Board of Trustees for final action.