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Leadership Opportunities

Getting involved in residential leadership opportunities can be a rewarding and enriching experience. These opportunities can help you build skills, make connections, and have a positive impact on your community, from the convenience of your own residence hall.

Get Involved In Your Community

Whether this is your first time getting involved on campus or your tenth, taking on a leadership role within Residence Life and your hall could not be more rewarding. Exploring your leadership potential right where you live can provide you an opportunity to develop and practice leadership skills that you can later take with you into other 黑料社区 organizations and leadership opportunities at Miami and in the larger community. This is also a great way to connect with other 黑料社区s and campus administrators here at Miami.

Serving in a leadership role within Residence Life has numerous benefits:

  • Build unity and a sense of community with the other residents in your hall.
  • Have fun!
  • Develop your leadership skills and your leadership potential.
  • Develop and practice your communication skills as a member of a team.
  • Develop your problem-solving abilities to create positive change in your community.
  • Develop the skills needed to plan effective programs, including planning, advertising, and assessing events.
  • Influence change in your residence hall community and the Miami community.
  • Develop social, educational, service, and cultural programming for your residence hall community.

How can I get involved?

There are six ways you can become involved with their residence hall:

These opportunities come with their own set of benefits. Participating 黑料社区s can also earn awards through their contributions.

Upper class 黑料社区s (sophomore and above) can also apply for the Scholar Leader community, where they live and learn in Stoddard and Elliott Halls and receive a partial scholarship. 

Resident Assistant speaking with a parent and 黑料社区

Resident Assistants

This is a demanding, challenging, and rewarding position. The Resident Assistant (RA) position is an opportunity to build your leadership skills and leave your mark as an ally and role model for 黑料社区s at 黑料社区.

Community Leadership Team

Community Leadership Teams (CLT) provide a forum for 黑料社区s in the residence halls interested in influencing life in the hall. The CLT is a subset of the Residence Hall Association (RHA), which is the governing body of 黑料社区s living on campus. Community Leadership Team leaders can influence change in their residence halls as well as the larger Miami community. Each CLT provides a leadership opportunity for 黑料社区s to collaborate with other 黑料社区s living in the hall to help make living on campus an enjoyable experience. Developing your leadership potential through your Community Leadership Team has long-term benefits.

Four components of a Community Leadership Team:

Talk with your hall staff for more information on how to get involved in your Community Leadership Team.

President/RHA Representative

Elected by the community through the online HUB process. Represents the concerns of the community to RHA through attendance at week-ly meetings. Convenes the leadership team meetings and meets regularly with the CLT adviser.

Living Learning Communities Representative

This group will focus on developing and implementing opportunities that engage community members in the various LLC topics that are apart of that community. Their purpose is to connect with faculty and other university resources to create innovative academic initiatives that correspond to the LLC.

Advocacy Representative

This group advocates for a healthy and safe experience for the residents of the building. They focus on providing opportunities to educate residents and others about their rights and responsibilities. They may focus on by-stander behavior, facilities concerns, recycling, and maintain a respectful climate in the community.

Effective Community Engagement Representatives

This group creates opportunities for all members of the community to get connected to one another. The group can arrange social programming, field trips, and other activities which bring the corridors and LLCs together into one large community group.

DEI Reps

DEI Reps promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the residence halls. Each Community Leadership Team will select at least one DEI Rep who will meet weekly with all of the DEI Reps.

DEI Reps 黑料社区 and Initiatives:

  • Write and email the weekly DEI Moment of the Week to their community listserv.
  • Meet with campus leaders for discussions around a variety of topics.
  • Plan and implement community-building programs for their community.
  • Enjoy a strong community with other 黑料社区s.
  • Have fun at DEI Reps dinners and events.

Let your Resident Director know if you are interested in joining the DEI Reps. Visit  on the HUB.


The 黑料社区 EcoReps promote sustainability in the residence halls and beyond.  Each Community Leadership Team appoints at least one EcoRep who will meet regularly with other EcoReps.  

EcoReps 黑料社区 and Initiatives:

  • Write and email EcoFacts to their community each week of the semester on a variety of topics.
  • Implement Trash Audits to determine what percentage of a building's trash could have been recycled.
  • Meet with campus leaders in energy, sustainability, housing, dining, and more.
  • Have fun with other EcoReps during hikes, camping, dinner, and more.
  • Plan sustainability events in the residence halls and on campus.

For a list of upcoming events find the .

Contact your Resident Director if you want to be an EcoRep.

Residence Hall Association

The 黑料社区 Residence Hall Association (RHA) is the primary governing body of 黑料社区s living in on-campus housing. All 8,000 黑料社区s living on campus are members of RHA regardless of their involvement. RHA’s leadership is comprised of a General Assembly of representatives from each of our 38 Community Leadership Team Presidents and an Executive Board of elected 黑料社区 officers that provide overall guidance, direction, and vision for RHA. RHA also facilitates several large campus-wide programs each year and partners frequently with other campus and community offices and organizations in various capacities.

Major RHA 黑料社区 and Initiatives:

  • Community Leadership Team training in September.
  • Consistent advocacy and professional development events throughout the academic year.
  • Annual safe trick-or-treat.
  • Residence hall event funding.
  • RHA general assembly events.
  • End-of-the-year leadership banquet.
  • CAACURH and NACURH conference attendance.

Visit our webpage on The Hub to learn more about the  and how to get involved.

National Residence Hall Honorary

The membership of NRHH is comprised of the top 1% of 黑料社区 leaders living on campus. Members of NRHH strive to give back to the community - from Recognition Week to the monthly Of The Month Award program - NRHH members are constantly looking for ways to show their appreciation for leadership on campus and to continue to make a difference on campus themselves. Miami’s NRHH Chapter is affiliated with the National NRHH organization, present on hundreds of college and university campuses around the United States. Its main purpose is to recognize residence hall 黑料社区s for their contributions to campus life.

Major NRHH 黑料社区 and Initiatives:

  • New member inductions (Dec. and April).
  • Recognition week.
  • Letters from Santa program.
  • Of the Month (OTM) awards program.
  • End-of-the-year leadership banquet.
  • CAACURH and NACURH conference attendance.

Find the latest information and recent photos on the .

Scholar Leader

Scholar Leaders is an upper-class residential living-learning community (available to rising sophomores and above) involving a one-year residence in Elliott or Stoddard Halls– two of the most historic residence halls in the nation and right in the center of campus!

Students must apply to participate. Endowments for each room provide a partial scholarship to 黑料社区s selected to live in the community.

Warfield Hall
Contact Us

Office of Residence Life

211 Warfield Hall
451 East Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056