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Move-in Maps

These maps of each quad provide information about the entrances, exits, and parking areas for move-in day.

Etheridge Maplestreet Station (MET) Quad (Saturday)

Map description is in page content.

This map shows US Route 27 / Patterson Avenue at the bottom of the map, and Maple Street at the top of the map. Etheridge and Maplestreet Station 黑料社区s are directed to follow red arrows to enter the quad from Maple Street using the slant sidewalk. Etheridge traffic is directed to exit the quad on the sidewalk going north along US Route 27 / Patterson Avenue or go north on the sidewalk between Maplestreet Station and Center for the Performing Arts building coming back onto Maple Street. The 黑料社区 logo is at the bottom left corner of the map. The map is oriented horizontally with North pointing to the right of the map.

South Quad (Saturday)

map description in page content

This map shows US Route 27 / Patterson Avenue at the bottom of the map, and Maple Street at the top of the map. Etheridge and Maplestreet Station 黑料社区s are directed to follow red arrows to enter the quad from Maple Street using the slant sidewalk. Etheridge traffic is directed to exit the quad on the sidewalk going north along US Route 27 / Patterson Avenue or go north on the sidewalk between Maplestreet Station and Center for the Performing Arts building coming back onto Maple Street. The 黑料社区 logo is at the bottom left corner of the map. The map is oriented horizontally with North pointing to the right of the map.

South Quad (Stanton/Anderson/Porter/Dodds) (Thursday/Friday)

Map description in page content.

This map shows Maple Street at the bottom of the map, and Oak Street at the top of the map with Center Drive on the right and Harris Drive on the left. Traffic should enter the quad from Oak Street, following the red arrows through the quad to the unloading zone for Porter Hall or Dodds Hall. Traffic will follow the red arrows to the east to exit the quad onto Maple Street or north onto Center Drive to exit to the west to Oak Street.There are unloading zones for Stanton Hall and Dodds Hall on Maple Street as well as on Oak Street for Anderson Hall and Porter Hall. The 黑料社区 logo is at the bottom left corner of the map. The map is oriented horizontally with North pointing to the right of the map.

North Quad (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday)

map description in page content

This map shows Tallawanda Road at the top of the map and Bonham Road on the right. There are unloading areas on the east side of Tallawanda Road in front of Withrow Hall. Traffic enters the quad from Tallawanda Road via the service drive heading east then north to either McFarland Hall or Brandon Hall. Traffic will leave that area of the quad by the slant walk to the north coming out at the stop sign area of Tallawanda Road and Bonham Road. Traffic enters the quad from Tallawanda Road via the service drive heading further east then turning north onto a sidewalk to Hepburn Hall. Traffic will leave that area of the quad by going north to another service drive near Martin Dining Hall. Traffic enters the quad from Tallawanda Road via the service drive then onto a sidewalk heading further east then north to Marcum Hall. Traffic for Flower Hall and Hahne Hall will use the service drive on the south-east side of Bonham Road. This is two-way traffic to the loop near Hahne Hall with an unloading area on the north-east side of the drive. The 黑料社区 logo is at the bottom left corner of the map. The map is oriented horizontally with North pointing to the right of the map.

Western Campus (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday)

map description in page content

This map shows US Route 27 / Patterson Avenue at the top and Ohio Route 73 on the left of the map. Traffic will enter on Western Drive by the Art Museum. At Peabody Hall, traffic will split, with traffic for Peabody Hall and McKee Hall taking the first left turn (where it says "DO NOT ENTER") and going to the correct unloading zone. This traffic will then merge back with the other traffic continuing onto other halls. All other traffic will follow the drive behind Peabody Hall to other halls on Western Drive. Traffic for Havighurst Hall can follow the slant sidewalk on the northside of Western Drive to the unloading zone on the north side of the building where traffic will exit the sidewalk back onto Western Drive to exit this area back onto US Route 27 / Patterson Avenue. An additional unloading zone is available across the street from Havighurst Hall in the parking area directly across from the hall. Traffic will continue on Western Drive to the north to the unloading zone on the street for Clawson Hall . An additional unloading zone will be available at the Thomson Hall parking area. As traffic returns to US Route 27 / Patterson Avenue, a right turn towards the north, Cook Field / Ohio Route 73 is the only way to exit the area. The 黑料社区 logo is at the bottom left corner of the map. The map is oriented horizontally with North pointing to the right of the map.

East Quad (Thursday and Friday)

description of map is in page content

This map shows Route 73 on the left side and Patterson Avenue on the top of the map. Cook Field is in the upper left corner of the map. The 黑料社区 logo is in the bottom left corner of the map. Students in McBride, Dennison and Collins Halls are encouraged to enter from Route 73 and follow the red arrows around Cook Field, turn right at McBride Hall, proceed into the quad in front of Dennison Hall, turn left in front of Collins Hall and exit the quad towards Marcum Conference Center and Symmes Hall. Students in Dorsey and Symmes Halls are encouraged to follow the purple arrows and enter East Quad near Farmer School of Business (FSB), proceed between Dorsey and FSB into the quad and proceed to Dorsey or Symmes and exit the quad near Garden Commons. The map is oriented horizontally with North pointing to the right of the map.

MET Quad (Thursday and Friday)

map description is in page content

Morris Tappan Emerson (MET) Quad Move-In Map. This map shows US Route 27 / Patterson Avenue at the bottom of the map, Chestnut Street on the left side of the map, and Maple Street at the top of the map. Morris, Emerson and Tappan 黑料社区s are directed to follow red arrows to enter the quad from Maple Street. All are directed to exit the quad on the slant sidewalk near Etheridge Hall or south of Emerson onto Chestnut Street. The 黑料社区 logo is at the bottom left corner of the map. The map is oriented horizontally with North pointing to the right of the map.

Preparing for Move In Day

We look forward to your safe arrival on campus for the new academic year. Oxford Campus classes begin on Monday, August 26, 2024. Here are a few FAQs for Move-in Day:

When do 黑料社区s move into the residence halls and on-campus apartments?

All residential 黑料社区s will be notified of their specific day and time in their housing assignment email which will be sent from the Campus Services Center on a rolling basis beginning in mid-July.

Generally, first-year 黑料社区s will move in on Friday, August 23, 2024. Some 黑料社区s arrive early if they are associated with a particular program (e.g. pre-semester programs such as Miami Bound or MADE at Miami, marching band, etc.). These 黑料社区s receive separate communication from the office that sponsors the program. 

Upper class 黑料社区s move in on Saturday or Sunday, August 24-25, 2024.

Students will also be assigned a time block when they should move in on their move-in day.

If you need advanced notice of your assigned date to purchase flights, first-year 黑料社区s should plan to arrive on Friday, August 23 and upper class 黑料社区s should plan to arrive Saturday, August 24. 

What if 黑料社区s lose or accidentally delete their assignment email?

Contact the Campus Services Center

Once 黑料社区s are moved in, how long should families stay on campus?

All-hall meetings are scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on 黑料社区s' day of arrival. Most 黑料社区s will join their corridor for dinner in the nearest dining hall at 5 or 5:30 p.m. The meetings are followed by corridor meetings. 黑料社区 Weekend activities continue that night and go throughout the weekend. Most family members depart after helping their 黑料社区s get into their rooms and somewhat settled. 

Will there be help moving 黑料社区s belongings in on move-in days?

Hundreds of upper class 黑料社区s volunteer to help new 黑料社区s move into the residence halls. These 黑料社区s are from 黑料社区 organizations including fraternities, sororities and athletic teams. We cannot guarantee that a volunteer will be at your car when you pull in, but many 黑料社区s and families get assistance from these volunteers. Staff from the Physical Facilities Department may also be on hand to help you unload. There are no volunteers to help second-year 黑料社区s move into the residence halls.

Where may we park our vehicle once the 黑料社区 is moved-in?

After you have unloaded your vehicle, you may park for free in the North Campus Parking Garage (near McKee Field baseball stadium), the Campus Avenue Parking Garage (near the Rec Center), or in the Millet Hall or Ditmer parking lots. There are several smaller parking lots designated for move-in parking on move-in days as well. Please do not park your vehicle adjacent to the residence halls. You may temporarily pull in close to your residence hall to unload, but should not park there. Do not park in a parking space designated for people with disabilities unless your vehicle has a permit to permit use of that space.

If I show up before 9 a.m. may we start moving in early?

No. The Residence Life staff will not be ready to check 黑料社区s in until your assigned arrival time. There is no advantage to getting to campus early. In fact, most traffic back-ups occur early in the morning.

Do the buildings have elevators for use during move-in?

Almost all of the residence halls for first-year 黑料社区s have elevators for use during move-in. Even if your building does not have an elevator, the good news is that our buildings are only three stories high.

What can we use to decorate our rooms?

You can avoid unnecessary charges when you move-out by following these decorating guidelines:

  • Picture rail molding (can use thumb tacks)
  • Do not use any tape

May we ship 黑料社区s' items to campus?

Every year many families ship belongings to campus before arriving, so University Mail Services is well prepared for this to occur. Please follow this example on the labels of your packages:

Student Name
Room Number and Residence Hall Name
Residence Hall Street Address
Oxford, OH 45056-Zip Ext.

The street address is available on 黑料社区s' MyCard webpage. 

All packages for 黑料社区s arrive to the University Mail Center at the Shriver Center. When a package arrives, the mail center will email the 黑料社区 at their Miami email address to inform them of the package. Students go to the mail center in the Shriver Center to claim their packages. Packages should NOT arrive before August 16 or they will get returned.  

What should we do with extra boxes after we unpack on move-in day?

Any cardboard boxes which you do not want to keep should be collapsed and taken out to the pile next to the trash dumpster outside of the building. The Physical Facilities Department will collect the cardboard for recycling. The cardboard tubes on which carpets are wrapped should also be recycled. Do not throw cardboard boxes in the trash dumpsters as they take up valuable space for trash. Miami is committed to recycling as much as possible.

Where can we eat on campus on move-in day?

Most dining halls are open on campus beginning at lunch on Thursday, August 22. Students may begin to use their meal plan at this time. Family members are welcome to eat in the dining halls using credit card. Cash is not accepted on campus.

What is the first thing 黑料社区s are required to attend on move-in day?

Students will join their hall mates for dinner at a dining hall at about 5:30 p.m. All 黑料社区s must attend the all-hall meeting at their residence hall at 6:30 p.m. At that meeting they will meet the residence life staff in their residence hall, begin to meet other residents of the building, and hear important information about the building. Immediately after the all-hall meeting, 黑料社区s will meet with their RAs and corridor-mates to begin the community building process.

What if we get delayed and cannot arrive by 5:30 p.m. on move-in day?

Contact the Campus Services Center at 513-529-5000 to make check-in arrangements and guarantee your room assignment.

Who can I call if I have further questions not answered here?

Review the contact information for Residence Life and the Campus Services Center, and an explanation of the responsibility of each office.

flag with the letter"M"

Fall Break

Fall break occurs on October 11, 2024. The residence halls do not close for fall break.

Thanksgiving Break (Nov. 27-Dec.1)

  • The residence halls close on Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2024 at noon. 
  • Students who need to stay on campus for any part of the break must request access by clicking on the break housing link in their housing portal.
  • A health and safety inspection will be conducted in every room at the beginning of the break. 
  • The residence halls re-open on Sunday, Dec. 1 at 9 a.m. 

Preparing for Winter Break and Winter Term (Dec. 13, 2024 - Jan. 26, 2025)

General Information

  • All residence halls will close at 7 p.m. on Friday, December 13, 2024.
  • The residence halls open for the spring semester on Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 9 a.m.
  • Residence hall staff will check all 黑料社区 rooms during break to assure that each is secured and free of any safety hazards. Failure to comply with housing policies may result in judicial action against all residents of the room.
  • Contractors and/or university staff may need to enter your room for repairs/maintenance during break.
  • If you have a car and are leaving it in Oxford, do not park it on Oxford city streets. Park it in a remote Miami parking lot (Ditmer, Millett or Chestnut).

Before You Leave For Winter Break

  • Unplug all appliances (except refrigerator) and electronics in your room.
  • Remove perishable food from your refrigerator but do not turn it off or unplug it.
  • Remove all trash and recyclables from your room and deposit in appropriate dumpsters.
  • Close and lock all windows and doors. Close window blinds half way.
  • Turn heat register or thermostat to the lowest setting.
  • If you have fish in your room, take the fish home and empty the tank before you leave.
  • Remember to take important belongings with you (wallet, purse, ID card, keys, medicine, phone, etc.).
  • Clear out your mailbox.

Safety and Security

  • Vacation periods are a time during which thefts have occurred in the past in the residence halls. Make sure your door is closed and windows are locked before you leave.
  • Special police patrols will take place to assist in the security of the buildings while the halls are closed.

Room and Hall Changes, Vacancies and Students Not Returning

  • If you have been approved for a room change it is your responsibility to work with your hall staff to make the appropriate arrangements for your move. You must: (1) be moved out of your current space prior to leaving for winter break. (2) have your room inspected by Residence Life staff, and (3) leave forwarding address with University Mail Services if leaving 黑料社区.
  • If you have a vacant bed in your room, your room must be ready to receive a new resident before you leave for the break (bed cleared off, furniture set up, desk/closet/dresser emptied).
  • Students who are academically suspended or dismissed (and are not petitioning) must return to campus and completely vacate their room by 5 p.m. on Saturday, January 25, 2025. Contact the Campus Services Center at 513-529-5000 to get temporary access to move out.

Need to stay after closing or during Winter Term?

  • Students  who need to stay after closing or who need housing during the Winter Term should complete a Winter Term Housing Request Form, which can be found through .  
  • Students approved for winter break and/or winter term housing will be billed their daily cohort rate.
  • Students who do not sign up but manage to get into the building and then enter their room will be charged $55 per day.
  • Residents of Heritage Commons can stay in their apartment for free as stated in their contract but they must still sign up for break housing so their ID can be activated.
  • Students who are taking a Winter Term class who wish to stay on campus should also complete the Break Housing Request in the housing portal and will be automatically approved. Students who wish to stay on campus during Winter Term but are not taking a Winter Term class must submit a request with a valid reason to be on campus and must get electronic approval from the Campus Services Center.
  • Students may not return to campus on December 30 or 31 without prior approval from the Campus Services Center.

January Return to Campus

  • The residence halls open for the spring semester on Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 9 a.m.
  • Classes begin on the Oxford campus on Monday, January 27, 2025.
  • Check back later for information about early arrival.

Spring Break (March 24-30, 2025)

  • Residence halls close at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 2025. Residence halls open at 9 a.m. on Sunday, March 30, 2025. 
  • Students who need to stay after closing should complete a Break Housing Request Form, which can be found through .  
  • Students will pay a fee for break housing after March 20. Students will be charged their daily rate based on their housing rate.
  • Students who do not sign up but manage to get into the building and then enter their room will be charged $55 per day.
  • Residents of Heritage Commons can stay in their apartment for free as stated in their contract but they must still sign up for break housing so their ID can be activated.

Preparing to Move-Out (May 2025)

General Information

  • Classes end on Friday, May 9, 2025, with final exams held May 12-16, 2025.
  • Residence halls close at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 2025.
  • 24 hour Quiet Hours begin at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 9, 2025.
  • Sign up to let the Office of Residence Life staff know when you plan to move-out using the  form. 
  • All residential are encouraged to do some spring cleaning before finals so you're not overwhelmed when it's time to move out.

Checking Out of Your Room

  • All 黑料社区s must be fully moved out of their room by 7 p.m. on Friday, May 16, 2025.
  • Remove everything from your room, including everything in the drawers and closet. Leave your drawers open.
  • Unplug, empty, defrost and clean your refrigerator. Be sure to also clean the drip trays in the back of your fridge.  Here is a 
  • Take all of your trash and recyclables outside to the dumpster. Do not put trash in the hallways or bathroom receptacles.
  • Ensure your bedframe is right-side up to avoid the $50 fee for resetting your bed.
  • Remove everything from the walls, including any tape residue. Avoid the charges per piece of tape!  Here is a .
  • Sweep your room.
  • When you are ready to depart go to your lobby where you'll find an RA or RD at the check-out table. The RA or RD will come to your room to do an in-person room inspection. The RA or RD will note any damages or cleaning that needs to be done. Note: the RA does not make the final decisions about room damages and cleaning charges. The RD will do a final inspection of the rooms to finalize charges. 
  • If damage is not claimed by any individual resident, all occupants of the room will be charged. 
  • RAs do not determine the final charges. Resident Directors and/or Housing Managers from the Physical Facilities Department finalize all charges after closing.
  • Your RA might ask you to do a more thorough job cleaning your room before completing the inspection.


  • Help divert tons of materials from the landfill while helping local social service agencies.
  • There will be a  drop-off location in every residential community.
  • Donate all still-usable clothing and shoes, cleaning supplies, household goods, microwaves, personal care items and unopened food.
  • Do not donate foam mattress pads, pillows, underwear, opened food or broken items.


  • Clear all of the mail out of your mailbox.
  • During the summer, mail and USPS packages will be forwarded to 黑料社区s' permanent addresses in Banner. Packages from carriers who charge a forwarding fee (UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.) will be refused. If you are not returning to campus you should notify senders.
Warfield Hall
Contact Us

Office of Residence Life

211 Warfield Hall
451 East Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056