Successful Contracting Between CBOs and Health Care Entities
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Successful Contracting Between CBOs and Health Care Entities
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Substance Use Disorders Among Older Ohioans - The Need for Policy Change
Nearly four million older Americans are struggling with substance use disorders (SUDs).
Heather L. Menne • Bailee Brekke
The National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging: 2022 Results
The web-based survey was launched in September 2022 to all 616 AAAs.
Robert J. Graham • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Isha Karmacharya
A Profile of Home and Community-Based Services in Ohio
The report tracks the changes in home care use in the state over the past 30 years.
Ian Matt Nelson • Robert A. Applebaum • Oksana Dikhtyar • John R. Bowblis
A Profile of Nursing Homes in Ohio
This study provides a comprehensive overview of the nursing home industry in Ohio.
Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson • Oksana Dikhtyar • Negar Nik Bakht • John R. Bowblis • MaKenna McClure
The Federal Proposed Standard for Nursing Home Staffing
In response to concerns about direct care staffing challenges in nursing homes across the nation, on September 6, 2023, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed new federal rul...
Ian Matt Nelson • John R. Bowblis • Amy E. Elliot • Robert A. Applebaum
The AgeSmart Inventory: A Multifaceted Tool to Understand Age Bias
This paper describes the development of an inventory, created over four stages, designed to foster introspective and collaborative thinking about age-directed values.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Lei Yu • Kate de Medeiros
Lifting the Veil: How Networks Form, Operate, Struggle, and Succeed
This qualitative study examines community-based organizations (CBOs) seeking to work with each other and to contract with health care entities to improve coordination, reduce fragmentation, and inc...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Robert J. Graham • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Current Workforce and Quality Challenges in New York State Nursing Homes
This study provides background information about the current workforce and quality challenges faced by New York’s nursing homes.
Greene County Council on Aging: 2021 Community Survey Findings
Read the survey results conducted to gain better understanding of the needs and interests of older Greene County residents. The Greene County Council on Aging partnered with the Scripps Gerontology...
Evaluation of Ohio’s MyCare Demonstration
Impact evaluation of Ohio's MyCare Program
Katherine M. Abbott • John R. Bowblis • Robert A. Applebaum • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Ian Matt Nelson
Exploring the Criterion Validity of Pragmatic Person-Centered Care/Culture Change Measures
This study aims to assess the criterion validity of the Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI) Implementation Indicator with other culture change measures.
John R. Bowblis • Reese Moore • Jane Straker • Caroline Madrigal • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Miranda C. Kunkel • Katherine M. Abbott • Ian Matt Nelson
Presentation - Choosing Home Care Services
We aim to set up the right home care service for you or your loved one and hope to bring you peace of mind.
Quanhong Cho Qiu
This study aims to assess the criterion validity of the Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI) Implementation Indicator with other culture change measures.
Caroline Madrigal • Katherine M. Abbott • Andrea Hulshult • Abby Spector • Allison R. Heid • Victoria Crumbie • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Alexandra Heppner • Karen Eshraghi
With a Little Help From My Friends and Family: Transportation and Caregiving Hours
This study explored how caregiver transportation assistance and care recipient driving frequency are associated with caregiving hours.
Jonathon M. Vivoda • Jiawei Cao • Athena Koumoutzis
In this presentation, Dr. Carr will describe the role of psychological resilience in shaping aging processes.
Dawn Carr
This study examined mean differences in demographic and clinical characteristics of residents for preferences showing the change.
Michael J. Rovine • Caroline Madrigal • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Victoria Crumbie • Allison R. Heid • Karen Eshraghi • Katherine M. Abbott
Some communities across the nation are utilizing alternative funding sources to better support home and community-based services for older adults.
Pamela S. Mayberry • Athena Koumoutzis • Robert A. Applebaum • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston)
Little is known about the overall experiences and feelings of diverse older populations during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
Abigail Helsinger • Takashi Yamashita • Wonmai Punksungka • Phyllis A. Cummins • Samuel Van Vleet
Understanding Nursing Home Complaints in Ohio
This study provides an initial look at the characteristics of Ohio nursing homes and their associated complaints.
Jane Straker • Katherine M. Abbott • Xiao Qui • Jenny Kwon • Robert A. Applebaum
Preference assessment is integral to person-centered treatment planning for older adults with communication impairments.
Vanessa L. Burshnic-Neal • Eleanor S. McConnell • Rachel H. ºÚÁÏÉçÇøper • Katherine M. Abbott • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Kelly Knollman-Porter
The purpose of this study was to examine correlates of taking a COVID-19 test among late middle-aged and older adults using nationally representative data.
J. Scott Brown • Na Sun • Cassandra L. Hua • Xiao Qui
Presentation - Sleep & Dementia: Why Sleep Matters and How to Improve It
Among people living with dementia, sleep is important in slowing cognitive decline, preventing injuries, promoting a better mood, reducing negative interpersonal interactions, and helping balance t...
Julia Larimer
A Process Evaluation of Developing Older Adult Research Advisory Boards in Long Term Care Settings
Older adults residing in long-term care settings can contribute their lived experience to informing the development and implementation of programs, interventions, practices, and policies that affec...
Rachel Lessem • Darby J. Morhardt • Amy R. Eisenstein • Hailee M. Yoshizaki-Gibbons • Katherine M. Abbott • Erin McGaffigan • Jane Straker • Marc A. Cohen • Rebecca L. H. Berman
Presentation - Our Family Our Way: A New Resource for Caregiving Families
The Scripps Gerontology Center released Our Family, Our Way, a communication and care coordination resource developed to help families think and talk about caregiving.
Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston)
Balancing Mission and Momentum
Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) are entering a new phase marked by a heightened focus on social determinants of health.
Validation of the Chinese version of the resident satisfaction in long-term care facilities
Accurate measurements of resident satisfaction in long-term care settings can provide administrators with valuable information to improve the quality of care.
Qiwei Li • Jane Straker • Xiaoli Li • Stan Ingman • Chi Zhang • Liam O`Neill
How do Area Agencies on Aging Build Partnerships with Health Care Organizations?
Partnerships between health care and social service organizations may contribute to lower health care use and spending.
Chris Rubeo • Leslie A. Curry • Jane Straker • Emily Cherlin • Traci L. Wilson • Amanda L. Brewster • Adeola Ayedun
A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: Equitable Nursing Home Policy Through Implementation Science
Nursing home policies built around equity and person-centered care can transform the industry to allow all Americans access to quality care.
Kimberly Van Haitsma • Natalie Douglas • Katherine M. Abbott
Advancing Partnerships: Contracting Between Community-based Organizations and Health Care Entities
This report provides additional findings from the 2021 Request for Information (RFI) survey about the current characteristics of community-based organization (CBO) contracts with health care partners.
Robert J. Graham • Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Preference importance ratings among African American and white nursing home residents
The Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI-NH) assesses the psychosocial preferences of nursing home (NH) residents. This study explored the association of race with importance ratings of ...
Kimberly Van Haitsma • Allison R. Heid • Kendall Leser • Katherine M. Abbott • Nytasia M. Hicks
This study explores the experiences of bereaved lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) older women to understand perspectives regarding advance care planning communication between clinicians, patients, a...
Kate de Medeiros • Leah M. Janssen • Valerie Flores (Valerie Kessler) • Susan Enguidanos
Individual learning accounts: A comparison of implemented and proposed initiatives
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) identified three models for funding adult... learning:
Phyllis A. Cummins • Takashi Yamashita • A. Katherine Harrington
All are not created equal: Assessing initial driving self-regulation behaviors among older adults
Mobility is closely tied to the ability to safely drive. In older adulthood, many people begin to avoid difficult driving situations, such as driving at night, during rush hour, on freeways, or in ...
Guohua Li • Nicole Zanier • David Strogatz • Vanya Jones • Lisa J. Molnar • Jacqui Smith • David W. Eby • Jennifer S. Zakrajsek • Carolyn DiGuiseppi • Linda V. Nyquist • Raymond Yung • Renée M. St Louis • Jonathon M. Vivoda
Despite increasing demand in distance education, relatively little is known about the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics as well as basic skill levels of adult distance education partici...
Phyllis A. Cummins • Jing Zhang • Takashi Yamashita • Na Sun
A north star for gerontology: Using the threshold concept framework to transform ageism education
This paper demonstrates the utility of the threshold concept framework for gerontologists by conceptualizing ageism as a threshold concept.
Leah M. Janssen • Jiawei Cao • Valerie Flores (Valerie Kessler)
This study implemented an online survey of family members or friends of residents in long-term care facilities (LTCFs) from April 28 to June 19, 2020, using convenience sampling.
Mi Sun Choi • Jane Straker
An arts program to improve medical ºÚÁÏÉçÇø attitudes towards persons with dementia
Arts-based activities may improve medical ºÚÁÏÉçÇø attitudes toward persons living with dementia (PLWD) by facilitating relationships around remaining strengths, capacities, and personhood.
Elizabeth Like Lokon • Cheryl Dellasega • Yue Li • Daniel R. George
In this presentation, we share information on access to and participation in adult education and training (AET) and then share examples of alternative methods for funding AET...
Phyllis A. Cummins • Abigail Helsinger • Takashi Yamashita • Nytasia M. Hicks
Using Local Initiatives to Fund In-Home Services: Ohio Leads the Nation
As a result of limitations in federal and state funding for nonmedical supportive services, some communities across 15 states are utilizing local funding sources to support aging services for older...
Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Athena Koumoutzis • Robert A. Applebaum • Pamela S. Mayberry
The purpose of this quality improvement project was to evaluate the implementation of a person-centered communication tool in nursing homes (NH).
Kimberly Van Haitsma • Abby Hermesch • Alexandra Heppner • Nytasia M. Hicks • Katherine M. Abbott
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has challenged the way nursing homes deliver person-centered care (PCC).
Katherine M. Abbott • Miranda C. Kunkel • Alexandra Heppner • Megan Kelley • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Kamryn Kasler
As outlined in this presentation, limited literacy skills, lower educational attainment, and being an immigrant are potential barriers to motivation towards life-long learning among middle-aged adu...
Takashi Yamashita • Phyllis A. Cummins • Roberto J. Millar • Shalini Sahoo
The influence of hearing impairment on driving avoidance among a large cohort of older drivers
As people age, some of the commonly experienced psychomotor, visual, and cognitive declines can interfere with the ability to safely drive, often leading to situational avoidance of challenging dri...
Carolyn DiGuiseppi • Lidia P. Kostyniuk • Linda V. Nyquist • David Joseph LeBlanc • Nicole Zanier • Jacqui Smith • Renée M. St Louis • Jonathon M. Vivoda • David W. Eby • Scott E. Bogard • Lisa J. Molnar • Jennifer S. Zakrajsek • David Strogatz • Raymond Yung
Residential Care: An Emerging Sector of the Ohio System of Long-Term Services
This report utilized data from the Biennial Survey of Long-Term Care Facilities to show the expansive growth of residential care facilities and assisted living in Ohio over the last couple decades.
Jessica Yauk • Meghan Young • Ian Matt Nelson • Robert A. Applebaum • Jane Straker
Achieving population health impacts
Evidence-based health promotion programs can help older adults manage chronic conditions and address behavioral risk factors, and translating these interventions to population-scale impact depends ...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Leslie A. Curry • Traci L. Wilson • Amanda L. Brewster
For people living with dementia and their care partners, a decline in the ability to effectively communicate can cause significant distress.
Daniel R. George • Kate Levenberg • Elizabeth Like Lokon
The Older Adult Population of Greene County Ohio
This report provides a socio-demographic snapshot of the older adult population of Greene County, Ohio
Abigail Helsinger • Ian Matt Nelson
Barriers and facilitators for mid- and later-life community college ºÚÁÏÉçÇøs: The role of faculty
This qualitative study of ºÚÁÏÉçÇøs in mid- and later-life (MLL; age 40 and older) sought to address the role faculty play in facilitating ºÚÁÏÉçÇø success and how institutions support faculty, espec...
Phyllis A. Cummins • Kathryn McGrew • Peter Riley Bahr • Annabelle Arbogast
Jobs at risk of automation in the USA: Implications for community colleges.
Advancing technologies such as artificial intelligence and robots are steadily replacing jobs in the USA. Continuous skill-upgrading and re-skilling are critical for workers to remain employable th...
Phyllis A. Cummins • Thomas J. Smith • Takashi Yamashita
Most older adults will eventually stop driving, but few engage in planning for driving retirement.
Athena Koumoutzis • Jonathon M. Vivoda • Annie C. Harmon • Jiawei Cao • Ganesh M. Babulal
Marital quality, gender, and later-life depressive symptom trajectories
This study analyzed six waves of data (2006–2016) from the Health and Retirement Study (n = 4,342) to examine how marital quality is associated with depressive symptom trajectories among a gr...
Jennifer Roebuck Bulanda • Takashi Yamashita • J. Scott Brown
In order to promote the use of increasingly available large-scale assessment data in education and expand the scope of analytic capabilities among applied researchers, this study provides step-by-s...
Takashi Yamashita • Thomas J. Smith • Phyllis A. Cummins
Strengthening Ties: Contracting Between Community-Based Organizations and Health Care Entities
The Aging and Disability Business Institute (Business Institute), led by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), supports the business acumen of CBOs to enhance contracting with h...
Jane Straker • Traci L. Wilson • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
This study examines the relationship between urban residence and trajectories of depressive symptoms and investigates whether this relationship differs by social isolation and loneliness.
Xiao Qui • J. Scott Brown • Na Sun • Cassandra L. Hua
Family satisfaction: Differences between nursing homes and residential care facilities
This study compared differences in overall family satisfaction, specific satisfaction domains, and correlates of satisfaction between nursing homes (NHs) and residential care facilities (RCFs), usi...
Nytasia M. Hicks • Katherine Wood • Jonathon M. Vivoda • Nader Mehri
Local initiatives to fund services for older Americans: A growing option for states
This report is part of a series of promising practices and emerging innovations from the AARP Public Policy Institute 2020 LTSS State Scorecard.
Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Robert A. Applebaum
Presentation - Strategies to Engage Marginalized Adults in Education
Our section of the presentation focused on strategies to engage marginalized adults in education.
Abigail Helsinger • Samuel Van Vleet
Exploring cause of death as a factor in social convoy membership: The case of Pauline
Research integrating social convoy and continuing bonds frameworks suggests that deceased individuals can be included in convoys as connections may carry on after death.
Kate de Medeiros • M. Elise Radina • Sara E. Stemen
This video provides an introduction and overview of the IES-funded project Literacy, Numeracy, and Problem-Solving Skills in Technology-Rich Environment in the STEM-related Subbaccalaure...
Takashi Yamashita • Jenna Kramer • Phyllis A. Cummins • Abigail Helsinger • Rita Karam • Maia Punksungka
This is a test description
Cassandra L. Hua • J. Scott Brown
As outlined in this presentation, providing more support and opportunities for formal, non-formal, and informal learning can enhance continuing education and training participation of low-skilled o...
Meghan Young • Abigail Helsinger • Oksana Dikhtyar • Takashi Yamashita • Nytasia M. Hicks • Phyllis A. Cummins
This presentation explains qualitative research strategies that have been successful in identifying, recruiting, and interviewing key informants from multiple countries.
Abigail Helsinger • Phyllis A. Cummins • Nytasia M. Hicks
Presentation - Equity in Adult Education: The Ohio Story
This is a test description
Abigail Helsinger • Phyllis A. Cummins
Prevalence of COVID-19 in Ohio nursing homes: What's quality got to do with it?
With nursing homes being hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to know whether facilities that have any cases, or those with particularly high caseloads, are different from nursing hom...
Presentations - Job Training for Adults without Credentials: Models that Work
This video highlights segments of a presentation on opportunities for education and training for adults as well as barriers adult learners face when pursuing those opportunities.
Wendi Copeland • Abigail Helsinger • Phyllis A. Cummins • Takashi Yamashita
Presentation - Job Automation in the U.S. How are we Preparing?
This video highlights segments of a presentation on job automation and the role of community colleges in the context of workforce education.
Todd Roswarski • Phyllis A. Cummins • Takashi Yamashita • Abigail Helsinger
Presentation - Closing the Equity Gap: The Ohio Story
These videos highlight segments from a presentation delivered at the 2020 National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE) virtual conference.
Phyllis A. Cummins • Tiffany Hunter • Abigail Helsinger
What could be influencing older Ghanaians outpatient care utilization rate?
Ghana’s population is rapidly aging and there may be healthcare access and utilization issues. This study investigates some of the issues that may influence outpatient care utilization rate a...
Candidus C. Nwakasi • J. Scott Brown • Phillip Anyanwu
Problem solving in technology rich environments and cancer screening in later life
Routine cancer screening is widely recognized as an effective preventive strategy to reduce cancer mortality - the second leading cause of death in the US.
Shalini Sahoo • Takashi Yamashita • Roberto J. Millar • Phyllis A. Cummins
Low retention of direct care workers (DCWs), either certified nursing assistants in nursing homes (NH) or personal care assistants in assisted living (AL), continues to be an unresolved problem.
Jane Straker • Robert A. Applebaum • John R. Bowblis • Katherine A. Kennedy
Intergenerational ambivalence and loneliness in later life
Previous work has explored the links between intergenerational ambivalence and other indicators of well‐being but has not examined loneliness.
J. Scott Brown • Cassandra L. Hua • Jennifer Roebuck Bulanda
End-of-Life Educational Needs of State Tested Nurse Aides in Ohio Long-Term Care Facilities
This research brief shares the findings of a qualitative research study that solicited the opinions of current State Tested Nurse Aides (STNAs), registered nurses (RNs), and licensed practical nurs...
Kimberly K. Ogle • Alex D'Errico-Bronston
The Preferences Assessment Tool (PAT) in the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 assesses 16 resident preferences for daily routines and activities.
Odichinma Akosionu • Beth A. Virnig • Yunfei Duan • Jasjit S. Ahluwalia • Weiwen Ng • Joseph E. Gaugler • Mark Woodhouse • John R. Bowblis • Haitao Chu • Teyana T. Shippee
Certified nursing assistant (CNA) turnover and retention are critical aspects of facilities’ ability to provide cost-effective, high-quality person-centered care.
John R. Bowblis • Katherine A. Kennedy • Robert A. Applebaum
Despite the growing proportion of older adults in the United States, federal and state funding for nonmedical supportive services remains limited.
Sara E. Stemen • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Renusha Maharjan • Athena Koumoutzis • Pamela S. Mayberry • Robert A. Applebaum
Nursing home social work during COVID-19
This letter highlights a few of the many challenges facing nursing home social services workers and departments during COVID-19 and highlights the ways that researchers can support practice colleag...
Colleen Galambos • Nancy Kusmaul • Amy Restorick Roberts • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Mercedes Bern-Klug
This is a test Medicaid nursing home (NH) reimbursement rates and bed-hold policies have been shown to be associated with hospitalization of urban NH residents, but their relationships with emergen...
Yue Li • John R. Bowblis • Thomas V. Caprio • Huiwen Xu • Orna Intrator
The purpose of this study was to investigate trends in racial/ethnic differences in nursing home (NH) residents’ quality of life (QoL) and assess these patterns within and between facilities.
Joseph E. Gaugler • Jasjit S. Ahluwalia • John R. Bowblis • Haitao Chu • Beth A. Virnig • Weiwen Ng • Mark Woodhouse • Yinfei Duan • Teyana T. Shippee • Odichinma Akosionu
Through the Montessori Looking-Glass: Barriers to Implementing a Montessori-Based Intervention
Montessori methods are used with individuals with dementia to create meaningful, inclusive, failure-free activities that enhance quality of life.
Kathleen M. Farfsing • Jennifer M. Kinney • Leah M. Janssen
Primary care competition and quality of care: Empirical evidence from Medicare
This paper explores the effects of primary care physician (PCP) practice competition on five distinct quality metrics directly tied to screening, follow-up care, and prescribing behavior under Medi...
Christopher Brunt • Joshua Hendrickson • John R. Bowblis
Policy does matter: Changing an unchangeable long-term services system
Because long-term services policy is largely driven by state decisions, this study examines the impact of state-level changes on Ohio's long-term services system.
Jane Straker • Katherine A. Kennedy • Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson
The family experience in long-term care during the COVID-19 visitation restriction
This report provides results from an online survey of families with residents in long-term care settings during the COVID-19 suspension of visiting to facilities.
Mi Sun Choi • Jane Straker
Prevalence of COVID-19 in Ohio Nursing Homes
This study examines the Prevalence of COVID-19 cases in Ohio nursing homes in the context of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) 5-star quality ratings.
Fast-track innovation: Area Agencies on Aging respond to the COVID-19 pandemic
Millions of older Americans depend on services provided by Area Agencies on Aging to support their nutritional, social, and health needs.
Traci L. Wilson • Amanda L. Brewster • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Marisa Scala-Foley
The proportion of racial/ethnic minority older adults in nursing homes (NHs) has increased dramatically and will surpass the proportion of white adults by 2030.
Teyana T. Shippee • John R. Bowblis • Weiwen Ng
COVID-19 pandemic: Exacerbating racial/ethnic disparities in long-term services and supports
What services are available and where racial and ethnic minorities receive long-term services and supports (LTSS) have resulted in a lower quality of care and life for racial/ethnic minority users.
Teyana T. Shippee • Weiwen Ng • John R. Bowblis
Nursing homes (NHs) are serving greater proportions of residents with serious mental illness (SMI), and it is unclear whether this affects NH quality.
John R. Bowblis • Kathryn Hyer • Dylan J. Jester
The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge and perception of COVID-19 and relevant universal safety measures among the Nepalese population.
Naveen Shrestha • Dev Ram Sunuwar • Kshitij Karki • Saruna Ghimire • Devendra Raj Singh
Promising Practices in Adult Guardianship in Ohio
Contains research brief and five count reports.
Candidus C. Nwakasi • Amy Restorick Roberts • Gifty Ashirifi
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services mandate the provision of person-centered care (PCC), but there is limited evidence on how PCC impacts nursing home (NH) residents’ care experien...
Katherine M. Abbott • Whitney L. Mills • Liza L. Behrens • Karen Eshraghi • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Jacqueline Mogle • Dennis Scanlon • Caroline Madrigal • Donna M. Fick
How accumulated wealth affects driving reduction and cessation
(DRC) are not equally experienced by all groups. Individual characteristics such as poor health, impaired vision, older age, and female gender are known to affect DRC.
Ryan Michael Walker • Jiawei Cao • Jonathon M. Vivoda • Athena Koumoutzis
This study explored the association and variabilities between mild depression...
J. Scott Brown • Sree Subedi • Candidus C. Nwakasi • Esiaka Darlingtina
Area Agencies on Aging are increasingly partnering with health care organizations to address the health-related social needs of older adults and contribute to multisector coalitions that promote co...
Amanda L. Brewster • Jennifer Frehn • Traci L. Wilson • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Diane Berish
Strategies employed by Ohio community colleges to improve labor market outcomes for older ºÚÁÏÉçÇøs
To remain competitive in the labor market, many middle-aged and older adults need to upgrade existing or learn new skills through occupational training and education.
Oksana Dikhtyar • Phyllis A. Cummins • Kathryn McGrew • Peter Riley Bahr
Trends, determinants and the implications of population aging in Iran
Fertility and mortality decline are major drivers of Iran's population aging.
Nader Mehri • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Mahmood Messkoub
An increasing number of post-acute care patients are admitted to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) with behavioral symptoms such as wandering and rejecting care, which can interfere with care and p...
Amy Restorick Roberts • John R. Bowblis • Austin C. Smith
Lucas County Adult Guardianship Assessment Report
In 2019, Scripps Gerontology Center was contracted by the Lucas County Guardianship Exploratory Committee to assess adult guardianship service needs in Lucas County, Ohio.
Elisabeth E. Fulton • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Amy Restorick Roberts
Long-stay nursing home (NH) residents are at high risk of having emergency department (ED) visits, but current knowledge regarding risk-adjusted ED rates is limited.
Orna Intrator • Huiwen Xu • Thomas V. Caprio • John R. Bowblis • Yue Li
The purpose of this study is to advance knowledge of the influence of educational level on trajectories and determinants of healthy ageing in midlife and older Americans.
Sara J. McLaughlin • Seonjin Kim • Jiaan Zhang • Lydia W. Li
This report provides findings from a study of long-term services and supports utilization trends from 1993 to 2017.
Ian Matt Nelson • John R. Bowblis • Robert A. Applebaum • Jane Straker • A. Katherine Harrington
This research brief compares the quality of Ohio's nursing homes to the nation over three time periods from 2013 to 2017.
Skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) have received regulatory attention in relation to their emergency preparedness.
Cassandra L. Hua • Ian Matt Nelson • Katherine A. Kennedy
This study investigated the effect of informal caregiving on all-cause mortality across 12 longitudinal population-based studies (seven United States; five international: United Kingdom, Northern I...
Jennifer M. Kinney • J. Scott Brown • Mahdie Rajabi Rostami • Nader Mehri
This study used data from 70 companies from a range of industries to assess the relationship between companies’ self-reported fleet safety management practices/policies and collision/injury m...
Stephanie G. Platt • Susan J. Gillies • Jonathon M. Vivoda
Community Colleges and Older Learners in Ohio Higher Education
This research brief provides age structure data for those enrolled at Ohio's community colleges and baccalaureate institutions.
Peter Riley Bahr • J. Scott Brown • Phyllis A. Cummins • Nader Mehri
Healthy aging in older Chinese Americans: Associations with immigrant experiences
This study examined the association between aspects of the immigrant experience—acculturation, neighborhood belonging, and perceived discrimination—and healthy aging in older Chinese Am...
Jiaan Zhang • Lydia W. Li • Sara J. McLaughlin
Dedicated Memory Care Units in Ohio's Long-Term Services Settings: Structure and Practices
This report provides information about memory care units in Ohio's nursing homes and residential care facilties.
Jane Straker • John R. Bowblis • Katherine A. Kennedy • A. Katherine Harrington
Healthy aging in China: Benchmarks and socio-structural correlates
The objectives of this investigation were to identify a valid and practical benchmark for the assessment of healthy aging in the Chinese population and examine its socio-structural correlates.
Jiaan Zhang • Sara J. McLaughlin • Yun Chen • Lydia W. Li • Suzanne S. X. Tham
Culture change (CC) is an innovation to improve nursing home resident quality of life. Inconsistencies in how CC is measured make the interpretation of findings inconclusive.
Anjali B. K. • Jane Straker • J. Scott Brown • Katherine M. Abbott
This study examines the associations between the motivation to learn, basic skills, and organized adult education and training participation among the middle-aged and older adults in the USA.
Shalini Sahoo • Roberto J. Millar • Thomas J. Smith • Takashi Yamashita • Phyllis A. Cummins
Older adults' expectations about mortality, driving life, and years left without driving
This study investigated driving expectations among drivers age 65 and older, including sociodemographic and driving context predictors.
Gwendolyn Etter-Lewis • Kate de Medeiros
"Place" in the small stories of African American elders: A narrative case study
This study analyzed small stories from five African Americans to better understand “place” in the context of their lives.
Kate de Medeiros • Gwendolyn Etter-Lewis
A pilot qualitative study of dementia perceptions and experiences of Nigerian migrant caregivers
Since the workforce now comprises of a significant number of migrant healthcare workers, some of whom originate from developing countries like Nigeria, it is important to understand some sociocultu...
Catherine Hayes • Candidus C. Nwakasi • John Fulton • Amy Restorick Roberts
Book club experiences, engagement, and reading support use by people with aphasia
People with chronic aphasia often exhibit a decrease in social engagement and reading ability that negatively influences quality of life
Kelly Knollman-Porter • Samantha K. Julian
Effects of written, auditory and combined modalities on comprehension for people with aphasia
People with aphasia experience reading challenges affecting participation in daily activities.
Darbi R. Ruff • Karen Hux • Kelly Knollman-Porter • Brielle L. Hoagland • Jessica A. Brown • Sarah E. Wallace
Social lives and cliques in senior housing communities
This study examined residents’ perceptions of life in senior housing, social stigma, and cliques.
Ehirement Azugbene • Heidi H. Ewen • Kara B. Dassel • Amy Restorick Roberts • Jasleen Chahal
This study examines the associations between the motivation to learn, basic skills, and organized adult education and training participation among the middle-aged and older adults in the USA.
John R. Bowblis • Austin C. Smith
This report highlights findings from a community needs assessment survey of Oxford and Oxford Township residents age 50 and older.
Meghan Young • Usha Dhakal • Valerie Flores (Valerie Kessler) • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Driving status and religious service attendance among older Americans
This study investigated the relationship between driving status and religious service attendance among older Americans and how the perceived importance of religion influences the relationship.
Sara J. McLaughlin • Jonathon M. Vivoda • Cathleen M. Connell • Karen M. Brown
Ohio Person-Centered Staff Engagement Project Evaluation
This report describes the Person-Centered Staff Engagement Project, funded by Resident Rights funds to the Ohio Department of Aging from the Ohio Department of Medicaid.
Cheyenne Kinsella • Xiao Qui • Jane Straker
This article proposes a theoretical model of person-centered care (PCC).
Liza L. Behrens • Allison R. Heid • Lauren R. Bangerter • Annabelle Arbogast • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Caroline Madrigal • Katherine M. Abbott
This study investigated barriers to fulfilling food preferences from nursing home (NH) residents’ perspectives, and the reasons preferences changed (situational dependencies).
Amy Kotterman • Chelsea N. Goldstein • Katherine M. Abbott • Lauren R. Bangerter • Kimberly Van Haitsma
Aging and Disability Business Institute: Final evaluation report
The Aging and Disability Business Institute (Business Institute), led by the National Association for Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), was established in 2016 with a mission to build and strengthen pa...
Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Jane Straker • Traci L. Wilson • Suzanne R. Kunkel
In 2018, the Scripps Gerontology Center conducted the ninth biennial Ohio Nursing Home and the second Ohio Residential Care Facility Family Satisfaction Surveys under a contract to the Ohio Departm...
Barbra J. Brottman • Leah M. Janssen • Jane Straker • Meghan Young • Ian Matt Nelson • Sara E. Stemen
The upcoming reauthorization of the Older Americans Act (OAA) is an opportunity to acknowledge the expanding priorities for that landmark legislation, along with the forward motion of Area Agencies...
Care managing together: A review of the Aetna and Area Agency on Aging MyCare partnership in Ohio
This study was a first step in gaining a better understanding of the care management plan models used in the Ohio MyCare Demonstration, focusing on the Aetna unified care management model implement...
Luyna Ducay • Robert A. Applebaum • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Ian Matt Nelson
An examination of PIAAC data for unemployed adults aged 45-74
This study used data from the 2014 Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) National Supplement to examine U.S. adults ages 45-74 who are unemployed or not in the labo...
Takashi Yamashita • Phyllis A. Cummins • Annabelle Arbogast
The impact of long-term care ombudsman presence on nursing home survey deficiencies
This study examines whether deficiency outcomes from nursing home annual survey inspections vary with the presence of a long-term care ombudsman at the survey.
Josh Bornstein • John R. Bowblis • Diane Berish
Impact of social service staffing on nursing home quality and resident outcomes
Social service staff play a key role in nursing homes and are responsible for providing psychosocial services to residents and their families.
John R. Bowblis • Austin C. Smith • Amy Restorick Roberts
Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) is prevalent in older adults; however, data are lacking that examine EDS across living environments.
Mary D. Naylor • Karen B. Hirschman • Liming Huang • Katherine M. Abbott • Miranda V. McPhillips • Glenna S. Brewster • Barbara J. Riegel • Alexandra L. Hanlon
This study examined the rate of change in reports of importance of 27 autonomy-related everyday preferences from the Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory over 3-months and the demographic and ...
Allison R. Heid • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Michael J. Rovine • Katherine M. Abbott • Morton Kleban
This study sought to understand the consistency of ratings over a 3-day test-retest period for how satisfied long-term care recipients were with the fulfillment of important everyday preferences.
Eleanor Brnich • Karen Eshraghi • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Katherine M. Abbott • Allison R. Heid
Problem-solving skills in the context of technologically complex modern societies have become increasingly important to health management in later life.
Phyllis A. Cummins • Roberto J. Millar • Takashi Yamashita • Shalini Sahoo
This study explores how older adults respond to audiovisual virtual reality (VR) and perceive its usefulness to their lives.
Amy Restorick Roberts • M. Elise Radina • Bob De Schutter • Kelley Franks
Mapping core concepts of person-centered care in long-term services and supports
This study used an empirical concept mapping approach to identify core components of person-centered care (PCC) used in long-term services and supports (LTSS). The aim is to help providers and rese...
Kimberly Van Haitsma • Yin Liu • Ann Marie Kolanowski • Donna M. Fick • Harleah G. Buck • Katherine M. Abbott • Gwen McGhan • Liza L. Behrens • Allison R. Heid • Martina Roes • Abby Spector
Problem-solving skills of the U.S. workforce and preparedness for job automation
Automation and advanced technologies have increased the need for a better understanding of the skills necessary to have a globally competitive workforce.
Phyllis A. Cummins • Takashi Yamashita • Roberto J. Millar • Shalini Sahoo
Stark County Court Angel Program: An evaluation report
The Stark County Probate Court Angel Program is the first volunteer-based monitoring program by a probate court in Ohio and is designed to confirm the well-being of persons under guardianship.
Amy Restorick Roberts • Amy J. Daily
This study assessed satisfaction among current senior center users in the Northwestern Ohio area and measured the impact that centers have on the lives of participants.
Valerie Flores (Valerie Kessler) • Luyna Ducay • Jonathon M. Vivoda
It is not your parents' long-term services system: Nursing homes in a changing world
The article argues that administrative and regulatory practices have not kept pace with the dramatic changes in how nursing homes are now being used in the long-term services system.
Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Diane Berish
The change in nursing home residents' preferences over time
This study examined the change in nursing home residents' (n = 255) preferences for everyday living over a 3-month period. Participants were recruited from 28 NHs in the suburbs of a major met...
Allison R. Heid • Morton Kleban • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Michael J. Rovine • Katherine M. Abbott
Compared to whites, blacks under-utilize primary care and over-utilize emergency department services.
Cassandra L. Hua • Anthony R. Bardo • J. Scott Brown
Is the quality of nursing homes countercyclical? Evidence from 2001 through 2015
This study examines whether nursing homes (NHs) provide better quality when unemployment rates rise (countercyclical) and explores mechanisms contributing to the relationship between quality and un...
Sean Shenghsiu Huang • John R. Bowblis
Community-Based Organizations and Health Care Contracting: Building and Strengthening Partnerships
Community-based organizations (CBOs) such as Area Agencies on Aging and Centers for Independent Living are well-positioned within their communities to improve social determinants of health (housing...
Traci L. Wilson • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker
Heterogeneity of older learners in higher education
This study uses data from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) to examine enrollment trends by part-time and full-time status for ºÚÁÏÉçÇøs enrolled in Ohio’s public post...
Phyllis A. Cummins • Peter Riley Bahr • J. Scott Brown • Nader Mehri
Private equity ownership and nursing home quality: An instrumental variable approach
There is a concern that when private equity firms purchase nursing homes, they will lower quality of care in order to increase profits.
John R. Bowblis • Sean Shenghsiu Huang
Partnerships between health care and social service organizations may contribute to lower health care use and spending.
Darren Liu • Takashi Yamashita • Anthony R. Bardo • Phyllis A. Cummins
This study evaluates whether an arts-based intergenerational experience, Opening Minds through Art (OMA), increases positive attitudes or allophilia ("liking for the other"—in this ...
Yue Li • Elizabeth Like Lokon • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Workforce retention and wages in nursing homes: An analysis of managerial ownership
Healthcare providers can be managed by salaried managers or owner-managers that have a significant equity stake in their facility.
Sean Shenghsiu Huang • John R. Bowblis
Family satisfaction with nursing home care: Findings and implications from two state comparison
Most studies of family satisfaction are restricted to one state. This study compares the organizational and structural factors associated with higher family satisfaction in the states of Minnesota ...
John R. Bowblis • Amy Restorick Roberts • Teyana T. Shippee • Weiwen Ng
Narrative comprehension by people with aphasia given single versus combined modality presentation
People with aphasia experience comprehension impairments that hinder participation in daily activities.
Jessica A. Brown • Kelly Knollman-Porter • Sarah E. Wallace • Karen Hux
This study compared Dr. Sidney Katz's original dichotomous measure of dependence in performing activities of daily living (ADL) with the National Health and Aging Trends Study's (NHATS) b...
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Stephen Frochen
This project was designed to evaluate the implementation and impact of Enhanced Service Coordination (ESC) in affordable housing for older adults and people with disabilities.
Ian Matt Nelson • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Kate de Medeiros • Cassandra L. Hua • Suzanne R. Kunkel
This paper expands the literature on the heterogeneity among nursing home facilities by determining whether quality at for-profit nursing homes managed by owner-managers is different from those ope...
John R. Bowblis • Sean Shenghsiu Huang
Cost-effective adjustments to nursing home staffing to improve quality
This study holistically examines which type of nursing home staffing (nursing, social service, activities) yields better quality as measured by number of deficiencies and deficiency scores.
The AgeWell program trains and employs able older adults to provide companionship to chronically ill older adults in the community.
Paul Flashpohler • Jane Straker • Ian Matt Nelson • Gordan Hannah
Nursing homes (NHs) using the Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory (PELI-NH) to assess important preferences and provide person-centered care find the number of items to be a barrier to using ...
Katherine M. Abbott • Nathan Martindale • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Alexandra Heppner • Gerald C. Gannod
E-hail (rideshare) knowledge, use, reliance, and future expectations among older adults
The goals of this study were to explore e-hail (e.g., Uber/Lyft) knowledge, use, reliance, and future expectations among older adults. Specifically, to identify factors that were related to e-hail,...
Brian J. Zikmund-Fisher • Annie C. Harmon • Ganesh M. Babulal • Jonathon M. Vivoda
A growing segment of the U.S. workforce—older workers—face challenges such as a greater chance of being unemployed for a longer period of time than younger workers and skill obsolescenc...
Phyllis A. Cummins • Roberto J. Millar • Takashi Yamashita • Annabelle Arbogast
This paper uses a sample of California nursing homes to causally identify whether higher staff turnover leads to worse quality.
Yaa Akosa Antwi • John R. Bowblis
In the 2017-2018 academic year, the ºÚÁÏÉçÇø First Year Research Experience (FYRE) class conducted a qualitative study to explore the perceptions of Oxford, Ohio as an age-friendly city.
Bobbie Hall • Blair Arnell • Tone Pryor • Cole Baker • Kate de Medeiros • Senjooti Roy • Aaron Davidson-Bey • Brooke Bennington • Sundeep Vaswani • Katie Graham • Cassandra Woodford
An examination of PIAAC data for unemployed adults aged 45-74
This study used data from the 2014 Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) National Supplement to examine relationships among educational attainment, participation in...
Phyllis A. Cummins • Annabelle Arbogast • Takashi Yamashita
This exploratory study examined: how strongly subjectively reported driving avoidance behaviors (commonly referred to as self-regulation) and exposure were related to their objectively measured cou...
Carolyn DiGuiseppi • Lisa J. Molnar • Scott E. Bogard • Thelma J. Mielenz • Michael J. Rovine • David W. Eby • J. S. Zakraksek • Jacqui Smith • Linda V. Nyquist • Renée M. St Louis • the LongROAD Research Team • David Strogatz • Lindsay Ryan • Raymond Yung • Guohua Li • David Joseph LeBlanc • Jonathon M. Vivoda • Nicole Zanier
Planning for a nondriving future: Behaviors and beliefs among drivers 53-92
Despite the reality of older adults living many years after driving cessation, few prepare for the eventuality; empirically, planning for a nondriving future has not been directly quantified or exp...
David B. Carr • Annie C. Harmon • Ganesh M. Babulal • Brian J. Zikmund-Fisher • Jonathon M. Vivoda
The impact of state nursing home bed relocation policy in Ohio
As Ohio's population aged and shifted across county lines, an imbalance in the supply of nursing home beds to 65+ population has occurred.
Ian Matt Nelson • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Cassandra L. Hua • Philip E. Sauer
This report highlights the development, implementation, and evaluation of a guide designed to facilitate family communication about care and support.
Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston) • Erin Kelly • Nytasia M. Hicks • Kathryn McGrew
This study documented the experiences of 19 ºÚÁÏÉçÇøs who were required to participate in at least 20 hours of intergenerational service-learning for an introductory gerontology course. Because an a...
Jennifer M. Kinney • Sarah J. Hahn • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston)
This study compares the relationship between stress from the death of a parent and two indicators of well-being, substance use and mental health, in the United States and Nepal including difference...
Mark Tausig • Sree Subedi • J. Scott Brown • Kelina Basnyat • Janardan Subedi
Although assessing individual consumer preferences is an important first step in providing person-centered care, the purpose of this study was to identify the top 10 shared preferences that are imp...
Rachel Klumpp • Katherine M. Abbott • Gerald C. Gannod • Jane Straker • Kimberly Van Haitsma • Kendall Leser
Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs)—which coordinate social services for older adults in communities across the US—regularly address social determinants of health, sometimes in partnership wi...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Leslie A. Curry • Jane Straker • Amanda L. Brewster
Community-Based Organizations and Health Care Contracting
In 2016, the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) received a grant from The John A. Hartford Foundation to develop a National Aging and Disability Business Institute.
Jane Straker • Erin Kelly • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Participant Satisfaction and the Impact of Senior Center Services in Lucas County, Ohio
This study addressed satisfaction with services and impact of senior centers among center participants in Lucas County, Ohio.
Michelle M. McGuire • Jonathon M. Vivoda
Typically thought of as a long-term care option for older residents, the proportion of Ohio’s long-stay Medicaid nursing home residents under the age of 65 has tripled over the last 20 years.
Ohio Guardianship, Guardians, and the Courts: Findings from a Survey of Adult Guardianship in Ohio
This report highlights findings from a survey of the guardianship practices of Ohio’s probate courts.
Heather R. Reece • Amy Restorick Roberts
This report summarizes the implementation process and results from the 2016 Family Satisfaction Surveys conducted in Ohio nursing homes and residential care facilities.
Ryan Shanley • Jane Straker • Jyotsana Parajuli • Danielle Eynon-Black • Karl Chow • Ian Matt Nelson
Report tracks use long-term services and supports utilization trends from 1993 to 2015.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Robert A. Applebaum • Jane Straker • Ian Matt Nelson
Family involvement in the nursing home and perceived resident quality of life
This study focuses on the relationship between family involvement and family perceptions of nursing home residents’ quality of life (QOL).
Karen J. Ishler • Amy Restorick Roberts
Managerial ownership in nursing homes: Staffing, quality, and financial performance
This paper uses facility-level data to determine whether staffing levels, quality, and financial performance is different among nursing homes operated as a nonprofit, a for-profit with an owner-man...
John R. Bowblis • Sean Shenghsiu Huang
Quality of life trajectories of older adults living in senior housing
Quality of life (QoL) in the face of declining health, mobility, and social losses is a central issue for older adults.
Kathryn Betts Adams • Amy Restorick Roberts
From rock-n-roll to rock-n-chair: Are the boomers financially ready for retirement?
Just like generations before them, the baby boomers are not one group, but many.
Using National Data to Examine the Quality of Care in Ohio's Skilled Nursing Facilities
This study compares the quality of Ohio's skilled nursing facilities to the nation overall.
Although nurse staffing has been extensively studied within nursing homes (NHs), social services has received less attention.
Using art in an intergenerational program to improve ºÚÁÏÉçÇøs attitudes toward people with dementia
This study explored the effects of participating in an intergenerational service learning program called Opening Mind through Arts (OMA) on college ºÚÁÏÉçÇøs’ attitudes toward people with deme...
Elizabeth Like Lokon • Yue Li • Jyotsana Parajuli
How does rurality influence the staffing of social service departments in nursing homes?
This paper examines how social service departments in nursing homes are staffed by rurality.
Multiple chronic conditions and hospitalizations among recipients of long-term services and supports
Among older adults receiving long-term services and supports (LTSS), debilitating hospitalizations is a pervasive clinical and research problem. Multiple chronic conditions (MCCs) are prevalent in ...
The Caregiver Toolbox: Evaluation of a Workshop for Informal Caregivers
This report is an evaluation of a face-to-face group workshop designed for informal caregivers of older adults provided by the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging.
Jane Straker • Jennifer Heston-Mullins (Jennifer L. Heston)
Activities in dementia care: A comparative assessment of activity types
This exploratory study compares the impact of five activity types on the well-being of institutionalized people with dementia: the intergenerational art program Opening Minds through Art, art and m...
Yue Li • Philip E. Sauer • Elizabeth Like Lokon
Animal-assisted activity programs are commonly used in long-term care facilities to enhance the well-being of older residents.
Sara J. McLaughlin • Kate de Medeiros
The Residential Long-Term Care Role in Health Care Transitions
The objective of the current study is to describe the activities long-term care facilities are undertaking to reduce hospital admissions and readmissions by working to improve health care transitions.
Jane Straker • Robert A. Applebaum
Expanding Self Direction and Its Impact on Quality
The premise of this paper is that self-direction has impacted service and system design and approaches to quality.
Unpaid Caregivers: Growing Demand and Limited Supply
Several recent studies indicate that the supply of informal caregivers is declining and this change in potential support could have major policy implications.
Shahla Mehdizadeh
Ohio faces a demographic and financing challenge as its population ages in the next 20 years.
Shahla Mehdizadeh
Objectives The United States Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provides meals and snacks to low-income children in child care.
Kendall Leser
NACCHO's baseline assessment of disability inclusion within local health departments
People with disabilities can greatly benefit from inclusive health promotion and educational activities already being implemented by local health departments (LHDs), which can help reduce their ris...
Kendall Leser
This article examines the natural history of changes in emotional status as measured through emotional well-being and depressive symptoms over a two-year period among older adults new to long-term ...
In 2006, Ohio changed its Medicaid reimbursement methodology for nursing homes (NHs) to promote more efficient staffing levels.
Perceptions of mental illness in rural Nepal: Dimensions of stigma and their social origin
The signs and symptoms of mental illness, especially serious mental illness, are universally associated with stigma and discriminatory behavior.
The 'other' in ourselves: Exploring the educational power of the humanities and arts
Foreword of The "Other" in Ourselves: Exploring the Educational Power of the Humanities and Arts.
Kate de Medeiros
Marital quality, marital dissolution, and mortality risk during the later life course
This study examines the relationship between later-life marital quality, marital dissolution, and mortality using discrete-time event history models with data from nine waves (1992–2008) of t...
J. Scott Brown • Takashi Yamashita
Healthy Aging in the Context of Educational Disadvantage: The Role of "Ordinary Magic"
The objective of this study is to examine the correlates of healthy aging in the context of educational disadvantage and the extent to which identified correlates are shared with the wider, more ed...
As employment becomes more precarious, and spells of displacement become more common across the labor market, many individuals are forced to make decisions about the speed at which they seek reempl...
The Influence of the Transportation Environment on Driving Reduction and Cessation
Driving is by far the most common mode of transportation in the United States, but driving ability is known to decline as people experience age-related functional declines.
This report describes a project to update consumer surveys for residents and families in Ohio's nursing homes and residential care facilities.
Kathryn McGrew • Jennifer Dibert • Candace Burch • AviElle Raymore • Jane Straker
A Study of Adult Guardianship in Ohio: Preliminary Results
This research brief is a description of findings from interviews with key informants from the first phase of a study entitled: “Adult Guardianship in Ohio: Promising Practices.”
Heather R. Reece • Amy Restorick Roberts
Measuring Positive Attitudes toward Persons with Dementia: A Validation of the Allophilia Scale
Efforts to combat ageism typically focus on negative attitudes toward members of an out-group.
J. Scott Brown • Takashi Yamashita • Jennifer M. Kinney
Nursing homes are embracing person-centered care, an approach that emphasizes “knowing the person” and honoring each individual’s preferences.
Healthcare preferences of nursing home residents: Perceived barriers and situational dependencies
While much research has examined end of life care preferences of nursing home (NH) residents, little work has examined resident preferences for everyday healthcare.
This brief describes the pilot implementation and evaluation of OMA For One (OMA41).
Joan Fopma-Loy
The objective is to advance knowledge about changes in multiple dimensions of health related quality of life (HRQoL) among older adults receiving long-term services and supports (LTSS) over time an...
Are Ohio's Nursing Homes Ready for an Emergency?
Study Identifies Strengths, Leads to Strategies for Improvement in Ohio Nursing Home Disaster Planning.
Cassandra L. Hua • Marc Molea • Ian Matt Nelson
Data on the relationship between behavioral disturbances in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and global clinical deterioration is still controversial.
Kate de Medeiros
Knowledge of a nursing home resident's everyday living preferences provides the foundation for ongoing individualized care planning.
Workforce Development in the United States: Facilitating Opportunities to Work at Older Ages
Shifts in the age structure of the U.S. labor force, combined with the increased labor force participation rates (LFPRs) among older adults, require policies and programs that encourage and support...
Global Population Aging and Labor Force Implications: Working Longer, Learning Longer
Countries around the world, both more and less developed, are experiencing shifts in age structure.
The study is based on a prospective, observational, longitudinal cohort design, with 470 older adults from nursing homes, assisted living facilities and community as participants.
The Role of the Family in Nursing Homes: Recommendations to Increase Family Satisfaction with Care
Families are important consumers of long-term care services who are likely to remain involved in the care of their resident loved one after placement.
Jane Straker • Amy Restorick Roberts
Implementation of the 2014 Ohio Nursing Home Family Satisfaction Survey
In 2014 the Scripps Gerontology Center conducted the 7th biennial Ohio Nursing Home Family Satisfaction Survey under a contract with the Ohio Dept. of Aging.
AviElle Raymore • Jane Straker • Karl Chow
Challenges for the Workforce Development of Older Workers in Brazil
Alongside reforms to its social security system, it is argued that older workers in Brazil should be encouraged to remain longer in the labor force and postpone retirement while being productive.
Neighborhood Assistants Pilot: A Program Evaluation of Person-Centered Staffing
The purpose of this study was to pilot test and evaluate an innovative staffing approach called the Neighborhood Assistant (NA) at the Francis E. Parker Memorial Home.
Carol Burt • Lisa Slator • Katherine M. Abbott • Justine Sefcik
Chronic illness and generativity in late life: A case study
This article presents a narrative-based case study about chronic illness and genetic uncertainty and their relationship to generativity throughout the life course.
Kate de Medeiros
A global examination of policies and practices for lifelong learning
Continuous learning over the life course is necessary to successfully compete in a knowledge-based global economy.
Gender differences in trajectories of physical activity among older Americans with diabetes
The primary objective of this study was to examine gender differences in engagement in physical activity over time among older U.S. adults with diabetes.
Predictors of adult education program satisfaction in urban community-dwelling older adults
Lifelong learning is receiving greater attention due to population aging in modern societies.
Takashi Yamashita • Jennifer M. Kinney
Quantitative Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents in a Rural Population from Eastern Nepal
We evaluated physical activity of children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years from the Jirel population of eastern Nepal.
Identifying naturally occurring retirement communities: A spatial analysis
Guided by the concept of “aging in place” and potential policy implications, the study analyzed naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs; 40% or greater house owners and renter...
Takashi Yamashita • Jennifer M. Kinney
This report documents two decades of progress in delivering long-term services in Ohio.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson • Jane Straker
How Does Medicaid Reimbursement Impact the Quality of Ohio Nursing Homes?
Study examines the changes in Medicaid nursing home reimbursement between 2007 and 2012 as Ohio moved to a "new price system".
This research record highlights the findings from a national survey of the Title VI Organizations (TO).
Heather R. Reece • Kathryn McGrew • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker
Long-term services and supports (LTSS): A growing challenge for an aging America
Because most Americans do not plan for the likelihood that we will need formal assistance because of a disability, many end up using the public assistance Medicaid program as the safety net for LTSS.
"Make me feel at ease and at home" Differential care preferences of nursing home residents
Assessing and honoring older adults’ preferences is a fundamental step in providing person-centered care in long-term care facilities. Researchers and practitioners have begun to develop meas...
Axial Quantitative Ultrasound Assessment of Pediatric Bone Quality in Eastern Nepal
This study presents quantitative ultrasonography (QUS) bone quality data for an underrepresented, south Asian pediatric population from Nepal.
Agency and mental health: A transition to adulthood paradox
This study utilizes nationally representative survey data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (N = 13,592) to develop an empirical conception of the traditional treat...
Skill upgrades over the lifecourse are increasingly important in a knowledged-based global economy.
Ryan Michael Walker • Phyllis A. Cummins • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Describing and Assessing Leadership for Person-Centered Care: Final Project Report
This report provides brief highlights from a study of leadership in nursing homes with a person-centered or traditional approach to care.
Jane Straker • Heather R. Reece
Public health policies are designed for specific subsets of the population.
Dawn Carr • J. Scott Brown • Takashi Yamashita
Generativity in elderly Oblate Sisters of Providence
This paper explored how generativity and well-being merged in a group of childless older women: African and Hispanic Roman Catholic Religious Sisters, linking two minority identity characteristics.
Kate de Medeiros
A public health approach to the challenges of an aging society
Public Health for an Aging Society is the successor to Public Health and Aging, published in 1997.
Preferences are the expression of an individual's basic psychosocial needs and are related to care outcomes.
Public beliefs and knowledge about risk and protective factors for Alzheimer's disease
The purpose of this study was to assess public beliefs and knowledge about risk and protective factors for Alzheimer's disease (AD).
The role of community colleges in career transitions for older workers
An aging workforce, combined with the negative effects of the recent economic downturn, has increased the importance of identifying strategies to encourage working at older ages.
The purpose of this article is to report on the development of the concept and measurement of preference congruence among NH residents (phase 1), its refinement into a set of quality indicators by ...
Long-Term Care Management Turns 40: What We Know and What We Do Not
This article focuses on care management with older people experiencing chronic disability.
Successful aging, Gerontological theory, and neoliberalism: A qualitative critique
This article is a critique of the successful aging (SA) paradigm as described in the Rowe and Kahn book, Successful Aging (1998).
Kate de Medeiros
During February 2010 and April 2011, video data on people with dementia were collected during a person-centered and intergenerational arts activity program called Opening Minds through Art (OMA) at...
Elizabeth Like Lokon • Jennifer M. Kinney
What the Paradox of Change Means for the Future of Aging Services
The aging services sector must foster and embrace change, evolving to meet the demands of our modern world, lest it go the way of companies like Kodak and Blockbuster-neither of which anticipated o...
The evolution, innovation, and future of Area Agencies on Aging
More than 600 area agencies on aging (AAA) provide locally responsive, coordinated services for older adults living in every community in the United States.
Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Identifying naturally occurring retirement communities: A spatial analysis
Guided by the concept of "aging in place" and potential policy implications, the study analyzed naturally occurring retirement communities (NORCs; 40% or greater house owners and renters ...
Takashi Yamashita • Jennifer M. Kinney
The Nursing Home Five Star Rating: How does it compare to resident and family views of care?
In 2008, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented a five-star rating system of nursing homes in the United States.
Robert A. Applebaum • Jane Straker
'It depends': Reasons why nursing home residents change their minds about care preferences
This study aims to understand and describe nursing home residents’ perspectives on why the importance of their preferences may change in daily care.
Long-term care facilities have been impacted by the economic downturn and other changes in the long-term care system.
Phyllis A. Cummins • Jane Straker
Extending the framework of generativity through research: A qualitative Study
This study defines 4 foci of generativity (people, groups, things, and activities) and 4 spheres of generativity (historical, familial, individual, and relational) based in American culture and wit...
Kate de Medeiros
Application of the model of allostasis to older womens relocation to senior housing
Adjustment to senior housing entails significant lifestyle changes and is a stressful process.
Using Art to Overcome Cognitive Barriers
OMA operates programs at eight other locations in southwestern Ohio, including long-term-care communities and adult-day centers serving about 125 elders and 200 volunteers a year in small-group ses...
Elizabeth Like Lokon
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Anthony R. Bardo • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Karl Chow • Wenxuan Huang
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Anthony R. Bardo • Wenxuan Huang • Karl Chow • Shahla Mehdizadeh
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Anthony R. Bardo • Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Karl Chow • Wenxuan Huang
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Karl Chow • Anthony R. Bardo • Wenxuan Huang
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Jane Straker • Karl Chow • Wenxuan Huang • Anthony R. Bardo • Suzanne R. Kunkel
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker • Wenxuan Huang • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Karl Chow • Anthony R. Bardo
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Anthony R. Bardo • Karl Chow • Wenxuan Huang • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Karl Chow • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Jane Straker • Wenxuan Huang • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Anthony R. Bardo
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Anthony R. Bardo • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Karl Chow • Wenxuan Huang • Jane Straker
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Karl Chow • Anthony R. Bardo • Wenxuan Huang • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Jane Straker • Anthony R. Bardo • Wenxuan Huang • Karl Chow • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Suzanne R. Kunkel
The reports below include population data, tables, and charts for the state of Ohio, the combined AAA, and individual listed counties.
Anthony R. Bardo • Karl Chow • Wenxuan Huang • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh
The National Aging Network Survey 2013 Results
The 2013 National Survey of Area Agencies on Aging builds on previous surveys to assess the evolving role of AAAs in the new health care delivery system.
Jane Straker • Heather R. Reece • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Does cohort matter in the association between education, health literacy and health in the USA?
Growing empirical evidence supports the generally positive relationship between education, health literacy and health outcomes.
J. Scott Brown • Takashi Yamashita
The Role of Relevancy and Social Suffering in Generativity Among Older Post-Soviet Women Immigrants
This paper examines generativity, social suffering, and culture change in a sample of 16 women aged 65 years or older who emigrated from the former Soviet Union.
Kate de Medeiros
Effective strategies for educating older workers at community colleges
An aging workforce combined with concerns about the long-term viability of social welfare programs has increased the importance of identifying strategies to encourage working at older ages.
The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared [book review]
This review brings to your attention current and/or award-winning novels that offer aging perspectives, and we hope you will consider their value for learning about aging.
Kate de Medeiros
Everyone is Talking About It, But Does It Work?
In response to increasing Medicaid expenditures and consumer preferences, states are reforming their long-term care systems to provide more community-based services.
The primary aim of this study is to elucidate the push-pull factors associated with moving into congregate senior housing.
Heidi H. Ewen • Jasleen Chahal
Remembering the person in person-centered residential dementia care
Although person-centered care is aimed at tailoring care to the biological, behavioral, biographical, and social needs of an individual, there is often little discussion about exactly who is the pe...
Kate de Medeiros • Jennifer M. Kinney
Maps of Ohio's 85+ population by county 1990-2050
Maps of Ohio displaying the change in the 85 and older population beginning with 1990 and projected through 2050.
Takashi Yamashita
Introductive Case Study: "My Health is Excellent but I am Dying"
The article presents an introductive case study discussing an 89-year old woman's experience with aging, particularly commenting on her individual perceptions of the meaning of successful aging.
Kate de Medeiros
Generative acts of people with dementia in a long-term care setting
Although generativity is used as a central cultural construct within life course theory to illustrate how older persons create interpersonal ties, it is also tied to key concepts in social exchange...
Kate de Medeiros
This longitudinal study, initiated by the General Assembly in 1993 and continuously funded by the Ohio Department of Aging, tracks how long-term utilization has changed over the past two decades in...
Jane Straker • Ian Matt Nelson • Malinda Deacon • Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh
Integrated Care and the Aging Network: The Next Frontier or the End of an Era?
The strong push to integrate Medicare and Medicaid services has been driven by the federal government through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and by states, in response to two maj...
The project sought to determine the role the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) might play in supporting the Long-Term Care Ombudsman program in their expanded role in the HOME Cho...
Sarah G. Boehle • Phyllis A. Cummins • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Patients with dementia may be unable to describe their symptoms, and caregivers frequently suffer emotional burden that can interfere with judgment of the patient's behavior.
Kate de Medeiros
The cultural arts have gained attention for their potential to generate social and behavioral changes in people with dementia.
Kate de Medeiros
Most adults with diabetes do not engage in the level of physical activity recommended for optimal disease management.
Analyzing state-based Silver Alert programs: the case of North Carolina
Recent discussions about securing the autonomy and safety of older people in a cost-effective way have culminated in the establishment of "Silver Alert" media-alert policies in more than ...
J. Scott Brown • Takashi Yamashita
Childless Elders in Assisted Living: Findings from the Maryland Assisted Living Study
We compared data drawn from a random sample of 399 current assisted living (AL) residents and a subsample of 222 newly admitted residents for two groups: childless AL residents and AL residents wit...
Kate de Medeiros
International Approaches to Long-term Services and Supports
For older adults who may experience significant disability from injury or disease, the daily activities present challenges that may require ongoing assistance from family members, friends, or a for...
Anthony R. Bardo • Robert A. Applebaum • Emily Robbins
Delivering Long-Term Services to Ohio Elders: Good Progress, But Challenges Await
The study describes the changes in Ohio's approach to delivering long-term care services that have occurred from 1993 to 2011.
Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson • Shahla Mehdizadeh
Think Globally, Act Locally: The Maturing of a Worldwide Science and Practice of Aging
This article answers the question, “Why should we care about global aging?” with a look at the first half century (1945-2000) in the study of aging, and then delineates the reasons why ...
Implementation of the 2012 Ohio Nursing Home Family Satisfaction Survey
In 2012, the Scripps Gerontology Center conducted the sixth biennial Ohio Nursing Home Family Satisfaction Survey under a contract to the Ohio Department of Aging.
Xi Pan • Karl Chow • Jane Straker • Karel Kalaw
While most daily care and assistance for Ohio’s older population is provided by family and friends, paid direct care workers such as nurses and home care aides provide much of the formal assi...
Emily Fox • Sarah G. Boehle • Ian Matt Nelson • Jane Straker
Application of the model of allostasis to older women's relocation to senior housing
Adjustment to senior housing entails significant lifestyle changes and is a stressful process.
Heidi H. Ewen • Jennifer M. Kinney
Bridging the Aging Network and Medical Community Survey: Care Transitions from Hospital to Home
With a grant from the Administration on Aging (AoA), the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) partnered with the Scripps Gerontology Center to conduct the 2012 Bridging the Aging Ne...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Elizabeth Carpio • Jane Straker
The majority of resident satisfaction surveys available for use in assisted living settings have been developed in the United States; however, empirical assessment of their measurement properties r...
Takashi Yamashita • Jane Straker • J. Scott Brown
Evaluation of Ohio's Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
In 2011, the Ohio Legislature asked the Scripps Gerontology Center to evaluate Ohio's two PACE sites and make recommendations for further expansion.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Robert A. Applebaum • Patricia Faust
Bridging the Aging Network and Medical Community: Survey Results
Older adults often need a full complement of services and supports to help them live independently while maintaining their physical or mental health.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker • Elizabeth Carpio
Population Pyramids of Ohio by County 2010-2050
To download individual county population pyramids (2010-2050) click the link below.
Parnnachat Tipsuk • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Takashi Yamashita
Maps of Ohio's 60+ population by county 1990-2050
Maps displaying the change in Ohio's 60 and older population in 1990 and projected through 2050.
Takashi Yamashita
As America ages, greater numbers of older adults will be living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia, leading to increased incidence of wandering.
Providing Data to Improve Ohio's Long-Term Services and Supports System (First three indicators)
This project tracks Ohio’s progress toward a more balanced system of long-term care services and support. The study, funded by the Ohio Department of Job and family Services, began in 2010 an...
Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh
Aging in Ohio: Population Age 65+ 2000 and 2010 by County
A poster-size table displaying changes in the number and proportion of Ohio's age 65+ population by age group and gender for each of Ohio's 88 counties.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Takashi Yamashita
2011 Title VI Native American ºÚÁÏÉçÇø Survey Results
Summary of a survey conducted in 2011 of Title VI (Native American Organizations) to assess role of Title VI programs in offering services and supports to the elders in their communities.
Elizabeth Carpio • Kathryn McGrew • Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Criminal Offenders in Ohio Nursing Homes: Facility Practices, Prevalance, Problems
This brief report presents findings from the 2009 Ohio Biennial Survey of Nursing Facilities.
Pamela Brown • Jane Straker
Ohio Long-Term Services and Supports Factbook
This factbook provides a broad overview of Ohio's system of long-term services and supports.
Jane Straker • Denise Brothers-McPhail • Robert A. Applebaum
This report provides findings from a survey of Ohio's counties operating senior-service property-tax levies. Results cover services, expenditures, clients served, eligibility, election strateg...
Jane Straker • Robert A. Applebaum • Michael Payne
Ohio's 60+ Population by County
Three maps of Ohio showing the proportion of the over-60 population in each county at 3 points in time: 2000, 2010, and 2020. Printable as an 11 x 17 document.*
Takashi Yamashita
Ohio CCRCs in the Economic Downturn
This report examines how the economic downturn affected consumer opinions about choosing a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) and how the CCRCs in Ohio made adjustments in response to decl...
Samuel Mwangi • Jane Straker
Nursing Home Transition and Diversion
AAAs provide a number of services that help individuals at risk for institutional care to remain in the community and to transition back to the community when long-term care facility placement is n...
Emily Robbins • Elizabeth Carpio • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Inherent in the principle of ‘enabling individuals to remain in their own homes’ is providing services with a self-directed option.
Elizabeth Carpio • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Emily Robbins
Building systems for private pay continues to be an area of potential growth in business planning and outreach for the network.
Emily Robbins • Elizabeth Carpio • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Enhancing the SCSEP Network: Collaborations, Innovations, and Promising Practices
Using a mixed methods approach, this study sought to identify innovative and promising practices in providing employment and training services to older workers.
Robert A. Applebaum • Phyllis A. Cummins • Suzanne R. Kunkel
This report discusses the evolving role of the aging network in a balanced long-term care system based on the results of the 2010 National Aging Network Survey.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Elizabeth Carpio
In a 16 year tracking of utilization trends for institutional and home and community-based services, we learned that Ohio has made considerable change in its approach to delivering and funding long...
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Ian Matt Nelson • Robert A. Applebaum • Jane Straker
Right Place, Right Time, Right Care: An Evaluation of Ohio's Nursing Home Diversion and Transition
In 2010 the Ohio General Assembly asked the Ohio Department of Aging to develop and implement a nursing home diversion and transition initiative.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Anthony R. Bardo • Robert A. Applebaum • Elizabeth Carpio
This study examined the effects of a gerontology course and an intergenerational service-learning project for people with dementia (PWD) on three dimensions of ºÚÁÏÉçÇøs’ attitudes including a...
Jennifer M. Kinney • Elizabeth Like Lokon • Takashi Yamashita
Ohio's Aging Network Efforts to Enhance Nursing Home Diversion and Transition
This brief report provides preliminary results from an evaluation of Ohio's diversion and transition demonstration program.
Elizabeth Carpio • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Anthony R. Bardo • Robert A. Applebaum
Implementation of the 2010 Ohio Nursing Home Family Satisfaction Survey: Final Report
In 2010, the Scripps Gerontology Center conducted the fifth biennial Ohio Nursing Home Family Satisfaction Survey under a contract to the Ohio Department of Aging.
Karl Chow • Samuel Mwangi • Jane Straker • Luann Reddecliff
GenerAges: Generations As They Age
At the Scripps Gerontology Center, we are focused on work that makes a difference in the lives of aging individuals, their families and their communities.
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Michael Payne • Emily Robbins • Amber M. Cable • Jane Straker
A Review of Ohio's Nursing Home Certificate of Need Program: Implications for Practice and Policy
One of the critical questions states like Ohio face as they plan for an aging population involves estimates about the optimum number of nursing homes that will be needed in the future.
Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Takashi Yamashita
AAA Caregiving Survey Results summarizes the results of a mini survey of the nations 629 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) on the support they provide to family caregivers.
Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Emily Robbins • Jane Straker
Nursing Home Use in Ohio: Who Stays, Who Pays?
This research brief follows a cohort of nursing home residents over a three-year period-- beginning with their first ever admission to a nursing home --in order to determine their stay patterns and...
Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Ian Matt Nelson
Opening Minds Through Art (OMA) at Colonial: Berkeley Square and Westover
This report covers activity from the start of implementation to the end of the first OMA term in May 2010.
Elizabeth Like Lokon
The survey was designed to access the role of Title VI Native American programs in offering services and supports to the elders in their communities.
Kathryn McGrew • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel
This brief survey was designed to describe the capacity of the current AAA workforce and the activities undertaken by AAAs to build their future workforce capacity to meet the needs and service dem...
Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
This research presents and discusses findings on how increased staff knowledge of an Ohio nursing homes residents' past improved communication and relations between resident and staff and, als...
Michael Payne
Disability in Ohio: Managing The Projected Need for Long-Term Services and Supports
This report examines Ohio's projected long-term care needs and its implications for the state budget.
Shahla Mehdizadeh
Pandemic Influenza Preparedness in Licensed Nursing Homes and Residential Care Facilities in Ohio
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of influenza pandemic preparedness in nursing homes and other residential care facilities in Ohio.
William Ciferri
Technology in Ohio Nursing Homes: A Report on the State of the Art
This report examines the use of information technology in Ohio nursing homes.
Hallie Baker • Jane Straker • Malinda Deacon
These reports project the potential needs for long-term care services and supports in the two regions of the state of Ohio where the two ºÚÁÏÉçÇø for All-inclusive Care for theElderly(PACE) operate.
Anthony R. Bardo • Shahla Mehdizadeh
The 2008 survey of Area Agencies on Aging was conducted by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) and Scripps Gerontology Center at ºÚÁÏÉçÇø under a grant from the U.S. Ad...
Jane Straker • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Sandy Markwood • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Providing Long-Term Services and Supports to an Aging Ohio: Progress and Challenges
This report details trends in Ohio long-term care service utilization over 14 years.
Malinda Deacon • Robert A. Applebaum • Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh
An Evaluation of the Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program
This research project evaluates the state’s experiences in the implementation of the Ohio Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program.
Kathryn McGrew • Heather L. Menne • Lydia Manning • Hallie Baker • Robert A. Applebaum • J. Johnson • Karl Chow • Valerie Wellin • J. Scott Brown • K. Brown Wilson
Consumer Direction in Ohio: Findings From Two Demonstration Projects
This report provides findings from evaluations of two consumer-directed home care programs.
Emergency Readiness and Response: Area Agencies on Aging Survey
The 2008 survey on Emergency Readiness and Response was conducted by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) and Scripps Gerontology Center at ºÚÁÏÉçÇø under a grant from t...
Jane Straker • Sandy Markwood • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott)
Implementation of the 2008 Ohio Nursing Home Family Satisfaction Survey: Final Report
In 2008, the Scripps Gerontology Center conducted the third bi-annual nursing home family satisfaction survey under a contract to the Ohio Department of Aging.
Hallie Baker • Jane Straker • Samuel Mwangi • Karl Chow
Aging and Long-Term Care Issues in Ohio
This summary report focuses on aging and disability in Ohio as well as on utilization and Medicaid costs of long-term care for older Ohioans.
Michael Payne • Jane Straker • Robert A. Applebaum
Disability in Ohio: Long-Term Care Providers and ºÚÁÏÉçÇø
This report describes the range of options used in Ohio’s long-term care system.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Denise Brothers-McPhail
Worker Injuries and Safety Equipment in Ohio Nursing Homes
A survey of nursing homes was conducted in 2006 to evaluate a number of facility-specific characteristics including worker injury rates.
Stefan S. Stanev • Hanjin Li • A. John Bailer
Livable Communities: Helping Older Ohioans Live Independent and Fulfilling Lives
This report defines the concept and components of livable communities and several variations, including universal design and green spaces.
Michael Payne • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Karisha Wilcox
Ohio's Aging Workforce: Opportunities and Challenges for Ohio's Employers
This report focuses on anticipated age-related changes in Ohio's workforce and the effect those changes might have on employers, employees, and society.
Lydia Manning • Shahla Mehdizadeh
Images of Ohio Centenarians: An Exploratory Study
This research report presents findings from face-to-face qualitative interviews with 16 centenarians residing in southwest, central, and northeast Ohio.
Jessie A. Leek • Lisa Groger
Enhancing the Performance of Local Long-Term Care Ombudsman ºÚÁÏÉçÇø in Ohio Chartbook
This is a state-level case-study of the performance of local Long-Term Care Ombudsman ºÚÁÏÉçÇø in Ohio.
Cary Kart • Chris Wellin
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging 2007 Aging Network Survey Reports
With a grant from the Administration on Aging (AoA), the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) partnered with Scripps Gerontology Center to conduct the 2007 Aging Network Survey of a...
Multiple Authors
Disability in Ohio: Current and Future Demand for Services
In an effort to project the size of Ohio’s Medicaid long-term care expenditures between now and the year 2020, this report first projected the size of the population with severe physical and/...
Shahla Mehdizadeh
With a grant from the Administration on Aging (AoA), the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) partnered with Scripps Gerontology Center to conducted the 2007 Aging Network Survey of...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Jane Straker
Access to Long-Term Care Services
This research brief provides key findings from the assessment as they relate to four topics: Current Status of Aging Network, Involvement in Choices Related Activities, Challenges, and Technical As...
Suzanne R. Kunkel • Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Jane Straker
Evolution of the Aging Network: Modernization and Long-Term Care Initiatives
This article examines how the aging network has evolved since its inception, mandated by the Older Americans Act of 1965.
Abbe E. Lackmeyer (Abbe Linscott) • Suzanne R. Kunkel
This report provides information about the elements of case management, intake, and assessment programs that are often specified in current standards or bid specifications.
Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson • Jane Straker • Michael Payne
2007 Ohio Residential Care Facility Resident Satisfaction Survey: Instrument Refinements
This report describes psychometric testing and other evaluation of the 2007 Ohio Residential Care Resident Satisfaction Survey.
Jane Straker • J. Scott Brown
This report provides findings from a mailed survey of providers of adult day, home-delivered meals, personal care, and transportation services.
Dawn Carr • Karl Chow • Jane Straker
This report examined the PASSPORT population for nursing home level of care and Medicaid financial eligibility.
Ian Matt Nelson • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Lauren Thieman
This report is one among four that represents an evaluation of Ohio’s Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver program.
Farida Ejaz • Heather L. Menne
Evaluation of Ohio's Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program: Report on Program Costs
This report is one among four that represents an evaluation of Ohio's Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver program.
Evaluation of Ohio's Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program: Final Summary Report
This study evaluated the performance of Ohio’s Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver program during its initial implementation period; it is one report among four.
Valerie Wellin • J. Scott Brown • Keren Brown Wilson • Cary Kart • Robert A. Applebaum • Farida Ejaz • Heather L. Menne
Evaluation of Ohio's Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver Program: Consumer Access and Satisfaction
This report is one among four that represents an evaluation of Ohio's Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver program.
Valerie Wellin • Jennifer M. Kinney • Cary Kart
PASSPORT Assessment and Services
The purpose of our evaluation component was to determine the effectiveness of the PASSPORT assessment process in ensuring that PASSPORT consumers are supported in making informed choices about long...
Denise Brothers-McPhail • Kathryn McGrew
Program Evaluation of PASSPORT: Ohio's Home and Community-Based Medicaid Waiver
The goal for the evaluation of the PASSPORT program was to determine whether the program is providing efficient and cost-neutral services as an alternative to facility-based long-term care, and to ...
Jane Straker • Kathryn McGrew • Valerie Wellin • Shahla Mehdizadeh • William Ciferri • Suzanne R. Kunkel
This report explores the costs of caring for a person age 60 and older in the community (through PASSPORT) versus caring for a person age 60 and older in a nursing home.
Shahla Mehdizadeh
PASSPORT Evaluation: Accountability for Finances, Compliance, and Fairness
This research is an evaluation of the mechanisms and processes in place to assure that PASSPORT funds are managed properly and procurements are undertaken in a fair and open manner.
William Ciferri
PASSPORT Quality Assurance and Quality Management
This report addresses findings related to the quality standards of the PASSPORT program.
Dawn Carr • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Jane Straker
Providing Quality Home and Community-Based Services Through PASSPORT
This report is part of a larger evaluation of Ohio's PASSPORT Program. It examines issues of provider tenure, provider certification, and provider quality assurance.
Dawn Carr • Jane Straker • Karl Chow • Elizabeth Like Lokon
The Changing Face of Long-Term Care: Ohio's Experience 1993-2005
This report details trends in Ohio long-term care service utilization over 12 years.
Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Ian Matt Nelson • Hallie Baker • Robert A. Applebaum
Implementation of the 2006 Ohio Nursing Home Family Satisfaction Survey
In 2006, the Scripps Gerontology Center conducted the second annual nursing home family satisfaction survey under a contract to the Ohio Department of Aging.
Jane Straker • Farida Ejaz
Development and Testing of a Resident Satisfaction Survey for Ohio's Residential Care Facilities
This report describes the development and pretesting of a resident satisfaction instrument for residents in Ohio's 540 residential care facilities.
Kathryn McGrew • Brenda Peters • Jane Straker • Jessie A. Leek • Farida Ejaz
Case Managers' Perspectives on Consumer Direction
From S.R. Kunkel & V. Wellin (Eds.)(2006). Consumer Voice and Choice in Long-Term Care© Reproduced with permission of Springer Publishing Company, LLC, New York, NY 10036
Assessing the Quality of Caregiver Support Services
The project’s primary objective was to design and test an outcome-focused system for quality monitoring of caregiver-support services based largely on input from caregivers themselves.
Kathryn McGrew • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Shawn Davis • Robert A. Applebaum • Ian Matt Nelson
This publication describes the current state of long-term care (LTC) in Ohio as well as projections of the state’s future disability rates and LTC needs.
Robert A. Applebaum • Denise Brothers-McPhail • Jane Straker
Nursing home use in Ohio: Who stays, who pays?
This research brief follows a cohort of nursing home residents over a three-year period-- beginning with their first ever admission to a nursing home --in order to determine their stay patterns and...
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Ian Matt Nelson • Robert A. Applebaum
This report describes the evaluation of the Council on Aging Learning Advantages program; a training program for informal caregivers.
Jane Straker • Dawn Carr • Ian Matt Nelson
An overview of Ohio's In-Home Service Program for Older People (PASSPORT)
This research presents an overview of Ohio's Medicaid waiver program, known as PASSPORT, which serves Ohioans who are 60 years and older, who are chronically disabled, and who meet the eligibi...
Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh
How Supplemental Security Income works
How Supplemental Security Works is a brief history and overview of the Supplemental Security Income program (SSI), the U.S. program that was designed as a safety net for elderly, blind, and disable...
Michael Payne • Robert A. Applebaum
Long-term care utilization in Ohio 1993-2003
This research brief examines trends in nursing home care and home care use between the years 1993 and 2003.
Jane Straker • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Robert A. Applebaum
Real choices: A caregiver respite strategy for the state of Ohio
The purpose of Real Choices: A Caregiver Respite Strategy For The State of Ohio was to determine the feasibility of restructuring the PASSPORT program to achieve caregiver respite.
Shahla Mehdizadeh • Kathryn McGrew • William Ciferri
The HIPAA privacy rule and long-term care: A quick guide for researchers
This brochure covers the main points of the HIPAA Privacy Rule that affect research undertaken in long-term care services.
Patricia Faust • Jane Straker
Profiles of Choices Consumers describes the demographics of consumers who choose to enroll in the Choices program, the utilization of Choices services compared to traditional PASSPORT services, and...
Situating stress: Lessons from lay discourses on diabetes
(Originally published as Schoenberg, N. E., Drew, E. M., Stoller, E. P., and Kart, C.S. 'Situating Stress: Lessons form Lay Discourse on Diabetes,' Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Vol. 19...
Eleanor Palo Stoller • Nancy E. Schoenberg • Elaine M. Drew • Cary Kart
A review of nursing home resident characteristics in Ohio: Tracking changes from 1994-2004
This briefing paper presents the profile of Ohio nursing home residents in both 2004 and 1994, and describes trends over the past decade.
Robert A. Applebaum • Shahla Mehdizadeh
This brochure provides a comprehensive set of information about preventing osteoporosis and its complications.
Mihaela Popa
Profile and Projections of Ohio's 60+ Population: A State Study
During the next 20 years, the national population, as well as the population in Ohio, will grow older.
P. Neal Ritchey • William Ciferri • Valerie Wellin • Shahla Mehdizadeh • Suzanne R. Kunkel • Sarah Poff Roman
Reprinted from Journal of Aging Studies, vol. 18, no. 3., C. Wellin & D.J. Jaffe, In Search of "Personal Care": Challenges to Identity Support in Residential Care for Elders with Cogn...
Chris Wellin • Dale J. Jaffe
A Guide to Quality in Consumer Directed Services
This guide is designed to provide states and programs involved in consumer-directed services with a practical handbook on ensuring and improving the quality of services.
Barbara Schneider • Robert A. Applebaum • Shawn Davis • Suzanne R. Kunkel
Profiles and Projections of Ohio's 60+ Population: County-by-County
The purpose of these reports is to present the unique profile of the older population (60+) in each of Ohio's 88 counties and to project the number of older people and the prevalence of disabi...
Shahla Mehdizadeh
For Love and Money: Paying Family Caregivers
In this paper we discuss the dilemmas, debates, assumptions, and evidence regarding...
Ian Matt Nelson • Robert A. Applebaum • Suzanne R. Kunkel